《The Adventures of Nick Cage》Book 3: Chapter 3: Part 2: Hunt for the Red Champion
Author's Corner: The rest of chapter 3. I think I have created a couple monsters!
" " = people talking
italics = people thinking
* * = sounds
' ' = people talking within telepathy
CAPS = Power usage
Book 3: Chapter 3: Part 2: Hunt for the Red Champion
Hina’s POV
“Mistress! There is something going on in Kiki’s room!” –Joseph
“Wait what?” –Me
Wait, didn’t Sally just say something about that? I was just about to sit here and wait for the Champion I was to train and then bam, interrupted by the dumb brute!
Note to self, a man needs to not only be attractive and strong, but also smart! Personality doesn’t matter, if they aren’t smart, you won’t have anything to talk about!
“Okay I’m coming.” –Me
Well not in any way that you would want, huehuehuehuehue.
Soon we arrived in the lair that Kiki claimed. Inside was a large white cocoon. This made me scratch my head because now I know Sally said this would happen. But she never said how long it would take! What am I supposed to do now? She is literally my only friend!
“It’s find Joseph, she is evolving and turning into a butterfly or whatever it is Dragons do once they go into a cocoon.” –Me
“Oh okay, so nothing to worry about! I’ll make sure to let the guards know, any idea how long this will last? We should probably know this no?” –Joseph
“No clue, sally didn’t say!” –Me
2 Months. But a problem is coming, if you can help that would be great.
“Okay 2 months, leave us now Joseph.” –Me
“Okay Mistress!” –Joseph
Such a useless guy. Does he think acting like a slave will make me want him? Why are men so stupid? If your current plan doesn’t work, isn’t it time to make a new one? Oh well not important.
“Yes Sally I will do whatever it is you want because I’m super bored!” –Me
Quest Accepted!
“Dammit Sally! Let me guess, no rewards either?” –Me
Well you can count Kiki’s evolution as a reward! Either way your primary quest may very well fail if you don’t do this side Quest. Loki is an idiot and has no clue that Ares has it out against him and actually has a good plan to ruin everything!
“Whatever, time to see what this quest is. Show quests.” –Me
Quest Log1. Training the Champion
2. Hunt for the Red Champion
“As usual the quest names are retarded! Show details hunt for the red champion.” –Me
Hunt for the Red ChampionYou have been tasked to hunt and destroy the one known as the Red ChampionRewards:
Your Champion will most likely die ending primary quest.
“Well fuck! No wonder I have to do this quest. Fuck Loki and Ares and all the stupid Gods!” –Me
Okay it is about time you learn how to talk to me in your head. You just gained the focus of both Loki and Ares so good luck with your quest! Oh and just think of me while you think towards me and I will hear it and respond in kind.
‘Well that is easier, you should have told me before.’ –Me
‘You never asked or cared or needed it as no one was ever listening to you yell into the air.’ –Sally
‘Fine whatever, not like I fear Ares and Loki, you are stronger than them right?’ –Me
‘If it’s just those two then yes, but what if they call their family? If Thor and his crew comes and Athena and hers, then we may have some problems. Forget about it if Odin or Zeus show up as they are at a higher tier of God than the rest of us and can snuff us out with a thought!’ –Sally
‘Uh okay, that’s scary. But how am I supposed to find this guy anyways?’ –Me
‘Easy, there is a large dungeon in the middle of the Continent, both your Champion and the one you must kill will be there, but the one you must kill will be there first. He will be arriving within the week and will be setting up an ambush for Loki’s Champion on the 99th floor, well that is if he follows Ares’ advice which I’m sure he will since he is a muscle headed idiot that cannot think for himself. Only Champions are strong enough to reach the 100th floor so hiding on the 99th is a good idea. Just go there and spring the trap, he’s too dumb to realize it’s not you.’ –Sally
‘Ugh but that is like so far away!’ –Me
‘Well you can get there in an hour at your top speed, so I doubt that is a problem for you…’ –Sally
‘Yes but I always ride on Kiki! Now I have two months to waste so I’m going to take my time!’ –Me
And take my time I did. If only foresight was as good as hindsight, I would have just flown there in an hour instead of run there like a marathon idiot. At least it gave me time to think about everything that brought me here.
I remember both the feeling I had when I broke through and helped Nick destroy the Demon King, and the feeling I got after the wedding that led me to this Continent. When the Demon King was finally killed and I looked at Hiro and Aya having a pink moment, I only felt disgust! Normally I would have joined them but I was clearly being controlled by Loki to feel that way. It seems getting strong enough broke whatever spell was on me and let me be me!
It was probably the reason I was so quiet too! I always had tons of thoughts in my head, but I was never able to say them! An entire life controlled by Loki pisses me off! And now I have to help him further? Fuck my life!
At least I left those weaklings and came to the new Continent. At the time I thought Joseph would become strong enough to win my heart. Well he was strong enough, but he was just too dumb! He thought following me like a slave would make me love him? Maybe like a puppy! How useless! And to make things worse, he never made any real moves towards me as he was clearly still hung up over Tiffany! I get it, Tiffany is attractive and decently powerful, but she isn’t even half as strong as I am, nor is she as good looking!
Okay I may be a little jelly, but it’s not because of Joseph. But I’ll ignore that small part of my heart for now and move on with my thoughts.
And getting that stupid quest when I landed was annoying, but I was still angry at just about everything so flying to across the entire Continent from East to West to find the Capital only gave my anger enough time to reach an apex! Taking over the city was trivial, it only took a month because I had to round up all the officials and show them what they were worth.
It also took a month for them to run out of money as they kept sending assassins my direction. Like those weak guys could even break through my skin, let alone hurt or kill me! And poison? I am the Mistress of Poison! There is no way any poison could even hurt me, I didn’t even have poison tasters when I ate because it just slowed things down.
Eventually I just decided to kill off all the noble’s children and call it a day. I didn’t touch their wives, concubines, or slaves as it would just waste time and if anything I’m lazy *cough* efficient! After that display of might, I was crowned the ruler of all and the assassins even stopped coming. I guess they feared I would take out their headquarters or something. I mean it’s obvious where it’s located, it’s not even a mile away from the Capital! Like hiding in plain sight actually works!
I left them alone as there was nothing to gain by killing them, nothing at all! Money has no value when you don’t have to pay for anything, and if I need someone dead I simply kill them myself! I guess that is why I left Joseph to watch Kiki and simply went alone to fight this Champion.
As if a Champion could beat me, I’m a fucking hero that has reached the peak of power on this planet! I think it is time to run a little faster!
7 days! That is how long it took me to run halfway across the Continent. Now I’m standing in front of this stupid Dungeon called Crypt of the Forsaken. What a silly plays to ambush a follower of Loki, surely any such Champion has control over the dark and thus over the undead. Oh well that isn’t my problem, time to check the progress of my quest.
‘Hey Sally I’m here, anything I need to know?’ –Me
‘Well yes… you see… things have changed and I didn’t know how to tell you.’ –Sally
‘What do you mean things changed?’ –Me
Quest Updated: Hunt for the Red Champion
‘Fine I’ll see what the quest details say!’ –Me
“Show details hunt for the red champion.” –Me
Hunt for the Red ChampionDue to various reason, your opponents know you are coming and have called for reinforcements. Hunt and slay them all!Rewards:
Not am option!
‘Ooh now we are talking, this should be interesting now!’ –Me
‘Well it is your fault but I guess you are happy so no harm. When Ares looked at you, he saw your power and then called for backup. Somehow he convinced even Thor to send his Champion over, a pretentious blonde headed bimbo with a big hammer. To make matters worse, Athena sent a tactician to control the battlefield. A mousy little girl with grey eyes and a spear. Fortunately, you don’t have to kill any monsters or bosses, just get to the 99th floor and engage them in battle! Your quest will be a success if you just teleport all of you to a different location and fight, that way they never run into Loki’s Champion. Though you didn’t hear that from me.’ –Sally
‘Like I fear these fuckers! I still have the heroes armor which doubles all my power and unless they went to the Labyrinth on the Demon Continent, they won’t be as strong as I am, even if they are Peak Gods!’ –Me
‘This is true, and the strongest is only at the Demigod rank anyways, reaching God rank is near impossible in such a short period of time.’ –Sally
‘Then I’m going in and have no fear, I’ll be sure to send us to a good spot to fight before engaging, that way I can take my time! Oh and how long do I have to reach the 99th floor?’ –Me
‘It should take Loki’s Champion a good week to reach this dungeon, no telling how long it will take to reach that floor.’ –Sally
‘Okay I’m off!’ –Me
And thus I took my time and went through each floor, making sure to find the boss and demand entrance to the next floor. No undead could say no to me, thus it did not take long at all to get through each floor. Unfortunately, 99 is a very large number and this is boring!
I only took 6 days to get to the 99th floor as I wanted to leave myself to be both lazy AND make sure to be in and out before Loki’s Champion gets here. As usual I find the largest mana signature and teleport to it. Only this time the largest mana signature was the champion of Athena. This confused me for a second as I thought Ares’ Champion was the strongest, but I guess that was a lie. Though somehow it made sense, it wasn’t like either girl was going to say if they were stronger to the one guy on the team. He clearly looks like a retard while both girls look smart. So I took this time to scare the bitch and whisper in her ear.
“I’m here.” –Me
Then before they could even realize what was happening, I grabbed all three of them and teleported them to a place that is near and dear to my heart. The Coliseum! Yes, I teleported them back to the Capital, check that, My capital! I even made sure to constrain them so that I could have fun and make money off the event.
“Okay Champions, I’m the one you are supposed to fight but a fight where no one can see it is boring. So we will be fighting in one week, you have that long to prepare a plan. The venue is near identical to the Coliseum of ancient Rome so making a strategy should be easy!
And just like that I left them to their own devices. Of course I made sure to plant listening device in the room so I could hear them.
“Joseph set up an event for one week from now. We are going to have a huge fight with three Champions versus me. They are Champions of Thor, Ares, and Athena. Not like that means anything to you, but to me it does!” –Me
“Yes Mistress, it will be done!” –Joseph
Now to eavesdrop!
“This must be a trap of some type. How did we end up here anyways?” –Thor’s Champion
“Who cares, we just need to kill her and our mission will be success!” –Ares’ Champion
“No, our mission is already failed. We might as well abort and not fight at all. Our real mission was to stop Loki’s Champion, but since this new player was involved, our mission was instead to defeat her, but if we don’t defeat her in the Dungeon then there is no point. Abort is our best option.” –Athena’s Champion
Interesting, it seems that one of them is smart. Maybe I should let them go if they ask for it…
“No way, that bitch will be mine, she was hot! I’m going to rape her over and over again and have her call me daddy!” –Ares’ Champion
And no, they will die a slow and miserable death! I cannot wait for the week to be up!
At that point I didn’t care to eavesdrop anymore so I just went to Kiki’s room and watched her cocoon until time for the match.
Alice’s POV
Once I finished talking to Loki, I realized what I had to do next. First, I must level to 200 so I can gain whatever it was Sally plans to give me. I’m only at the Immortal Saint rank so if I get to choose a reward it will definitely be more power.
I decided that I must go to the Crypt of the Forsaken as it has to be pitifully easy to kill undead with my powers. Easy exp grind is what I always say when playing video games! I guess I’ll just run there and kill any bandit group I find on the way!
Two weeks! It took me two weeks to get to this stupid dungeon. Why oh why did I have to kill every bandit group along the way? Worst... idea… ever! At least I reached level 89 so I’m closer to my goal of max level and ultimate power!
And it wasn’t like I didn’t want to let them go towards the end, they just kept on insisting that they were going to rape me! I don’t like rapists so I made sure to torture those few before killing them.
Before going in, I made sure to check my status window.
“Show status and skills.” –Me
STATUS WINDOW!Name:AliceAge:16Race:HumanAlignment:NeutralLevel:89Mana:250,000Titles:Champion of TrickeryStrength:2000Vitality:2000Dexterity:2000Concentration:2000Intelligence:2000Wisdom:2000Unlocked Affinities:DarkStat Points:337
Active Skills:Analyze (level 10)
Cultivation (level 10)
Stealth (level 10)
Disarm Trap (level 10)
Torture (level 10)[table]Passive Skills:Dark Spell Mastery (level 10)
Magic Mastery (level 10)
Mana Manipulation (level 10)
Mana Control (level 10)
Dual Dagger Mastery (level 10)
Detect Trap (level 10)
Night Vision (level 10)
‘Hey Sally how come my alignment is neutral? As a denizen of the dark I thought it would be different.’ –Me
‘Old system was stupid so I changed it. Now alignment only changes if you do something with enough intent. Like you would need to rape and kill a thousand virgins or something equivalent to get the Evil alignment. Likewise you would need to save a thousand lives to get the Good alignment.’ –Sally
‘Okay I guess that makes sense. I must be getting closer to Evil then.’ –Me
‘I imagine you will only get it if you start to kill everything and not just bad people.’ –Sally
‘We shall see!’ –Me
Once in the dungeon I decided to simply walk through it to see what happened.
All the mobs were undead and as soon as they walked up to me I told them to die for me and they did. None dared to attack me as I was their Mistress! Even the bosses would die for me. Not being in any rush, and seeing how straight forward the dungeon was, I simply walked floor by floor.
It wasn’t until the 50th floor that something cool happened. When I told the 7th ranked Banshee to die for me, she dropped a chest full of jewelry for me! It was all Dark aligned too which made sense considering where I was. But it all had a hidden attribute that I couldn’t find out no matter what. And when I asked Sally she just laughed at me!
I was starting to think that the chest spawning was her idea and I wouldn’t find out what the loot was until I finished the dungeon. I think I’m starting to understand her personality a little bit.
The next 49 floors were just as boring and none of them dropped loot. The only good thing was now I was level 200 and felt like I could leave.
‘Hey Sally can I leave yet?’ –Me
‘No, you must kill the last boss or this trip would be for nothing.’ –Sally
No clue what she meant, I teleported to the last floor. I wasted a good month here already so was getting tired of this, thus I ran to the final boss completely ignoring all the undead along the way.
Finally I arrive and instead of seeing the normal undead, I saw a Lich instead. A saint ranked Lich at that! Not sure why he was only level 100 but then again I never checked any levels in this dungeon before now.
“Finally someone has come to my room and woke me up from my eternal slumber!” –Lich
“Yes yes it’s me, now why don’t you go and die for me?” –Me
“Sorry but I cannot do this. As a Lich I am immune from the control undead spell as I am the originator of the spell itself!” –Lich
“Then I guess we must fight!” –Me
“Yes we shall. Denizens of the dark, come do my bidding and destroy the interloper!” –Lich
And with a chant and a wave of his hand, the stupid Lich spawned a few thousand undead. I guess the huge ass atrium we are fighting in, isn’t for looks. Too bad for him all the undead just stood around and waited for a command they could follow.
“I said attack the interloper!” –Lich
Again, they just stood there doing nothing. This got me to laugh so I finally interrupted the stupid Lich.
“There are no interlopers here. I am the Mistress of Undead and all things Dark! I am no enemy to them. Unfortunately the one I follow told me to kill you, so I will do just that. Denizens of the dark, would you please create a path so I can get to your master and kill him?” –Me
And as if Moses himself was standing in front of the Red Sea, wave of undead parted in two directions to leave me a path. I strode in slowly like the Queen of the underworld that I felt I was and finally got within 10 meters of the Lich.
“So are you ready to sleep?” –Me
“I suppose I don’t have a choice, as a Lich I only can use dark magic and have no melee abilities whatsoever. I have no way to defeat the Mistress of the Dark.” –Lich
“Good boy.” –Me
So I walked up to him and reached my hand into his chest taking out his phylactery.
“Oh so pretty, so this is where you keep your soul eh? Well I won’t let your power go to waste.” –Me
Then a huge rush of power went into me. I could feel that I was at the peak of power and one more thing would push me over into the next realm whatever that is.
Once the Lich died the undead in the room all looked at me. Normally they would also disperse but I am their true Mistress, thus they could not do so without my leave.
“You may go, or you may stay, up to you. If you stay, be sure to reinforce this dungeon and one of you needs to become a necromancer and guide the rest!” –Me
With that I pointed to a random dark mage and promoted him.
“You there, become a necromancer, gain enough power and create your own phylactery!” –Me
“Yes Mistress!” –Undead Necromancer
Then I looked over to the chest that spawned. I could even hear Sally giggling in my ear! Oh well, no way she would let me leave without taking it.
The stats were amazing, every piece created a set that increased all my abilities by a factor of two! It instantly made my twice as powerful and even linked my jewelry! Now it all made sense, thus I put it all on throwing all my old gear into my interspatial ring.
‘Motherfucker, why oh why did you make the armor look like this? I know this wasn’t your idea Sally, which one of you was it?’ –Me
‘It was me Gabriela, as a Mistress of the Dark, you must look the part!’ –Gabriela
‘Fine, but only because the stats are nice!’ –Me
If I wasn’t on a path of revenge and destruction, I would probably feel embarrassed by the armor. It’s leather, and it’s black, that’s the only good thing about it. My armor makes sluts look like nuns and whores look like regular receptionists.
It’s just some strings of leather that cover just enough to look like it might be clothing. It literally made me give myself a Brazilian just so nothing was showing down there! It barely contains my large C cups! But it feels right and I don’t really care so I will let it go.
I also got two daggers that were so dark that I simply could not see them. I only know they are there because I can feel their power in my hands! This made the whole trip worth it!
I then used the teleportation orb and left the dungeon for good.
‘How am I doing for time Sally?’ –Me
‘You have two weeks to defeat the Consortium and go to the Capital to meet your Trainer.’ –Sally
‘Sounds good.’ –Me
So I spent the next two weeks killing every bandit on my path while making my way to the Capital. I made it to the secret base of the Consortium just on time too. Can’t wait for the epic battle to start. I even had a breakthrough on the way so my stats got better.
“Show status.” –Me
STATUS WINDOW!Name:AliceAge:16Race:HumanAlignment:NeutralLevel:200Mana:440,000Titles:Champion of Trickery, Mistress of the DarkStrength:4000Vitality:4000Dexterity:4000Concentration:4000Intelligence:4000Wisdom:4000Unlocked Affinities:DarkStat Points:883
Active Skills:Analyze (level 10)
Cultivation (level 10)
Stealth (level 10)
Disarm Trap (level 10)
Torture (level 10)
Command the Dark (level 10)[table]Passive Skills:Dark Spell Mastery (level 10)
Magic Mastery (level 10)
Mana Manipulation (level 10)
Mana Control (level 10)
Dual Dagger Mastery (level 10)
Detect Trap (level 10)
Night Vision (level 10)
Next chapter is nothing but fighting from all three POVs. Time to have some fun! Sorry, no more chapters this weekend in this series. It took awhile to get these two out as is!
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