《Begin the End》4- The Gate


I stared at the shadow in the mirror, squinting, trying to see. Desperately hoping the figure in the mirror was her. I couldn't get a good view, the light shining in my eyes.

I stepped closer, something moving deeper in the mirror. A sea, far off. A rhythm-like movement, ebbing and flowing in the background. I blinked, pushing forward, the outline sticking out against it.

A tall figure in a cloak, the hood hiding their face. It wasn't her. The thought, maddening. My lip quivered as I stood before the cloaked figure.

Tilting his head, he pointed a skinny finger at me. "Wren...Alexander...Wren." The voice that came out was strange. Somehow scratchy and smooth at the same time. Sharp, almost song-like.

"Who are you?" I struggled to speak, my voice caught in nerves.

The cloaked figure lowered his hand."The Guardian of the Gate, who else would I be?" He announced dully.

Was I supposed to understand what that meant? I stepped forward, feeling braver. "Do you know why I'm here?"

"Why you're here is unimportant. You cannot go farther."

Anger rising in my chest, "I must go farther! I won't give up, not if I can save her!" I cried out, my voice creating ripples through the mirror.

"Save her…" The Guardian murmured, "...what a strange way to put it." His words stilled me, sending shivers down my spine.

"Nevertheless I cannot let you pass. Souls must not leave the mirror." The Guardian kept his voice cold.

My lips slipped into a grin, "I see...so it is possible." My eyes rested on the mirror bladed sword hanging over the mantle.

"I wouldn't act so rash little Wren." He followed my eyes to the sword.

I shook my head, "This isn't rash, this is my path."

"Then your path is on your hands."

He lowered his head. I gawked at him as the Guardian spun. His cloak, fanning out, morphing till it took on a new shape.

He grew into a huge scaly beast. Great taloned claws scratched at the ground. A hideous snarl, teeth, sharper than spears. A pair of flaming gold eyes locked on mine.

I stumbled back, running for the sword. I reached after it desperately, freeing it from the wall.

In a swing, I turned, watching the beast pass through the Gate. Shimmering scales, he grinned his hideous teeth at me. I pointed the blade at him with desperate fear.


Stomping into the room, his foot landed on my lute. The crack of the broken frame and the sound of snapping strings. I blinked in shock, a sudden rage.

Before I knew it I was running at him, yelling. The metal clashing against the scales, sending me flying back. Stumbling away from his sharp teeth. His tail whipped back, knocking me off of my feet.

I quickly stumbled back up. Quick breaths to gather my composure. I had to use my head. I wouldn't last long if I didn't.

I ran fast, darting purposefully through the room. I had to keep him moving. The beast roared, spinning after me. Slow and clumsy steps, I readied my blade. I just had to get one good strike on his underbelly. Find flesh not covered in thick scales.

I jumped under the beast's tail, running around. Right under his head, skidding away from vicious teeth. He turned fast, lifting up his taloned claw.

I laughed inside, he was falling for my trap. Running back in with a violent swipe. My blade crashed against hard scales, sparks breaking in the friction.

I stared dumbfound, falling back. A laughing roar from the creature. He didn't have a weak spot.

He kicked me away with his clawed foot, sending me stumbling back. The sword fell from my grip. I struggled to stand, the sweat sticking to me.

The beast licked its lips, looking at me with hungry eyes. I searched frantically for my weapon. Spotting it, I skidded over. Picking back up the sword, I set my sights back to him.

I swung madly, the beast pausing his chase. I hit his scales, striking them with as much power as I could muster. A slight crack breaking, I laughed in surprise. I had a chance.

My laugh stopped as I realized the creature was just staring at me. Bored golden eyes, smiling down with a wide toothy grin.

I gulped, trying to run away. The beast biting after me. His teeth caught my clothes. He lifted me up, swinging me by my shirt. My vision was shaky as the blood rushed to my head. I didn't have time to cry out. With one quick swoop he threw me against the wall.

The wind knocked out of my lungs, I tried to gasp for air. Tears stinging my eyes as I tried to get up, falling back to the ground. My ribs hurt, I could barely breathe. I stayed on the floor, staring at the ceiling. I didn't have any strength left in me.


I failed. I failed Gloria.

My vision blurry as the beast's snarl drooled over me. Wildfire eyes burning, ready to consume me. There were worse ways to die.

I shut my eyes, thinking of that day. Smokey ash sticking to the air, desperate shouts. Screaming sobs as fate decided who and who not to take. A sick twisted atonement for a sin that wasn't theirs.

Gloria's violent gasps for air, the plague riddled through her body. I got there just in time to watch her die. To hold her in her last moments, offer a parting song. Just an ordinary funeral dirge, the best my mind could come up with at the moment. She deserved better.

I found myself humming it now. The simple tune slipping out of my lips, I slowly sang the melody. Something calming about sharing the same parting song. The melody eased my soul.

A strange hiss sent my eyes open, the beast staring down at me with an empty expression. He didn't move.

I blinked, wiping a string of drool from my forehead. I let my voice fade off, the fire lighting back in the creature's eyes. Panicked, I quickly restarted the song. The light once again left his eyes.

Shaking, I carefully crawled away. Trying to keep my voice steady as I stood. I hadn't expected my gift to work against such a creature, especially not like this. He was petrified against my song.

I found my sword on the floor, repeating the mournful tune over. Walking over to the creature, I hesitated. I didn't know if the stillness would last. It didn't much matter if it did, I couldn't sing forever.

I searched for the nick I made in the armor. Finding the spot, I slashed at it. Swinging back at the damage with forceful strikes. In a few strikes, the crack split, the scale shattering. I bit back a laugh, careful to not interrupt my song.

I went for the mortal wound, stabbing the sword into the beast's flesh.The enormous monster's body collapsed under my blade. Folding down like fabric, it spun back into a cloak.

The Guardian pinned down on the floor, my blade stuck through his abdomen.

I blinked in shock, the guardian staring up at me with wild eyes. The same burning gold fire as the beast.

He laughed weakly, his voice strained. "You...fool...I don't protecting the dead from the living...I protect the living from the dead."

"What?" I muttered, the fire fading from his eyes. I let go of the sword, falling by his side.

"What do you mean?! Answer me!" I grabbed his shoulders, shaking him.The light empty from his eyes, I would get no answer. He was gone.

A far off sound, turned my attention upwards. The sea in the mirror was moving faster. Chaotic, an almost angry movement.

Wait...were they...souls?

I frowned at the realization, dragging the dead guardian over. His dead eyes looking up me blankly. I got a better grip of his cloak and threw his body back in the mirror.

Taking a breath, I stared out at the ocean of souls. The huge torrent posing a problem. How would I find Gloria in such a sea?

As if to answer my despair, a tune wafted to my ears. A light feminine voice, growing in volume.The song, the same one I was singing earlier, the funeral dirge.

I blinked back tears forming in my eyes. That voice, I knew it well. It was Gloria.

A wispy translucent figure, delicate and petite. Her outline unmistakably.

"Gloria?" I whispered in awe.

She stopped her song, seeming to notice me through the mirror. Her big bright eyes, shining back at me. I lost all words, I could have stared at her forever.

"...Alexander…. Alex." She mouthed as if remembering.

I wiped a tear off my cheek, nodding my head. "Yes...I'm here to save you Gloria. I'm here to bring you back."

She stared at me as if confused by the idea. A slight frown, she blinked, hesistanting.

"Gloria...please." I held out my hand to her. She stared at it for a second, cautiously reaching back. I took hold of her hand, pulling her from the mirror.

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