《Begin the End》5- Seeing Ghosts


A sudden ripping cold sensation ran through my fingers down my spine. I gasped in shock, stepping back. My eyes, wide, staring back at me in the mirror.

Everything felt foggy, heavy. I couldn't think, I couldn't understand what was going on. What was this feeling? Like my thoughts were being peeled back, shoved down, rearranged. This didn't make sense.

The door slowly opened, Carrick poking his head in. His beady eyes, scanning the room as he cautiously walked inside. I shuttered out wordless spit at him, trying to get his attention. He needed to help me.

"I don't understand, it should have worked!" Carrick hissed. I blinked up at him, gaping. Turning, he examined the mirror, "The key should be all you needed to pull her back from the dead." His voice was severe, his brow knit in a frown.

I stared dumbfounded, the anger in his eyes growing. He grabbed at my collar, "What did you do wrong Alexander?" Shaking me, he looked for an answer. My memories shuffling back, I still couldn't form words. My brain was screaming. He gave up, sending me stumbling back. Scowling as he turned back to his reflection.

"Wait...I'm dead?"

Her voice rang through my own thoughts. Beautiful, strange, out of place. I gagged, I couldn't breathe. This was wrong.

"Alex you brought me back from the dead?"

Her voice sounded angry. I didn't understand why. I couldn't string my thoughts together beyond perception. This wasn't making sense.

She slipped into my view, her ghostly silhouette staring down at me. "What were you thinking Alex? Don't you know what you've done?"

"I had to save you." I managed to whisper. Carrick glanced over at my words, suspiciously studying me.

Her eyes turned to fire, latching her cold fingers around my neck. "Save me? This is what you call saving me?"

My eyes grew wide, "I couldn't fail you again-" Choking on my words, I collapsed, caught in her stranglehold.

"You just don't get it, do you." She hissed in my ear. A constricting pressure as she tightened her fingers on my neck. I gagged, coughing, desperate for air.

I looked up to Carrick for help. He didn't move, staring down at me like an experiment. "What are you doing Alexander?" He questioned, his tone annoyed.


"And he doesn't get it either." She smirked, a strange fever in her eyes.

"Stop...Gloria…" I gasped.

"Prime examples of mortal hypocrisy." She released her grip, relief flooding me as I breathed. Her wispy silhouette floating towards Carrick. Still reminiscent of the girl I loved, the girl I desperately loved.

She walked around Carrick, studying him. He kept his eyes on me, not seeing the ghostly soul stalking him. "You both should know better than to bring back the dead." She spoke softly, a sorrow stuck in her eyes.

Carrick sighed, growing frustrated with my silence. I couldn't warn him if I wanted to.

"At least your only sin was loving me. He has done worse." She tightened her fists, "He wanted the power of God. Now all this is his fault. What is coming is his fault."

"What do you mean what's coming?" I asked her over my thoughts. The look in her eyes, scaring me worse than any of this. "Gloria!" I cried out, trying to crawl closer.

"You won't be able to understand Alex." Her voice broke to a vulnerable tone. I couldn't help but stare at her, that same wide-eyed look I knew too well.

"What are you seeing Alexander?" Carrick asked, more sternly.

Gloria turned, a grin widening across her face, "Do you want to tell him or should I?" My eyes fixed in horror as she stepped back to me. "I can." She shrugged.

A sudden cold sensation ripping through my being, sending me spiralling into shock. I let out a gasp, my breath leaving me. I tried to fight it, the confusion messing with my head.

"He's seeing ghosts. Isn't this what you expected-" I moved my hands over my mouth, Gloria's words slipping out before I could stop them.

Carrick stepped back, a gleam of curiosity in his eyes. "Gloria…?" He whispered. My hands shook as they moved away from covering my mouth. I watched in horror, as I sat up, facing him.

"Yes Carrick, I'm here with Alex now." She spoke through my lips, moving my limbs. My mind, consumed with panic. I wasn't in control. I couldn't move, this was suffocating. I hated this, why was she doing this?


My own laugh rang out, scaring me, "Are you really going to complain about being controlled, Alex. When your whole gifting is controlling others?"

I was stunned by her words. I didn't know how to respond. It sounded so out of character for Gloria, so caustic.

Carrick stared in wonder, pure excitement brimming from his eyes. "This is incredible…" He murmured.

Gloria forced a grin, "Yes, well next time you want to bring a soul back, bring another body. It’s a bit cramped in here."

"Noted." Carrick laughed, "It's good to have you back Gloria."

She scratched my head, "Ah yes...back. Time is a funny thing isn't it?" Gloria made me hop back to my feet. Carrick gawked at her comment, his smile falling.

"I can see you haven't changed." She pointed at the mirror, walking closer to it. Carrick blinked, quickly stepping in front of her, "Gloria-"

"What are you afraid of? Do you really think the little naive princess is going to undo all your plans?" Her amusement, bleeding through. I didn't know what to do.

I caught the shine of the mirror from behind Carrick's head, the angry sea of souls spinning in a feverish motion. A violent chaos rolling closer, fast approaching the edge.

I panicked, pushing back against the suffocating weight, trying to gain control. I fought with all my will, spinning against the force. My vision blurry as I tried to recenter it. We didn't have time for this. I shoved back against her soul. Gloria stumbling away from me, spinning, she looked dazed.

I threw Carrick out of the way, desperately grasping for the chains. I didn't have time to explain. Wild blue wisps of limbs, reaching after us.

I struggled to take hold of the links of metal, throwing it back around the mirror. I dropped the lock, bending to pick it up. Looking up to twisted contorted faces, I was paralyzed for a second, trembling. They stared at me with an emotion I had never seen before, almost like every emotion at once.

I broke free from the trance in time to swing the lock through the loops, clicking it shut. The image disappeared, a simple reflection remaining. I took a breath of relief, Carrick staring at me wide-eyed.

"What have we done…" I mumbled. Carrick stayed dumbfounded, silent to my question. Gloria, waiting on the edge.

I tightened my fists. "What did you make me do, Carrick?"

He laughed, "Made you. You've acted freely, at every moment."

I stood straighter, looming over him. "Carrick." I growled.

He gave a nervous smile, "I said I'd get her back for you and I did."

"This isn't what I had in mind!" I yelled, my voice echoing off the walls.

Carrick tightened his fists."This isn't what I had in mind either." He spat in return. Gloria watched nervously.

"Fix this." I roared, rage stinging my eyes.

"Yes...of course..." Carrick frowned, his eyes darting nervously. He walked around me, tapping the glass on the mirror.

"You can fix this, can't you?" I stuttered, my anger falling to fear.

Carrick looked over with a guilty eye. "Possibly? I've never gotten this far before . I would need to do more tests." He started pacing.

My hands shook. "If you don't fix this I swear I'll -"

"Don't get so excited, I'll figure it out." Carrick hissed.

"He's merely trying to save his skin."

Gloria drifted over, stifling a yawn. "He has no idea what he's actually created. Turning the fountain into this abomination... I wouldn't trust such a careless experimenter."

I turned to her, my expression softening. "What would you suggest then?" I watched her smile at the question. Her blue eyes blinking with an unearthly glow.

"What is she saying Alexander?" Carrick's expression fell to panic. I ignored him, my attention fixed on Gloria.

She tilted her head,."Let's not waste our time with hopeless things, not when there is important work to do."

"Important work?" I questioned. She nodded, closing the space between us.

"Leave the madman behind."

"I don't understand-" She leaned closer, pressing her lips to mine. My heart skipped a beat, the whole world fading.

"You just have to trust me Alex." Her whisper resting in my mind as reality fell to darkness.

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