《Begin the End》3-Symphony


The cold wind howling through the empty streets. I tried not to focus on the deathly aura of this place or the shivers running down my spine. I needed to stay alert.

Lute in hand, the grand palace cast a dark shadow over us. Carrick stood cautiously behind, his cowardice leaking past his pride.

The city might be desolate, but King Gregori wouldn't leave the Gate behind if it wasn't secure. Not as long as people like Carrick breathed.

I frowned watching Carrick rip off the corner of one of his sleeves. Breaking it in two, he stuffed the fabric in his ears. I snorted at the action. He was still afraid of me.

Carrick glared at my smirk, stepping forward. Pulling open the large doors before us. They creaked loudly, the metal making an ugly sound.

He paused at the entrance, waiting. "Are you going to enter?" Carrick grumbled, a stiff impatience. I nodded, still caught staring at the doorway.

I wasn't afraid, I didn't know what this feeling was. The world felt hazy, unreal. Like I was walking into a dream. I wouldn't think about it too much, stay present. I would focus on my song.

I placed my fingers on the different strings, letting the first note ring out. A familiar energy running across my fingers. I forgot how much I missed this.

The sound echoed down the corridor, bouncing off the walls. I shut my eyes and breathed, the power building in my veins.

I picked another note, stepping inside. Carrick's lips stuck in a fine line. He followed in behind me.

I didn't have to worry about choosing a song, there was only one song that seemed fitting. I wrote this song for her.

Listening carefully, I let my steps play out the rhythm. The first sounds of life, walking, shuffling down the hall. Coming to join my song.

Confused voices turning to fear. Fear, becoming organized shouts.

I smirked, my song taking shape.Yes, come closer. I was drunk on power, I would bring them all down.


Carrick followed at a distance, anticipating what would happen next. I stopped at the end of the hall, pausing my gentle song. I peeked an eye open in time to see the first guard running. Sword raised towards me, coming with a forceful swing. Violent eyes that failed to hide his fear.

I drew my hand back, picking at the strings. Fast notes, strung together in rapid succession. The guard lurched, his arm swinging away. The sword sliced against the wall, scraping against the stones. He cried out as he struggled, falling to the floor.

Another guard ran after him, looking to the soldier on the ground. As he reached him, the fallen guard swung up with the melody. His sword thrust through the new guard's chest. Wild confusion in the young soldier's eyes. The blade ripped back out, both of them collapsing to the floor.

More guards coming, four, maybe five. I hummed along with the tune, stepping towards the running soldiers.

The one leading the charge, faltered first. He sent the rest stumbling. Caught in my song, he swung his blade around after them.

They threw themselves out of the way, blocking his loose wild strikes. I was leaving him exposed but they didn't take advantage. A naive belief that they could save both him and themselves.

I stepped over the bodies, a sudden tug on the edge of my pants. Turning my head, the older guard looked up at me. Tears caught in his eyes, an angry fear staring back at me. I recognized his face, I had fought alongside him once.

"...Why Alexander?" His voice slowed my song, breaking through my fever. My mind, catching up to the melody.

He looked at me as if I was a monster. I found it a strange reaction. Once he cheered, they all cheered, for this same gift. Now that it was against them, he was horrified?

I kicked his hand away, continuing forward. He had no right to judge me. My motive was more noble than war.

Six or seven now, freed from my song. I was quick to bring them all back. Turning from me, to each other. Metal clashing violently, as my puppets danced. Their resistance, a gentle poke against the power of my melody.


Blood splatter flicked across the walls. I walked around the mess, ducking around the fighting. Every step, stab, block, death; they were a part of my symphony.

"Don't you want to sing along?" I grinned at a wide-eyed Carrick. He struggled to push through, choppy against the timing.

"I forgot how twisted your sense of humor is." He frowned at me, a slight tone of disgust.

I shrugged, continuing on. I wasn't trying to be funny. One day he'd join my song and I'd kill him just the same.

He followed as we marched to the staircase. Behind us, a trail of bodies. The notes of my song, written in blood.

Guilt creeping in as I slowed my playing. I refused to look back. It was a necessary cost. I was willing to go as far beyond sacrificing my own soul. Virtue wouldn't help me get her back. I would do whatever it takes.

Climbing the steps, I kept my fingers on the strings. Better cautious than dead. I started a few notes, interrupting the quiet.

Slow weighted footsteps, climbing higher and higher. We reached the top, both of us stuck at the door.

My stomach, sick with anticipation. What would it feel like to see her again? Did I dare let myself imagine. I was so close.

Carrick readied his arm on the handle. I gave him a nod as he swung the door open.

Eight spears pointing in our direction. The men holding them, shaking like leaves. Their resolve, not strong enough to resist the song.

I strummed a starting note, the power flooding back. They flew apart, spiraling. Carrick's laugh, ringing out from behind me.Their wild swoops being pulled into the rhythm.

Quick staccato notes, every spear finding a mark. Cries ringing out, each taking their cue.

A haunting song, fueled by my own desperation. Death from their own weapons, blood pooling on the floor.

I walked past, more focused on the mirror set against the wall.

My song slowly faded out as I stared at it. A large circle of perfect glass. It reflected a strange light over the room. The real world and the mirror world in seamless collision. A large chain ran across it, a padlock rusted, the same as the key.

We had reached it, the Gate of Death.

Carrick tracked bloody footsteps as he walked closer, "Isn't it just the most beautiful thing?" He whispered. I didn't answer him. I refused to admit something so destructive was beautiful.

"Well go on then, open it." Carrick pulled out a string from his pocket, the key spinning off it.

I stared at him hesitantly. He was going to just hand it over? He held it out, raising his eyebrows. I took a breath, setting down my lute.

Cautiously reaching out for it, I took the key from him. The rusted metal, offering its promise.

I walked closer to the gate. My eyes wide in anticipation, standing in front of the clear reflection. Lifting the lock, I turned the key. The click starting my heart. So excited I couldn't breathe. This was real. I was here, I could save her.

Looking past the lock, my image in the mirror changed. Battered and bloody, I was barely standing. The light, empty from my eyes. My mouth was slack open, a twisted bitter smile. As if happy to die.

I stumbled back, choking on the image. My vision spinning as I looked back for Carrick. The door slammed shut, the sound echoing through the room. A panic rising in my chest, he left me here. He ran away…why?

I flicked my head back, staring into the mirror. Another image forming, a shadowy figure, waiting on the reflection's edge.

I wasn't alone here. Someone was in the mirror.

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