《Begin the End》2- Bad Omen


"I used to admire you, just a little." Carrick's voice came pounding through my headache. The jolting motion of the wagon made it feel worse. He kept his hands steady driving the horses.

"From washed up minstrel to valiant hero, almost overnight. I was impressed, till I learned your secret. You lost my respect after that."

I narrowed my eyes, "I'm more deserving than you."

Carrick shrugged, "I worked for everything that I have."

"Had." I corrected, giving him a devilish smirk.

"Yes, had, but I will do it again. Build myself back to where I was. I'm not afraid of the work."

"Oh yes, because you're all about principles. Be honest with yourself Carrick, this is because the waters gifted me and not you." I laid my head on the edge of the cart, finding it difficult to keep my head up.

Carrick's eyes locked forward, his jaw stiff. "I don't need the power of a magical fountain to rise above and take what I want."

"No? Then tell me where the gate comes from?"

His eyes lit up in rage, "That's different and you know it."

"Sure…" I let my voice trail off. I shut my eyes for a moment. The countryside moving along with the wagon. A familiar landscape, rolling meadows still imprinted in my mind.

"Where are we going anyway?"

He loosened his glare, "Omen, where else."

I frowned, sitting back up. "Gregori didn't move it?"

Carrick darted his eyes over, "No...after everything happened he left it in the city. Aside from those who guard it, everyone else is gone."

His words left a hollow feeling in my chest. I couldn't imagine the streets of Omen empty, it created a strange fear in me. Almost worse than that last day. No, nothing was worse than that day. It was proof we were all damned.


"I need another drink." I growled. Carrick's eyes laughing at me, "You already drowned yourself in ale. I need you sober."

I shook my head, "I don't care what you need. I want to forget." I buried my face in my arm, trying to muffle the headache.

"You're useless if you're drunk. I might as well have dragged any hapless vagrant along." Carrick spat.

"I know…it just doesn't make it easier." I muttered dully. A growing dread about going back. I wasn't ready for this.

"Here, this might make you feel better." Carrick leaned back tossing off the blanket cover. I looked over his shoulder, the familiar wood craven instrument finding its way into my hands.

"My lute..." I gave a wisp of a smile. Dragging my fingers across the strings, a light note ringing out. I looked back up at Carrick's nervous eyes. I set the lute down on my lap, his expression easing.

"You know I don't technically need it though right?" I smirked at him, feeling a sliver closer to myself. It was good to just have my instrument back with me.

Carrick nodded, "Of course, but the idea of you singing through the hollow halls of the palace seems unnecessarily eerie."

I almost laughed, "Yes I suppose so. How many guards are we expecting?"

Carrick shrugged, "Hard to say. A dozen, maybe two."

"Hmm." I hummed, cradling my instrument in my arms. Depending on how they were spaced out, it could be tricky. The faster I could get most of them within ear shot, the better.

"So I take the guards out for you, then what?" I looked to Carrick before putting the lute back, slipping the cover over it.

"Then we find the Gate." Carrick's eyes brightened, a slight smile on his lips. I scowled, hating his awe.


"Why are you so obsessed with it?"

The shine dimmed as he sighed. "The Gate is my life's work. I pushed beyond what anyone thought possible. It represents a whole new frontier of magic. Power unlike anything we've ever seen!" His words grew faster, the light returning to his eyes. It made me sick.

"Just at the cost of people's lives.The cost of Gloria's life!"

Carrick's expression fell. He opened his mouth hesitating. "If I had one regret it would be her. She didn't deserve to die."

"You're right, she didn't." I growled back, turning my head away from him.

"I didn't intend to kill her, Alexander. I didn't intend to kill any of them." He glared at me, the cart hitting a bump that made my stomach lurch. I tightened my hands on the edge, holding myself steady.

Carrick's face turning an angry red. "How was I supposed to know that would happen?" His voice grew more frustrated. I sat forward, staring dully at him.

"Would you really have done differently if you knew?"

Carrick pursed his lips, looking away. His silence was damning. I lowered eyes, my head feeling heavy. "That's why I can never forgive you."

He cleared his throat, offering no reply. The hooves of the horses filling the silence. It was good he shut his mouth, I was sick of hearing his voice.

Meadow morphing into forest, we were getting close. The city rising out of the horizon, visible between the trees. The same city I once called home, but it was hardly recognizable. The air, stolen from my lungs as I watched the travesty. Somehow it looked worse in the daylight.

A dead ring of grass around the city, separating it from the distant forest landscape. The once lush trees black like charcoal, twisted branches pointing out at the sky. Everything was dead or dying. I fought back shivers as we approached. It was too quiet. I didn't like the silence.

Carrick stopped the wagon, tightening the reins. "What's done is done Alexander. Just focus on getting Gloria back, that's all that matters." He kept his posture stiff, something wavering in his eyes. He loosened the reins, the horses started walking again. Heading straight towards the city, that cursed city, Omen.

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