《The Not Supposedly King》Chapter 27-Burning Passion


Chapter 27-Burning Passion

While walking on the top of the wall back and forth, I`m thinking about how to change the pre-battle speech of some Japanese movie that I remember back in the earth. ‘..This would do..’ I float to the top of the wall.

"My soldiers, The time has come to show your true colors! As a member of the Great Bow Kingdom soldiers, I trust that you will fight with honor. This gate of Arrow Merchant city is the utmost importance. Should the gate fall, the enemy will be successful in conquering our kingdom. For the bow kingdom.. For our homeland.. Until the very last man.. Our duty is to stop the enemy right here! Not one of you is allowed to die until you have killed ten enemy soldiers. Do not expect to return home alive. I will be and always will be in front of you." I said in a loud voice with all my passion that every soldier of our kingdom heard.

"For the Great Bow Kingdom!" All the soldiers shouted at the same time while lifting their different weapons.

After a few minutes, I`m satisfied with their reactions, looks like I lift up their morals, and I quickly go down to my uncle.

"Hey boy! I mean My king, That was a great speech.. Where did you learn that? After I hear you, I feel a burning sensation. Your father will be surely proud of you.. " My uncle asked, after he pats my left shoulder.

"From a movi.. books in the royal library.." I said to him while scratching the back of my head.

"Is there a really speech like that in the royal library? I will borrow it if I survived in this war." He said, looks like he`s really going forward to read the speech books.

"You`re a general you should know some battle speeches.." I said then sighing.

"My king, that was a great, After I heard your speech, I want to ravage all the enemy right now!" Captain Rowena said in her military voice while smiling.

'..I don`t know if I will be happy or not after I heard her praising.. Sigh..' Captain Rowena left us after she praised me. After a few minutes, I see the strongest unit change their armors to a normal archer soldiers, that should be the second trap.

"Hey, uncle, the fog strategy earlier and this change to a normal soldier armors. Is captain Rowena think all this?" I asked him with a curious expression.

"Yes, all the movement of the strongest unit are all her decisions, I just approving some of them.." He said again while scratching his belly.

"Uncle, I think you are really doing nothing.." I said to him in a mocking tone.

"What do you mean by that.. Where are you going?" He responds, looks like he is getting pissed.

"I`m going to copy the strategy of the strongest unit, I think you must change your armor too.." I said to him while running away fast.

"Wait! You are the king! Where is your pride! and I`m the general I will not do something like that, I have a pride of being the general not like you! …..." He shouted, I didn`t hear some of his last words.


After a few minutes, our strongest unit is on the back right side flank of our heavy shield unit. While my uncle and I are on the left, My uncle is acting as a heavy shield soldier in front of me, while I disguise as a normal archer soldiers. In the middle, there are 1,000 elite archer soldiers and archer soldiers that mix up. My body feels a shaking sensation on the ground and see the enemy 200 meters away from us. My uncle in my front should not use any of his mana or else the enemy will surely detect him.


From my storage ring, I get my wisp bow. When I see that they`re 50 meters away from us, I use my Void Emotion skill. The enemy soldiers stop for a moment in the 50 meters area and they started charging on us fast.

“Kill them! Kill them!” I heard the enemy shouted while charging.

"Heavy shield unit! Remember your training! Just concentrate your mana in your legs and hold your shield as tight as you can!" General Damascus Ion shouted on the front lines.

"Archers! Fire!" General Lucas Drend shouted on the top of the walls, and I see the heavy unit soldiers are ducking their heads.

While the enemy is still charging at us, I used my electric arrow and put 20% of my mana into it. I didn`t let my mana arrow fly, I just apply blink skill to it after I released it.

After my electric mana arrow landed, the charging soldiers are losing their momentum. Some of them even stumbled where my mana arrow landed. Before arriving in front of us, I shoot an electric arrow again, and fire in their different front line directions. While observing the effects of my mana arrow, I see that they are greatly losing their momentum and many of the stumbled enemy soldiers are walking over by the next enemy soldiers.

Our archers taking advantage of the incident and fire a barrage of arrows to the enemy. For a while, I`m gulping some mana potion.


I heard a sound of heavy metal that clashed when our enemy reaches the heavy shield unit and they`re all on hold by our heavy shield units. After a few seconds, I see our shield units are backing off slightly. When we are in 200m away from the main gate, the elite soldiers on the top of the walls fire a consecutive arrow to the enemy. All the manna arrows landed right on the different critical areas of enemy bodies.

While rolling my eyes, I see my uncle on my front just holding the huge rectangular shield like it was nothing. Using my void hearing image skill, I see the enemy general with two other soldiers talking to each other in a far away distance, they`re just observing the battlefield.

"Uncle, I think the enemy is still searching for us.." I said in a low voice, he just nodded while holding the shield.

Some of the enemy A-ranker are casting a spell, I used my electric arrow and put 5% of my mana to it. I apply the blink skill and transfer to the chest area, all of them are shouting and holding their chest and fall down one by one.

Curiously, I check what the strongest unit is doing, I see them just normally firing a mana arrows but all of it landed on the head of the enemy.

When I deactivate my Void Hearing Image skill, "Shkk.."

The archer soldier in my side hit by mana arrow right in the head, some of his blood are poured on my face. Still, I don`t feel anything.

I shoot a barrage of mana arrows again to the enemy, I noticed that some of our heavy shield units and archer soldiers are dying one by one. They are hit by mana arrows, most are in the head. Also, I see some different skills coming from the enemy, a large fireball suddenly throw in the area where our strongest unit is in position.


I heard a loud explosion nearby many of our heavy shield units are receiving heavy damage. When I used my void hearing image skill, I see some A-rank and B-rank enemy combining their skill and throwing all at us.


The Main gate suddenly open, some of the archer soldiers are run to it, to prevent the overcrowding. After a few moments, we are just 150m away from the main gate. I check the strongest unit and they`re gone.

"Return to the gate slowly!" General Damascus Ion shouted, I see him and his face is covered in his own blood, looks like some mana arrow grazes the side of his head. While looking at him, he hit again by mana arrow right in his left shoulder.

I blink to him as fast as I can and teleport to the main gate immediately. I put him to the ground and some soldiers pick him up.

"My king.. Thank you.." he said in a weak voice.

Many heavy units soldiers are in critical conditions, one by one, I teleported 23 of them. Slowly, our front soldiers are decreasing. We slowly enter the gate on our back. While the archers are firing to the top of the walls non-stop to prevent the enemy from coming at us.

After a few moments, the gate closed and many bloody soldiers are heavily panting inside the main gate. The sky's getting darker and darker, the enemy can`t clearly see the mana arrow from the archer soldier on the top of the wall. They are slowly backing off, I notice that my uncle flies to the top of the walls.

As fast as I can, I go to the market district to help the wounded soldiers. I see different wounds in the soldier's body, I quickly get an alcoholic drink nearby and put it on his wounds. The soldier groans before knockout unconscious. I put some pressure using his hands and press it to his wounds in the belly and I quickly wrap some clean clothes around his belly. I`m doing my best as I can to save them and continuously doing it in 2 hours.

"My king, you look pale please rest now, we can assign some of the reserve units to help the wounded soldiers." One of the soldiers nearby said after he bowed his head.

My body feel exhausted and I go to someone`s house to rest. When I deactivate my void emotion skill, I only felt a minor headache and a bit of nervousness.

'..Strange.. I killed many enemy soldiers, why the surge of emotion is not that strong..'


250m away from the main gate (P.O.V Rowena Brick)

Earlier, I told to General Leon Port that if we see a chance, the strong unit will infiltrate the enemy camp. While defending and killing the enemy, we get the enemy armors and weapons.


Suddenly, A big fire blast exploded in front of us. "This is our chance!" We immediately change our armor and weapons that came from the enemy.

After a few moments, we, the strongest unit are all crawling in different directions under the enemy soldiers. At this moment, the enemy soldiers are walking over us, All their footsteps are landing in different parts of the back of my body. '..Thank you, King Greg, for your training..'

When I look up, I see the sky's getting darker, I stand up while wearing the enemy helmet, armors and holding their sword. "Fall Back! We can`t see their mana arrows at night! We will destroy their gate tomorrow!" Someone shouted at my back. I just go with the flow with the enemy soldiers while going to their camp, finally, I see the enemy tents.

I`m pretending that I`m scouting and just walking in not far away from their tents. When the midnight comes, I enter to one of their tents. All the soldiers that sleeping soundly in their tents are killed by me.

Some of us are assigned to kill all the patrolling soldiers and some are to kill the desert wolves. After three hours, I slowly walking to our bow kingdom. My eyes see some of the strong unit members are also walking in the same direction.

After a few moments, We arrived at the front of the gate. "We are the strong unit open the door!" I shouted when they see my face, they open the gate quickly. After we arrived inside, I count the strong units, And one of us is missing.

"Where is Amir!" I shouted to them, all of them are shaking their heads.

I see General Leon jumps to us.

"General, Our mission is successful but one of us is missing!"


Carrio Desert Army Camp (P.O.V Boris Deep)

While sleeping, "General! General!" Someone shouted and enter inside my tent.

Suddenly, I woke up, "What! What! Let me have some rest! What is the problem this time!" I shouted to the soldier.

"General, some of the bow kingdom soldiers are infiltrated us! Vice-General Kozi captured one of them!" He said in a loud voice.

"Leave now! I will check it!" I shouted again, I change my clothes and headed outside.

While walking to the tent where the captured soldier of the bow kingdom is contained. "General! Bad news!" Some soldier shouted again.

"What now!" I said while some of my flames are igniting on my body.

"General the soldier that infiltrated us is not alone, All the soldiers that sleeping in the tent that located in the outer and middle area died!" He said as he grasps his breath.

"What! Count all the dead!" I shouted while my flames that are all over my body are popping, I go inside of the one of the captured soldier of the bow kingdom.

"Who are you!" I asked in a loud voice to the captured soldier while he is just smiling.

All the flames on my body are moving to my right hand. "I asked again! Who are you!" I said while the creepy soldier just smiling at me again.

I burn his hands, his feet and pierced his both eyes. The captive soldier is still smiling at me.

"What the hell is wrong with this kingdom! They have even two evolve A-rank element users!" I shouted as loud as I can and burn the whole body of their soldier in my front slowly. The soldier didn`t even scream. ‘..If all their soldiers are also like this ashed man here.. We are doom..’

"General! All our 24,000 to 28,000 heavy unit soldiers died, the remaining heavy unit soldiers are the wounded ones in the middle part of our tent. Our 400 A-rank and B-rank soldiers died too."

In case you forgot, Our mc is graduate in BS Physical Education.

This chapter is a bit rushed but I hope you enjoy it..

Please rate my fiction if you have some time...

Thank you for still reading..


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