《The Not Supposedly King》Chapter 28-The Someone


Chapter 28-The Someone

While slowly getting up, I face some difficulty and feel mild pain sensation all over my body. "Ouch.. Ouch.. Why the hell I`m teleported in this world.." I said in a low voice while holding my back and slowly walking outside.

When I stepped outside, '..This is quite odd, I don`t feel the heavy pressure yesterday..' When I look up to the sky, I see the sun is rising. While walking to the temporary meeting house, I see Captain Rowena and my uncle talking. Captain Rowena is looking stressed and enraged while gritting her teeth, this is the first time I see her in an expression like this.

"Uncle, What`s the problem?" I approach them and asked my uncle.

"My king.." Captain Rowena greeted me while forcing herself to smile.

"The infiltration to enemy camp is successful but one of the strongest unit soldiers whose name is Amir is missing, and from the looks of it, he is captured by the enemy.." My uncle said to me in a serious tone.

"What? Why did you infiltrate the enemy camp!" I shouted to them then bite my lower lips.

"My king, I`m sorry, The reason I didn`t tell you because I think you will refuse this kind of scheme." My uncle said in his concerned tone.

"What is the result of your scheme?" I asked them and still trying to relax.

"My king, 20,000 to 23,000 of the enemy heavy unit and some of their primary element user are killed by us." Captain Rowena said while she still looks agitated.

"Captain Rowena, please rest for now. You need to rest for a moment." I said to her in my worried voice.

"My king!.. But I want to save my brother!" She said to me, she`s trying to shout but her voice is hoaxed and weaked.

'..Looks like the strongest unit bond is deeper than I thought..'

"Captain Rowena, Please rest for now. We will save your brother! If you save him now, many of our soldiers will die in result of your harsh actions!" I said to her in my furious acting expression to calm her down.

"My King.. I`m sorry.. I.. disappointed you.." She said while slowly leaving still look dejected.

"Captain Rowena, I`m not disappointed in you.. I`m proud of you and only one of you is in the hand of the enemy and there still a chance that we can save him, I just don`t want to lose our strongest and the most beautiful women in my kingdom." I said and she stopped for a moment then continue walking outside with her face still looking downward.


Suddenly, vice-general Lucas Drend arrived and see the dejected face of captain Rowena. "What`s her problem.. My king, General, The enemy still not showing any sign of movements and general Damascus is recuperating." He said after he bowed his head.

Upon entering the temporary meeting room, Inside, we discuss what and will. We lost 4,847 archer soldiers, 1,172 heavy unit soldiers, 89 elite archer soldiers and we have 3,492 wounded soldiers. We killed over 8,000 of our enemy soldiers in the clash yesterday, not including the scheme of our strongest unit.

While we`re discussing our next set of actions, all our faces are frowning. Only 800 of the wounded soldiers can come back on the battlefield that will happen later.

“How about I will infiltrate them..” I suggested to them, we`re all still sitting and a big map on the top of the table is in front of us.

I explained to them that I plan to burn the enemy important goods and pointed out to the map on where will I take my route.

“My king, that is a suicide mission!, After the infiltration of our strongest unit, I`m sure all of them are on a heightened alert! I can`t allow this, General Leon don`t approve this mission!” vice-general Lucas Drend said, he looks not in favored of my ideas.

“My king, We don`t have the rights to stop you, but Lucas is right. Your mission is suicide.” My uncle said, looks like he`s not in favored too of my ideas.

“If I do this, the death toll on us will be reduced! I can take care of myself and I still have this necklace.” I said to them and show the necklace on my neck. Still, both of them are not looking satisfied.

“My king, Please Reconsider!” They said at the same time after they stand up and still bowing their head.

Suddenly, "General Leon! Come out! I challenge you to a General`s Duel!" Someone shouted outside. I immediately changed my clothes to a normal archer soldier.

When I step on top of the wall, I see the enemy general, a thick steams are coming out from his body. While my uncle is flying slowly and approaching him with his fearless attitude. They`re talking things and looks like they use some kind of barrier thing to prevent us from hearing. After a few moments, I see the enemy general signaled the two men on his back. The two men left after they see their general signal.

My uncle looks back at us. "Do not interfere! The enemy general is challenged me to a one on one duel and I accepted!" My uncle shouted at us, I see Vice-general Lucas Drend nearby signaling something using his wind skill.


I approach Vice-general Lucas nearby and ask. "General Lucas, can you tell me more about this one on one duel? Why did my uncle agree?" I asked him in a concerned voice.

"My king, The one on one duel between the general is the most sacred fight in a war as long as the two general accepted the challenge. No one in the history has ever meddled in a one on one duel between the generals of the opposite army but I`m quite worried in General Leon, he just reached S-rank two years ago while our enemy, I think he is more than thirty years staying in S-rank." He said in a worried tone and give some signal to the soldiers on the ground.

When my eyes focus again on my uncle, I see them moving and looks like they`re going to one of the small hills that the enemy general`s meteorite skill landed.

'..Well, I don`t care about sacred things, my uncle life is more important and I came from earth..' My feet jump to the ground inside the city and searching for the nearest house near to the hills where the duel of the two general`s taking place.

After a few seconds, I found a house that is perfect for my plan.


A few moments later, My hands lift up my wisp bow inside of the house.

My breathing is slowing down and my hands still holding the wisp bow. I`m waiting for that moment to come, I poured 90% of my mana in the electric arrow and gulp some mana potion.

A few minutes later, Finally, I feel the green light, after my right hand releases the arrow, I immediately apply blink skill to it. From my storage ring, I get a mana potion and drink it.

Using my blink skill, I blink where Captain Rowena is resting. I used my teleport skill while holding Captain Rowena, she suddenly awakens and covering her nonexistent chest. We teleport again and this time around to vice-general Lucas Drend location.

From my storage ring, I get a mana potion and gulp again. The three of us teleport where the one on one between the general`s duel took place.


In an isolated hill (P.O.V Leon Port)

"What did you do to one of our soldiers that infiltrated in your camp?" I asked the enemy general while covering my body on wind and slowly lifting up my feather sword.

"Of course, I burned him alive! Don`t worry, you will see him soon!" He roared while I see his right hand moving and slash his blazing longsword towards me.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

After a series of crossing our swords, I distance myself while my left hand is holding my chest as I grasp my breath. "Hah..hah..hah"

My skin all over my body is having a burning sensation and my face is all red. I feel thirsty, I can`t lift my left eyes and the vision of my right eye is blurring. My mana core is depleting, I can`t keep up activating my flying skill any longer.


I feel my body is landed on the ground, I quickly try to get up while groaning but all I can do is kneel. While slowly opening my right eye, all I can see is dim. My eyes see a figure of a black man that slowly walking towards my position, he lifts up his black sword and I see it moving fast towards my head.

'..I`m sorry King Greg.. I`m sorry boy.. I`m sorry Dana, I`m sorry my comrade`s.. Your general is a big failure..'


Scarlet Sun Empire, Royal Castle.

While changing my outfit, "Princess, I know the result of the bow kingdom war!" Someone shouted at the door.

"At last, Come in!" I said and my attendant enters.

"Princess Natasha Scarlet, This is bad news! The report said that the bow kingdom survived and even win the war!" My personal attendant said fast in her concerned tone when she arrived.

"How!" I screamed as my light element scattered in different directions.

“Crack.. Crack..”

'..How that small bow kingdom survived! I intercepted their help request from our empire, I helped one of their ministers to invite the three big kingdoms in their region to wage war on them! What a useless people!..'

"I don`t want to marry that fool king! I need to talk to my father! I need to change his mind! Clara, tell to my father that I want to talk to him!" I said in a loud voice as I feel the rage all over my body when I mentioned the bow kingdom`s king.

‘..If my father knows what did I do to that bow kingdom, No, I should be safe, I have alibi..’

“That bow kingdom king! I should personally take care of everything! That.. That.. Martin Dawn is useless! Why did my brother recommend him!”

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