《The Not Supposedly King》Chapter 26-The Initial Clash


Chapter 26-The Clash

Inside of someone`s house, I`m still trying to prepare myself for the war that might happen any minutes from now. My uncle told me that there is a possibility that the enemy set up a trap to kill me or capture me, He said that I should not interfere in the early stage of battles. My role in the early stage of the battles is to save my critically wounded soldiers and teleport them to a safe area. He also warned me that I must not engage the enemy.

"The enemy is near!" Someone shouted outside, I get up fast and go to the top of the wall to check out the situation.

Using mana in my eyes, I see our strongest unit moving to the heavy shield infantry of the Carrio Desert Kingdom Army. I jump down and prepare myself to use the teleport skill, if one of them is critically wounded, I`m going to save them as soon as possible.

My enhanced eyes see 40 to 50 ice spikes on the top of captain Rowena, and it landed fast to the middle part of the enemy heavy units. '..What was that!, I think the acceleration of it is faster than my mana arrow..' I see captain Rowena in the front while all the strongest unit is in his back still doing nothing. '..I thought they are all bloodthirsty..'

The enemy fire a barrage of mana arrows to them, before it landed, there is a land or earth spell that suddenly covered and shield them. When the enemy barrage of mana arrows stop firing, I see a small orb of fire on the top of the strongest unit. The orb began to breathe fire to the enemy front lines, the enemy uses water spell to shield their front lines. After a few seconds, I can`t see anything, the fire and water clashed resulted in a large thick fog or gas.

Using my void hearing image, I focus on the area of where the strongest unit position '..I feel like I`m watching a live-action pack movie..' All the strongest unit uses their different strange weapons to pierce the enemy head while some of them are beheading them and some are hammering them to the ground. The enemy still looks confused on where are the positions of the one who attacking them.

‘..What a one sided and brutal way of fighting..’ When I see them fighting, somehow I feel excited similar on what I felt when I`m competing in the earth Olympics.

After a few moments, the fog slowly dissipating and I notice that our strongest unit is withdrawing. All of them are fine and some of them look unsatisfied with the result like they are lost something. When I see them all safe and coming back, I deactivated my void hearing image skill.

"Our strongest unit is coming, give them a way and prepare yourself! compress to 250m away from the gate." I heard vice-general Damascus shouted.


When I look to the enemy location, I see there is someone floating in the sky. '..An S-rank.. I think he is the general of the Carrio Desert Army..' My uncle stand on the top of the wall and they are glaring at each other.

The enemy is creating a huge fireball that resembles a big meteor, and throw it to the strongest unit that running toward us, My uncle change the trajectory of the fireball using his wind element skill and it landed on the small hill in quite far distance.


I heard a sound and feel some shockwave after the big fireball landed. After the enemy sees the action of my uncle, he floats downwards.

The heavy shield units give way to the strongest unit and quickly closing it. They open the gate and some of the archers go inside. While 1,000 elite archers position on the back of the heavy shield units, some of the archer's soldiers position themselves to the top of the wall.

While rolling my eyes, I see captain Rowena go to my uncle and I approach them to hear the casualties that they dealt on the enemy front lines.

"My King!" Captain Rowena immediately bowed her head when she sees me. Her silver light armor is paint by a different shade of blood.

"I want to hear your report." I said to her with a serious expression.

"My King, General, I can`t count the exact details of how many are the enemy casualties because of the fog, but my approximate is about 1,000-1,500 of the enemy heavy units have died while our strongest unit receives minor scratches, the strongest unit will need an hour to regenerate their mana." Captain Rowena said in her military manner.

"I thought they will be angry and lost their composure.. And they will retaliate fast.. but they didn`t do that and still slowly approaching us.. This Carrio Desert Army is smarter than we thought.." My uncle said then sighing.

'..So, that`s the reason the elite archers went in the back of the heavy shield units.'

"My king, General, In their current pace they will arrive here in an hour." Captain Rowena said in her usual military manner then suddenly, vice-general Lucas Drend Arrived.

"My king! General! Looks like our first trap didn`t work on them.." vice-general Lucas Drend bowed and said in a worried tone.

"Looks like this will be the last man standing battle.." My uncle said and sigh again.


The Great Bow Kingdom, Five hundred meters away from the main gate (P.O.V Rowena Brick)

"Kill them!" I shouted while my winter tiger and the strongest unit started running towards the front line of the enemies.

A few minutes later, I see the enemy front line nearby. Using my Ice spike skill, A fifty spikes that made of ice appear on the top of my head. My hand signal the wind element user on my back to use their wind skill to increase the speed of my ice spike, I shoot the ice spikes on the enemy middle heavy units. Some of the spikes landed on the head of the enemy middle front line while most of them caught off guard and still wounded because of the sudden burst of the speed of my ice spikes.


After a few seconds, I notice that their heavy soldier's infantry duck their head. I see their back and all their middle position archers are aiming at us. When I see it, I signal my earth user units to create an earth wall shield to cover us.

"Plop! Plop! Plop!"

My ears hear all their mana arrows landing on the earth wall shield that covering us. After the barrage of arrows stop. I signal all the fire user to compress a fireball on the top of us when I see the fireball is sufficient enough to deal damage. I signal the wind user to use their wind skill to guide the fire to the enemy front line and archers.

The enemy front lines are scorching when the fire approaching to their archers, the water users in the enemy uses a water shield skill to block the fire that came from us.

'..Just as I planned..'

A few seconds later, the clashing of fire and water continue and resulted in thick fog surrounding us. I signal to my unit to kill at your hearts content. All of us attack, I go to the side to reduce the enemy heavy infantry units.

"Clang! Clang!"

Everywhere, I hear the sounds of the clashing of a metal cluster. Using my ice longsword, I pierce the right eye of the first enemy in my front and my longsword penetrated through the back of his head. My winter tiger roar, And I see their desert wolves are coming at us, but they confused by the smell of the fire and water. They can`t locate us accurately.

"Ahh! Ahh!"

A lot of enemy soldiers shouted in agony. ‘.. A beautiful voice..’ The bloodlust on our unit are intensifying, even the desert wolves are started running away. Some of the enemy soldiers are backing off while some are slashing their swords in random directions.

When I notice that the fogs are dissipating, I whistle to notify my unit that we must return now to the bow kingdom. Some of the soldier in my unit looks dejected and some are satisfied.

'..I only kill 123 heavy infantry soldiers.. Sigh..'


In the middle of the clash (P.O.V One of the strongest unit soldiers)

When Captain Rowena see the fog is building up fast, She signal us to kill to our heart's content.

"At last.." I said in a low voice while grinning.

Using my huge metal hammer, I enhance it with my earth skill. I jump out to my mount and slam my huge hammer to the head of one of their heavy infantry soldiers.


A big crater appears. "Damn! Not Enough!" I said when I saw the soldier whole body is still intact and didn`t go flat to the ground.

"Haha! Kill! Kill! I`m gonna win this time!" I said while slamming my huge metal hammer on enemy soldiers, that can`t even see us, some of the soldiers that I hit are flatted on the ground.

After a few moments, I heard the whistle of Captain Rowena while there is still a soldier that kneeling in front of me.

"Don`t! Please, Don`t kill me! I have a family! I have four daughters!" He said in a loud voice while crying.

"You are quite lucky.. Aren`t you.." I said and quickly slam my huge hammer on the crying soldier.

"Perfect! Flattened Body!" I said while smiling and immediately ride my mount.

‘..I killed only 74 soldiers.. My bet has no chance of winning.. Looks like Captain Rowena will win again.. I should change my weapon to a lighter one but I love to flatten the enemy bodies..'


Carrio Desert Kingdom Army (P.O.V Boris Deep)

While looking at the map,"General Boris! The bow kingdom strongest unit that consists of 300 soldiers attacks us in our middle front line!" One of my commander officers said while panting.

"That`s not a problem, it`s opportunity, it`s only 300, just kill them!" I shouted to him and look again to the terrain of the bow kingdom.

"General their strongest unit is the best that I saw in my life when using different coordination skill.. They use the fog and kill 2,700 to 3,000 of our heavy infantry soldiers! and.. our 12 A-rank element users also died!" He explained to me.

"What!" I shouted and immediately go out. Using my combustion feet skill, I float above the ground, I see their strongest unit running away.

"Damn them!" I shouted while floating then I see their general looking at me in a far distance.

Using my meteorite skill, I throw it to the back of their 300 strong units that running away. I see my ball of fire is changing its direction and landed on an isolated small hill.

'..Damn this General!..' I stared again to their general as I feel my blood is boiling before going down.

'..Looks like this is a trap..'

"Tell to the vice-generals that do not engage the enemy, just defend and remain calm, we will remain in our current pace!" I shouted to the commander officers and he leave immediately.


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