《The Not Supposedly King》Chapter 25-Dark Side


Chapter 25-Dark Side

After a few days, My uncle called me in the Main Army Headquarter and told my role in the war. I visited little anna and asked Ms. Dana Evergreen to deliver alcoholic drinks in the arrow merchant city.

When I arrived in the Arrow Merchant city, The houses are temporarily occupied by our soldiers, I see my uncle nearby and the two vice generals, I approach them.

"My King, How are you?" The two vice-generals said in unison and my uncle looks stress on the side while looking at the map.

"What is the problem uncle?" I said in a worried voice.

"My King, We informed the Carrio Desert Army that the two other kingdoms are withdrawing to the war but they still persist, They are confident that they can handle everything even without the help of the other kingdoms, While they are marching towards here, all the trees are cut off at least 150m away from their army, We can`t ambush them.. In their current pace, their army will arrived approximately in two days." He said and looks like he didn`t have a good rest these past few days.

"Our elite archers can hit them 250m away right?" I asked him.

"Yes, but a thousand of desert wolves are scouting while they are moving, we tried to ambush them but as we got near them, they immediately fired us a barrage of mana arrows, luckily, we back off immediately and there are no casualties on us.." He said as he grits his teeth.

'..I feel like my uncle is different person now..'

"Uncle, I know how to heal some wounded soldier..I think it`s more likely a temporary heal.. if only our kingdom should have at least a light user.." I said then sigh.

"Temporary heal? how did you know that? You can visit the shopping district, all the wounded soldier are staying there. It will be better if we have a light user but most of them are staying in the empire cities.." He said while looking at me doubtfully.

"From reading books, you can trust me on this one.." I said then a door suddenly opened.

"My King, It`s good to see you.. I have important information to tell.." She said in her military mannered tone and bowed her head.

'..This shameless girl became a different person too but why there is so much blood on her clothes..'

She informed us that the Carrio Desert Kingdom Army has at least 1500 to 2000 A and B-rank primary element users, their general is an S-rank, earth or land user. One of the vice-general is A-rank sound user while the other one is unknown and might have the possibility of being A-rank unique element user.

"How did you know this information? Is this reliable?" I asked her with a curious expression.

"My King, We capture one of their commander soldiers using my beauty.. I tortured him to get the information and killed him.." She said when she`s said the last sentence, her voice became deep and I feel fear for a moment.


'..I think, now I know the reason, Why the princess is afraid of her, Commander, Please rest in peace.. Sigh..'

"Good job! Captain Rowena, Hey uncle, Can we put some traps before the enemy get here? or poison the river nearby?" I asked him when I remember some of the war history tactics back in the earth.

"My king, If we put traps on the land, their S-rank General will surely notice it because he is an earth user.. and for the water supplies, they have a beast that can store a large amount of water." Vice-general Lucas Drend informed me while I`m still thinking of some war history traps back in the earth.

After a few moments, General Damascus and Captain Rowena leaves to prepare their units. My uncle and Vice-general Lucas discussing some formation of the army in the map. While seeing the map, I only understand a few details about them.

"Hey, uncle, Who is the one who creating these plots?" I asked him with a curious expression.

"All the strategy and tactics have come from Vice-general Lucas Drend while I just approving some of them.." He said while still looking at the map.

"Then Why are you the general? If you`re not thinking anything? It should .." I said and Lucas Drend cut.

"My king, I think you're quite wrong, The specialty of our general is his awareness." He said to me.

"What do you mean awareness?" I asked again curiously.

"My king, The reason your uncle is general because he is good at guessing, I mean his guts is always right, He is always making good decisions." He said and chuckled.

"What do you mean guts and guessing? I`m thinking every possibility of the outcome before I make a decision, Anyway, I`m gonna sleep for a moment I feel exhausted." My stress looking uncle said and leave.


After two days, I woke up when I heard a loud sound that came from a trumpet.

"The enemy is 8 km away from the main gate!" Someone shouted, I get up immediately and run fast to the top of the wall.

When I arrive at top of the wall, I feel the atmosphere is heavier than usual and astonish in what I`m witnessing. The 2500 heavy shield units of our army surround the gate 500m away, I see all the 10,000 archers in their back and 4,000 Archers on both sides of the heavy shield unit. All the 5,000 elite soldiers are on top of the wall, while the remaining soldiers are inside and they act as a reserve unit.

My ears hear rumbling sounds and see the gate slowly opening. The strongest unit of the bow kingdom leading by Captain Rowena enters the army formation, all of them have a different beast mount. I see Captain Rowena riding on the top of a large white tiger beast, she is wearing a white light armor and holding a golden helmet on her left hand. I remember my uncle told me that our strongest unit can use the primary elements, only Captain Rowena can use the evolve element. The strongest unit stopped in the front of the shield units, I look around and see my uncle with vice-general Damascus Ion discussing something near the gate, I jump near them.


"My King!" General Damascus said and bowed his head.

"Uncle, the strongest unit should be our trump card.. Why they are in the front?" I asked him with a curious expression.

"I think that someone behind who cause these war knows the history of our strongest unit, that`s why that someone, plan this alliance. Our strongest unit soldiers are all bloodthirsty killers.. they cannot wait in the back, they trained to kill the enemy in front of them.. they gonna pierce all the enemy defenses. They gonna go to them back and forth, as long as they can kill, Captain Rowena can control them also, their endurance is all abnormal." He explained to me and whispered something to vice-general Damascus, After Damascus heard it, he immediately goes into the Arrow Merchant City.

"Especially train to be killers? Why do we have that kind of unit.." I asked again as my face is frowning.

"Well, I think, It`s because of you, my king," He said seriously.

"Me? I don`t remember anything regarding this strongest unit.." I explained to him.

"My king, Your father didn`t say it to me, but I connected it. Fifteen years ago, He proposed of creating the strongest unit in the bow kingdom. He trained and took all the 13 years old child that have at least any element in them. He trained them personally in a brutal way, The 300 strong unit are originally 489 children, but most of them died while doing the training. I saw your father crying when one of the children is dead. I told him that time that he should stop his madness, but he insists and said that we need to create the strongest unit for the future of the bow kingdom. My guess is, he started all of that madness after he knows that someone sealed your element." He explained to me in a serious expression.

'..Looks like this kingdom has a lot more secrets than I imagined, this boy`s father could train the children normally, why did he need to train them in a brutal way.. fucking idiocracy! for the sake of his only son and unsure future, he sacrificed 189 children!..' While seeing the strongest unit, there is guiltiness and rage in my heart. '..I should be the one who kill this boy`s father!..'

"Hey boy! I mean my king! Are you alright?" My uncle shouted in a worried expression and I close my eyes for a moment.

"I`m alright, I will leave first, I need to prepare myself." I said as I open my eyes.

Inside of someone's house, I`m trying to regain myself. '..Relax.. Breath in and out.. This world is different than modern earth.. even in the earth there are wars and some brutal ways that recorded in the history..'


Arrow Merchant City, Main Gate (P.O.V Rowena Brick)

Behind my back, is the strongest unit of the Bow Kingdom. I signal the guard to open the gate and we headed outside, We are moving to the front of the heavy shield unit.

After a few minutes, We arrived at the front of the heavy shield unit and I face them. "All of you! We're gonna kill the enemy but we should not be reckless! We are the strongest unit and we cannot die here! Each of us is needed by our king.. But If I see some of you ignore or not follow my command, I will kill you on the spot!" I said and all of them give me a creepy smile.

After a few moments, the first wave of their army should arrive in four to six hours.

While standing and waiting for the enemy army. I feel that there is someone wanted to kill. '..What a heavy bloodlust!..' I turn around my head and use my mana in my eyes to trace who is that person. '..Our king?.. Or the General?..' I see also the strongest unit turn around their head.

"It`s General Leon Port, It`s not our king." I shouted to them then they look at me again.

After few hours, Using mana in my eyes, I see the enemy army in a distance and I look to my unit. "All of you! The enemy is in front of us! We trained for this moment! Kill!" I shouted as my eyes are widened and lift up my ice sword.

"Kill! Kill!" All of them shouted in unison and the atmosphere became heavier.

"Kill them!" I shouted while my winter tiger and the strongest unit started running towards the front line of the enemies.


Carrio Desert Army Camp. (P.O.V Boris Deep)

"General Boris! One of our commander soldiers is gone. We can`t find any of his tracks!" One of the scouting soldiers said.

"Looks like they got one of us.. Change of plans! We need to attack now! Prepare the army!, Place the heavy unit in the front while all of our 1500 primary element users will be in the middle, they will be cover the heavy units and the archers in the back. You vice generals will be waiting in the back, if we see the void user king enter the battlefield, you two vice generals will take care of him. while General Leon, I will personally kill him." I said in a loud voice inside the meeting place.

"Yes, General!" All of them said and immediately leave.

'..If their elite archers shoot their mana arrows in our heavy units, our primary element users that can use earth and wind element can shield them.. While their General and the void king is already a checkmate and their three hundred men strongest unit is only the capable of using the primary elements.. I think their strongest unit will act as their last lifeline..'


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