《The Not Supposedly King》Chapter 20-Surge of Emotions


Chapter 20-Surge of Emotions

The water General is inside the house while he`s fucking some women on his bed. My whole body is in aiming position and plan to hit the back of the head of the water General. A few moments later, my hands let the arrow fly and apply the blink skill to the back of his head.

The water general tilts his head and looks like he heard my mana arrow. My mana arrow still grazes the lower right head of the General. My hand let another mana arrow fly again and blink it to his body but my mana arrow landed on his water barrier and didn`t penetrate it. After he activates his water barrier, My firing of mana arrow halted. The water General immediately go outside and jump on the top of his house.

My eyes saw the face of the water General and his right cheek is a bloody mess. I saw him on the top of his house standing. 'I think he`s applying the mana to his eyes and ears to search the proprietor..' My Void Emotion skill is still activated and didn`t feel any pressure. My position is still the same while my eyes see the water General is coming fast towards my position. 'How did he know.. My hiding place is the best view.. he judged it from that..' after pondering things, i blink to the nearby trees. My movements are circling their camp and go to the reverse position of my hiding place earlier. I see a medium size tree and go to the top of it to check the current situation.

The water general used some sort of water blades and cut all the trees where i hid then he signaled to the high position looking soldier. He used a big amount of water and pushes the other trees to the sides. He is going to my left while splashing a big amount of water everywhere. All the nearby trees are falling down one by one.

All of the soldiers are cutting the trees on my right side using their spears. The trees on my right side are also slowly falling down while the high looking position soldier using his wind spell to cut the other trees on my right side.

A few moments later, the water general gets a blue potion in his pocket. When he`s about to drink it, i immediately shoot a mana arrow and the general caught by surprised. He activated his water barrier immediately using his two hands. The blue potion dropped and I rapidly fire 55 mana arrows to his water barrier consecutively. I see his face looking pale and look like his mana is dwindling down.


The nearby soldiers saw their general is having a hard time while most of them are searching for the proprietor. I cast immediately the Void Prison to the General and some soldiers tried to destroy the void prison. When the general is inside the prison, i immediately fire another barrage of mana arrow. Most of my mana arrow deflected by the general using his small water shield but one of my mana arrows is clearly hit his right shoulder. One of the soldiers that look like in high position nearby casting a spell, when he`s about to hit the void prison, I put 10% of my mana to my electric arrow, i immediately fire and apply blink skill to it. The high looking position soldier caught off guard and the electric arrow hit his chest area. He roars in pain and falls down while his whole body is full of static even his hairs are all turned up.

The general cast a different spell inside the prison but he can`t leave a scratch on it. To reduce my mana consumption, i blink to the trees nearby and go to the void prison. All of the soldiers look shocked when they saw me and trying to hit the prison with all they got. We teleport immediately to the high ground area while the general is kneeling and groaning in pain.

From my storage ring, i get the two blue potions and drink it. The General inside the void prison is crying. He is saying something but my Void Hearing Image is still activated and can’t hear what he’s saying. In my storage ring, i get a long sword and slowly walk towards the general. Using my quick reflex skill, i beheaded him swiftly while his severed head eyes still widened. My hands hold his head and closed his eyes. From my storage ring, i get the long thin spear that i looted from them. Using the long thin spear, i pierced the general head and put it into my storage ring.

After a few seconds, i immediately go to their camp and plan to burn their important goods. I saw them and all of the soldiers are still searching for us. The nearby trees in their camp are on the ground. Using my blink skill, i quickly go to the one of the tree and loose fire wooden arrows and burn their tents. One of the soldiers noticed my fire in the wooden arrow. I immediately blink to the other trees that on the ground. Finally, i saw a clear image of their important goods. My hand is holding the wisp bow and fire 50 wooden arrows. After a few minutes, their whole camp is on the fire. All of them abandon their camp and move to the other side. There is a high ground and a thick tree is on the top of it, i put the spear on the tree where their general severed head is on the top of it.


While checking around, i saw the body of the high looking position soldier. From the way i see it, look like i hit his heart area and died instantly from the electric shock. There is a tree nearby that is on the ground where i can clearly see them and i blink to it. While on the tree, one of the soldiers saw their General head and called the others. All of them have no reactions like they expecting it to happen then one of the soldiers speak. I deactivate my Void Hearing Image skill and put my mana into my ears to hear them.

"Soldiers of the Snake Gaze Kingdom, General Khali Mamba and Vice-General Bulrak Viper died.. Most of our foods are burned, 50% of armories are gone and most of our tents are just turned to ashes.. I want to go back to our kingdom and report to the king first.. that the Void user King is more troublesome than we thought.. Is there anyone doesn't agree? If we continue to go to the bow kingdom the void user king might kill us. He is giving us a choice.." One of the soldiers said in a loud voice and all of the soldiers remained silent. A few hours later, after they retrieved some goods, their General Head and Vice-General Body they began to move towards their Kingdom.

A few hours later after they left, I go to the nearby pond and removed my mud all over my body. I set up a tent and go inside of it. I feel sleepy and exhausted. After my Void Emotion skill deactivates, my eyes became watery and tears from my eyes are falling down. I feel my head is splitting into many parts and groaning loudly.

"Argh...Argh.." I said loudly while my hands is holding my head tightly. All my actions earlier are coming back and i saw them all clearly.

I remember the pleading of their general to his life, the surprised reaction of their vice general, the head of the general that looks shocked when i beheaded him and when i pierced the general head using the long spear. I`m crying loudly and i can`t stop the surge of my emotions. After a long hour, my mind can`t take it and lost my consciousness.

When i woke up, i eat immediately while some of my tears are still falling down. I look up to the sky and see it`s afternoon.

'If there`s another way i don`t want to kill again.. That void emotion skill is too dangerous.. i might become crazy if i continue using it.. Even now my heart is still beating fast..' I thought to myself while my body is sweating.

After few hours, my body finally relaxed. Using my Void Wings, i float a thousand feet to see which way is my destination. My Void wings can only fly at a walking person speed and a lot of mana will be consumed.

After i saw which way the destination is, i go to the ground and changed my sweaty clothes. Using my lightning feet and void presence skill, i leave the area and go to my next destination.

'I wish.. i can do it peacefully this time.. My mana is almost depleted earlier.. I need to be more careful.. i want to go back to earth.. I wonder how my Alicia doing..' pondering things while running fast.


Red Forest

The Snake Gaze Kingdom army camp (P.O.V Khali Mamba)

'Shit! I’m trapped inside of this.. Void thing.. my mana is only 10% now.. why.. why.. can`t my mana regenerate..' while pondering things, i tried to hit the prison with a few minor spells but it didn`t work. Using my mana i enhance my ears, a lot of mana arrows suddenly appears in my front. Using my lesser water shield skill, i deflected the most of them. One of the arrows escapes from my sight and it landed on my right shoulder.

"Shit...ahh!" I shouted and put my left hand to the punctured wound in my right shoulder.

After a few seconds, a naked man appears on my front. He`s all body is full of gray mud. 'Shit! so.. that`s why i can’t see him' I thought to myself while kneeling on the ground and some tears are falling on my face because of the pain.

After a few seconds, we teleported somewhere and his drinking blue potion on my front. My left and right thigh have a poisonous dagger. My left hand is slowly approaching the left dagger on my thigh. "Please.. please spare me.. i just obeying the orders of our king.. I know your.. The king of the bow kingdom you.. should know that! I will immediately command our army to go back to our kingdom.. and i promised that.. we will never try again to take over your kingdom.. Please.." I said while crying to delay him and he slowly approaching while holding a thin long sword. My left hand is on a dagger but when i was about to stab him, a fast silver light approach my neck.

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