《The Not Supposedly King》Chapter 19-Inferno Camp


Chapter 19-Inferno Camp

My plan is to intercept the armies of different kingdoms and burn their tents, foods storage and armories this is what i told to my uncle. Killing their General`s and Commanders are also on my list but i choose not to tell him.

Using my lightning feet and blink skill, i go to the Red Forest where the Snake Gaze Kingdom army is. Almost all of the plants and leaves are red that`s the reason they called it Red Forest, while the trunk of the trees is gray. The Trees here are thick and tall, it`s about 300-600 ft. height. Along the way, my eyes saw a different huge and small beast. Using my Void Presence skill, all of them can`t feel my presence. After my tent is set up, i used the Void Hearing Image skill to check the surroundings if safe and go to sleep.

Four days have passed and finally, i spotted their army. 'Fuck!..There are so many of them..so this are over a hundred thousand people look liked..' I thought to myself after i saw the size of their huge army. The soldiers are wearing armors that have a snake icon in their chest area, most of them are equipped with a long thin spear and medium size oblong wooden shield. My plans are to find some mud to cover my body and attack at night. Along the way, i saw a small cave and set up my tent. Inside the tent, i sleep for a moment.

After i woke up, i look at the sky and it`s quite dark. 'I need to find that mud.. it`s time for that..' I thought to myself and check my surroundings. A few moments later, i finally found some sticky dark gray mud. Using the short sword, my long hair was cut until it was gone and put all my clothes in storage ring except for my briefs. After a few minutes, my whole body is covered in the mud. My plan is to use the mud to camouflage and to lessen the weakness of the Void presence skill.

'It`s almost midnight.. Most of them should be sleeping..' Using the Void Presence and blink skill, i moved to the nearby trees and slowly approaching their camp. My distance from their camp is ten meters away. Using my Void Hearing Image skill, i located where their foods and armories storage. Their food storage is in the middle right side of their camp while their armories are in the middle north side. 'Woah! what was that..' In the small house at the top of a huge turtle beast, i detected a man fucking three women while the two other women are sleeping.


Using my blink skill, i move where my body can camouflage and slowly approaching their food storage. There are 3 tents where the foods storage located two of them are on the top of a beast that similar to mammoth. Inside of the food storage tents, i put papers and get some rice. A few minutes later, i go inside of their armory tents. There are swords and shields that i loot and put some papers to the tents.

There is a long tree that is perfect for my camouflage and i go to the top of it. My eyes can clearly see their whole camp. 'Many of them sleeping soundly.. I can kill some of them but i want to decrease the death rate as much as possible.. I just need to diminish their morals.. and they will go back to their kingdom..' I thought to myself after i saw the soldiers that sleeping soundly.

From my storage ring, i get my wisp bow, wooden arrow and fire stone. My electric arrow can generate heat but not as much as this wooden arrow. My hand is holding the wooden arrow and put fire on it using the fire stone. My whole body is in the aiming position, i let my arrow fly and apply blink skill on the wooden arrow that is on fire and loose another fire wooden arrow. All the arrows are blinked inside of the food storage and armories tents, the fire is slowly building up. After i activate the Void Emotion skill, i shoot the wooden arrows at their tents and mana arrow for the beasts.

The fire is obvious and big, most of their tents are on it. All the soldiers panic and they go outside, they run to the small house where the man who fucks 3 women located. The man goes on the top of his small house and doing some kind of spell.

A few moments later, a big amount of water splash to their tents and removed the fire instantly. The man told something to the soldiers after they heard the man, all of them go to the outside of their camp and began searching.

All of the soldiers began they`re searching for the proprietor for a long time. Some of them are in my tree where i hide. After a few hours, all of the soldiers go to the fucker man and report their findings.

In the top of the tree, i feel exhausted and still didn`t move a muscle. When the sun rises all of the soldiers prepared themselves and began to move. A few hours later, no one is in the area. After a few moments, i found some good spot to sleep and set up my tent. In the nearby pond, i removed all the mud in the body and go back to my tent.


'I only damage 30% of their goods, armories and tents.. that fucker general..' I thought to myself while in sleeping position. My uncle told me that the General of the Gaze kingdom might be a Water or Wind user.' I am sure they`re going to tighten their security tomorrow. This will be a pain in the ass..' I thought to myself before going to sleep.


In the afternoon after waking up, i eat inside the tent. After a few minutes, i go outside and put a mud all over my body. 'It`s almost night..' I thought to myself after i saw the sky. Using my lightning feet skill, i close the distance between me and their army. A few hours later, I saw their army camp and noticed that they`re almost outside the red forest. Using my Void Presence and blink skill, i go to the nearby trunks and check out their new camp formation

All their goods and armories are located now in the middle of their camp, it surrounds the huge turtle beast. There are many guards that patrolling in the center and the outside of their camp.

My plan is to kill the water general first, i can`t burn their important goods if that water general is alive. Using my Void Hearing Image skill, i located him and surprisingly he is just sitting waiting for something. 'I need to wait until he let his guard down.' I thought to myself after i saw their general is quite vigilant.

A few moments later, it`s dawn. Finally, he goes to one of his women. 'That`s my cue..' I thought after long hours of waiting. After activating my Void Emotion Skill, i get the wisp bow from my storage ring.

My whole body is in the aiming position and planning to target the back of the water General head.


Red Forest

The Snake Gaze Kingdom Camp (P.O.V Khali Mamba)

My army is two weeks and two days away from the rendezvous point. I'm quite relaxed because i heard that the other 2 big kingdoms army, each of them has over a hundred thousand armies marching to the bow kingdom.

"Hey, You three! Go to the bed and put your ass up! let`s have some fun.." I told to the 3 women sitting on the table and grin. I removed the two girls sleeping in my bed. I fuck one of them and slap her butt. "This is life! Yeah.." I shouted while the two other women are still put their ass up.

"General Khali Mamba! The camp is on fire!" someone shouted outside.

"Just put some water on it!" I shouted and still moving my hips while the women in front of me is moaning.

"General Khali Mamba! The whole camp is on the fire! If you will not to take action we will be forced to go back to our kingdom!" Someone shouted angrily.

"This soldiers can`t even extinguish some fire.." I said in a low voice and go out. 'Shit..' I thought to myself after i saw the whole camp is on fire. "Are we under attack?" I asked the nearby soldier in a loud voice and jump to the top of my house.

"No, General.. The guards and scouts didn`t see anything. The tents are suddenly on fire and some beasts are rampaging." said the nearby soldier in his respectful manner.

After i heard the current situation, I cast the Enlarge Wave spell to the whole camp. A big amount of water appeared on the top of the whole camp then a resounding splash of water could be heard.

The fire on the camp extinguished after the big amount of water dropped. I told to the guards that search for the area because someone causes it. While still waiting on the top of my house i check out the area and apply mana in my eyes and ears. I can`t detect anyone besides our army. A few hours later, a soldier came back and told me that they didn`t see anyone.

'Is it the new void user..but he is the king.. It`s better to be cautious..' I thought to myself after i heard the report of the soldier.

In the morning we immediately moved. I command the vice general to change our formation and prioritize the safety of the goods. I also told him to increase the patrol and put a person on guard inside the tents.

We stopped when we saw the sky getting darker and set up our camp. I checked the new formation, i`m quite satisfied with it and went inside of my house. 'If that someone is a void user.. he should attack now..' I thought to myself while sitting and remain cautious all the time.

A few hours later, it`s almost morning. 'So.. the one who causes the fire is not the void user..' I thought to myself after sitting for a long time and sigh. I called the girl nearby and told her to put her ass up in the bed. 'I want to fuck her before going to sleep.' I thought and the girl put her ass up to the bed. After i began to move my hips, suddenly i heard a whistling sound behind my back.

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