《The Not Supposedly King》Chapter 18-Passing Armies


Chapter 18-Passing Armies

A few hours later, I arrived at the Royal City. I`m quite dishearten because the Royal City has become a ghost town, only a few people can be seen. I go to the Adventurer Guild, the monster old woman Brena Breath is still sitting and some adventurers talking on the front of mission board. I asked her detailed information about the credit system of the adventurer guild. She told me that every mission on adventurer guild has rewards but only B rank difficulty and above have credits reward. Every B rank missions have 5-10 credits reward, A rank missions have 20-50 credits award, S rank missions have 200-400 credits award and for SS rank above, she said that it`s early for me to know. I asked her too about how much credits you need to exchange from S and SS rank skill. She said that most of the S rank skills and spells are ranging 8,000 to 10,000 credits while the SS rank skills and spells are ranging 15,000-20,000 credits.

'Looks like this boy`s father do more than a decade of grinding..' I thought to myself after i heard the needed credits exchange for the S rank above skills and spells.

I asked her too about the assassin’s guild but she told me that i need to pay credits for that information. She laughs and congratulates me for being a Void user. She told me that there are only 5 void users in the human continent including myself. I asked her the name of the other void users but she told me that i need to pay credits for that and laugh again.

I go to the Royal Castle after the talked with Brena Breath. I see little Anna running to me.

"Mister.. How are you... I miss.. you.." She said to me while trying her best not to cry.

"I`m very fine little Anna.. haha! I miss your cheeks too.." I said to her and pinch her cheeks.

After the heartwarming moment with little Anna, we go to the dining room and eat dinner. Ms. Dana Evergreen informed me that she only got 800 wooden arrows. The Blacksmith leave immediately after he knows that the war is coming early.

I asked Ms. Dana Evergreen about the information of 3 kingdoms that wage a war on the Bow Kingdom. She said that the 3 kingdoms are also known as the 3 big kingdoms of this region. Each of them has 9 to 12 cities and they`re population are ranging from 4 million to 6 million. They are The Great Kingdom of Baruka, The Carrio Dessert Kingdom and The Snake Gaze Kingdom. They`re army is ranging from 400,000 to 600,000. The Great Kingdom of Baruka has three S ranker while the remaining two kingdom, each of them has two S ranker.


After Ms. Dana Evergreen informed me about the Army force of the 3 big kingdoms, i feel weaken and i don`t know if we can really have a chance to win this war.

'I really want to abandon this kingdom.. but i promised to this..boy that i will try to save his kingdom.. I should just have do research on how to go back in earth... this will be a bloody..shit..' I thought to myself while feeling a bit regret of my promised action and fall sleep.


On the next morning, I eat early and didn`t wait for little Anna to come. I get the 800 wooden arrow from Ms. Dana Evergreen and put it to my storage ring. I also get some fire stone from the kitchen then go to the Royal Treasury Room and get the another storage ring, some red and blue potions. I told to Ms. Dana Evergreen that i will go to the Lower Limb City to tell my plans to my uncle.

I used my Lightning feet skill and arrived after 20 minutes at the Army Headquarter. I see my uncle talking with the 3 persons, one of them is General Damascus Ion. After they saw me they all bowed.

"My King, I am Vice-General Lucas Drend. It`s good to see you." One of the 3 persons introduced himself to me in a formal manner. He is about 6 ft. tall, gray hair, thin face and slim body. He is a wind A rank user.

"My King, I am the strongest and the most beautiful woman in the bow kingdom. The Captain of the strongest unit Rowena Brick." One of the 3 persons introduced herself to me again in a formal manner. She is 5`7 ft. tall, black hair, oblong face shape, white skin, brown eyes and her chest is flat. She is Ice A rank user. The only evolve element user in the Bow Kingdom Army.

'She is quite a beauty.. but to say that she is the most beautiful women in the kingdom in straight face.. and her boobs.. I don`t even know if she has it..' I thought to myself after Rowena Brick introduced herself and suddenly someone cut.

"She is correct my king, Rowena Brick is the most beautiful women in the bow kingdom.. Because most of the women already left the kingdom.." General Lucas Drend said in a formal manner and every one laugh hard, while Rowena Brick face became red and looks really angry. The room became somewhat cold.

Before they do some sparring session, i signaled them to stop. I told them to leave us and my uncle for a moment.

I asked my uncle the details of the enemy and told my uncle my war plans but he refused my proposals. I showed him my necklace, potions and told him that i will prioritize my safety first. He said that he will assist me but i refused. I told him that he doesn’t have a skill that can hide his presence and he will be just a burden.


"All right, but you should prioritize your safety first or your father will kill me even in the afterlife." He said while his face is full of worries and just signal me to go away.

"Uncle, Is there a potion to heal a lost hair?" I asked before i leave the room.

"Hahaha! What? Are you losing your hair? Haha..Your too young.. I think that`s the reason why that girl turned you down haha.. I don`t think there`s a potion for that.. but most of the healers can heal your losing hair.. so don`t worry.." He said and laugh again. His worried face faded after i asked him. I leave immediately and even outside i can hear he`s laughing.

I go to the nearby soldiers to ask if they have a moonlight crocodile meat. He said that meat is too expensive to have here. I get some small tent and put it in my storage ring. I will go to the Royal City to get some meat.

After 20 minutes i arrived at the Royal City. I go to Ms. Dana Evergreen and she gave me the meat. She told me that Minister Martin Dawn has just arrived. I immediately go to the throne room to see Minister Martin Dawn.

"Minister Martin Dawn, Thank you for hard work. You are really good at persuading.." I said to Minister Martin Dawn and he looked shocked after my sudden arrival. I only see 3 ministers at the throne room.

"My King, Of course.. actually the Mighty Stone Kingdom back out after they heard that you are a void user and Leon Port is S ranker while the Wood Kingdom king owe your father, only they`re ministers approved of joining the alliance not their king." He said in a respectful manner.

'I thought Minister Martin Dawn is the traitor.. but looks like he`s not.. He even now shows some respect to me..' I thought after i heard Minister Martin Dawn. "Minister Martin Dawn this is only i can give you now because there is war.. I will give you later the rest of your rewards.. if we win this war.." I said to him and gave him the 5,000 gold. His eyes widened after he saw the amount of gold.

"My King.. This is too much.. Thank you.." He said and he look like satisfied with the gold’s that i gave him.

"As Expected from Minister Martin Dawn.. Anyway you can share your rewards right?" Minister Ren said and laughed while touching the back of Minister Martin Dawn.

After i gave the reward to Minister Martin Dawn. I immediately left the Royal Castle.

A few minutes later i arrived at the Arrow Merchant City. 'The liveliest city also became ghost town..' I thought after i saw the Arrow Merchant City. I go outside and preparing to do my mission impossible.


Gobari Desert.

The Carrio Desert Kingdom Army 130,000 marching soldiers and different beast could be seen.

"General Boris Deep, We are 4 weeks away from our rendezvous point with the other kingdoms. We will be late by a week if we remain in this pace." Said one of the scout soldiers.

"We can't do anything about it, our kingdom is the farthest away from the bow kingdom. We can't increase our pace or else most of us will be tired before we arrive. The other kingdoms will understand that. Go now and notify them that we will be late by a week." I said to the scouter while on the top of the dessert wolf beast.

'Why do we need 130,000 army .. It's just a beginner void A rank user, one S rank wind user and their 50,000 armies..' I thought to myself while my dessert wolf and the kingdom army are moving in a walking person speed.


Red Forest.

The Snake Gaze Kingdom Army 120,000 marching soldiers and different beast could be seen.

"You there! When will we arrive at the rendezvous point?" I shouted at the window of my small house. The small house is on the top of the Goliath Turtle beast.

"Ge..General.. Khali Mamba.. we will ..Arrive in three weeks to the rendezvous point." Said the soldier near the Goliath turtle beast in his nervous voice.

"Hey, beauties.. I have three more weeks to fuck you all.." I said while looking at the 5 woman`s on my bed while all the woman`s faces look lifeless.


Reliance Plain.

The Great Kingdom of Baruka Army 150,000 marching soldiers and different beast could be seen.

"Princess Cassandra Olive, We are three weeks away from the rendezvous point. Please prepare yourself because this is your first campaign. I cannot guarantee your safety all the time. You should know that the bow kingdom has a void element user and.." Said General Garry Brown before he finishes his speech I interrupted him.

"bla bla bla.. I know that already.. Please stop blabbering your mouth for a day.. Before we arrive I will die because of your mouth.." I said to him in lazy tone and go again inside of the big carriage to sleep.

'Father.. I told you I will lead this campaign.. I don`t need this noisy general.. The bow kingdom army is just 50,000.. We even have an alliance to the 2 big kingdoms.' I thought to myself then sigh before going to sleep.

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