《The Not Supposedly King》Chapter 17-Inexplicable Past


Chapter 17-Inexplicable Past

"About the death of your father and the reason I became S-rank.." He said in a serious tone and his face saddened after he mentioned the death of my father.

My uncle told me that someone hired an assassin from assassin guild to kill this boy's father. After they finished the missions, they always go to the nearby kingdom where the missions took place to get their rewards from the adventurer guild then check the borders of the bow kingdom before they enter.

When they've surveyed the border of our kingdom, a darkness S rank element user came out of nowhere and attacked this boy's father. This boy's father caught by surprised. The assassin's aim at the neck of this boy's father and this boy's father tried to block it, but still, the dagger grazed the arm of this boy's father while blocking it. This boy's father began his counter attack and blink away then fly. He shoots the 600 blinking arrow fast and 30 of them landed to the assassin's body. The assassin can't counter attack because this boy's father used his void hearing image to locate the assassin while flying. The body of the assassin received serious injury all over his body. They go to the assassin’s body to heal it using red potions and interrogate it, but all they saw was the assassin’s badge. All the assassin’s body exploded in different parts. This boy's father just drinks the red potion to close his wounds.

This boy`s father used his adventurer guild credit to exchange [Void Emotion] and [Void Devour]. The [Void Emotion] skill is S rank skill while the [Void Devour] is an SS rank skill. They are doing different mission`s for over a decade to increase their credits to the adventurer guild to exchange in these two skills. The adventurer guild has their own credit system, you can use your credits and exchange it for skills, items and information using the credits. This is the reason that even the Emperors and Kings are members of adventurer guild.

The [Void Emotion] skill will empty or hold your Emotions as long as you're using it, but after you deactivate the skill, your Emotions will come back to you and all your Emotions that holding.

The [Void Devour] spell can remove all the seals magic or spell. The stronger the seal the more mana will be consumed and you will feel twice the pain of the one you cast unless it`s not alive.

The two skills complement each other for the safety of the caster and the one cast. After two days this boy's father became pale and can't even walk straight. They on the Arrow Merchant City that time and call all the healers or doctors but all of them can't trace what poison it is.


After this boy's father know that he is dying. He told to General Leon Port that my mana core element is sealed when I was 3 years old. Someone sealed it, this boy's father didn`t know who did it. It`s one of the reasons he pretended that he know nothing to protect this boy. He requested to General Leon Port to find another void user to remove my seal and protect me. This boy's father do a taboo spell that only unique elements can do, he transferred all of his mana essences to General Leon Port and that's the reason General Leon Port became S-ranker.

After my uncle finished the story of how my father died, I gave him the wind S rank beast mana core and he gave me the two void skills. I also told him that I will personally participate in the war. He has only one condition, if he can`t catch me, he will let me participate.

'I wonder who is the traitor..' I thought after I heard the story of this boy`s father death.

On the afternoon in the field, my uncle and I are preparing to catch and run duel.

"Hey boy..I mean my king are you ready?" Leon Port said to me. He also wore my sleeveless compression shirt design.

"You know that I have blink skill.. All right let`s start.." I said to him and sighing.

I blink away immediately and fly above while looking at him. There is a small tornado on his feet and fly fast towards my position, I blink again and he touches my back.

"You're dead! haha!" He said loudly and laughed, after he touched my back.

'How did he do that.. He expected where I blink.. No..' I thought to myself after he catches me. "Hey, uncle how did you know where will I blink?.." I asked him and the reason is, I don`t have a clue on how did he caught me.

"You're so obvious.. Where you will blink.." He said and didn`t give any specific details.

After four hours of catching and running, I tried everything except for using my lightning skills but didn`t make any progress at all. When the sky's getting darker, we stopped our catch and run duel and my body feels quite heavy.

"Uncle.. Let`s do this again tomorrow in the afternoon. You’re just lucky this day.. I`m not in a good condition.." I said to him while panting and found some excuses on how I lost.


"Haha, Alright I will catch you again tomorrow.. Anyway, I will go now in my bedroom.." He said excitedly while evil grin appeared on his face and vanished quickly.

'Looks like Ms. Dana Evergreen will wear the lingerie tonight..' I thought to myself after I saw my uncle evil grin. After eating, I go to my bedroom and rest. 'Damn those couple.. They`re doing things while their king is alone and lonely...' I thought to myself and feel a bit envy before going to sleep.


In the next morning while the three of us are eating, I get the t-back in my storage ring.

"Ms. Dana Evergreen, I have something here.. The name of this is T-back.." I said to them and showed the t-back on my hands. They both choked while I laughed hard after I saw their reactions.

"Damn this Boy!.. I mean my king.. Stop that! Ms. Dana Evergreen will not sleep here tonight.." My uncle said while Ms. Dana Evergreen covering her tomato color face.

"Looks like my uncle will be lonely tonight.. Ms. Dana Evergreen, I need you to do something for me.." I teased them and asked Ms. Dana Evergreen, to go to the blacksmith that will craft at least thousand wooden arrows. She didn`t ask the reason of sudden request of wooden arrows, she still looking downward and her face still red.

After Ms. Dana Evergreen left, I go to my bedroom to learn the [Void Emotion] skill.

Inside of my bedroom, I learned the skill Void Emotion quickly. 'This is a strange feeling.. I think that I became a robot.. I don`t feel any emotion..'

On the afternoon, my uncle catches me again effortlessly.

After two weeks my uncle can`t touch even my clothes and said to me that I passed. We checked the effects of my flexibility training. The Archer soldiers now can hit 200m to 220m with great accuracy. We also told to the Elite Archer units to do the flexibility training. My uncle is better than close combat than long range combat and he teaches me on how to use the short swords. I became good at it after a week.

We received a report that the 3 kingdoms will attack us after one month. The two kingdoms that interested in joining their alliance have back off. 'I guess Minister Martin Dawn succeeded on his mission..'

The report also said that the 3 kingdoms will attack early because my void element has awoken and General Leon Port became S-rank.

Before leaving the Lower Limb City, I check out the infamous Underworld Prison. It`s an underground prison and only the 50m of a dark long narrow tunnel is safe. After 50m, the kingdom constructed a sturdy double door while tunnel body is similar to the black reddish walls of the bow kingdom. I command the warden to open the door and told him that I will not enter.

'Woah... I feel that there is something there.. fuck!.. What was that!' I immediately signal the warden and guards to close the door immediately. I activated my skill void emotion after I feel that I’m going to pee while my body is sweating furiously. I immediately leave and go outside.

'What the fuck was that! I feel someone noticed me.. This is the first time someone scared me like that.. It`s only a second but I know someone is there.. and it`s not good..' After I exit the Underworld Prison, I go to the side of some house wall to pee.

'Curiosity can kill a cat..' I thought to myself after reminding me one of the famous proverbs back in the earth. I learned that curiosity is both bad and a good thing then someone interrupted my thoughts.

"Haha.. I warned you not to open the door.. you almost piss right? haha.. You're quite lucky that you learned the void emotion skill. When your father and I open that door we.. ah.. Something came to my eyes.." My uncle said and his eyes became watery after he remembers this boy`s father.

'Looks like he miss this boy`s father..' I thought to myself while my uncle disappeared. I will not improve here furthermore. I need to go to the Royal Training Room to train and devise a plan for the upcoming war. I am not really confident if I can kill a person or not but after I learned the void emotion skill, I think I will not hesitate to kill. I don`t know how hard will be the after effects of this void emotion skill. I think, I’ll be able to handle the surge of emotions side effect of it.


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