《The Not Supposedly King》Chapter 16-Improvements


Chapter 16-Improvements

When Ms. Dana Evergreen and I are on the way to the Lower Limb City, I asked her why the 3 kingdoms that will wage war on us is only going to enter the Arrow Merchant City and not on the other cities. She told me that is because of the 6 Mountain Beast Kings that resides on the mountains that surrounded the other cities except for the Arrow Merchant City. All that Beast Kings are SS rank on the last report 120 years ago. If the Army of the kingdoms that will wage war on us will attack the different cities, we don`t need to defend it because of this Mountain Beast Kings except for the Arrow Merchant City. The Mountain Beast Kings didn`t dare to attack the Bow Kingdom because of the strange walls that existed before the Gods War happened. I don`t have any information regarding this because this boy`s memory only interested in General History of the World Artemis and not on specific kingdoms history.

After we arrived at the Lower Limb City, i expected that many of the kingdom`s soldiers are in their training but they`re all waiting for my arrival. When they all saw me, all of them kneeled for a few seconds. I thought that I’m used to this but I’m still not. It`s really a weird feeling when someone kneel to you to show their respects. I signaled them to immediately stand up but they still wait for a few seconds to stand up.

I checked out the area and I’m quite astonished. There are many tents, dummy targets, big rectangular shield, two story buildings that made of stones, different size of logs, tree houses and the Main Army headquarter that look liked from the ancient Greece architecture back in the earth. There are no citizens here, all of the people here are almost soldiers they all looked strong. The size of this city is smaller than the Arrow Merchant City. Instead of mayor, the General will take care of everything here.

When we arrived at the Main army headquarter. One of the soldiers said that General Leon Port is outside of the walls to train the new young soldiers and he will be arriving tomorrow morning. One of the two Vice-Generals welcomed us. He is above 7 ft. tall with a bulk body that looks like made of pure muscles. He`s face is chubby, his eyes are black, his brown hair is in Mohawk style and has tan skin. He is the Bow Kingdom Vice-General of the Army, General Damascus Ion, a Land or Earth A rank user. He is commanding the Heavy Shield Units of the Army.

"My King, I heard your victory on the archery monthly competition and my daughter wore one of your kid's design clothes. She really looks cute i hope you will see her someday.. And the...brief.. I`m wearing it now.. it`s really comfortable.." He said on a soldier tone at first but when he said brief, he became look shy and even blushing.


'A big man that blushing is really not appropriate to see..' I thought and gulp while sees him blushing. "Thank you General Damascus. I look forward to seeing your cute daughter in the future." I said to him with force smiled while my forehead creased because he is still blushing.

He said that we have 60,000-70,000 graduated soldiers. The 5,000 of them are Elite Archers that can hit 250m-300m with great accuracy they all lead by the other Vice-general. The 2,500 of them are the Elite Heavy Shield Units of the Army, he personally trained them and lead them. The Strongest unit is the 300 Cavalry Element Soldiers, all of them are A rank and all are element users they lead by their Captain that will take orders from General Leon Port. The rest are Archer Soldiers that can hit 150m-180m target with great accuracy. I asked him why the Heavy Shields Units are few. He only said that it`s hard to find a man that has a strong body and strong will. He said that there is incident before that the shield recruited soldiers ran before the enemy came to them that`s why he changed the requirements to quality than the quantity. When he is saying the incident he became looked sad and i didn`t ask further more.

I went outside after General Damascus Ion looks saddened. I saw Archer Soldiers that practiced. I checked their form and i think i know the reason why they can only hit the 150m-180m target. All of them are applying mana to their arms to strengthen it, because they depend on their mana, all of their muscles at the arms and back are stiffened. They lost their flexibility.

I talked to one of the Archer Soldiers. I asked him what their physical training is, he said that they are constantly running and lifting logs to increase their arms strength. After hearing that old school style of training, i decided to add a flexibility training to lessen their muscle stiffness this may help them to increase their shooting range and accuracy. All of them focus on heavy training and overcome their limits. They forgot that the light training can help them too. I will talk tomorrow to my uncle regarding this new training.


In the next morning while Ms. Dana Evergreen and I eating the breakfast General Leon Port Arrived and joined us. My Uncle and Ms. Dana Evergreen seats are close to each other while I’m in front of them alone. I explained to them the details of the new flexibility training of the soldiers and stop the strengthening training of them in two weeks. General Leon Port Approved my flexibility training program after he heard my scientifical explanations and i don`t know if he really understands any of that.

"My King, I heard to my lovely Ms. Dana Evergreen that someone girl turned you down. I think she is the daughter of Mayor Arthuro Jez.. I remember... that girl when she was 12 or 14 years old, i went to their shop because i need new robes for the formal meetings. I saw her.. She is really a beauty.. But i guess you don`t have a talent like me.." My uncle said and laughs hard. I looked at Ms. Dana Evergreen but she even doesn`t look me in the eyes.


'Damn this couple, retaliation huh.. And how this Ms. Dana Evergreen.. Woman intuition huh..' I thought while seeing my uncle laughing and Ms. Dana Evergreen just gave me her innocent looked. "Ms. Dana Evergreen, You will stay tonight right?" I asked her, she just nodded and still not dared to look at me in the eyes. "So you will do that tonight huh.." I said in a low voice and get the lingerie in my storage ring. "You should wear this tonight Ms. Dana Evergreen.." I said to them and stand up to show the lingerie. After they saw the lingerie they both choked and Ms. Dana Evergreen face became red then i laughed hard after seen their reactions.

"Damn this boy!, alright stop that.. And my lovely Ms. Dana Evergreen please leave the two us for a while, we need to talk something important.." He said in his serious tone and Ms. Dana Evergreen didn`t ask any further, she just left immediately but my uncle gets the lingerie and put it to his storage ring.

"So, what is so important uncle that even Ms. Dana Evergreen need to leave?" I asked him in serious tone because he really looks serious.

"About the death of your father and the reason why i became rank S.." He said in a serious tone and his face saddened after he mentioned the death of my father.


Royal City, The Mighty Stone Kingdom. ( P.O.V Martin Dawn )

After One and a half months, I arrived here at the Mighty Stone Kingdom. All of the Ministers and their King are talking if they should join the alliance or not. After a week or two, they finally decided on what to do. They called me from their guest room.

I'm here now in the throne room and waiting for their King. A few moments later, finally the King has arrived.

"Good Morning Minister Martin Dawn of the bow kingdom. We finally decided to join the alliance that will wage war on the bow kingdom but we have some few conditions." Said the old man that have long gray hair and his height is 7 ft.. He is the King of the Mighty Stone Kingdom, Hark Mighty.

"That's Great! What are your conditions? I know my waiting here is not in vain." I said in excited manner while smiling.

"You should know that our army is known to be the strongest wall soldiers.. Our specialty is our Heavy Battalion Soldiers.." He said and I nodded and still smiling. "We just received a news earlier that your King, King Michael Ramsey announced that he is a void A rank user." He said and my smiling face fade.

"What???.. That's impossible King Hark, I know King Michael Ramsey since he was a child. He doesn't have any elemental affinities and he's archery talent is barely average. It's just a bluff to delay the war. I'm sure of it." I explained to him in a serious manner.

"That's what I think too at first but.. He won the monthly archery competition and I heard that the challenge is the most difficult but he hit the target effortlessly. If he used the blink skill that might explain it. He also shows the rank stone to his ministers. And the last is General Leon Port is now an S ranker." He explained to me and the reports look like came from his credible sources.

"What!.. That Leon Port is S ranker? How did that happened.. He's too young.. What is happening to the kingdom when I was gone.. You know all of this and you said that you still want to join the alliance?" I said to him while my face has become pale after he said the new information about the bow kingdom.

"You should know that our Heavy Battalion will receive damage greatly if there is a void user because our shields will be useless. That's why after we conquered them I want the Arrow Merchant City and 40% of the treasures. No more no less.." He said in his serious manner and look like determined.

"That's.. Too much.. How about.. You have 30% of the treasures and the Royal city?" I said while thinking on how I could persuade this greedy King.

"I will accept that offer before, if you're King is not a void user. You should know how much he will be a problem in the battlefield. If you're not satisfied with my conditions you can leave the Royal city and this war has nothing to do with us." He said and sit to his throne and waiting for my response.

'What this King Hark Mighty is reasonable..That fool King.. What did he do to awaken his void element.. We already sealed it..' I thought and still thinking on what should I do now. "Your conditions are reasonable but I don't think the 3 kingdoms will accept your terms. I will take my leave now and I hope you will do nothing for this upcoming war." I said to him and immediately left their throne room.

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