《The Not Supposedly King》Chapter 15-Failure


Chapter 15-Failure

"Yes..that explains it. When General Leon Port came back she suddenly became young.. that`s her secret.. I just need to love someone to become more beautiful..." She said then she looks at me.

'..Oh boy..' I thought to myself and looks like I know what will happen, probably.

"King Michael.." she said in a sweet voice.

"Yesss?..." I said to her in a sweet voice and excited manner, then she opens the rolled paper and her eyes focus on my new designed clothes.

"Wha.. What designed is this...? I.. I.. Thought.. You are...a good man.." She said in her stuttering voice while looking at my new designed clothes.

'..Fuck! I draw the lingerie, t-back panties, and some other stuff.. I thought she`s the open minded type of person as long as related to her passion..' I thought, I see Karylle Jez face is redder than ever while looking at my new designs.

"King Michael, I will get these designs because some of this might sale. I will send you the first manufactured clothes and if you have problems or want to change with it, you can go to our tailor shop or tell the details to Madam Dana Evergreen. I will check again sometimes if you have new designs, I will take my leave now." She said with a cold expression, her manners came back but her face is still a bit red. She picked all the papers and leave immediately.

'..Looks like I need to move on.. I shouldn`t draw that designs yet..' I feel some regret in my actions then sigh after she left. I used my lightning feet skill and enter the royal training room.

While holding again the void A rank mana beast core inside the royal training room, I absorbing its void element. After three hours, the beast core is in a half of its original size, I felt my mana core increase its size but at the same time, I feel exhausted. The after effects of absorbing beast mana core is the fast draining of my stamina when absorbing it. '..I need to pinch little Anna`s cheeks to regain some of my stamina..'

While walking to my bedroom, Ms. Dana Evergreen stop me.

“My king, I transfer to your room for your safety reasons.” She said then escorted me to my new bedroom.

‘..Strange safety reasons, my new bedroom is just next to my old bedroom..’


In the next morning, I asked Ms. Dana Evergreen if there are schools for kids in the kingdom. She said that there are no schools for kids here in this kingdom, the nobles hired some teachers or adventurers to teach they`re child. If some commoners have a good talent at controlling the mana or have any elemental affinity, the kingdom`s army will recruit them when they aged 15 years old or above and will give some compensation to their parents. They will stay in the Lower Limb City for 5 to 7 years or they can leave the city as long as they graduate. The army will notify them if their service is needed because the graduated soldiers have an oath of protecting their kingdom.

I told Ms. Dana Evergreen to hired some teachers to teach little Anna on how to read and write. She said that she will personally teach little Anna and I feel happy after she said that. I absorbed again the remaining of void A-rank beast mana core and feel greatly exhausted after four hours. Every day, all I do was doing physical training, absorbed lightning beast mana core and pinched little Anna cheeks. When Ms. Karryle Jez visited, I only met her and just personally handed over the new designs. My new designed clothes are similar to kindergarten kid’s uniform in the earth.


A month later, I feel that I’m going to reach the A-rank soon. I absorbed the lightning S-rank beast mana core for almost two weeks now. The difference between A-rank beast core and S-rank beast core is vastly different in both quality and quantity of the essence of the element. I can absorb the A rank beast mana core in two days while the S-rank mana core, I`m still absorbing now in two straight weeks.

I visited the Adventurer Guild branch in the Royal City and get the Cocoa fruits and tree or bitter Solaris fruit. I also registered my name as a member of the guild, the old woman monster Brena Breath told me that even the emperors of the major kingdoms and different continent are doing the missions of the adventurer guild.

While holding the cocoa fruit, I think it`s kinda big and yellowish when comparing to in the earth cocoa fruit. From my storage ring, I get a short sword and cut the cocoa fruit. I put the similar white thing inside to my mouth. ‘.. This is really a bitter fruit, it`s not the same as the cocoa fruit back in the earth..’ I immediately go to the kitchen and drink some water.

I still tried to do some experiments with the bitter fruit, I put it under the sun and burn some of them. I finally saw the similar cocoa powder and put sugars, milk and different kinds of sweeteners but still, I can`t make a chocolate and the taste of it are all terrible. Finally, I give up on creating the chocolate, When I discover the strawberry, I think that I might create the first chocolate in this world that maybe will stop the war, but I fail to do so.

When little Anna wears the kindergarten uniform of the earth, at first, I’m only the one who pinched her cheeks. After she wears the kindergarten uniform, all the maids, and some royal Guards are all pinching her cheeks as soon as little Anna came nearby at them. I see her and her cheeks alway a bit red. ‘..Sorry, little Anna you`re only the kid here..’

Two weeks later, I finally reached the A-rank. The lightning S-rank beast mana core is only one-fourth of its normal size. I felt the strength of my body is increased, even my flexibility and stamina also increased. The important part, the size of my mana core, it`s 70x bigger than my mana core before.

After my breakthrough, I enter to the royal library, I need to learn S-rank skills. My plan next is to announce that I`m an A-ranker Void element user this might help to delay the war. Also, I plan to go to the Lower Limb City. I need to give the wind S-rank beast mana core to my uncle, and plan to learn some close combat techniques, it may become in handy in the future and it will compliment my lightning skills. I`m maybe an athlete but I only know how to use the bow and can do some basic self-defence.

I wanted to create some guns powered by mana or modern weapons back in the earth, unfortunately, I don`t have a clue on how to do it. The law of nature in this world is quite different because of the mana. I know the gun will need the friction to the bullet body when you click, then the head of the bullet will burst to the cylindrical metal but the bullet mana is different. ‘..I need to do a long time experiment before I can create the first mana gun in this world.. Sigh..’


Inside the Royal Library, there are only void S-rank skills that I can learn. All the other elements are A-rank. I get the [Void Teleportation], [Void Hearing Image] and [Void Wings]. These are all S-rank skill while the others are all SS-rank skill and the requirement to learn that is at least S-ranker.

After I got all of the skill, I immediately enter to the royal training room to learn them. The [Void Teleportation] skill is the same as my blink skill but at the same time, it`s very different. I can use my blink skill to myself and teleport fast and I can use it to mana arrow or anything, it will teleport fast but if used it to a very large mana arrow or anything that is big, It will drain most of my mana. I can only blink myself because my mana core is a void element, If I blink things, there is a limit and I can`t blink any living things other than myself. But this [Void Teleportation] skill can teleport anybody and anything as long as the landing site is in my line of sight. The downside of this spell is the casting time is normally 20-50 seconds. The Bigger the item or living thing that I will teleport the longer the casting time and it will consume 30%-40% of my mana.

The [Void Hearing Image] skill is similar to an echolocation back in the earth. The void element will create a unique sound frequency that will come back from my ears then my brain will process the image. Also, I can`t hear others while using the skill, It will consume 7% of my mana per minute.

The [Void Wings] is a flying skill that will lift me up from 900-1600 ft. above the ground. There are wings on my back that will appear but nobody can see it, even myself. I can only feel the presence of it because it`s made from the void element.

After 6 hours I learned all the new S rank skill, While eating my dinner, I told to Ms. Dana Evergreen that I will be in the throne room tomorrow. All the ministers should be present except for Minister Martin Dawn, then I go to my new bedroom to rest.


While sitting on the throne chair, I seeing all the nine ministers of the bow kingdom.

"My King, Ms. Dana Evergreen told us that you commanded her and you will have an important matter to announce, What is it?" Said Minister Ren in his usual manner.

"Cough, I want to inform you that I`m now an A-rank void element user and this information should be spread out especially in the 3 kingdoms that will wage a war on us." I said to everybody loudly, all of them are looked shocked except for Minister Ren and they started murmuring.

While they mumbling, I go to the side and get the rank stone. I put my mana and show them the rank stone, they became silent after they saw the rank stone. "Cough, I will go the Lower Limb City later to prepare our army from the upcoming war. Minister Ren my request to you is manage the kingdom while I’m not here and all of you should listen to what Minister Ren will assign to you, that`s all, I will leave now." I said to them loudly, they all bowed their heads before I leave.

I approach Ms. Dana Evergreen and told to prepare my carriage to the Lower Limb City. I also told to Ms. Dana Evergreen to not to come but she insisted and she said that she will only stay in the city on one or two days. Little Anna wants to go too but I told her that there is a big monster in the Lower Limb City. I told to one of the maids whose name is Lyra to personally take care of little Anna.

"Mister..Sister.. Please take care of yourself.. and kill all the big monster.." She said in her stuttering voice and watery eyes that look like she's forcing herself not to cry. I just kissed her forehead and pinched her cheeks before we leave.

It will take 5-6 hours before we arrive at the Lower Limb City.


Royal City,The Great Bow Kingdom

Outside of the Royal Castle (P.O.V Karylle JEZ)

The King told me that the secret of Madam Dana Evergreen is her love for General Leon Port. I like the King because of his designs and he even won the monthly Archery Competition. My father told me that he watched the competition personally and the round 3 challenge is the most difficult challenge in the history of the archery competition. The King also won 4,000 gold in the gambling house. I know that every competitor should have 500 gold limits but my father told me that the owner of the gambling house accepted the gold of the King because he is the king of this kingdom.

After the King recent achievements, I really admired him. I want to say to him that I want to love him too like madam Dana Evergreen and General Leon Port but after I saw his new pervert designs especially the t-backs, lingerie, miniskirts and blouse that the belly of the women that wearing will be exposed. I think, I know why the people call him the fool King. I thought he really was a good man.

I heard that the King adopted some slave kid. I saw them outside the Royal castle, the cute girl is on the back of the head of the King while the King is running they look both happy. '..Did I misjudge the King? He really looks kind..' I thought that time while the King is running.

I visited my father in the arrow Merchant City there are some people that running around and doing odd training, I asked one of them and they told me this training is the secret of the King on how he won the competition. Many of them called him, The Generous King because he gave all the gold that he won and even get 20 gold from his own storage ring to give to his fellow participants in round 3. Strangely, the gambling house didn't announce the 4,000 gold won of the King.

What surprised me most when I arrived at the merchant city, the new clothes that designed by the King, I see them everywhere. Many of the women adventurers wore the miniskirts and blouse that showing their belly. I asked one of them why they are wearing that kind of clothes, she told me that it's more convenient to move than wearing some armor inside the city.

After a while, I arrived at the mayor's headquarter, I saw my father’s face and he looks so happy. I asked him what's the reason why he looks happy, he told me that many adventurers and Merchants order the clothes and he can't even catch up to the demand while the lingerie, t-back, and bikinis are order by different brothels.

My father suddenly became looked serious, he told me that I must be prepared the important things because the war might happen sooner than he anticipated. I asked him the reason, he just said that's because of the King, after he showed his talent in archery he became a serious threat to the outcome of the war, and that 3 big kingdom alliance will not sit idle while the King talent is progressing.

I went to the Royal City after the talked with my father. From my tailor shop, I put all the important items to the carriage and it will deliver to my father in the Merchant city. We are doing this because we will leave before the war will start. My father said that he will just notify me before we leave he also said that the war may start 4 months from now. I have 2 to 3 months remaining here in the Royal City.

When I visited the king again, he just greeted me and left immediately after he handed the designs. He became cold to me after I told him that I thought he was a good man. I checked the designs and I think it's for the cute girl that he adopted. The designs are unique, cute and I'm impressed. '.. I think.. I shouldn't have said that.. I think he's really a good man.." I thought for a while and checked out the designs there are no pervert designs now, all of them are mostly for kids. While going back to the tailor shop, I saw the people are also packing their important items and preparing to leave the bow kingdom.

I visited the King again, I want to apologize for what I said but the Royal guards told me that the King just left for a while and go to the Lower Limb city. I didn't ask why, I know it's related to war. '..Please be safe.. King Michael..' I thought to myself while feeling a bit guilty, I should apologize sooner.


PS: all the designs of the MC have all body model that wearing the stuffs


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