《The Not Supposedly King》Chapter 14-Unfaithful


Chapter 14-Unfaithful

In these last few days, after the Archery or Marksmanship competition. We just enjoyed pinching little Anna's cheeks, I mean our stayed here in the Arrow Merchant City. We went to the top of the walls, these walls are 10 to 14 ft. wide and I`m amazed from what I saw. There is some thick gray fog but I can see the landscape outside these walls. There is an endless land that looks like a forest, some side are plains and on the other side is look some kind of endless dessert, I can`t see any nearby kingdom and there are no roads outside the walls. There are some beasts that roaming and some are flying. I also saw some merchant caravan but all their goods are on the top of the beast and there are 30-50 strong looking adventurers escorting them they`re moving at a running person speed.

I didn`t neglect my training, every morning, I do some jogging, sprinting and push-ups. Some people asked me, about what the genius king is doing and I just told them that this is my secret on how I won the Archery Competition. In the next morning, after I told them on how I won the competition, there are around twenty women and man accompanied me to my training and it`s quite fun, then after the next morning, there are over a hundred men, women and some child that accompanied me in my training. I saw the Royal soldiers reactions and I think all of them had a headache. In the evening before I went to sleep, I spend one hour to cover my body in void element and another one hour for a lightning element.

After exactly five days, the mayor assistant told us to go in the Mayor Arthuro Jez headquarters. The Mayor gave us one A-rank void beast mana core, one S-rank lightning mana core, one A-rank lightning mana core, two B-rank lightning mana core and one S-rank wind mana core. The mayor spends a total of 23,453 gold and told me that he will just deduct it in my clothes profit sales. ‘..I really wonder how rich this Arthuro Jez is..’

Inside of the royal carriage with Ms. Dana Evergreen and little Anna, We`re on the way back to the Royal city. I need to absorb this beast cores and give the wind beast core to my uncle. While pinching Little Anna`s cheeks, she removed my hands and puff her cheeks then run to Ms. Dana Evergreen in my front and hug her. I just laughed after I see her reaction.

"Ms. Dana Evergreen, You look quite comfortable. Are you wearing the bra that I designed?" I asked her while her face becomes a bit red.


"My King, Yes.. I`m wearing the sports bra and the..panty that you designed..and it`s really comfortable.. And My King, what is the meaning of sports? And bra?..and panty? These words are a bit strange.." Ms. Dana Evergreen asked, she really looks curious on where the words came from while Little Anna still hugging her.

"That..ah..you know.." I said in stuttering voice while thinking on how should I answer her questions. I change my tone to a cold one and say to them. "Cough,.. When I`m drawing the blueprints of the clothes...I heard that time.. Someone is whispering at my back.. I heard that different kind of weird words.. and I felt very cold especially behind my back.. I really felt that there is someone is behind me..and after I looked back.. I saw a.. WOAH!!!!.. No one.." I scared them and laughed hard. They both surprised and Ms. Dana Evergreen has watery eyes while Little Anna is crying while hugging her. "Haha, Sorry Little Anna that`s just a joke.. And Ms. Dana Evergreen did I scared you too?" I said in an apologetic tone and hug little Anna.

Ms. Dana Evergreen looks startled and looks like she forgets about her question."..My King, No i just surprised..a bit.." she said then Little Anna interrupted her.

"uhm.. Mister.. you`re..sob.. Scary..." She said shyly while still crying and looks like I went a bit overboard.

After that scary moment, we finally arrived at the Royal City. I asked Ms. Dana Evergreen why there are only horses mount here. She said that there is a person that suddenly attacked by the wild mount beast and after that incident, the officials ban the beast mount from entering the royal city aside from the horse. We all felt exhausted and immediately sleep to our own bedrooms while Little Anna sleeps in the bedroom of Ms. Dana Evergreen.

In the next morning, I`m not alone at eating the breakfast little Anna is sitting on my side. I told Ms. Dana Evergreen to join us but she is still refused. I thought little Anna is shy type and well mannered but after I see her eating. '..I need to change my view to this little girl.. she is one of those little monsters with big tummy..' I thought while seeing her eating almost all the meat.

"My King, Ms. Karryle Jez will be here later and she wants to see you.." Ms. Dana Evergreen said coldly and I interrupted her.

"Really?.. She wants to see me?.. Of course call me quickly if she arrived.." I said to her in an excited manner, I even stand and suddenly, she chuckled. I sit immediately and ask her. "What.. I mean why are you laughing?"


"You suddenly interrupted me, My King. Let me tell you again. Ms. Karryle Jez will be here later and she wants to see you.. Your new designs." she said while I’m eating and pretending that nothing happened.

'..This Dana Evergreen, I thought I knew her but she now learned how to tease me..' I thought while still pretending that nothing happened. I feel a bit embarrassed earlier but I’m happy that I will see her.

Inside the royal training room, before I absorbed the void A rank beast mana core, Ms. Dana Evergreen knocked on the door.

“My king, Ms. Karylle Jez has arrived, she is waiting in the guest area.” She said in a loud voice.

I changed my clothes immediately and use my lightning feet skill. I arrive at the Guest area after a few seconds. I see Karylle sitting properly and waiting for my arrival.

"Cough, Good afternoon Ms. Karylle Jez. How are you doing?" I said to her while walking slowly, trying to be not looked excited of seeing her.

"Good afternoon King Michael, I`m doing fine but not as much as you." She said and bowed. "I heard that you won and dominated the Archer Monthly Competition. Congratulations, I thought you`re only genius at designing clothes but looks like I`m wrong." She said in a well-mannered tone while still standing.

"Nah.. I`m just lucky on that day.. Come on, Let`s sit." I said, and she nodded. From my storage ring, the new clothes design suddenly appeared in my hand. I handed it over to her, It`s all rolled paper and she doesn`t see my new designs yet.

Before she opens the designs. "King Michael, I just want to ask you.. something.." she said shyly while her face is a bit red.

'..Oh! Boy.. am I really that charming?' I thought while assuming that i know what she will be asked. "Of course, as long as I know the answer." I said in a bit loud voice to her.

"Thank you.. Do you know the secret of Ms. Dana Evergreen? She suddenly became young and more beautiful.." She said, and I feel a bit dejected.

"That.. Yes.. I think I know the answer.." I said in a low voice and sighed.

"Really? What.. What is her secrets.! Tell me! please.." She said cheerfully and looks like that she forget her manners and turned to another person.

"That`s because of my uncle, I mean General Leon." I said to her in my usual tone.

"What! What did the General Leon do to her?.. did he gave some potions or anything?" She asked, and still another person.

"Ms. Dana Evergreen love General Leon.. When General Leon arrived, I think she became young because she loves him." I explained to her.

"Yes..that explains it. When the General came back, she suddenly became young.. that`s her secret.. I just need to love someone to become more beautiful..." She said, then she looks at my eyes.

'Oh boy..' I thought to myself and look like I know what will happen, probably.


Royal City, The Great Bow Kingdom

Royal castle, head of the maid bedroom. (P.O.V Dana Evergreen)

I know the King since he was a child but now I think, I don't know him anymore. When the king was a kid, he's not interested in training. He rarely expressed any facial expression, most of it are with his uncle . When he is 8 years old after he knew that he doesn't have an elemental affinity, he immediately stopped his training and just reading some history books. His father is always busy and I'm the one who assisted him in everything.

Then suddenly he showed me the rank stone and his elemental affinity has awoken. He does his weird training every day and even designs this comfortable underwear that I'm wearing. He even laughing and teasing me and his uncle.

Before we arrived at the Arrow Merchant City, In the Royal Carriage I heard his mumbling and I used my mana to enhance my hearing immediately. He said that he wants to watch the The Walking Dead. I asked him why is the dead is walking and he just laughed.

I saw him pick up little Anna and I think he adopted it because he asked to remove her collar. He won the monthly archery competition and even won 4,000 gold. He is always laughed and pinching the cheeks of little Anna. Then on the next morning, he does his usual training, then next morning he got 20 or more people accompanied him in his training. Then next morning, they're over a hundred people running that accompanied him and he even taught some of them of how to do his weird proper training.

When we’re going back to the royal city, after we received the beast mana cores, I asked the King where he got the weird name of his clothes design. He said to me that in his room someone is whispering to him and then he scared us and laughed hard.

‘..I think there is something that bothering the King. First, the King said that he wanted to watch the walking dead then he said someone is whispering in his room that's why he got the weird names of his clothing designs. I need to change his room immediately, his safety comes first..’

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