《The Not Supposedly King》Chapter 13-Cheated


Chapter 13-Cheated

Before we arrived at the inn, we told to the slave master or owner to remove Anna`s collar. Ms.Dana Evergreen took Anna to clean and change her clothes, I didn't wait for them and just sleep in my room.

In the next day, I see the clean Anna, she`s really a cute little kid. She has slightly chubby cheeks, long brown hair, small lips, slightly pale skin and slightly big brown eyes, looks like she and Ms. Dana Evergreen are quite close.

I heard that there is a monthly marksmanship competition here, And they said that the 5 months streak champion is quite good. I don't really have any plans right now, And the mayor is busy buying the beast mana core. I`m going to compete in the monthly competition, I'm an athlete after all, competing makes me excited.

A few hours later, we arrived at the competition area, all the people bow their head when they see me. ‘..Because of this royal guards in my back, all the people will obviously know that I`m the king.. I really want to compete as a commoner.. Sigh..’

After we arrived at the competition area, all of them bowed when they saw me. The competition area is like a big dome with no roof. The longest dummy target is 300m. The people assumed that I will just watch the competition.

I go to the registration area to register my name and the people don't take me seriously. I heard some people said that the King just want to have some fun. While walking, I see the betting area and bet 4,000 gold to myself. The official that handles the bet is shocked for a few seconds then he gets the gold. He is looking at me like I'm just giving money to them. My body feels really excited and I didn`t bother to read the gambling rules. I will ask Ms. Dana Evergreen later, I`m confident that I will win, And will not bring shame to the athlete of the earth.

There are 372 participants, the winner will get 50 gold coins and 1 red potion. The first round will be an elimination round, and the target will be the 150m dummy. I need to hit the dummy in the head and have only one shot.

"Let's begin the competition! First 30 competitors go to your places." Announcer man said. He used his mana to amplify his voice and everybody in the dome can clearly hear his voice. Everyone that are watching is clapping their hands.

Some of the first 30 participants hit the target.

"Next 30, go to your places." The announcer said again in a loud voice.

My number is 300 and it took a while before my batch turn.

"Next 30, go to your places. And.. I just want you to know fellow citizen that our very own genius King Michael will be participating. He is wearing the black robe so we must cheer for him. Good luck King Michael!" Said the announcer cheerfully and everybody tried their best to cheer me.

I felt quite embarrassed after I hear the people cheering for me, I just waved my hand to them.

I'm wearing my training suits beneath my robe after I removed my clothes the people became silent for a few seconds, I think they are expecting me to be slightly fat but my arms are full of thick muscles.


After my wisp bow appears in my hand, I thought they will be amazed but I think any Royal in any kingdom has their own storage ring. These people are expecting me that I have storage ring too.

I aim at the 150m target and let my mana arrow fly. I hit the dummy target on the forehead and all the people clap their hands.

120 out of 372 participants make it to the round 2. In round 2, we need to hit a dummy in the head that moving at the same speed of a walking person, we only have 1 shot. Unlike the first batch, only 10 people per batch will be called.

I see some participants praying while I'm doing warm-ups. It took a while before my turn again, when our batch is called the people started cheering again after they see me. I don't know if it just me but the target is quite easy to hit because mana arrow doesn't affect by nature. It's basically better than a bullet, after my mana arrow fly, it hits the forehead of the dummy again. All the people became silent for a moment after they see my arrow hit the forehead, before cheering again.

Surprisingly, only 7 out of 120 participants in round 2 pass to the round 3. Most of the round 2 participants hit the neck of their target.

After a half hour break, the announcer announced the start of round 3, And all the people cheering wildly. Most of them are cheering for me, most of my fellow participants in round 3 are middle-aged man and one small frame guy that look around 18 years old. The round 3 is different every month and many people are looking forward to this month challenge.

While checking out the target area, I see some people in the 300m dummy and they have put something onto it. The announcer tells us the challenge, the round 3 participants needed to hit a small fruit on the top of the head of the 300m dummy. The challenge is the color red fruit is slightly smaller than the grapefruit in the earth. While the dummy is moving at a running person speed and we have only one shot on it. All the people started mumbling after they heard the challenge.

I'm confident that my mana arrow can reach 300m now but the target is too small and moving quite fast. This will be quite a challenge, the round 3 participants are called one by one, we're quite few and I'm the last participant who will be called.

There are 8 participants in round 3, the champion is an exempted from round 1 to round 2. The first participant is the champion and there are many people also cheering for him. After he let the arrow fly, he hit the forehead of the dummy and almost hit the red small fruit. '..He really is quite good.' I thought to myself after he hit the forehead area of the target.

After a few moments, all the remaining participants didn't hit the target and finally, it`s my turn.

Everybody are cheering for me and I hear some cute voice at my back.

"Mister.. You can do.. iiit!" Shouted Anna, I think she doesn't know what the king is, I just waved back my hand at her and smiled.


'..I should not let down my first fan here..' I thought after I heard the voice of Anna, I feel inspired, after I heard her cheer.

While standing, I slowly lifting up my Wisp bow. My breath is slowing down and aiming, after some minor adjustments, I hold my breath.


After a few seconds, I feel the green light and my hands let the mana arrow fly.


My eyes see the arrow flying into the target, the trajectory is quite off the mark, it`s slightly above the target. Using my blink skill, I correct the arrow trajectory. The Arrow is quite fast and it`s just moved slightly. After split seconds, my mana arrow hit the target cleanly.

All the people astonish and become silent for a moment, then they began rattling and cheering wildly. While looking around, I see little Anna and Ms. Dana Evergreen at the seats, they look both happy. I gave them a thumb up and a wink.

'..I feel a bit guilty about using my blink skill.. but there are no rules that the participants can`t use their skills..and I think no one noticed it.. probably..' I thought then the announcer announced the winner, me.

They give me the 50 gold coins and a red potion. There is no runner-up here, winner takes all. I`m quite happy at the moment and give 10 gold coins to my fellow participants in round 3, I get another 20 gold coins from my storage ring to give to the two participants in round 3. I approach Ms. Dana Evergreen and Anna.

"My King, why did you gave all the gold coins to them?.." She said with an angry expression.

"Don`t worry.. I actually went to the gambling house and bet 4,000 gold coins...to myself.." I said while scratching the back of my head.

"What! Impossible.. You can only bet a max of 500 gold to yourself.. but what will happen if you lose.. it`s 4,000 gold coins.. and.. you won.. your money will be multiply to two.." She said in a loud voice but she smiled after she said that the money will be multiply by two. This is the first time I saw Ms. Dana Evergreen shouted and even forget her manners.

"Relax.. I think this is one of the perks of being a King.." I said to her softly while touching my chin. '..So, that's how it is..they think that I don`t have any chance to win the competition, that`s why they accept the 4,000 gold money..' I thought for a while and still touching my chin that doesn't have any beard on it.

"Let`s go and get our money!" I said to them cheerfully and laugh, then I lift little Anna and put her at the back of my head.


Arrow Merchant City, The Bow Kingdom.

Competition arena.

Inside the gambling house.

My name is Diego Linar, the owner of the Competition Arena. We gain our profit using the gambling house. Now is the day of the monthly Archer competition. I heard that the genius King will watch the competition so I prepared the best view seat for him.

Later, I saw the King in registration house and looks like he's going to compete just for fun then he went to the gambling house. I used my mana to my ear to hear what they talking about, the King wants to bet on himself for 4,000 gold. The maximum bet should be 500 gold only, I know the history of this genius King. When he is 8 years old, he stopped his training after he knew that he doesn`t have any element, and his talent on the archery is just barely average. I signaled the gambling receptionists that looks shocked when he saw the gold of the King and right after he saw my signal, he accepts the gold quickly.

The rules of this gambling are simple. If I won, my money will be multiply to two. Every competitor has the maximum bet of 500 gold per person. I can't bet if that competitor has reached the max value and the champion has only 200 gold max value.

I will make an exception, this time, 4,000 gold is equal to our yearly profit because most of the people here are just betting 1-5 gold. While some nobles and adventurers are betting up to 100 gold.

After a while, the competition starts, An hour later the king turns. The round 1 is not that hard, you just need to hit the dummy in the head. I see the King removed his robe. '..Oh, looks like this genius king is gonna pass the round 1..' I thought and as expected he passed the round 1. While the round 2 is quite hard only 5% can pass to round 3.

After the king flies the arrow effortlessly in the round 2 my mouth got widened and a bead of sweat is running on my forehead. '..I don't want to take any chances..' I thought, and immediately head out to the arena headquarters, I told them that we need to change the round 3 challenge.

Originally the challenge is hit the head of the 300m mark dummy while moving in a running person speed. I see one of the employee eating arel fruit, it's a quite a small red fruit, after I see him eating the fruit I changed the round 3 immediately. Hit the arel fruit above the head of the 300m mark dummy while moving in a running person speed with only one shot. Some of my employees suggested that I should at least give them three shots but I refused them.

After half an hour, The Round 3 starts the champion hit the lower right side forehead of the dummy. Then the next participants, some of them didn`t even touch the dummy. Then the king`s turn, I maximized the use of my mana in my eyes and hearing. After he lifts the bow, his breathing changed and then he stopped his breathing. ‘..What the hell is he doing? Why he stopped his breathing.. can he really hit the target?..' I thought to myself, I don`t know the reason but my hands are shaking and feel a bit nervous.

After a few seconds, He suddenly let the arrow fly.


After a split-second, the arrow hit the target cleanly. "Shit..." I said in a low voice and felt that my knees have no strength in them.


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