《The Not Supposedly King》Chapter 12-Guilty Genius


Chapter 12-Guilty Genius

I told to Ms. Dana Evergreen that I will go to the Arrow Merchant City but she said that I needed to wait for 3 days. She needs to notify the Mayor for my visit first then send the royal guards to scout and remove any potential threats. I told her that I will go there in secret but she refused my suggestion immediately and she said that I`m only a B ranker. She also told me that she will buy the mana core that I needed but I also refused. I told her that I want to see the liveliest city in the kingdom.

In these past few days, I just do my entire usual training program before I went to sleep. In the night I designed some clothes and underwears. I also draw some bikini`s, t-back panty, lingerie, t-shirts, sleeveless undershirts and shorts. Sadly, Karryle Jez didn`t visit me yet, I`m really looking forward to what`s her reaction to my designs and I also want to see her.

Ms. Dana Evergreen prepared all we need, She said to me that the Royal carriage is read. There are 70 Royal cavalry looking soldiers that will accompany us, most of them are B-rank while some are A-rank.

“Ms. Dana why there are so many of us.. We are not going to war..” I said to her while we`re walking towards the Royal carriage.

“My King, The Arrow Merchant city is the most dangerous city in the kingdom because of different people from all over the kingdoms are doing their trades in the merchant city.” She said in a professional manner.

As soon as the preparations were done, we leave immediately. Inside the Royal Carriage is quite bumpy, I`m sitting on the back right side near the window while Ms. Dana Evergreen is on the front middle side sitting. The Royal Carriage is quite fast and we need to sit for four hours inside the carriage before we arrive.

"It`s So.. boring here.. I wish I can watch the The Walking Dead.. I wonder what`s happening to Rick and his company.." I said in mumbling voice but because of my boredom, I forgot that Ms. Dana Evergreen is a B-ranker mana user and can enhance her hearing.

"My King, Who is Rick?.. and why the dead can walk?.." She asked seriously, she really looks like waiting for my answers.

"You just misheard it.. Ms. Dana Evergreen.. How the dead can walk?.." I said to her while my hands covered my mouth and laughed hard.While her face looks confused on what`s the reason I laughed hard and after a few moments, I fall asleep.


A few hours later, we arrived in the front of the Mayor Headquarters, Ms. Dana Evergreen wakes me up. The window is covered by thick leather and I don`t see yet what`s on the outside. After one of the Royal Soldier opened the door of the carriage, I`m flabbergasted on what I`m witnessing. After I set my foot outside, I'm not astonished on the place but the people. There are over a thousand people that look like they are waiting for my arrival.

“Hey.. Ms. Dana can you tell me what`s wrong here? Why these people are waiting for me.. Is this the after effect also of my duel in the royal guards? ” I asked her, she immediately approaches to one of the Royal guards.

Ms. Dana Evergreen whispered to the royal guard. After the Royal guard responded, she goes towards me.

“My king, this is the effect of the clothes that designed by you.” She said to me then I see some of the people wearing the sleeveless compression shirt that I designed.

"The genius king Michael has arrived!" Said the man in a loud voice from the Mayor Headquarters.

'..Fuck!, I forgot to tell to Mr. Arturo Jez that the designer should be a secret..Sigh..' After the people saw me, they all bowed their head in a few seconds and clap their hands. '..I thought that if someone will say that I’m a genius, I will be happy but that`s not the case here.. I feel a bit guilty.. If only the people knew that the designs didn`t come from me..' While pondering, I see a rich looking familiar humble man. The Mayor of the Merchant city, Mr. Arthuro Jez. '..This man is quite greedy..'

"The Genius King, Michael, We welcome you to our humble city. Please come in." Arthuro said in a respectful way and we immediately headed inside the Mayor Headquarter.

I told him that I need a void, lightning beast and wind beast mana core that above B-rank while wind mana core should be the same or above S-rank. I also told him that this is top classified information that may affect the outcome of the upcoming war and the words that I said should not leave this place. He said that I needed to wait for 5 days and he will do his best to find the items that I needed.

After that highly classified talked with the Mayor, I immediately go outside. My eyes see different mounts with adventurers looking man are riding on the top of it, some look like saber-tooth tiger, some are black mammoth and some are big ostrich but I don`t see any flying mounts. '..I want to ride some of them too..'


While walking through the main gate of the Arrow Merchant city, I see the big black reddish walls closely, they look like built by an advanced alien technology. These Walls are around 500-600 ft. tall it`s really huge. Ms. Dana Evergreen informed me that these walls are the reason the neighbor kingdoms need a huge force before declaring war on us because they can only enter through the gate. These Black walls are basically invisible even my great great grandfather Legendary Noel Ramsey can only leave a minor scratch on these walls.

I visit the blacksmith district, they are known for making the Best Quality bow in this region after I see them that they`re quite busy, I didn`t try to bother any of them. I really feel exhausted while walking towards the inn, I see the slave district. I expecting some rotten smell or poor looking slaves but that`s not the case here, even the slaves have their own rights. All the people here are the victims of the war between kingdoms. The war between kingdoms is normal occurrence here. The slaves have their own commoner clothes and they don`t seem to be that dirty. They just have their collar on their neck while checking them, I see the only kid in the district.

"Beautiful young girl, what is your name?" I asked her and she`s looking at my face closely. I think she`s about 7 or 8 years old. '..She`s quite cute.. I want to pinch her cheeks..'

"My name is Anna.. uhmm.. How are you doing mister..?" She said shyly but in a cheerful tone.

'..Nice manners..'

"I`m doing fine, Do you want to come with us? I have lots of foods in my house!" I said while describing a big circle on my hands, and She just nodded. I look at my back, I see Ms. Dana Evergreen and she`s talking to the slave owner. I lift up the kid and put her into my left arm.


Royal City, The Wood Kingdom.

Inside the Royal Palace. (P.O.V Martin Dawn)

After two months, I arrived at the Wood Kingdom. They said their king is on the mission and will come back after three months. Yesterday, the King here has arrived they said that the king will talk to me tomorrow if they going to join the alliance or not.

Inside of Royal Palace Throne Room, I`m waiting for the king of the wood kingdom, he will arrive any minutes from now. After a few minutes finally, the king has arrived.

"Welcome, Minister Martin Dawn of the Great bow kingdom. I`m sorry, I really want to go back as soon as I can." A middle-aged looking man with gray hair said. He is the King of the Wood Kingdom, Lidel Woody.

"It`s fine, I`m enjoying my stay here.. I think you know the reason why I’m here in your kingdom. I want to know your answer and I think I know your answer." I said and chuckle.

"I think you will be disappointed in my answer. My entire minister is agreed that we should join the alliance but I’m on the mission that time. The Emperor of the scarlet empire and King Greg Ramsey once helped my kingdom and I think I should help the bow kingdom instead of joining the alliance." King Lidel Woody said, he looks serious and determined.

"King Lidel Woody, King Greg Ramsey died and even the scarlet empire don`t want to help the bow kingdom and I think you know he`s son is useless. The bow kingdom will be destroyed sooner or later because of him.." I said in serious and loud voice.

"Minister Martin all of us will die someday. What will I say in the emperor and greg in the afterlife.. How about this, We will remain neutral and these wars will nothing to do with us." Lidel Woody said, his face looks like he will never change his decision.

"All right, King woody I hope that you will not give a hand to the Great Bow kingdom." I said and left immediately.

'..Damn that stubborn woody king.. I will remember you.. All of his ministers agreed to join the alliance but he didn`t agree.. What`s.. What`s the use of his ministers?.. I just wasted my time here.. The Next Kingdom should better be agreed..' I thought to myself as I feel my blood is boiling.


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