《The Not Supposedly King》Chapter 21-Flying Dreams


Chapter 21-Flying Dreams

While using my lightning feet and blink skill, i proceed to my destination where the kingdom of Baruka army is and my estimation time of arrival is 5 days. While traversing through the Red forest, i see a huge black wolf and smaller black wolf pack from the distance. My void presence is still active while passing by then suddenly, my eyes and the huge black wolf eyes met.

'Fuck! How did he notice me..' The huge black wolf quickly leaps to me. Using my blink and Void wings, my body suddenly appears on the other side and float 700 ft. above the ground. While looking down on the huge black wolf, the wolf`s four legs are swelling then unexpectedly jumps fast towards my position. My body didn`t react immediately and the wolf`s claw graze my left legs. When the wolf`s going downwards and reach the ground, the wolf`s four legs are swelling again. As soon as i saw the wolf`s legs are swelling again, i lift myself up at 1,400 ft. above the ground. The wolf`s swelling of legs stopped after the wolf`s saw my fly height rises again.

'Sigh, That was close...' From my storage ring, My wisp bow appears in my hand. 'It`s payback time..' My hand loose the electric and mana arrows at a rapid rate while applying blink skill to it. When all the arrows are about to hit the wolf, the body of the wolf vanished and appears on the higher ground. 'That.. wolf also used the blink skill?..' The wolf howled at me before going to the deep part of Red Forest. 'The void users are rare.. even void beast.. to think that i encountered one of them..' I float down and tend the small cut of wounds on my legs.

I found a high ground nearby and set up my tent. '40% of my mana are consumed by that short encountered.. I need to be more careful next time.. the void presence is not invisible skill..' after ponderings things i laid down inside my tent and rest.

In the afternoon after i woke up, i eat and immediately go outside. Using my blink and lightning feet skill, i continue my travel again to my destination. A few hours later, the red leaves are gone and looks like i`m outside of the Red Forest. I just arrived at the Lorencia Crater and just need to crossed it to arrive in my destination.

Using my void wings, i float 900 ft. above the ground to see the landscape of the Lorencia Crater. 'So.. that`s why there is a crater word on the name..' My eyes saw a different size of a crater that full of water and trees. The larger the crater, the deeper it is. I float again at 1200 ft. 'Shit.. just how many crater are in this area.. looks like this is a hotspot for meteorites..' I saw a 400-500 large and small craters. There are different beasts residing on it and looks like every crater has their own king beast.

I used mana in my eyes and see some beast are flying, some are on a pack and some are eating the other beast. All of them looks strange some are looks like a red t-rex face but they`re body are long and have four legs. 'I might die because of these beasts not on the war..sigh' After i saw the landscape and got the information that i needed, i float down slowly and try to absorb mana in my surroundings.


After my mana is sufficient enough, i start my journey to the Lorencia Crater. All the beasts that i encountered didn`t detect me. After a few more hours, my body feels that the ground is shaking and heard some noises at my back. When i check it out, a huge dust storm is approaching to my position. Using blink skill, i appeared on the right side. I turned my head back and check the dust storm again, the huge dust storm still tailing me.

'What`s wrong with this dust storm.. is the dust storm here also have consciousness..' after pondering things, i applied mana in my eyes to know the reason for the strange behavior of the dust storm. 'I`m Fuck.. it`s not a dust storm..' my eyes saw that there are hundreds of t-rex looking face that running fast to me. I tried to blink in my left and they all change their route towards to my position again.

'I`m really in a tight situation now.. fuck..' Using my blink skill numerous times, they still found out where i am. When i check again their faces, their nose holes are bigger than usual. 'fuck.. so my void presence is limited only to feel.. they can`t feel me.. but looks like they can clearly smell me..' After pondering things, i saw a large crater and blink to it fast.

When i blink to the crater, i check again the t-rex looking beast. Surprisingly, all of them stopped and didn`t dare to jump on the crater. 'Sigh.. i`m safe.. oh!' When i check my surroundings and find out that the trees and plants are green. 'This crater forest here.. looks like on a tropical island like in the earth..' While checking out the area, i see a familiar tree. "Woah.. Banana!" I said and get the banana fruit from the tree immediately. "I miss you.. Banana.." I said to the Banana on my hand and eat it, while some of the bananas are put in my storage ring.

Using my Void Hearing Image skill, i check the surroundings in more detailed. 'Looks like its safe here.. i will set up my tent here.. There are no beasts here.. then why that t-rex beast stopped following me here?..' while pondering things, i check the area to look for water. When i arrived at the center of the crater, i see a crystal clear lake. Using my void hearing image, i scan the surroundings and the water underground. Fortunately, i didn`t find any beast.

My tongue tasted the water and it looks like it`s safe to drink. I drink a plenty of water and dive to the lake and clean my body. I do some freestyle and remained float at the center of the lake. 'ah.. this is relaxing..' A few moments later, i set up my tent in quite far away from the lake some of the beasts might drink on it. It`s almost morning and i immediately sleep inside my tent.

In the afternoon, i woke up and eat inside my tent and preparing to leave. Before going to leave, i want to have one last dive on the beautiful lake. After i closed up things up, i go to the lake.

When i`m about near the lake, i see a beautiful white horse that has wings on his back, his size is 5x bigger than the earth average horse. 'Woah.. that horse has wings.. a pegasus.. i want to ride him..'I slowly approaching it and it didn`t notice me yet. 'This horse will be my first flying mount..' After a few seconds, the horse looks to me. "Why are you lonely.. It`s alright.. boy.. or girl.. i`m lonely too.. don`t be scared.. oh, you don't have a man thing.. looks like you're a girl.. " I said to the horse in a mesmerizing voice and slowly approaching her while lifting my right hand to touch her head.


"Alright, sweetie.. come here.." I said to her and the horse slowly approaching me that looks curious on what i`m doing. A golden light appears and circling around the horse body when i touch her head.

The horse flat tooth changed and became sharp long tooth. Her whole body is becoming red and her face looks like a new muscle is forming. 'Fuck! This horse elegant face became hair-raising face.. it`s quite scary..' The horse suddenly attacks using his mouth that full of sharp tooths and targeted my head. Using my blink skill, i appeared on the not far away right side of the horse and cast my Void Prison Spell to trap the horse.

"Crack.. Crack.."

Many cracks appeared on my void prison spell and immediately break down into pieces. The white horse that suddenly became red horse is chasing me wildly. Using my lightning feet skill, i run around in the tropical forest. I see a tree that is good for hiding and blink to the tree immediately. When i was on the top of it i used my void presence skill. 'What is wrong with the animals here.. most of the animals or beast that i encountered here are wanted to kill me.. fuck.. i want to wish now ..or pray to any god.. that .. the horse sense of smell is bad..' After a few moments, the horse lifts herself up and fly around the forest for almost 3 hours.

Using my void hearing image, i see the horse landed on the land near the lake. The red horse body became white again and drink water to the lake. 'Sigh, that was close..' Using my blink skill, i immediately get out to the crater carefully.

'My luck this day is seriously bad.. Sigh..' Using my lightning and blink skill, i run to the side of the other craters and not dared to enter another one again.


The Great Bow Kingdom

Lower Limb City, Main Army Headquarter (P.O.V Leon Port)

"This meeting is to inform you, that I will go by myself to the red forest to see the army camp of snake gaze Kingdom.." I said to them clearly while sitting on the long table.

"We understand that you want to scout the snake gaze kingdom army but you don't need to do that personally. Is there any other reason?" Asked Vice-General Lucas Drend in my right side and all of them are nodded.

"Alright, I know I can't keep a secret on you..guys.. Our King intercepted the army of the snake gaze kingdom to burn their important goods.. I allowed him.. Because he said that he will prioritize his safety but I can't be helped but worried.." I said to them with a worried expression.

"What!" All of them shouted in unison and some of the vice general Damascus Ion saliva went into my face.

"Now that you know.. you should let me go to the red forest.." I said to them while wiping some of the saliva on my face.

"But general your important too.. How about I'm gonna check.." Said Vice-general Lucas Drend and I interrupted him.

"I know you would say that.. how about Captain Rowena will accompany me? It's just 9 days we will go back immediately and I know, i can trust you two generals to prepare the army." I said to them and all of them looks satisfied with my proposition.

"General.. there are many guys here that can accompany you.. Why did you pick me? I just want you to know that you're not my type and I understand that because I'm too beautif.." Said Rowena in her always shameless expression before she finishes saying her thoughts I cut.

"Captain Rowena , I have Ms. Dana Evergreen and the reason I choose you because most of your skill or spell are affecting the large area. If they captured our King we may have a chance to save him because of your skill." I explained to her then sighing. 'This girl is really full of herself.. I wonder how come she has the affinity for ice.. is ice users really for shameless?'

"Really I can save the king? Of course, I will go.. The King might design other clothes, so I need to save him.. Actually, I'm wearing one of his designs.." She said and blushing when he mentioned the designs of the King.

"Oh, you're wearing one of his designs too? What`s the weird name of it? I might give you some.. Because the king gave me personally some of his designs." I asked to her and her face becomes red.

"Really? Actually, I'm wearing.. T-back." She said to us in a clear voice and all of our hands cover our mouth and laughed. "Hey! Why you guys are laughing there is nothing wrong wearing t back.." She said and all of us look at her butt. "What? Why are you looking at me like that!" She said in her angry voice. Before some of her ice spikes blast to us, i interrupted her.

"Cough.. All right prepare your important things. We will leave in the afternoon." I said to her and looks like her angry subsided.


A few days later, Captain Rowena and i just arrived at the Red Forest. We saw some ashes to the ground and check it.

"This looks like a tent.. and their army should cross the Red Forest now.. but we didn`t see anyone.." I said while checking the ashes on the ground.

"Yes General, I think our king succeeded in not just burning their important goods.. but all their tents too.." Captain Rowena said in a military manner.

"But the trees here should not fall and some are even cutted.. Looks like there is a fight that happened here.. and we may conclude that our king is safe.. if their army captured our king they should march towards to our kingdom.." I said while checking out the other areas and feel relieved.

"General come here! there is a headless body here and some parts of it had eaten by some beast." Captain Rowena shouted while on the higher ground and i immediately come.

"What that boy do! this is a General Clothes.. He only said that he will burn the important goods.. This rank S general body here is counted as important goods? That boy.. I mean our king is reckless, i shouldn`t approve his plans.." I said after i checked the mana core of the headless general.

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