《The Not Supposedly King》Chapter 22-First Princess Encounter


Chapter 22-First Princess Encounter

After five days, I successfully crossed the Lorencia Crater and arrived at the Reliance Plain. I need to travel for a day and should meet the Great Kingdom of Baruka Army. While checking out the area, the Reliance Plain is actually not a plain there is a lot of small hills that full of 2 ft. tall green grass and a small number of trees. I saw some different beast, most are big wild horses. There is also gazelle looking animal that the face and body are larger than it's supposed to be. They are eating grass and looks like most of the beasts here are herbivores. In the hill nearby where no beasts are lurking around, i set up my tent on its side and rest.

After I wake up and finish my dinner, I resumed my travel to meet the Baruka army. All the beast that I see are didn`t bother me and just doing their own things. After a few more hours, I see a smoke 1 kilometer away from me. Using my blink skill, I quickly approach the area and check it out. All I witness is a large army camp that is definitely more than the Sake Gaze Kingdom Army. There are some elegant and sturdy looking carriage that has huge horses that pulling it.

All the soldiers are at least 6 ft. tall robust men. 'What`s wrong with this army.. all the soldiers here are big.. some are even 7 ft. tall..' I also see they're wearing red sturdy heavy armors and big rectangular metal shields. 'If this army goes to our kingdom.. even with our mana arrows.. I think it will need a lot of efforts to kill one of them'

Using my Void Hearing Image, I locate their important goods. Their important goods are in the middle area of their camp near the elegant and sturdy carriage. When I was about to used my blink skill, some of the soldiers that finished eating their foods, go outside of their camp and cut all the grass 50m away outside of their camp. 'Something is really wrong with this army.. they are strong but why they are so cautious..'

Standing by 60m away from their camp, I observe their routines and schedule of their scouting soldiers. There are two soldiers nearby that talking and I quickly deactivate my Void Hearing Image skill then put mana on my ears.

"This is a news earlier that I just heard but I want you to be ready and you owe me for this.. I heard the general said earlier in the Royal Carriage, that the princess will be going to spar some of us, because we are only a four day away from the rendezvous point and the general expecting that some will ambush us when we arrived at the rendezvous point area." One of the two soldiers said in a low voice.

"Really? My body is in a good condition.. I can spar with princess in any moment.. This will be a good chance to showcase my talent.. You know I heard that the princess still looking for her future husband.. and every man want to be her husband.. and I`m no exception too.." One of the two soldiers said eagerly.

"Yeah.. She`s really a goddess and One of us may become royalty in the future.. Let`s go to the camp and duel for a moment.." One of the two soldiers responds in a low voice.

"Yeah.. good suggestion..it's a good preparation for the event tomorrow.." One of the two soldiers said.


'Woah so that's the reason they are so cautious.. there is a princess in their camp.. Tomorrow will be the first time that.. I will see a real princess..' I quickly left and set up the camp in a far distance on their camp. 'I think their princess is really a beauty many soldiers want to be her husband..' After eating, I immediately rest inside my tent.

In the morning, I put my tent in the storage ring and go to the Baruka army camp. In their camp, some of the soldiers are sparring each other and some are swinging their heavy sword. A few moments later, a middle-aged man go out to the Royal Carriage and called all the soldiers. I quickly enhance my hearing.

"I know that some of you know, that the Princess will duel some of you. She commands me to pick 3 strong soldiers and you will attack the princess simultaneously with all you've got. To be fair the princess will not use her fire element and just use her Gandura sword on you. If you defeat the princess, I will generously reward you personally." Said the middle-aged man in a loud voice at the front of the royal carriage that wearing silver sturdy armor on his body with a red cape on his back. After his announcement, he pointed out two 7 ft. tall soldiers and one 6`5 ft. soldier. "I will call now the princess prepare yourself.." The Middle aged man wearing silver armor immediately enter the royal carriage.

After a few moments, the royal carriage door opened. "The Princess is here!" He said in a loud voice and all the soldiers kneel immediately. 'Ah.. she really is a goddess.. for them.. I think the beauty standard of this world is different..' I saw a 6`5 ft. a tall girl with strong jawline and body that is full of thick muscles. 'The princess here is bigger than the pro wrestler back in the earth.. what is wrong with this world.. Sigh.. and every man here wants to marry her..' After a few minutes they began their sparring.

The 3 soldiers attack first simultaneously on all over the sides. The Princess is still standing and swing her big sword in horizontal. 'Fuck.. what kind of strength was that..' The three soldiers that attacked her are stumbled backward. After a few seconds, the 3 soldiers quickly regained their footing and looks like they will use all their mana to their body, while the princess is still not used any mana. When they all near the princess, the princess uses a small amount of mana to her fast three swing and all the soldiers knockout unconscious while the other spectators are cheering to their princess. 'So this princess is only a B-rank.. but her physical body is definitely higher than her rank.. This will be a bit troublesome..' They celebrate after the event, i tried to blink and teleport inside the Royal Carriage but my skills didn't work. 'Sigh.. Their Royal Carriage is magic resistance..'

My plan yesterday is to kidnap their princess but after witnessing how the princess fight, I need to carefully reconsider my plan on how I should kidnap their princess. 'If only I knew that there is a princess.. I should buy any sleeping potions when I was in the bow kingdom..' It's almost night time and I saw a soldier that holding a big plate and go to the royal carriage. After he goes out, his plate is gone. 'Food delivery huh..'


In the midnight, I targeted one of the scout soldiers. Using my blink skill, I appeared on his back and hit the back of his head, the soldier knockout unconscious. We immediately teleport to a far distance, I get his armor and wear it. I dig a hole on the land and put the soldier body in it, only his head is remained outside.

Using my Void Presence skill, I go to their food tents and grab a plate without anyone notices. Inside their food tents, I get a plate. A few moments later, when I arrived in the front of the royal carriage someone sees me. I quickly activated my Void Emotions to remove my nervousness.

"Hey! You there! Where are you going?" The Soldier that sees me asked.

"The princess said she`s still hungry because of the duel earlier.. She commands me to get some food for her.." I said to the soldier and tried my best to copy their accent.

"Really? she should be sleeping right now.. I guess you can`t sleep when you're hungry.." He said and signaled me to go inside.

Surprisingly, the door of the Royal Carriage is not locked and i can use magic inside. I saw a big bedroom and a girl looking man sleeping on top of it, she is snoring loudly. 'I really doubt now.. if this big girl here is really a princess..' I get the princess and used my void hearing image. 'Fuck what is this weight..' All my veins are appearing and bulging while lifting her up.

We teleport in quite a distance and consumed 90% of my mana. Before I drink blue potions, I put the princess on the grounds slowly. 'This princess is really can sleep everywhere.. I want to tie her up.. but I don`t have ropes.. Sigh.' I quickly deactivate my Void Emotion skill to reduce my mana consumption and favorably, there is no surge of emotions side effect. I changed my clothes and wrapped some clothes to the princess.

We teleport again in a far distance and consumed 70% of my mana. I quickly gulp a blue potion and teleport again. There are some branches of the trees nearby that can use in tying her up but I didn't put it to her. She might wake up when she feels uncomfortable and I'm not sure if these branch of trees can hold her. After four hours, we arrived at the rendezvous point of the army that will wage war on us. I need more 8 hours to arrive at the bow kingdom when I put her to the ground, she awaken all of a sudden. 'Fuck..'

"Where i am! You! bald man who are you! Where is my Gandura Sword!" The Princess shouted angrily and quickly stand.

"Princess..uh..." I said and I can`t think any excuses. 'Fuck! I shouldn't remove my armor earlier..'

The princess suddenly accelerates forward and throw a strong punch. When I saw her moving fast, I quickly activated my Quick Reflex skill and try to dodge her punch. Her fist still grazes my chin and I stumble backward. 'What kind of punch was that! if that punch landed to me cleanly. I might die..' After my momentum stopped, I quickly blink to her right side and throw a punch on her stomach. My punch landed but it only did a little damage or no damage at all. 'She`s not a girl.. she`s a man.. I don`t need to feel guilty..' I quickly move to her back and hit her legs but a fast punch throw again at my head. I quickly duck and dodge her consecutive punch and most of them slam on the ground.

"Boom! Boom!"

A lot of small craters appeared on the ground and I quickly blink outside of her range. The princess uses some kind of fireball and throws it at me. Using my void wings, I quickly float 500 ft. above the ground. While flying, the princess throws all of her fire type skills to me but I can see all of them coming at me. I blink in different areas to avoid all of her skills. After a few moments, the princess looks pale and looks like her mana is decreasing at a rapid rate. I see the chance and immediately cast the Void Prison on her.

While floating, I see her thrown a strong punch to the void prison. Fortunately, the void prison is immune to physical attacks and I quickly landed on the ground.

"You! You are the king of the Bow Kingdom! Let me out of here and fight like a man! Why.. Why my mana can`t regenerate!" She shouted angrily as her eyebrows are pulled down together.

"Looks like your quick witted than i thought, I am the King of the Bow Kingdom Michael Ramsey. Nice to meet you Princess of the Baruka Army.. And you are not a man, i don`t need to fight you like a man. Just behave there and we will go to my kingdom.. Ok?" I said to her and throw a wink while she is looking at me angrily. 'It`s hard to treat a princess like a princess that looks like a stronger than you.. Sigh..'

We consecutively teleport for four hours and hear the grumbling sounds of her stomach. We stopped our travel and eat. I gave her some crocodile meat, at first she doesn't want to eat it but after a while, she finally gives in.

'I thought she's the type that will talk all the time.. but she's became silent after our angry conversation..'

After four and a half hours, we finally arrived at the front gate of the Bow Kingdom. Some guards saw me but didn`t recognize my new head. By showing the emblem of the king, he opened the door immediately. I will go towards the Army Headquarter to ask my uncle where we can imprison this princess temporarily.

Some soldiers that saw me are laughing after I passed them even the guards at the front gate earlier. 'I don't think this princess here is that funny.. and my bald head..' After a few moments, we finally arrived at the Main Army Headquarter. They are in the middle of a meeting when I arrived.

"My King, Your back.. and who's that man.. i mean girl.. and what happened to your head..Haha" My uncle said when he saw me and laughing out loud. The two vice-generals and captain Rowena look relieved when they saw me and they cover their mouth to try to stop they laugh.

"My King, Welcome back were worried after we know that you're going to intercept the army of the 3 big kingdoms." Vice-General Lucas Drend said while trying hard to stop his laugh and Captain Rowena face became red looking downward.

"This Girl here is the princess of the Baruka Army, i don't know what`s her name but everybody in their camp called her princess.. I kidnapped her to negotiate on the baruka kingdom to stopped their Army from joining the war." I explained to them slowly and all of them have eyes widened while Vice-General Damascus Ion goes outside and laugh hard.

"Princess, What is your name? Are you really a princess?" My Uncle asked the princess beside me but the princess remained silent.

"Uncle, I don't think she's gonna talk anytime soon. We need some prison cage to her.." I said to my uncle and he immediately signaled me to follow him.

A few minutes later, we arrived at the big cages for the beasts and put the princess inside.

"Uncle, I`m really tired.. I need to sleep.. I will go now and you need to secure the princess.. She is not normal.. She is a B-rank fire user with superhuman body.." I said to my uncle and he just nodded then chuckle when his eyes rolled on my head.

While walking through the corridors. 'What the fuck is wrong here! Even the soldiers here.. all of them laughing as soon as i passed them.. I don't think my bald head is that funny..' After i arrived at the bedroom, I see a small mirror on the side. 'Let`s check if my head is really that funny..' After I hold a mirror and check my reflection in it, I see a vertical scar on the top of my head.

"Fuck.. I look like a dick.."

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