《The Not Supposedly King》Chapter 23-Loud Noise


Chapter 23-Loud Noise

When I wake up, I go to the window and look at the sky. '..Looks like It`s afternoon and.. I did not oversleep..' I get the mirror on the side again and check my scar on the top my head. '..This scar on my head is strange, I don`t have any memories of this scar..' From my storage ring, I get a handkerchief and cover it to my head.

While walking around to the Dining room area, some soldiers that seen me are curiously looking at my head. After I finished eating my dish, I go to the meeting area room. After a few moments, I enter the meeting room, I see my uncle and Captain Rowena talking.

"Alright.. Stop looking at my head.. you have some explanations to do.. uncle why you didn`t inform me about my head and just laughed yesterday?" I asked him in a bit angry tone.

"Haha.. When you suddenly arrived the two generals and Captain Rowena are present here in the meeting.. When I saw you.. Should I say, My King, what happened to you, why you look like a dick.. It`s not appropriate right?" My uncle said and laughed again while General Rowena looks awkward on the side.

"You have a point.. but you can whisper it to me, right? and why did you just said it now? Captain Rowena is here.." I said to him and bite my lower lips.

"Oh! You`re right! Why did I not think that before? Let`s forget about that.. I send Vice-general Lucas Drend to negotiate to the Baruka Army General and the princess behavior is quite cooperative but she still didn`t talk." He informed me while looking serious and trying to change the subject.

"You are really good at changing the subject.. But the princess behavior is quite strange.. I observe her before.. She is not the hot headed type but quite intelligent.. Hey, uncle are you sure that the cage is hard enough to contain her?" I asked him after pondering things and slowly sitting on a chair near my uncle.

"That Prison Cage can stop any S-rank skill below, it should be enough to contain a B-rank princess and about her abnormal strength it will do nothing in the cage." He answered me confidently.

"How about the Carrio Desert army? Do I have the time to intercept them?" I asked him about the last army that I didn`t meet.

"My King, It will be better, If you stay here in the kingdom, they got the news that you infiltrated the Snake Gaze Kingdom Army and forced them to go back in their kingdom, the Carrio Desert army are extremely cautious at this moment. They are also delayed by a week because of the distance of their kingdom from us." Captain Rowena said in her usual military manner.

"I don`t really have blue potions now.. but.." I said to them suddenly, my uncle cut.

"You should know that the weakness of the Void presence skill, the enemy can clearly see, hear and smell you. The Carrio Desert army has a lot of Desert wolf and they specialize in detecting scent nearby." My uncle said that looks like he knows what I`m planning to do.


"Alright, I`m not gonna intercept them, but uncle, do you know what cause of this scar on my head? I don`t remember anything regarding this scar and tell me about your war plans.." I asked him while he is closing his eyes after he heard my question and open again.

"No, I think you need to ask Ms. Dana Evergreen regarding your scar.. and about the tactics that were going to do in upcoming war.." My uncle said diligently and informed me their tactics in the upcoming war.

After I heard the information about their war strategy, I'm quite satisfied with it. "Captain Rowena, You will stay here for this week, right? I want you to check personally our princess prisoner.. I just feel that this princess is up to something.." I said to them and get myself up.

"Yes, My king, I will personally check the princess from time to time.." Captain Rowena said in a military manner, I waved my hand to them and leave the meeting room.


My ears heard a loud explosion while walking and I immediately enter again in the meeting room. "What was that?" I asked them and they also have a blank expression on what happened.

We quickly jump in the window and after we landed, we all see the Prison Cage where the princess contained is on the fire. Using my teleport, I hold them and we quickly appear on the prison cage area. We check the princess prison room and we can`t see her.

"The Princess escaped! All the soldiers close all the exits!" My uncle commanded the soldiers in a serious and loud voice while all the soldiers immediately run to their different assigned positions.

Captain Rowena is using some Ice skill and the house on fire became covered on ice, the Fire extinguished instantly. Using my Void wings, I float 500 ft. above the ground and enhance my eyesight to search the princess. While scanning around, I can`t see any trace of the princess nearby.

"Uncle, I can't see where the princess is.." I said with concerned expression while floating downward.

"I think she`s still here in the city.. She`s only a B-rank and the fire users are not that fast.. We need to search the outside perimeter first then slowly close in." He said seriously and I agree with his plan. "We already double checked her body.. How did she manage to create an explosion like that?.." He said to us while his face is frowning.

My uncle having serious talking with Captain Rowena and I immediately float above again and fly around the City to search for the princess. '..Fuck! That macho princess is really dangerous!..' I see Captain Rowena jumping on the opposite side of my position while my uncle still looks like thinking on how the princess escaped. My search are most in the houses and top of the trees but still, I can`t find any trace of the princess.

After a few moments, I heard a weak explosion where Captain Rowena run into.


Cage Prison, Lower Limb City (P.O.V Cassandra Olive)


Inside their prison, I slowly regaining my mana after the bald king removed his prison skill. When I see their general approaching me, I turn around while quickly biting my necklace and put it into my mouth.

“Princess, I just want to search on your body, most of the royalties have their trump card” He said and immediately search my body.

“Princess, Our king said that you can talk.. May I ask, what is your name?” He asked again my name and I just remained silent, the necklace might discover in my mouth.

Finally, their general left the room and I immediately absorbed the mana again in the room. When my mana is sufficient enough, I put some concentrated fire to the stone in my mouth and slowly pouring it to create an SS-rank destruction fire spell.

My body feels tired and I rest for a moment. The door of the cage suddenly open, the general asked me again but I still ignoring all his question and he left again. After a few hours, my necklace stone is enough to create a one time SS-rank fire destruction skill, I regenerate my mana again.

After a while, I walk to the farthest side of the prison door and throw the necklace.


After the explosion, I see the door crumbled and the whole prison is on fire, I exit immediately and see some soldiers scouting all around the area. While running to the all the possible exit in the city, All them are heavily guarded.

‘..Damn! That bald king.. If only I have my Gandura sword that time..’ My eyes see some tents nearby, I quickly enter and hide for a moment.

A few minutes later, my ears hear a footstep nearby and immediately preventing myself from creating any sound. ‘..This person is strong..’ The person nearby slowly walking to where my tent is.

"Chack! Chack!"

There are two big ice spikes that almost pierced me, I immediately jump outside and see her. 'This small woman.. is she trying to kill me.. I`m a princess and their important prisoner..'

"Princess, As expected you really are strong, Our king, praises your strength even your only a B-rank.." She said in a military manner while looking at me.

'..If only I have my gandura sword.. Damn! This small woman!..' I see her coming at me fast and punch her small hand. I immediately lift up my forearms and block his punch.


'My bones.. My bones.. What the hell is wrong with this small women.. it`s only a cold punch..' I feel the cracking of my bones in my left forearm.

"You! I`m gonna kill you!" I shouted as I feel my blood is boiling and immediately propel myself forward. I used my flame blast skill while going to her side and punch her stomach.

"Princess, you are strong but I feel that this is not the way you fight, your fighting style is too simple.. Do you have any last wish? I`m gonna end your life now." She said in a military manner while holding my right hand and I feel the temperature suddenly drop with her last words.

"Wait! Wait! You don`t need to kill me, I will behave now the explosion is just a one time skill from the stone necklace of Legurda.." I said in scared voice and she immediately tied me up.


In Front of the burning Cage, Lower Limb City (P.O.V Rowena Brick)

Using my glacier spell, the cage that is on fire is immediately covered in ice while our king floats and searching above. General Leon called me and I quickly go to him.

"After you regain your mana, go to that tents nearby and use your ice spikes on it. The princess should come out of one of those tents." He commanded me after pointed out the tents and I immediately nodded.

Before going to leave, I asked the General. "General How did you know that the princess is inside of one of those tents?"

"It`s just a hunch but the princess should hide somewhere in one of those tents. Anyway, I`m not sure." He said to me and after I regained all of my mana, I jump immediately towards the tents that general Leon pointed out.

After I arrived at one of the tents, I cast the two ice spikes on it. There is a disturbance on the wind on the back and I run quickly. After I arrived, I finally see the princess of the Baruka Kingdom.

Using my 40% of my mana while covering my hand on the ice, My feet quickly jump on her and punch the princess with all my strength. She caught by surprise and didn`t dodge but block my punch using her forearms.


'That is my strongest punch.. and it only does a little crack on his forearm bones..' I immediately jump backward.

"You! I`m gonna kill you!" She shouted angrily and immediately propel herself forward and cast a fire skill in my front.

Using my ice wall skill, I quickly cast it in my front and I see what the princess going to do. While covering my hand on the ice, I patiently wait for her hands and grab it. ‘..This princess is really tough, I only have 10% mana left, If she`s gonna fight, I need to escape immediately..’

"Princess, you are strong but I feel that this is not the way you fight, your fighting style is too simple.. Do you have any last wish? I`m gonna end your life now." I said in a military manner while holding her right hand and threatened her.

'..Please behave, princess, if you fight again I'm gonna run now..'

"Wait! Wait! I will behave now the explosion is just a one time skill from the stone necklace of Legurda.." She said in a scared voice.

'..I thought threatening will not work on her.. The necklace of legurda..' I immediately tied her up and signaled the general.

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