《Mega Cringe: Dab》Chapter 14 - To Twotch
They left Arthur’s office and headed towards the elevator.
“Do you know on what floor is the workshop located? If not I’ll show you the way.”
“I have no clue, when I climbed the tower I didn’t check the rooms, so I don’t know any floor other than the top two.”
“Follow me then.”
They entered the elevator and Terin pressed the 50th floor.
“Since you will be a core member I’ll tell you a short guide of our tower. The bottom floors are made for defence, you won’t find anything there other than machines made for defending the tower. There really is no reason for you to be there other than if we are being attacked. Above the lower towers are facilities for research and working stations. Workshop and R&D for weapons is on the 50th floor. The top floors are just rooms for workers in this tower. Once you get your room it will probably be under my floor.”
The elevator stopped and the doors opened. Another set of metal doors appeared in front of them. Terin opened them and gestured Copy to enter.
“Welcome to the workshop!”
Rap music was being blasted along with the noise of people arguing.
“The boss clearly said they need to be thin! What the fuck are you doing making this?”
“Thin??? That makes no sense! It won’t pierce anything, it’ll just break! All of you are idiots!”
Hearing the commotion a blonde guy with blue eyes who was sleeping at his station got woken up.
“What are you all yelling about? Go back to work!”
Guessing that his job was done he was about to go to sleep but before he closed his eyes he spotted Copy and Terin. Realising that his superiors came into the workshop he quickly stood up and fixed his uniform. His uniform consisted of a t-shirt couple with khaki shorts and a white mantle. He was also wearing birkenstocks which Terin could respect. It made no sense why that was the uniform of someone working in a workshop. Running his hand through his hair he tried to fix it but failed and it was still messy like before. He walked up to them with a nervous smile carrying something.
“Welcome to my workshop! I’m Julian, the newly appointed chief of this floor. Uhhh, since I didn’t know what to do I was searching the history of workshop and looking at the previous projects. The only thing we could find suitable for you are these tiny bombs. We managed to produce 30 of them.”
Julian lifted his hand and dropped all of them into Terin’s hand. He didn’t know why someone who dabs to fight would use them but it was on the computer so he made it.
“Next is for you Copy. Since you are new we didn’t know what to create for you but Arthur informed me you throw really thin blades so we decided to make some. The staff here isn’t the best so it might not be perfect.”
Julian handed her the blades that were made so far. Copy looked over them and noticed that they were thicker than she is used to and they weren’t all the same size. They weren’t perfect but they weren’t bad either so she accepted them.
“Thanks, by the way I recently lost all my weapons so I’d like to show them to you and see if you can craft them.”
“Sure, come to my station first.”
Terin waited by the entrance while Copy followed Julian to his station. She started explaining the weapons in detail to Julian and he was carefully listening. His face looked very serious and like he was deeply thinking about it but to Copy it felt insincere. After Copy finished explaining she looked at Julian but he was still shaking his head up and down.
“I see. Let me guess, you were a bot from TouTu:b:e. right?”
“Yes, how did you know?”
“Well, your weapons are the same weapons and grade as the old bot of TouTu:b:e had. It wasn’t hard to reach that conclusion. And on top of that your name makes it obvious… and Arthur also told me you are from TouTu:b:e… Anyway, I can build these weapons for you and even improve them.”
“Looking forward to it then!”
Julian nodded his head and Copy joined up with Terin.
“There is another room you need to see. We’ll head over there now.” - They stepped back into the elevator and Terin pushed the 55th floor. - “Up until now we used my private AB but the tower has its own. We’ll go here the next time we need to go somewhere.”
They stepped into the room on the 55th floor and noticed it was filled with bunch of tubes. There were a total of 8 and each could fit 2 people in them. In the corner of the room was a desk with a PC on it.
“Usually there is a person here that would keep track of where everybody is going but we are still understaffed. There are many more important floors in the tower but I’ll show you those as the need arises. For now, let’s just head to Twotch.”
They entered the tube and Terin typed in their destination. As always the familiar scenery in front of them disappeared and they found themselves in a new strange place.
Twotch was unlike HeadNovel and TouTu:b:e. It was a popular region consisting of only one large sector. People would create stands where people could watch content. Difference between Twotch and TouTu:b:e was that Twotch was streamed live and the audience could interact with the streamer. The appeal wasn’t as high as it was for TouTu:b:e but it was enough for Twotch to become one of the stronger regions.
At first there were only people who streamed games but as the region developed many different things were being streamed. Once Twotch added “real life” section that was its beginning of an end. The beings known as thots began to thrive. They existed even before the new addition but it was after that they gained more power. Thots were female beings that lived off compliments and drained all males of their power. Most men could resist the temptations of thots so they had to prey on lonely man and teenagers. But as time passed their powers grew. They gained more and more power until they reached the point where even the region masters were under control. Thots were completely defenseless alone so they had to use other people to fight for them. Once they gained the region masters under their control they had nothing to stop them. They kept getting stronger until the legendary being known as “Thot Leviathan” has been created. Wanting all the power for herself she destroyed all other thots and females in the region and conquered it all for herself. She now sits on top of the sector’s tower draining it completely.
Terin did the research necessary for this region this time. He didn’t want to be caught off guard or hope that somebody will remember to tell him the key factors. In front of him he saw a knight in shining white armor. The knight was somewhat chubby making him look goofy in that armor. As Terin remembered those were the region masters. Outsiders could fight them and often beat them. But there was an infinite number of them. Once you started fighting one region master you would be overwhelmed by a swarm of them until you finally fall. The region master was keenly looking at the direction of one of the streamers. The streamer was well-built guy in his early 20s, he had a handsome face and judging by all the people that followed him he was also charismatic. Out of nowhere a strong wind surged and pushed the sleeveless shirt he was wearing exposing his nipple for a split second. The region master jumped up and started moving towards the streamer. His face was hidden by a helmet but something about him told Terin that he had a huge grin on his face right now. As he approached the streamer he started yelling at him.
“Yo! Wait, it’s just an accident!” - the streamer tried to explain himself but the region master didn’t care.
As he said those words a giant hammer fell down from the sky dropping on the streamer and instantly killing him. People who were following the streamer wanted to protest but they knew they had no power and didn’t want to end up the same so they just left. Even Copy couldn’t keep up her usual cheerful appearance.
“Isn’t this the same as what you did?”
“No! I was simply following orders as what I am made for. I didn’t wait for the smallest mistake to destroy someone just because I was envious of them.”
“Forget about this, let’s go to the tower and see what we are dealing with.”
They walked towards the towers and saw many people sitting on the side of the street playing games with no one even near them. A machine stood next to each streamer. It was watching over them and making sure everyone behaved well. As they got closer they saw more and more people playing games and now there were some people watching them. Some were just passing by but those that stayed were casually chatting with the streamer, like they were long time friends. As they got deeper into the sector the streams were filled with more people and they were becoming less and less personal.
High pitched noises could be heard coming from where the tower is. Copy and Terin approached it and noticed a huge crowd. Many compliments could be heard.
“I love you Starlinity!!!” “You are the best!!!” “Please marry me!” “You are so beautiful!!”
Some other creepy comments could also be heard from time to time but everybody ignored them. They were too busy throwing themselves at the person in front of them. Terin wanted to break through and meet the person in question but first he prepared himself. He took a stance and swung his body with his feet firm in place. As his body lowered he did a dab. Going lower his elbow touched the ground and both his hands were pointing at the sun. The sun was setting so this resurrection dab was much easier to perform then the previous one. Copy seeing him do it successfully congratulated while clapping.
“Wow! You did it! What does that one do?”
“I always do it.” - Copy was confused by his answer but before she could question him he continued. - “Listen to me carefully now. We are going to meet that monster now, if we can we will take it out now, if not we will retreat. Arthur said he was confident in me resisting her but that just means there is a chance I will fall under her charms. As soon as you see me struggling to resist her, kill me.”
“Pfft, like that will happen.”
“You will kill me!”
“Alright alright... I’ll kill you without hesitation if that happens, as unlikely as it may be.”
Terin started breaking through the crowd and Copy followed him. The space was much smaller so breaking through was harder than it was in Ocean Cole’s sector so Copy decided to stay right next to Terin to not lose him. After breaking through sweaty neckbeards and acne-covered teenagers they finally reached the end. Terin found it weird how they were skinny and easy to push around yet their cheering was filled with extreme energy. In the front row they could see what everyone was excited about.
There was a stage of a someone’s living room in front of them. Next to the stage were 2 white knights. It was surrounded by mirrors and cameras. In the center of the stage there was a sofa with a girl lying on it. The girl had long straight blonde hair. It was completely different from Copy’s mess of a hair. Terin noticed that she wasn’t human. Pair of horns were growing alongside her head and on top of that she even had wings on her waist. With her hourglass figure she was beautiful beyond compare, Terin could understand how men easily bowed to her. The streamer wasn’t doing anything at all but everyone was just cheering for her and throwing compliments all the time. Name of the performance was “Starlinity’s wardrobe”. Starlinity sat up and started complaining.
“I like this sweater but they told me it’s 100% cotton but as you can see on the label it only says 90%.”
The sweater was already revealing and her pushing the back of the sweater made her breasts only rise up more. She stood up and walked up to the camera to bend over and show the label but the focus was obviously on her chest area and not the label. The mirror behind her also meant that people could also see the view from the back.
The crowd grew even louder and even more compliments were being thrown her way. She went back to the sofa and lied down once more. Once again she wasn’t doing anything but the crowd wouldn’t stop shouting. Terin saw everything he needed to see and moved forward to cross the line. The guard tried to stop him but before his hand even touched Terin he was taken out by Copy. The region masters saw that and made their move too.
Terin expected a hammer to fall down just like the last time but nothing happened except the boos from the crowd.
“So, you have no power over people who are not Twotch citizens. Valuable information.”
“That information is pointless to you because you’ll be dead!”
The white knights drew their sword and charged towards Terin.
“Stop!” - Starlinity who was lying in bed finally spoke up while trying to maintain an obviously fake cute voice. - “Please don’t fight over me.” - She made a frown and continued. - “He just came to support me but is a bit too forceful about it. Will you kindly go back in line?” - She blew a kiss towards Terin.
Shock ran across her face. This was obviously the first time someone rejected her. The crowd was angry and was throwing insults at Terin but they still didn’t forget to support Starlinity.
“Haha, you don’t mean that.” - she approached him and started whispering in his ear. - “If you act nice I might reward you with something later.”
Terin took the chance while she was close and focused everything on strength. He punched her. But there was no reaction. She didn’t even flinch.
“Well well well, you are a very naughty boy it seems. But I’ll forgive you, just get on your knees and beg for forgiveness.”
The crowd was mixed with cheers for Starlinity and boos for Terin once again. Some of them were even commenting how they wanted to be in Terin’s place. Copy was watching the entire exchange and she was watching Terin closely for any reaction. She was happy because she knew there was no way that he would succumb to her charm. The happiness quickly faded once she realised that several seconds passed and he still didn’t reject her. She thought to herself that maybe that wasn’t a sign, he was simply thinking about what to do next, or he simply has nothing else to say. Soon after she saw his knees twitch. She felt regret but she still had to follow orders. She threw 3 blades towards his throat and pierced his heart with a dagger.
Terin blinked and and he was in another place in another position. The surprise caught him and he quickly collapsed. He knew it will happen but he still couldn’t hide his disappointment. Copy knew Terin appreciates dabs more than anything else and seeing him fail one she felt like she should comfort him.
“Uhh, don’t worry about failing it! It looks very hard to do so you’ll get it eventually after practicing more!”
“I never fail it. The only reason it looks like I failed it is because you did a good job.” - Copy thought he was making fun of her but it sounded sincere. Before she could even figure out what happened he continued. - “We are leaving.”
“What? But we just got here.”
“There is a demonic being of immense strength inside there. It appears to control the minds of every single male in this region and sucks their lifeforce out of them while they shower her in compliments. If I go there I will fall under her charms too.”
Terin turned around and left. Copy didn’t understand what happened or how he knew all of that but she still followed him. Even if she didn’t understand why she would still follow orders.
“So what’s our next move then?”
“We will meet with the group Arthur mentioned. Our contact should be waiting for us in an alleyway on the next street.”
“So close to their enemy, huh? I can understand hiding right under their noses can be a good tactic but it’s still suspicious.”
“Exactly. That’s why I want you to check if anyone was following us. Follow me from the shadows until we make sure it’s safe.”
They took a wrong turn and after making sure no one could see them Copy started climbing the building. Her hands could easily dig into the building which allowed for her quick ascent. Once she was on top Terin continued to his destination while Copy stayed behind waiting to see if someone will come to investigate. After a few minutes no one came so she rushed towards Terin’s location. The buildings were tall and gave her a clear overview on the entire location while keeping her hidden.
Terin reached the designated alley where the meeting was supposed to happen. He looked up towards where Copy should be. She gave him no signals which meant that it was all clear. Inside the alley he saw a person trying to hide behind the dumpster. He approached the mysterious person which forced him to speak.
“D-don’t come closer! Who are you?!”
It sounded like a child’s voice but judging by his height the person was clearly an adult. There was also a weird accent. Seeing how he was scared Terin decided to stop and introduce himself.
“I am Terin from the HeadNovel sector. Arthur told us to meet your group here.”
“Oh… So you are the right person. But isn’t there supposed to be two of you?”
“My partner is just exploring the area since it’s our first time here.”
“Oh okay, well I’ll take you to our leader now and then come back here to wait for your partner.”
The mysterious person left his hiding spot but he was still covering his face. He looked behind Terin to make sure nobody was following them and then went deeper in. Terin’s intuition told him it’s safe but he decided to keep Copy on the lookout just in case. They reached a dead end.
“Alright! We are here.” - the hooded person finally took off the hood and revealed a long black hair. The person turned around and greeted Terin with a smile. - “I didn’t get to introduce myself before so I will do it now. My name is Olive but everyone calls me Liv.” - Her face was really pretty and clear proof that she was a girl but Terin still had to make sure. She wasn’t as beautiful as Starlinity but her looks very still charming.
“Are you a girl?”
“Uhh, yes I am.” - Liv felt uncomfortable but still answered his question.
Terin was confused. According to all his info Twotch should have no females and according to Arthur’s briefing this group avoids female members to avoid conflict from within. He continued staring at her to see her next move but it only made Liv more uncomfortable. The awkward situation was finally broken once an object fell from the sky behind Liv. With a shriek she jumped back and looked at the blonde girl in front of her with terror in her eyes. Copy turned her head towards Liv revealing her bad eye and purposefully making an evil grin. Seeing her Liv jumped back once again hiding behind Terin. She soon realised what she had done and quickly went back to Terin’s side.
“I am sorry, I didn’t mean to use you as a shield. I’ll fight too and help you!”
Terin could see her determination to help and fight. But he could also see that she had no clue on how to fight in hand-to-hand combat and her entire body was shaking so much it could collapse any second.
“Relax. She is with me.”
Liv realising there is no danger quickly calmed down but she was still flustered.
“I am really sorry! I didn’t mean to jump to conclusions! You just came out of nowhere and surprised me! By the way I am Olive but you can call me Liv.”
“Call me Copy. And it’s fine, just needed to get you two to stop flirting.”
Liv blushed and spoke even more frantically than before.
“Wha-.. I wasn’t.. Let’s just open this door and go to our leader as quick as possible!”
Liv pushed a few bricks and the wall opened itself leading downstairs. She quickly rushed in and Copy followed her. Before she got in Terin stopped her and she braced herself.
“Good job.” - Hearing those words Copy was extremely confused but he continued. - “Thanks for staying vigilant but she doesn’t seem like she is the same type as that thing in the tower so don’t worry about it too much.”
Her actions were misread and she was getting praise for it. It felt good and instead of correcting him she decided to use this time to brag even more.
“It’s about time you started appreciating my genius.”
“Just because I am lying to myself doesn’t mean you have to lie to yourself too.”
And her mood instantly dropped. They entered and the doors closed behind them.
“Man I always wondered how these hidden doors knew when to close themselves.
Terin ignored her and hurried up to catch up to Liv. As their descent stopped they entered a room filled with PCs and game consoles everywhere and people playing them. A banner with an image similar to a police badge and with words that said “Thot Patrol” hanged in the center of the room. Everyone inside of it was a male which made Liv stick out a lot but it didn’t seem like she was attracting a lot of attention. The office of the leader was close to the stairs so they didn't have to push through the crowd. Terin and Copy went in without Liv. Inside the office there was a desk with 2 armchairs in front and a leather office chair behind it where the leader sat. Behind him was another banner and beneath it was their slogan. It said “If she breathe, she a thot” in capital letters. Terin was worried that the group hated all women and would cause problems for them because of Copy. The leader gestured them to sit down and Terin realised that he worried for nothing. After all, Liv was part of this group too.
“Welcome to our hideout. My name is Harry and I am the leader of this little rebellion here.”
He introduced himself and stood up to shake their hands. Terin took a closer look at the guy. His body was large and unfit but Terin could feel great amount of strength coming from him just by the handshake. His hair and beard were badly maintained. It didn’t look like their rebellion was going well judging by his appearance. But he had a bright expression.
“Judging by your slogan there, does that mean you will fight me too?”
“You needn’t worry about it. You are an android and you don’t breathe haha.”
“I actually do breathe.”
The response made Harry feel awkward and the look on Copy’s face made it obvious she was going for it.
“Oh… Well… Uhh, the slogan wasn’t made to be literal. It’s just going into extreme because our enemies went into extreme too. After all, we have Liv here.”
“Copy, enough with your nonsense. Sorry about her. My name is Terin and this android girl is named Copy Strike. We are running short on time so we’d like to finish this as soon as possible.”
“Yes of course. The longer that beast is alive the higher the victim count is. But unfortunately I can’t give you any good news. We lost too many. Our manpower is exhausted, we only have enough to keep Liv safe.”
“Keep her safe? Why? And if your goal is to keep her safe why did you send her to meet us?”
“Because everyone else started a match in “GamerNite” and all of them were Top 10, it would be too cruel to force them to quit so we had to send her. But the reason we are protecting is because she is the key to ending all of this. Just as the Thot Leviathan is a mythical being so too is Liv. She is a god-tier waifu. That monster in the tower is the perfect being of thottery. But Liv is the perfect being too. Perfect being of purity. And only she can destroy that evil. We couldn’t launch an attack before because people fall for her charms but now maybe we finally can. We already have a plan and everything ready. We just need you to join. So what do you say, are you in?”
“First of all, let us hear the plan.”
“Fair enough. First we need to get rid of her followers. They supply her with compliments which is her life force. As long as she is being complimented she won’t be weakened. We will get rid of them by launching a full frontal assault. They are all mindless followers who will listen to its every command but once they hear someone disrespecting that thing they lose it and go into a blood-frenzy rage until they kill the offender. That’s where the famed Dab Master comes in. You will launch the attack. Thousands of exhausted mindless zombies shouldn’t even be a problem for you. During the mess Copy Strike will take Liv and sneak behind. You will have to give her a chance to stab the monster. Liv is not exactly capable of fighting so you’ll have to do it alone.”
“I refuse.”
“Why? I know you are not scared of that number. Are you worried that you will get exhausted and quickly overrun? This is not an army, but a mindless horder. You will kill hundreds with a single punch.”
“Exactly! I refuse to participate in a massacre such as that.”
“Sacrifices must be made. You will be doing them a favour releasing them from that curse. If we do not strike now who knows how many regions will fall prey to that monster. We have no choice! If we don’t get rid of them Liv also won’t be able to get close.”
Terin stopped to think. There were other solutions.
“We won’t fight them. We’ll provoke them and run.”
“That could also work. After all Copy is the key part her, she needs to sneak in and give a chance to Liv, if you can distract them by running even better. Region masters work with that thing so you will be cornered quickly, keep that in mind.”
Terin tried to think of an alternative but he also knew that there is no way Starlinity will ever be alone, she is worshipped for everything, no matter what. The only way is to distract them like this.
“Alright, I’ll join.”
“If he is joining obviously I am joining in too.”
“Good, it’s time we made history. We will start in an hour, until then do whatever you want.”
They left Harry’s office. Copy noticed Terin was worried about something and decided to confront him about it.
“You seem worried. I know you want to avoid violence but it seems like it’s something more than that.”
“It’d be pointless to tell you. Nothing bad will happen after all. Let’s go see how Liv is doing.”
Copy was worried about Terin but she also knew that he wouldn’t let his emotion cloud his judgment. If he said it’s pointless then it truly was pointless to worry about it. She relaxed and quickly went over to Liv to try and scare her once more. Copy arrived behind her and tried to get as close as possible to her.
“You won’t fool me twice!” - Liv turned around and caught Copy in the act. She was about to apologise but she noticed that Liv was smiling and didn’t mind. She sat next to her and looked at what she was playing. It was the famous battle royale made by the company called “Epic Gamers”, “GamerNite”. Liv was currently in the top 5. Terin had some questions for her but he decided to wait until she finished. Few minutes passed and it turned into a 1v1. Both Terin and Copy were invested in it. A shootout started and they were holding their breath. Unfortunately Liv lost it. Copy hit the desk in front of her out of frustration. Even Terin’s face was showing a clear disappointment.
“Oh well… I really wanted to win that but he was better than me! But I’ll win first place eventually!”
Terin wanted to give her another try but time was running short and she could always do it after they finish their attack. Before he could ask anything she was interrupted by a person who just walked into the base. He was carrying bags of various fast foods and in one of them was a baguette. He came over and offered the baguette to Liv.
“Aww, you shouldn’t have.”
“You are sacrificing yourself to save the world. It’s the least I can do. “
Liv continued smiling as he left to give out the rest of the food. Saying that she will be sacrificed confused Terin and Copy. All they knew was that she has to be the one to defeat Starlinity.
“What did he mean by sacrificing yourself?
Liv’s expression turned gloomy.
“Our enemy can only be killed with huge amount of purity. If you kill her in any other way she will just come back. I will have to channel all of my pure energy into her to destroy her and since that’s all I am made of I will be destroyed as well.”
Terin was surprised. He was wondering why Harry didn’t tell him information like that. But his plan was already very basic so Terin didn’t think Harry was hiding something. About Liv he was somewhat sad. He had respect for her. She was choosing to sacrifice herself. Death is unfortunate but he wasn’t going to ask to cancel the attack. There was no other way to destroy her. And Liv was just another soldier in the war, he barely knew her, and soldiers die in a war. Copy, on the other hand, didn’t care at all. Liv was just someone that will pass through in her life, she had no reason to grieve for her. But she respected Liv for her choice. It’s not easy to sacrifice yourself willingly. Liv sensed the mood was gloomy so she tried to lighten it up.
“But it’s fine! I’ll be making millions of other people happy! And I’ll also be forever remembered so there are a lot of bonuses too!”
Terin wanted to question her because he was curious in her mythical existence, but hearing about how it’s her last hour alive he decided not to.
“How about we do squads on “GamerNite”? Maybe we even win.”
Everyone liked the idea so they jumped into the game, since they need to have 4 people, a random person had to join. Copy was terrible at video games, she knew the controls and the basics but her knowledge and skill was lacking. She was the first one to fall. In anger she slammed the table and continued cursing at the game and blamed it for dying. Soon after the random fell too, leaving only Terin and Liv behind. Liv was above average but she wasn’t confident they could win. The majority of teams were still alive. Their chances of survival were slim. What she didn’t know was that she had an expert right next to her. Terin was really good at any type of video game. His biggest weakness would be rhythm games. Team after team fell and soon all that was left were them and 2 more teams. One had 4 alive while the other had only 2. Terin planned to sneak around and let them fight each other but the weaker team found them. Terin and Liv defeated them but they suffered some wounds. Terin might be really good but that didn’t mean that he was a god. 2v4 was difficult even for him, especially in their weakened state. As they were sneaking around a house Copy decided to go behind Liv and look at her screen. She wanted to lean on her back and watch but she did it too forcefully pushing Liv and making her throw a grenade. Terin didn’t see what happened since he was completely focused on the game. On the screen he saw a person running out of the house and he sniped him. As he did it the words “#1 Victory Royale” popped up. It took him a while to realise what happened. Copy’s mistake allowed Liv to pick up a 3 kills. Terin was unaware of this and just congratulated Liv on her amazing play. She just awkwardly smiled and thanked him.
Time passed quickly as they were playing and it was time to launch the assault. Harry rallied everyone. He already informed everyone about the plan but he went over it once again because of Terin’s small change. The plan was simple and therefore the briefing was quick. At the end of the briefing when everyone dispersed Terin, Copy and Liv stayed behind with Harry. Harry pulled out a long case from under his desk. Inside of it was a longsword. It was a very strange sword, with strange colouring. It was full of different shades of pink and purple. The guards on it were ball shaped. And at the point of it was a small cut, making it seem like it had 2 tips. There were giant letters inscribed in it. On one side it was inscribed “Thot” and on the other it was “Destroyer”. Harry after examining it gave it to Liv.
“This is the famed “Thot Destroyer”. Only with this weapon will you be able to destroy it. Pierce the monsters heart and you will win. Good luck.”
With those words he sent them off. Outside Copy and Terin separated once more. Copy and Liv headed towards the roof of the building. They will stay out of sight on top of the buildings until Terin and the rest distract Starlinity’s minions. Meanwhile, Terin will lead a full frontal assault with a group of 21 people. Terin and his fighters arrived in front of the group. Nobody was paying attention to them right now. Everyone’s attention was directed to Starlinity. Copy soon reached her destination and gave out a signal. Seeing the signal, Terin raised his megaphone and screamed into it.
“If she breathe, she a thot!”
The noise reverberated throughout the entire area. The first ones to act were the region masters. They wanted everyone else to stay and for them to go out and check the situation. But they couldn’t do it in time. Everyone’s attention was turned into the other direction. Starlinity, despite being the object of their worship, was getting the least attention. She was dissatisfied that things weren’t going her way but she knew there was nothing to be done. She just hoped it would end quick. With a battlecry of “All women are queens” they rushed off leaving Starlinity alone. She hated that saying. The only queen on this world is her. But instead of trying to force them to change their minds she decided to go for an easy approach and remove all other competition.
She sat down while she waited for everyone to come back. To her surprise something crashed behind her. She quickly stood up and checked it. As the dust was settling she could see a blonde girl carrying someone in her arms. She instantly recognized the other girl. It was Olive, her only enemy. Starlinity has been trying to kill her for so long but she could never find her. She didn’t know who the other girl was but she knew that no one from Twotch could possibly be stronger than her, even if she was in her weakest state. The blonde girl was obviously protecting Olive but Starlinity was confident she can slip past and kill her in one strike. The other girl approached while smiling. Starlinity ignored her and rushed towards Olive. Suddenly she stopped. She felt pain coursing through her body. She was stopped with the fist in her abdomen.
“You are all alone, don’t get cocky.”
Starlinity fell on her knees and before she could dodge the mysterious girl kicked her in the forehead. She dropped on the ground.
“You know what’s the best part about this? You feel everything but won’t die so there is no need for me to hold back.”
Another attack followed but Starlinity rolled away, just barely dodging it. Her enemy was right. She can’t die. She might not be able to defeat her enemy but that’s not the goal. All she has to do is kill Olive and then wait for everyone to come back. It’s painful and hard work so she hated the idea, but it was necessary for survival. She steeled herself and a battle for her survival began.
Meanwhile on Terin’s front. As they yelled their battlecry the mass of people turned around. The anger on their faces was apparent. People around Terin taunted them even more. They all yelled out their battlecry and charged. This was a sign for Terin forces to run. It was easy to outrun malnourished Starlinity fans but their goal was to keep them distracted so they always tried to stay close enough so they don’t lose any interest. Everything was going great but Terin didn’t try to relax. It was too easy and he didn’t believe that this region was this weak. As he was thinking that he saw a giant region master behind a building carrying a halberd near the next crossroads. Terin guessed what he was going to do and ordered everyone to hurry up. The distance was too far for them to reach before the giant did but Terin wanted to have some distance between the mindless mob when they reached the giant. As expected the giant reached the crossroads before them. He swung his halberd. It wasn’t aimed towards Terin’s group. It was aimed in front of the giant from one side of the street to other. His halberd dropped blocked the way. They were trapped.
Terin didn’t stop. He jumped up doing a Bullet Dab aimed towards the blade of the weapon. It had no effect. He landed and instantly did a Power Dab. He started punching the blade but it had no effect. It wouldn’t even crack. If the blade was unbreakable the ground wasn’t. He started punching the ground until he made a tunnel. The giant was calmly watching from above. As the tunnel gained shape he drove the blade even deeper into the ground. Terin was annoyed that his ideas weren’t working but he wouldn't give up. His next idea was to break through the buildings on the side. Unfortunately he thought of it too late. The flood of Starlinity fans arrived. They were all weak and slow. Terin’s group easily killed them. But there were millions of them. Fatigue started to catch up and Terin’s group slowly started falling 1 by 1.
Copy was doing great on her front. Starlinity wasn’t strong but she had a large amount of stamina. Tiring her out took some time. She kept trying to get past Copy and kill Liv but all her tries ended up failing. Eventually Copy managed to restrain her and hold her down for Liv. Copy gave a signal to Liv and she approached Starlinity while pulling out her sword. Liv looked towards Copy. She could see she was sad and Copy tried to make some sort of expression to comfort her. She wasn’t sure if it worked but Liv was above Starlinity now and she plunged the sword into her heart. As soon as the sword touched Starlinity both of them collapsed. Copy was stunned.
“Wait, what? Are you two dead?” - she poked both of them. - “What kind of an ending is this? Where is all the screaming and crying? The channeling of the power? A heartwarming speech while you slowly disappear? This is so disappointing!”
She was glad that it was over quicker but she didn’t expect the ending to be so quick. She still had to call Arthur over so she calmed down.
“Hello. Are you two done already?”
“Yeah, I killed her. You can come and do your thing.”
“Oh, you managed to do it alone? Impressive.”
“Not really, the fight was super boring and then I expected a cool sacrificial ending but it ended pretty boring too. Anyway I gotta get Terin now, see ya.”
Copy ended the call and went to Terin. Following Terin was easy. A crowd that large running somewhere was sure to have some people fall behind and get trampled. She got closer and the sound of battle could still be heard. She knew his goal was to run so she sped up to see if he needs help. Stench of blood was in the air. She could hear Terin yelling and she went towards it. The closer she got the more red the streets became.
“Woo! What’s up with you all? Can’t handle the motherfucking Dab Master?”
She could see him now. He was still in a middle of the battle with 2 region masters.
“You all wanna hear a joke? Here’s one. Twotch! Haha!”
As he said that he punched a region master blowing him away.
“You should feel honored that the Dab Master is in your region. Show some fucking respect you useless nerds!”
He performed a Bullet Dab, hitting a building and causing a part of it to collapse. The region master looked up and saw the debris crashing towards him but he was too slow and couldn’t dodge.
“Man, I am jealous of me. And I am me! Hahahaha! I am so good at this!”
Copy was keeping her distance, just observing. The person looked like Terin but his personality was so much more different. Unfortunately, he spotted her.
“Copy! My main man. You already done? Damn. Well it’s to be expected. After all, the Dab Master wouldn’t just hang around with trash. Only the best go with the best!”
“Uhh, you seem a bit different. Are you still Terin?”
“Am I Terin? What kind of a question is that? You think someone this beautiful and skilled can be somebody else other than me? Oh, nevermind, you were joking. You knew it was me. Damn! You always get me.”
Copy nervously chuckled. She didn’t know what caused this personality shift.
“I already called Arthur. We can just go home and rest.”
She hoped that he might be just tired and that sleep would bring him back into the normal state.
“Aight, let’s bounce.”
They got into the closest AB transport and went directly to Terin’s room.
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