《Oath breaker》Chapter 6 the sad fate of a family
I woke up again, this time unlike the lasts I’ve not smelt the sweet nectar of the flowers nor have I smelt the salty and refreshing scent of the lake.
The putrid Stench of rotten blood and the humid temperature of the room made me feel as I’ve entered purgatory.
“My eyes”
Was the only thought running out to my head, after I’ve finally tasted the sweet bliss of sight taking it all away was just too cruel at this point.
Amidst my confusion as I regained my senses slowly I finally began to realise the dire situation I was in.
I felt a great amount of heat coming from my abdomen, the unusual burning sensation alongside the stings I felt each time I moved my body made me extremely uncomfortable.
I felt numb as I woke up so that’s probably the reason why I wasn’t in a great deal of pain, as I regained my senses fully I finally understood that this burning sensation was none other than a cold knife pricing my naval rendering me with a life threatening injury.
I couldn’t move to save myself, if I moved in the slightest I was sure of accidentally hurting myself even more. My hands were tied back to the chair I woke up on, escaping this place seemed impossible....
In front of me was the person who’s responsible for my upcoming execution, a filthy old man who takes pleasure in eating the flesh of small children. Mr Jonas.
He was laughing and humming a sick lullaby as he was cutting a piece of meat, I was sure of what he was doing due to my strong sense of hearing, that familiar sound of him using his knife to slice through human flesh could never escape my memory that easily.
“ Sweet Annabel ran down the street, sweet Annabel fell down and injured her feet. Sweet Annabel cried for help, sweet Annabel crawled under her uncle she knelt. Annabel looked at him and begged, yet in the end To the dogs she was fed.”
Hummed the old man.
The memories from before I last fainted started rushing back to me making me remember the Sickening thing I went through.
“that dinner, what I ate was human.....flesh....”
I thought to myself as I gaged.
“ oh look who’s awake ?”
Said Jonas as he stabbed his knife on the table and came towards me.
He must have heard me gag, otherwise how could he know I was awake.
I had a piece of cloth in my mouth denying me from the ability to speak, so Jonas came up to me and took it off. I don’t know what was the reason for his actions, but who knows he’s a sick man who enjoys the screams of his victims before he kills them.
“You...fucker...unhand me right now.”
I said as I barely gathered my words, the pain from the cold knife in my stomach was growing exponentially larger by the second so it made me more and more tired to a point I was barely able to say anything.
“ Oh no Pam, you must have the wrong idea. You weren’t even supposed to be awake by now, I must have put too little of the sleeping drugs in your drink. Though none of that Matters now because you’re only gonna end up as food for me and my beauties.”
Said Jonas with a apparent smile from his tone.
“ beauties ? Does that mean he’s not alone in this ?”
I thought to myself.
I used my sense of hearing to its outmost capability to see if there was something else in the room.
Suddenly I heard faint breathing coming from the other side of the room !
“ 1, 2, no even more 4 people are in the other side of the room right now aside from me and Jonas.”
I thought to myself.
“You sick fuck, who are you keeping captive aside from me ?!”
I said with a strong tone.
Said Jonas as he took his fist and slammed it against my cheek.
“ah it’s not time to be provoking him or worry about other people right now, I only need to worry about how to escape First.”
I thought to myself as blood started coming out of my nose.
“ ah fuck, my mood is ruined now. I’ll be going outside, and you better hope when I’m back I’m in a better mood, otherwise your death will come sooner than expected.”
Said Jonas as he was rubbing his hands with a cloth.
Jonas opened a door and then I heard him walk up some stairs as he was leaving, that can only mean that we’re in some sort of basement at the moment.
As soon as Jonas left I was alone in this room, I knew if I had a chance to escape it would be now. I started shaking the chair in hopes of it breaking or my ropes to be undone. But every time I moved I felt a electrifying pain surging through every nerve in my body, I shouldn’t have taken this knife inside of me so lightly. First I need to take it out in order for me to do anything, but the problem is how ?
“you should stop struggling. Papa will be back in a while, afterwards we can all play together and have fun. Don’t be a bad boy, otherwise papa will punish you.”
Said a boy who appears to be around 10 or 12 years old.
“Who- who are you ?!”
I said with a worried yet curious look on my face.
“My name is Tommy”
Said the boy innocently.
“Why are you here Tommy ? Did Jonas do anything to you ?”
“what do you mean Mr ? I live in this place with Papa and everyone.”
Said the boy cheerfully.
“He’s your dad ?”
“Yeah papa is the best”
“ What has been your father doing all this while ?”
“Papa is super nice and he always takes care of us, he said he’s been working as a butcher for a while now, he always gives us good food.”
Said the boy with a smile on his face.
“Dear god..... Has he ever hurt you ?”
“well papa has been very weird lately, after that one day where the sky turned red and we started hiding here he’s been getting more and more weird everyday.”
“Weird ? How so”
“well he tied up mommy and my sisters over there, he said they weren’t being good girls and didn’t listen to him so he had to punish them. He also had me wear girly clothes in all pink and we would play together at night in his bed. I didn’t like it at first but I didn’t want to be punished like mommy and the rest so I had to say yes to it.”
“ that sick fucking bastard....”
“Hey don’t talk badly about papa !”
“ I’m....sorry. can you help me untie my ropes ? I will save you and your mommy along with everyone, I just need you to help me here .”
“No. Daddy will be mad at me and he’ll hit me again, I don’t want that to happen again. Last time I couldn’t walk for 3 days, and he said it’ll be worse this time around if it happened again.”
“ listen Tommy I will make sure you and your family are all safe, I’ll even try to save your Papa okay ? You just have to trust me.”
“ Please Tommy...”
“ Alright Mr, but you have to promise me to Help daddy as well ok ?”
“ I promise.”
I said to Tommy.
Tommy started untying my hands from the back of the chair and soon after I was finally free of these shackles.
After I got rid of my ropes it was time for me to take out that knife in my stomach. I knew it was going to be painful so I grabbed onto a piece of wood and put it in my mouth.
I laid down on the floor and I put my arms around the handle of the knife, time felt like it had stopped because of the fear I felt at that moment.
“ Compared to what I’ve been through taking out a knife from my stomach won’t be that bad.”
I said to myself as I laughed to hide my fear.
Finally I gathered all my courage and in a instant I took out the knife from my stomach.
I screamed as I bit down on the piece of wood that was in my mouth.
I said after taking out the piece of wood.
Blood started leaking from my stomach everywhere, I tried to put pressure on it to stop the bleeding but it didn’t help.
I remembered the fireplace upstairs so I ran towards the door to open it and luckily for me it wasn’t locked. I ran up the stairs trying to not let my blood drip over the floor, I reached the fireplace and I threw the knife inside of it. The heat from the fire was used to purify the knife so I can cauterize the wound.
I said as I took the knife out of the fire place. The iron part of the knife was red like a ember, I took the knife and once again I stabbed myself with it so I can burn the damaged tissue and help seal the wound fast.
I said as I screamed in pain.
The feeling was that of having all of my insides burn completely, it felt as every part of my body was boiling leaving nothing but steam.
Luckily for me after tasting the pain back in that place I called heaven I was used to this sort of pain and my mental strength grew largely.
I fell onto the ground and I rested for approximately around a hour. Afterwards I got up and applied some bandages on my wound.
I looked back and In front of me was the door leading outside of the house. A part of me wanted to sprint out running, find Frida and never look back again. But then I remembered Tommy and his family were still there and in danger.
“ fucking hell man, why did I have to be a fucking good guy now, I always hated those damn people who play heroes.....”
I said to myself as I gritted my teeth.
I turned back and I entered the basement once again, I closed the door behind me and went to where Tommy was.
“oh you’re back Mr !”
Said Tommy with a excited tone.
“yeah I’m back, now lead me to where your mom and the rest are, let me set them free.”
I said to Tommy.
In the corner of the room was Tommy’s family, it was his mom and his 2 sisters. One of the sisters was around 19 years old while the other sister was just 4 years old.
The mother was really skinny, as I touched her I was easily able to feel all of her bones, she really seemed like a walking skeleton. The older daughter was more refined, she had a muscle filled body with Tender meat covering her entire body, it was apparent that she was eating well....
The youngest daughter was pretty normal, she wasn’t malnourished nor did she look overweight like Tommy, it appears as if she was eating but it wasn’t regular.
I took my knife and I cut the ropes off of them.
The mother stayed silent and the same was for the oldest daughter, meanwhile the youngest daughter grabbed into my pants and said.
“ Hey brother, are you coming here to let us out ?”
Said the girl with a innocent and sweet voice.
I knelt down to the ground on one knee and I patted her head.
“yeah, big brother over here is going to take care of you and your mom. Don’t be scared anymore I’ll be sure to save you all.”
I said to the little girl with a warm smile on my face.
The little girl’s face turned bright and she said.
“ wahhh really ? Thank you brother ! I got sad of seeing this same place for the past weeks, I want to go and play on the slides Outside again.”
Said the little girl as she was holding my hand that was now on her cheek.
“What’s your name little girl ?”
“ my name is Alice, I turn 5 years old in march hehe”
Said the little girl with a happy tone to her voice.
“ what about your mother and your sister Alice ?”
“Mom is called Samantha while my big sister is called Alura.”
“Such pretty names, nice to meet you everyone !”
I said while I had a smile on my face.
From the dead silence that was haunting the room I noticed that Alura and Samantha haven’t taken a big liking to me.
“what about you big brother ? What’s your name ?”
Said the little girl.
“my name is Pam”
“Waaaah your name is so coool, I have the coolest big brother ever.”
Said the little girl.
I’ve always had a younger sister that I was used to taking care of, so seeing Alice over here reminded me of her.
“Alright now it’s time for us to leave, let’s head towards the door and lets-“
I said before hearing the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs.
I said in a hurry.
I ran back towards my chair and I made myself look as if I was still tied, I still had the knife in my hands as I planned a counter attack as soon as the old man comes back.
The door creaked open and the familiar filthy sound of Jonas echoed through the room.
“ fucking hell, why is there no more people outside. I’ve been searching for the past 4 hours and no one was even near this town tsk.”
Said Jonas while scratching his head.
“Oh I almost forgot about you fucker, you were the reason why my mood was ruined in the first place. Looks like I’ll have to vent my anger on you again.”
Said the old man as he cracked his knuckles.
Jonas came closer and closer to my chair and I was getting ready to stab him in the neck to kill him instantly. He was now in a arm’s reach of me and If I swung my knife I was sure of hitting him.
“Huh ? Where did the knife-“
Said Jonas as he was looking at my stomach.
Before Jonas even finished his words I lunged at him with the knife in my hands piercing his eye directly.
My knife got stuck in his eyes as he fell down to the ground, I got on top of him and I continued twisting the knife in its place.
Said Jonas while blood from his eyes splattered all over the place.
I screamed as I dug the knife through his eye.
Suddenly while I was on top of Jonas I heard someone come running in my direction.
Screamed Tommy as he pushed me off of his dad.
I yelled.
Said Tommy as he was sobbing.
Slowly Jonas got up from the ground while Letting out a loud grunt, his breath was hot and his voice seemed as if a volcano was about to erupt.
“I....WILL....KILL...YOU !”
Said Jonas as he took the knife out of his eye.
I stood up and I threw a punch at Jonas, yet I wasn’t strong enough and he caught my fist. Jonas started twisting my wrist and then he drew my hands closer to him as he hit me with his knee to my stomach.
The damage that I got from that was too strong, the stab wound on my stomach that I had from before had now been opened again leaving me bleeding down on the floor.
Suddenly Alice started running towards Jonas and she latched herself around his leg and said.
Said Jonas as he punched Alice.
I yelled in anger, but it was to no avail. Jonas looked over at Alice who was on the ground and he kicked her in the stomach sending her all the way across the room.
I said as I got back up trying to Hit Jonas.
Sadly Jonas wasn’t that weak and I was already wounded so it wasn’t hard for him to dodge that hit.
Jonas then punched me on the face and I got sent back on the ground.
I looked up at Jonas with my hands in front of my face, despair had once again started ruling over me as I was facing my death once more.
“I didn’t achieve anything yet again, in the end I was still weak and now I’m going to die....truly pathetic.”
I said.
“at least you understand how pathetic you are now you FUCKER, now say goodbye one last time !”
Said Jonas as he was getting closer to me with his knife.
“i couldn’t tell you what I wanted to tell you again, I wish I could see you once more.... Frida.”
I said while a bloody tear ran down my cheek.
Finally Jonas raised his hand that held the knife and he lunged towards me ready to kill me.
In a matter of seconds all I heard was loud bang.
Jonas suddenly fell down to the ground In front of me, he laid there completely motionless.
“ did you miss me Pam ?”
Said a familiar voice.
“it can’t be.... What are you doing back here.....Frida...”
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