《Oath breaker》Chapter 7 sunshine


“how....how could it be ? Why are you here.....Frida ?”

I said as awe struck my face.

After that loud thud Jonas dropped down on the ground right next to me.

I slowly got up and I heard that familiar voice once more.

“ Miss me Pam ?”

Said Frida with a smug voice.

“Why are you here Frida ?”

“ Oh come on Pam ? Can’t you be a bit happier to see me ? After all I just saved your life dummy”

Said Frida with a upset tone.

“No no, don’t get me wrong. I’m very happy to hear your voice again, but I thought you already left since Jonas said there was no one in the vicinity ?”

I said while scratching my head.

“ I noticed something was off as soon as you didn’t come back after 2 hours, I looked around the place and I found a house next to this one. It had a basement as well and I hid there. The basement from the house next door was right next to this room so I could hear whatever happened here. After hearing the voices of multiple people and the sound of a body being dragged I knew you were in trouble, that’s why I waited for my chance to come and save you.”

Said Frida proudly.

“god Frida.... I guess you saved me again huh ? Thank you darling”

I said with a relived yet sad expression on my face.

“ah- fuck my stomach hurts so bad”

I said while touching my stab wound that’s now reopened.

“ oh god Pam, why are you always hurt whenever I see you ? Here, I used this to knock out Jonas. I’m sure you’d love to have your old friend won’t you Pam ?!”

Said Frida while handing me a wooden cane.

“wait, it can’t be ? Cain ?”

I said as I felt up the wooden crevices on the cane, how could I forget, my trusty Cain that helped me through the hell I went through up there in heaven.

“i found it upstairs laying on the ground, so I picked it up and luckily it came in very handy.”

Said Frida.

Frida took my hands and guided me to a chair where I could sit down and relax, afterwards she went ahead upstairs to get some bandages.

Me sitting on my own without Frida in this room had me up in my head accompanied with nothing but my thoughts.

“so once again....again and again and again and again I’m nothing but a failure. I always depend on other people to help me throughout whatever I’m going through. I can never be strong enough to survive on my own after all huh ? Hell now this is the second time Frida has saved me.... How am I gonna protect her in this apocalyptic world ?!”

I thought to myself as I gritted my teeth and covered my face with my arm.

Suddenly I felt a sudden pull on my shirt, I felt around and a small face was there next to my leg.

“Hey dear, is that you Alice ?”

I said with a hurt voice.

“Big brother.... Why are you sad ? You should be happy now since your friend is here.”


Said Alice with a sad tone.

“hah even a little girl is worried about me now, you’re so pathetic aren’t you Pam ?”

I thought to myself.

“I’m sorry if I made you worried deary, big brother isn’t sad. I’m just... worried about how I’ll get stronger so I can protect my friend over there.”

I said to Alice as I rubbed her cheek.

Suddenly without any warning Alice came to me and hugged me very tightly.

“Agh- Alice, I appreciate you hugging me but please, if you squeeze me so hard it’s gonna hurt”

I said as I tried not to groan in pain.

“Big brother I’m scared. What will happen now ?”

Said Alice as she looked up at me. Her voice was that of someone in pain and I can tell that she had tears in her eyes.

“ I....I honestly don’t know deary... For now I’m going to get you and your mom out of here and out to the world, afterwards maybe we could all go together ?”

I said as I patted her head.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs so I knew Frida was here with the bandages, I placed my hand on Alice’s shoulder and pushed her away.

“Alright now deary, you should leave big brother alone for a while since he’s in a bit of pain. I also don’t want any blood to get on your pretty clothes now hehe”

I said to Alice with a bright smile on my face.

Frida came back with bandages In her hands, she didn’t spare a moment before taking off my shirt and helping me put on the bandages. It didn’t take long before we were done with that, but now was where the real problem laid.

“you lied to me”

Said Tommy from the corner of the room with a voice full of contempt.

Frida looked over to his direction while I didn’t want to move my head to face him.

“I’m sorry Tommy, but your dad is a monster.... He’s not one to be saved.”

I said with a bitter tone in my voice.


Yelled Tommy.

“I’m sorry Tommy but there’s nothing we could do now, your dad is dead...”

I said.


Said Tommy while running towards his dad’s body.


Said tommy.

Me and Frida both had a worried and shocked look on our faces after hearing that Jonas was still alive.

Frida went down to inspect him and true to Tommy’s words he still had a heart beat and was still breathing.

“Yeah he’s still alive, but I don’t know how we’re going to let a person like him live for any longer after everything he’s done...”

Said Frida with a angry voice.

While inspecting him Frida found multiple human fingers in his pockets, he also had a purple star tattoo near his neck area.

“Jonas Jones... You shouldn’t think we’ll let you survive any longer after the monstrosities you’ve committed”

I whispered In his ears.

I got up from where Jonas was and I looked over to Samantha and the rest of her family. I extended my arms to Alura and said.


“you should come with us, everyone, all of you. You shouldn’t be forced to live here any longer where a monster like Jonas had you trapped. We’re going to explore the world and find out what happened to everyone, you should come with us.”

I said to Samantha and the rest as I reached out my hand to offer help.

From what Frida later told me Alura looked away from my direction rejecting my help, and Samantha had something to say.

“we are not leaving this place.”

Said Samantha with a conceded voice.

“wh....what ? Why do you wish to live in a place where so much horrible things have happened ?!”

I said with a surprised expression.

Suddenly while Samantha was talking I felt a slight tremble in Cain, it was something weird that I’ve never felt happen before.

“ We’ve lived here for all of our lives, there is no other place for us to live in.”

Said Samantha in a cold carless tone.

Hearing her be so carefree and nonchalant made my blood boil, after all this was a place that many murders took place in.

I didn’t want to say anything since she did have a point, so I kind of gave up on the idea of forcing them to Come with us.

I went over to where Jonas was and I started dragging him outside with my hands.


Screamed Alura.

I was appalled by her action to save him since I thought she hated him.

“Why do you care what happens to him ? After all he had you all captured in a dark bitter room underground unable to move or do anything while feeding you human meat. Why do you care so much as to if he lives or dies ?”

I said to Alura with a angry look.

“please don’t kill him. After all he is still my father no matter how bad his actions were. I promise you if you just leave him alive we’ll take care of him and keep him locked in this room.”


I screamed in anger towards Alura.

Frida had already set them free of their chains before, so Alura went ahead and threw herself at me.


Said Alura to me while sticking close to me. Alura had a beautiful body and a plump figure, she immediately pressed her chest against mine without any hesitation or dignity.

She had a nice smell to her and for a second my desires almost took over me.

Cain trembled again. As soon as Cain moved in my hands I came back to my senses.

I looked over to Alura with a disgusted face as If I was looking at a filthy thing.

I took my hand and pushed away Alura the hardest I could. She fell back on the ground and I threw Jonas’ unconscious body on top of her.

“FUCKING HELL HERE. You can have him, but if you feed that motherfucker anything other than maggots then I will come back here and slaughter him myself. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME ?”

I said In a fit of rage, my face started turning red and I gritted my teeth.

Frida then put her hands on my shoulders and stopped me from doing anything further.

We all finished what we were done and finally got ready to exit this place.

I was holding Alice’s hand as we were going up the stairs, she was really excited to see the outside world after so long.

We exited the house and the warm rays of sun shown brightly on my forehead. Alice squealed in happiness as she felt the sun on her skin.

“Ahhh big brother see see, it’s so warmmmm and bright, I love the outside since I can play a lottttt.”

Said Alice while jumping in happiness.

I knelt down on one knee and grabbed Alice’s shoulders, I looked at her with a serious face and said.

“ Alice. I know you love your family and everyone here, but why don’t you come with me and big sister Frida over there ? We’ll show you a vast world and we’ll try our best to protect you together !”

I said to Alice.

Alice stopped to think of it for a second, she looked back at her sister and mother alongside Tommy and said.

“thank you big bro.... I was really happy when you came here and saved us. But sadly I can’t come with you. I still have to live with mommy and big sister Alura, so I can’t leave them all alone. So I’m gonna be like big brother and protect all of them !!”

Said Alice with a bright tone to her voice.

I looked over to Samantha and Alura and with a serious and disgusted expression said.

“ you better take good care of her, if I ever come back and hear that you haven’t been treating her well I’ll take her with me whether you like it or not.”

After waving goodbye to Alice and her family me and Frida set off our journey once again.

“i missed you darling”

I said to Frida with a sombre smile on my face as I lowered my head looking down at the concrete floor.

“ I missed you too Pam”

Said Frida as she stopped me from walking giving me a hug.

In that moment my heart....it started beating differently, yet it wasn’t only my heart that started beating.

Suddenly Cain started moving irregularly and it seemed as If it was shaking, his temperature has risen and it felt as if the wood would burn.

I grabbed it even more tightly as to burn my hands, shaking away these feelings out of my heart to make me think straight once more.

“where are we going Pam ?”

Said Frida in wonder.

“Our next distention is one that I think will lead us to where the truth lays, where heading to the roaring woods !!”

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