《Oath breaker》Chapter 5 garden of Eden
I woke up.
“What ? Where am I ? Am I still alive or is this the afterlife ?”
I wondered while I lifted my head from the flower bed underneath me.
I got up and I dusted off my self, I took a deep breath and I relished in the sweet smell of the flowers all around me.
I was wondering where i was, I took my first step in this new place and Suddenly a horrifyingly sharp pain struck me in the eyes, I immediately fell down to the floor and I started scratching my eyes. It felt as if a million small daggers were repeatedly stabbing Me in the eyes, a similar feeling with what had happened before.
I said as blood seeped down from my eyes in a stream like motion.
I took off my bandages and then something odd happened, a sweet scent took over my nostrils as I smelled the aroma of the most delightful flower I’ve ever smelled.
The smell calmed down the pain and I was finally rid of my pain, it felt as if the gods had heard my begging and decided to take mercy on me.
I got up from the ground, my black clothes got Soaked with all of the blood I had let out from my eyes.
I tried walking normally but I could not, even though the pain had stopped but the trauma still remained.
I reached out my hands and to my surprise a familiar feeling took over my hand.
“C- Cain ?”
I said in wonder.
My trusty cane.... You followed me even here huh ?
I took Cain and I continued walking down a unknown path to me. What was my goal and where I was going were all things unbeknownst to me, all I ever knew was that I needed to walk forward and never stop no matter what.
After a while the sweet scent of flowers faded away and the smell of water took over instead !
“ I must be somewhere near a lake, I need to go there wash up and clean my bandages and face.”
I said to myself.
I walked over and just like I thought I walked straight into a lake.
I said in excitement while a smile tugged over my lips.
I knelt down to the ground and I grabbed a bit of water in my hands, I took a sip and immediately all my ailments got reduced to nothing. The water felt magical for all my thirst faded away immediately !
I grabbed my bandages and clothes and I soaked them in the water cleaning them fully. After a while I decided to take a bath in the lake water because it’s been a while since I last cleaned myself.
I got rid of my underwear and I entered the lake waters, the sensation of the crisp cold water all over my skin felt like bless.
I washed over my hair and my arms, cleaned my legs and chest.
Laughter and a feeling of happiness that I haven’t felt in years took over me, I kept on laughing with a large smile on my face for minutes on end enjoying the peace I am in.
I laid down in the middle of the lake slowly floating, I wanted to explore it even more so I dived deep down into the core of the lake.
What I found there shocked me.....
Blue light seeped down to my eyes, something I never knew I could experience ever again.
Though with each meter the light grew stronger, it got to a point where the light was so strong that it was affecting me and it was honestly painful.
My consciousness started to slowly fade away with each swing of my arm, but I couldn’t help myself from going deeper and deeper into the core. I had to know what great power lies beneath these benevolent waters of The lake.
The pain grew so large that it felt as if I was going blind all over again, I couldn’t stop myself from screaming underneath the water, This lead to my lungs getting filled with water to the brim. My mind started fading once again and it appeared as if I was going to pass out. Who knows maybe this lake was going to be my second resting Ground, I honestly wouldn’t mind dying once again in this beautiful place.
Though before I passed out something happened...
I saw something, I don’t know if it was my eyes playing tricks on me or if I did really see it somehow.
At the bottom of the lake laid a black sword that was exerting that bright blue light.
The last thing that I was able to witness was that sword emitting a strong burst of energy that made me immediately lose consciousness.
I woke up.
“Ah I don’t know if I’m cursed or something, but waking up again and again to this smell doesn’t feel all that bad.”
It was the exact same place I woke up in before, the sweet aroma of those flowers were something that I couldn’t forget for the life of me.
I got up again and dusted myself off, I had a bright smile on my face as I took my first step forward.
A sharp pain took over my eyes once again this time, the pain never lessened from last time but over all it was even greater. If last time was millions of daggers pricing my eyes then this time it felt like billions
The pain was so powerful that I kept fading away and waking up in a matter of seconds, my consciousness kept traveling back and forth between existing and entering the void.
I screamed over and over again. The feeling of the water filling my lungs was nowhere close to the pain I felt from screaming this hard. In the end I ended up rupturing my throat making me both blind and now a mute as well.
The pain continued for 10 whole minutes this time, this period of time felt like an eternity in hell.
After those 10 minutes had passed the beautiful scent of that same exact flower from last time took over me alleviating my pain once more.
Though this time alongside the smell a drop of nectar had fallen onto my tongue, the taste was so sweet it was indescribable with words. It was as if the sweetest sugar plum alongside the finest honey in the world were mixed together creating a beautiful mixture of pure bless.
Suddenly something happened that made me even more surprised.
I cried.....
“huh? I.... I’m crying again ? “
I said while streams of tears ran down my cheeks.
After wiping my eyes from the tears I opened my eyes and I....... I was able to see again.
The joy I felt in that moment was something of a child when he gets to play his favourite game for the first time in his life.
Nothing could describe the smile that got drawn on my face In that current exact moment, the pure joy I felt and the excited screams I let out.
This sweet nectar apparently cured me of all illnesses and injuries I had on me including my throat and eyes.
The sight I first saw when I opened my eyes was so beautiful, it felt As if it was worthy of me losing my eyes and suffering for all that time just to see this beautiful scenery at least once.
A wide spread bed of flowers covering the green landscape, the blue skies filled with clouds and the bright yellow sun that sits in the middle of it, the gigantic tree reaching hundreds of meters long laying behind me creating a sweet shade to cover me from the heat of the sun, and finally the gorgeous lake in the distance with its glistening azure waters.
It felt as if I entered heaven and I’m now relishing in this place after all the suffering i went through in my life.
I spent all day long walking and picking flowers, I made sure to look at every tiny aspect of this place to appreciate the gift of my eyes once more.
After a long day in this heaven, night time had finally fallen. The skies were now all black with astounding stars filling all of it, it felt as if the heavens have opened and let me see this beautiful scenery, I was outmost grateful for having a chance to witness this place.
Though after having my fill stargazing something else stole my Eyes and attention. The lake had now been shining with a beautiful sapphire colour, the light from the depths of the lake had been seeping outside seeking the attention of onlookers to come and explore it’s core.
I stood besides the edge of the lake and I took off my shirt leaving me only in my pants, I swam to the middle of the lake and I took a deep breath before diving inside of the lake trying to reach the core once more.
This time with me having the ability to see the task was now way more difficult because the light can actually affect me. Though because I’m used to being blind I closed my eyes and I continued diving deep down, yes it wasn’t the same as when I was blind but it worked this time. Though when I reached the depths of the lake the pain began to be excruciating once more, even more so than before. I luckily brought my bandage with me and I covered my eyes with it, it didn’t do much in terms of covering the light but it gave me the ability to dive in for a few extra meters.
Now with me going deeper than ever into the lake and the light getting more and more bright it felt like it was the end once again, but the sheer power of determination and curiosity of wanting to know what is that sword and what will happen if I grab it took over me.
I dived so deep at this point that the water all around me was boiling, the sword was just in an arm’s reach but the light was so strong that it started burning my skin away.
Even though I suffered a great deal of pain but it was nothing compared to the pain I felt earlier on in the day. Without even realising it my flesh had been almost completely exhausted and melted away by the great ray of Blue light. I extended out my hands and with nothing but a skeleton to my name my bones finally reached the handle of the sword.
After knowing I was able to reach this great sword I was satisfied once more and was ready to die again.
I woke up.
For the third time now.
“So I got further deep down this time, I finally was able to touch the sword huh ?”
I thought to myself as I was laying down on the flower bed.
“fuck me I don’t wanna do this again”
I said as I let down a big sigh knowing what will come to me as soon as I will take my first step.
“maybe laying here in this flower bed forever doesn’t sound like a bad idea after all.”
I thought to myself with a smile on my face trying to cover my fear.
“ Well I don’t have time to waste so I should probably get up now”
I said as I got up and dusted my self.
“Here goes !”
I said as I reached out my leg to take my first step.
Suddenly the pain surged once again and it was even greater than all the other times combined.
The pain felt as if a trillion Suns had went supernova inside of my eyes. The sheet heat and pain I felt were so strong that blood was gushing out of my eyes like a fountain.
I screamed in pain as I was trying not to choke on my own blood.
This time the pain continued on and on without end. I thought the Pain would end in 10 minutes just like last time or something along those lines but I was desperately wrong. The pain only kept going on and on and kept getting worse to the point where death was a far better heaven than the place I was already in.
While I was in all of this pain something rolled down to my direction, I felt around with my hands and a old friend appeared to have come to my rescue, Cain. Even though I couldn’t think because of all the pain but I clutched to Cain with all the power I had and I continued to suffer for a eternity to come.
Amidst my suffering I felt a strong Existence standing In front of me. I wondered if I should cry out for help but at this point the pain was so strong I couldn’t even mutter a word.
All of a sudden I felt a warm and gentle hand on my cheek, as soon as the hand made contact with my skin all the pain dissipated.
It felt as if a gust of air bursted in my face, the bandage I had on my eyes exploded and I regained my sight immediately. I felt the seems on my hair get stimulated and my hair grew exponentially longer than it was before. The plain black eyes I had on me had now expanded into a black void able to suck all the light from the world like a black hole. It felt as if I was created once more anew, a higher being, a existence that’s close to only a god.
The figure In front of me who granted me this gift was a maiden with blue eyes and blue hair, skin as pale as snow, she had the warmest smile on her face that could cure every pain you ever had on you before and every pain you’ll ever have in the future.
I was mesmerised by her as soon as i saw Her. She drew her hands from my face and I fell down to my knees.
I looked up to her and I wondered, if I was now a being so close to being a god then what might she be to create such a being with only a touch of her hand ?
“thank you so much for your great gift !”
I said while bowing down my head.
“ you, you passed through the array I put to protect him... You’re strong and deserve some applaud, but our time is short and there’s already someone who wants to meet you over there.”
Said the beautiful goddess In front of me while pointing to the great tree behind me.
I looked back and I felt a strong presence that wasn’t there before coming from the tree.
I turned my head back and to my surprise the beautiful goddess had Vanished and all signs of her had disappeared.
I looked down to find myself still crutching to Cain and I had a gentle smile on my face.
“ So you stuck with me all that while huh Cain, having you travel with me was the best decision I’ve ever made.”
I said to my wooden cane.
I walked over to the giant tree with Cain in my hand and I had my heart full of worry for what might come next.
As soon as I reached the foot of the gigantic tree I was greeted with the sight of a Boy sitting with his back towards the giant tree.
The boy then stood up as he saw me and waved to me with a gentle smile on his face. He appeared to be around 12 years of age or so, he had black skin and Golden hair, his whole body was covered with Red tattoos and he wore black clothes as well.
“Hello Master I’ve been waiting for you, here come with me.”
Said the boy.
When he was talking all I could think about was his eyes and how beautiful they were, eyes as golden as the sun rays stared right into my soul and it felt as if he discovered every bit of knowledge I had inside me.
The Boy then went and stood right in front of the tree and reached his hands to touch it, immediately the tree created some sort of door for him that opened itself leading to a room filled with mirrors.
The Boy looked back at me and with a smile on his face said.
“don’t worry Master, follow me inside.”
I don’t know what took over me but I had a feeling that I could trust this boy.
I went inside the room and I was surprised by my appearance.
The old normal and plain person that I was before has now fully been changed to this beautiful god like creature that I have never seen before. I also noticed that my hair had fully turned white now which gave me a more elegant look.
“Looks like you’re enjoying your new appearance huh Master ? Well here why don’t I give you a small gift to finish off your outfit.”
Said the Boy in front of me.
With a slight movement of his hands and a swing of his wrist my old coat appeared on my arms and I was wearing it.
“ Thank you for this.”
I said while giving off a awkward smile.
I stopped and thought about the situation for a bit and I was wondering about something so I asked him.
“ I’m a bit curious as to how you know me and why you have been calling me master since I’ve come here.”
I said with a Intrigued expression.
“ that’s because I’m your loyal servant master, I will do everything in my power to serve you and ensure your long life. I will always be by your side no matter what happens to you.”
Said the boy while kneeling on one knee.
“Ah ah you don’t have to kneel, please get up.”
I said to the boy while holding his elbows trying to get him up.
The boy suddenly looked at the celling and he had a worried expression on his face.
“ I’m sorry master but it appears that we have to make haste, there’s something I need to ask of you and I need you to answer me truthfully.”
Said the boy.
“oh...ok, yeah you can ask me anything.”
I said.
“ What do you want to do now ?”
Said the boy as he extended his arm to me.
I was bewildered by his question, but it got me thinking. All this while I was only moving forward with no goal in mind, so now when someone is giving me the chance to choose for myself I’m stuck unable to understand.
Though the only thing that appeared in my mind in that moment was one person....Frida !
“ I.... I left Frida alone in that world, she’s unable to do anything on her own and I fear for her.”
I said with a worried look on my face.
“So in the end you chose her huh master ?”
Said the boy with a sombre look on his face.
I didn’t say anything and I just simply nodded my head in agreement.
“Remember master, throughout whatever happens I will always be there alongside you no matter what !”
Said the boy while a tear slid Down his cheek.
I was shocked by the fact that the kid was crying over what I said, but I didn’t have any time to think before he said something else.
“ I only wish for one thing master, please remember my name, and when you call on me I will come to your aid no matter where you may be.”
Said the boy while letting out a sad smile.
The mirrors around me started collapsing and intertwining on each other, it seemed as if this whole dimension was falling apart.
I screamed at the boy as I reached out my hand to his.
“oh master.... How could you Forget my name after all the time we’ve been together... My name is-“
Said the boy to me as his voice started to fade away. When it got to him saying his name something denied me from having the chance of hearing it, but luckily for me now I was blessed with the ability to see again. I managed to read the lips of the boy as I was fading away.
I woke up.
Though now when I woke up I was missing the sweet scent of the flower bed behind me, it was now replaced by the foul stench of corpses all around me. I had lost my sight again and I was covered in my own blood, if felt as if I was a fallen angel falling down from heaven all the way down to hell again.
The only thing I could feel at that moment was a cold knife digging deep inside my stomach as I heard the laughs of an old man in front of me.
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