《Oath breaker》Chapter 4 supper
My body froze.
Both me and Frida have heard something that we didn’t think we’ll hear again anytime soon. Baby screams were being heard from a distance close by and that can only mean one thing, SURVIVORS !
“ ON IT”
Said Frida as she put her jacket on and ran out to the living room.
We both made haste to get out of the house, I had no problem leaving the house on my own because of my trusty “Cain” he helped me out lots after I lost my sight.
Me and Frida quickly left the house to see where the crying noise was.
“Where was it again ? The crying stopped suddenly and it’s location wasn’t really apparent.”
Said Frida.
“ I think I heard it coming from the West side of the village.”
“ wait, a baby crying and it coming from the west side, that could only mean one thing right Pam ?”
“ do you think it’s Mrs Jones, even though they’ve been in the village for a long time but we’ve never seen them get out before. The only thing we know of them is that she got a baby recently...”
“see what I mean ?”
“ you have a point, let’s go check it out. But be on guard, I’ve always thought those people were weird.”
I said as i clenched my hands in a fist.
We left to the west side of the village to see the house of Mr and Mrs Jones.
While making our way there my mind was filled with all types of questions.
“what happened to everyone ? Why are we the only ones here ? If everyone is gone and everything is destroyed then how come there’s a baby crying over here ?”
I thought to myself.
“Well that’s of no matter, we’ll understand everything once we reach their house anyways”
I said to myself as a reassurance.
Finally we Reached Mr and Mrs Jones House. The house looked shabby and broken down just like the other houses from the village, but was someone really able to survive in a place like this ? Especially with a kid in hand....
Said Frida before I cut her off.
“SHHHH are you stupid Frida ?! What if they had bad intentions, do you want us both to die?!”
I said quietly while putting my hands on Frida’s mouth.
“I’m....I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.”
Said Frida with a strong tone in her voice.
“Heh... I didn’t think she’ll react this way, looks like I wasn’t the only one affected by this new change in the world. Before her eyes would tear up from something like this, but now she has a more determined tone to her voice more than anything.”
I thought to myself while a smile drew itself on my lips.
I patted Frida’s head and said.
“ after when all of this is done, I’ll treat you to something good to eat.”
Frida looked at me and from the bright and sparkly tone her voice had it was more than apparent that she was getting excited.
Both me and Frida got ready to go confront the people in the house but we had a plan.
“ So Frida what I want you to do, you should hide away in case anything happens. I’ll knock on the door and talk with them, if I end up getting attacked you’ll need to run away immediately and find another chance to save me okay ?”
“ That’s....I don’t want that to happen, I’m sure you’ll be fine Pam. You always are...”
Said Frida.
In fact I knew if I ever get caught in a attack somehow I’ll end up dead in no time, but I don’t want Frida to get entangled in my mess. So if she ends up fleeing she’ll be safe, and by the time she comes back I’m sure she’ll realise it’s too late and she’ll leave once again.
I grabbed my trusty cane and went to knock on the door.
*Knock knock knock*
“Hey is there anyone here ? I heard some noises coming from this direction and I wondered if there were any other survivors besides me ?”
I stood near the door and I waited and waited and waited. No one answered, I knocked again and repeated myself, now I heard rumbling from the inside.
I moved my hands behind my back to signal Frida to hide since someone was coming.
My sense of hearing was now sharper than ever, I could easily hear that someone was moving inside the house.
The sounds of furniture moving, things went quite. Wait ? Someone started moving again, now they locked some kind of door, they’re getting closer to the door.
The door creaked open, the sound was very eerie as if it was the squeals of a dead animal.
“who- who are you kid ?”
Said a man who sounded like he was 40s while peeping through the half opened door.The smell of his breath were those of cigarettes. He’s definitely Mr Jones there’s no denying it.
“Hello Mr, I’m Pam from the house down the street. I was stuck in school for the past 3 days, and I finally came back to the village to find out that no one was here. Do you happen to know what happened to everyone ?”
I said with a cheerful voice.
“ are you alone, or did someone come with you ?”
Said Mr Jones.
My mind went straight to Frida, but I would never risk revealing that she’s traveling with me so I had no choice but to lie.
“ No sir, I was stuck in the school for 3 days and I’m currently all alone.”
I said while slightly bending my head.
“ What happened to your eyes kid ? Did you lose your sight or something ?”
“Haha... Yeah this might sound idiotic of me but that’s exactly what happened, when I heard the bang I couldn’t help myself but look over to the sky. And well I suffered the consequences of my foolishness haha.”
I said while laughing awkwardly.
I could hear the old man chuckle at me from behind the door, is that fucker seriously laughing at me after I said I lost my eyes ?!
“you can come inside, I’ll make some place for you so don’t worry”
Said Mr Jones.
“make place for me ? That must mean there are other people here !”
I thought to myself.
“ so Mr do you live here alone ? I already introduced myself before but you still haven’t.”
“ such a rude child, is that how your parents taught you to talk to your elders ?!”
“haha I’m sorry Mr, but after all that went on I’m a bit curious to hear what happened to everyone.”
“ you can call me Jonas, I live alone here, as to what happened to everyone I’ll tell you soon enough.”
Said Jonas.
“ Live alone ? That doesn’t make sense though, I’m sure I heard baby cries before coming here. Is he lying to me ?”
I thought to myself.
The old man was rummaging through a box near his fireplace, I could hear it clearly since my ears are my strongest suit now.
I used my cane to figure out the layout of the room and to find myself a place to sit down in.
“hey kid, you’re free to roam this house. Just don’t go anywhere near the room in the right side of the house. That’s the place where I stock my food and I don’t want anyone touching it.”
“ah alright sure, I won’t go there then.”
I said with a smile on my face.
I had to put on a fake nice impression so I could get him to trust me as much as possible, Otherwise I won’t be able to get any information out of him.
Suddenly his rummaging stopped, he closed the box and I was sure of what he got out of it.
“ A KNIFE ? he can’t be trying to kill me is he ?!”
I said to myself.
Every muscle in my body tensed up and I got on high alert, I grabbed my cane and tightened my first around it.
I had a menacing look on my face as I turned my head over to where the old man was.
“hey there, I’m just getting this out to make dinner. No need to be so frightened.”
Said the old man with a annoyed voice.
My grip on Cain has loosened as I heard his words, but I can’t be relaxed as of now, anything might happen.
“If that’s the case then I apologize, after what happened to my eyes I’ve been on high alert ever since.”
“It looks like you have a good sense of hearing huh ? I was surprised when you noticed I grabbed a knife, I suspected you could even see after your reaction.”
“Hah well if you’re suspicious then here, I’ll let you take a look at my face.”
I said to the old man while a sombre shade took over my colour.
I brought my hands behind my head as I started unwrapping the blue bandages I had on.
I took off the bandage and revealed my eyes to the old man.
I didn’t have to see to know what kind of look crawled on his face.
My eyes were already melted away by the acid rain, skin from my face and from my eyes have merged together creating a mutilated look befitting of a monster.
A sad smile got drawn on my face as I looked at the old man, if I was able to cry then at that moment a downpour would have occurred, yet I could do nothing but smile.
“ I’m sorry to show you such a hideous scene Mr Jonas.”
I said as I wrapped the bandage around my eyes once again.
“Ah... That’s... It’s okay, just sit down near the fire place, I’ll be done with dinner soon.”
Said Mr Jonas.
After 45 Minutes of small talk dinner was finally ready.
“hey kid, come sit at the table I’m finally done with making food.”
Said the old man.
I sat down at the table and I grabbed a knife and fork that were placed in front of me.
“I made steak for dinner tonight, hopefully you won’t mind it ?”
“STEAK !? Mr Jonas you’re too kind, you really didn’t have to do this for me.”
“Oh don’t be like that, you’re a guest after all so I had to take good care of you.”
Said old man Jonas while giggling.
“Here have some wine with that as well.”
“oh I’m sorry but I’m underage so I can’t drink.”
“Are you serious ? There’s a fucking hole in the sky kid. The world is ending, no one will give a shit about you being underage, just drink and enjoy your meal.”
“Ah....well I’ll thank you for your hospitality then.”
I took off my coat and hanged it on the chair.
I grabbed my knife and fork and I started cutting into the meat, I put a piece of it in my mouth and I started chewing.
“oooh, the meat tastes a bit weird, but I guess that’s what happens when you’re in the apocalypse. But I really love the sauce you made here !”
“you flatter me, drink up as well, it’s fine wine from 1960”
“fancy !”
I said while I took a sip of the wine.
I finished all my food fast, I haven’t had meat in so long so I enjoyed every bit of it.
“thank you so much for the food, I loved it. But where can I wash my hands ?”
“you can go over to the corridor over there, take the door on the left and you’ll be in the bathroom.”
Said the old man as he was still eating his steak.
I grabbed my cane and went to the bathroom to wash my hands.
My eyes started stinging me a bit again and I felt blood come out of it, I changed my bandage with a new one and I freshened up.
I went to throw away the old bandage and I smelt a weird rotten smell.
I said as I covered my nose.
After picking my cane once again I noticed that I was looking straight at the door that old man Jonas told me to not enter.
I couldn’t help my curiosity so I opened the door and entered the room.
The stench of the rotten smell ruled over the air.
I used my Cane to see the layout of the room as I tapped it on the ground.
Suddenly I felt my cane press up against something fleshy.
“so the old man just has his dead animal carcasses thrown around all over this room ? Ugh and to think I ate from that.”
I knelt down to the ground to examine the animal’s carcass to see what type of meat I just ate.
I laid my hands on it and it didn’t have any fur, that rules out a lot of possibilities.
It had smooth skin as well and....is that hair ?
I traced my hands upwards more and more and I touched a round shape, it had lots of bumps and the more I touch the more I was confused.
“i told you to not enter this room....”
Said the old man from behind me.
I got scared and I tripped so I fell backwards.
“wha- I’m sorry, I just wanted to throw away my old bandage and I smelled a rotten smell so I came to check it out.”
“You asked me before what happened to everyone in the village didn’t you ?”
“ You were currently touching the face of dear Annabel from over the street. She was such a sweet child, not even 13 years old. Her meat was most tender and delicious.”
Said Jonas with a sinister tone to his voice.
After hearing what he said I went into some sort of shock.
“as you said before, the meat tasted a bit weird. But I’m glad you liked the taste of poor little Annabelle.”
Said Jonas with a obvious smile drawn on his face.
The disgust I felt at that moment was by no means describable with words.
I instantly started vomiting everything that I’ve ate and I wanted to cry so hard but I couldn’t.
Jonas didn’t do anything to me all the while I was throwing up. He just watched over me as I struggled while he kept on laughing.
My sadness and disgust soon after turned into fury and anger, I grabbed Cain and I stood up, I ran up to where he was and I swung Cain trying to hit him.
Jonas didn’t do anything but watch, soon after without even him laying a finger on me I fell down.
“what.... WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME ??”
I screamed.
“hahahaha.... HAHAHAHAHAHHAA, DUMB KID, did you seriously think it’ll be that easy ? You already took the sleeping drugs that were in the wine. After you shut your eyes close you will never open them up again HAHAHAHHAHAH.”
Said Jonas while laughing at my poor state.
“I completely fell to his trap.... how could I be so stupid. I should have known something was wrong the moment he said he lived alone, but I didn’t want to believe it....”
I thought to myself as I gritted my teeth.
My eyes started feeling heavier and heavier and I started having a hard time keeping them open.
“Looks like you’re running out of time already, it was nice knowing you Pam, And I’ll make sure to know how you taste very well as I savour every bite I take of your body.”
Said Jonas as he chuckled.
“so in the end I failed again, am I really doomed to die in this place ?”
I thought to myself.
After everything that happened the only image that appeared in my mind was Frida’s .
“hah, so the person I last think of before dying is you huh Frida ? I hope you make it out alive and run for your life my dear.... It appears as if this is our goodbye.”
I said as I slowly lost my will and closed my eyes for one last time.
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