《Unknown Son》Chapter 3.2


Chapter 3.2

Jamie, grabbed Adrian’s hand and held it tightly. “Adrian, your father… he…”

Rumble! Rumble!

The ground started shaking, making Nate, Ed and Emilia lose their balance. Emilia grabbed onto Adrian’s bed rail to keep herself from falling over, but Nate and Ed fell over. They didn’t have anything to hold on to, they were standing in the middle of the floor.

Dusk fell from the ceiling and some equipment in the room titled over during the shaking. Jamie grabbed hold to Adrian’s hand even tighter. He wanted to yell out because she was gripping his hand hard, it seemed like she wanted to break it. However he didn’t because he knew that she was scared.

After the shaking stopped, everyone was breathing hard. They weren’t breathing normal, but no one would if they just went through what they did. ‘What was that?’ Adrian thought to himself as he rubbed his hand over his mother's hand to calm her down a little.

Feeling her sons hand on top of her own, Jamie looked up at him and gave him a slight smile. She tried to get her breathing under control, but failed. She was shook and she knew it. None of them have ever been through something like this before. So she couldn’t understand how her son was so calm. Her heart was beating fast and it felt like it would jump out of her chest at any moment. During the shaking she felt like she was suffocating and it was hard to breath.

Jamie and Monica both looked at each other with a worried expression on their faces. The instinct they both had was to protect their own children, but how could they do that when they didn’t even know what was going on? Jamie had to ask, “Was that an earthquake?”

Monica shook her head denying it. “That can’t be, we aren’t even on a fault line so how could we even experience one here?” Monica knew that an earthquake wouldn’t happen on a fault line, which was one of the best things about being in this state. She didn’t have to worry about them, nor tornadoes. Don’t even mention hurricanes because the state they are in isn’t by any large body of water.

“Then what was that? I know we haven’t experienced anything like that before, but from what I've heard on the news about them, it should have been an earthquake.” Jamie told her.

“If that was an earthquake, then there should be an aftershock as well.” Monica replied.

Jamie thought about it for a moment and agreed, but she still had to ask herself what was that.


Nate and Ed both got up from the floor and dusted themselves off. “Well if that wasn’t an earthquake, then I don’t know what is.” Nate said as he walked towards the window.

Emilia who grabbed on to Adrian’s bed rail was now leaning across it on Adrian’s lap. She got up from there fast and glanced at Adrian to see what his reaction was. However Adrian wasn’t paying her much attention at this moment, instead he was staring at his mother and lost in thought. Emilia took a deep breath and sighed. ‘It seems he didn’t even notice. Good.’ She told herself as she stepped away from Adrian’s bedside.

‘I wonder what is going on. Monica is right, we aren’t on a fault line so we shouldn’t have any earthquakes here, but from the way it felt that was definitely one.’ Adrian was lost in deep thought trying to find out why they had an earthquake here.

Ed walked over to Adrian and placed his hand on his shoulder. Adrian who was lost in his thoughts glanced up and found Sam next to him. “What’s up Ed?”

Ed glanced at Emilia then turned back to Adrian. “Bro, didn’t you feel her all over your lap? I know your leg is fractured and all, but you should have been able to feel that.” Ed spoke softly.

“What are you talking about man?”

“Dude, she was totally all over your when that shaking started. I am disappointed in you, how could you not even notice that. Ever since I've known you, all you’ve been talking about is finding ways to attract her attention and now a chance appeared. But you know what happened, you failed to notice it! I’ve lost all hope in you man.” Ed softly said as he patted Adrian’s shoulder while shaking his head.

Adrian glanced at Emilia who was staring at Nate. ‘She surely doesn’t look flustered or anything. Maybe Ed is just making this up.’

“Eh, wait. Did you just say my leg was fractured?” Adrian asked Ed.

“Yeah bro, don’t tell me you’ve lost all feeling in your leg as well?”

Adrian moved his hand from on top of his mother's and removed the sheet that was covering him up. Underneath was his left leg wrapped in a cast. Adrian moved his toes and bent his leg slightly, to see something. ‘Strange, it doesn’t feel like it’s fractured.’

“Nate, why are you still looking outside? Don’t tell me you’ve found something interesting?” Emilia questioned Nate who was still looking out the window.

‘Yeah right, the only thing that would interest that guy would be some girl.’ Ed and Adrian both thought to themselves. Glancing at each other, they both laughed.


“What's so funny?” Jamie asked Adrian who was laughing.

“Nothing mom, I just remembered something.” Adrian told her as he held his hand to his stomach while trying to stop his laugh.

Monica turned around and looked at Nate. If Emilia didn’t say anything she would have forgot he was still in the room. He was being strangely quiet unlike his usual self.

“Son, what's wrong?” She asked him.

Nate turned around to them with a serious expression on his face. “This may seem strange, but this hospital is down the street from Mr. Burgers right?”

“Don’t tell me you’re hungry?” Monica said slightly disappointed with her son's question. From the way he looked at them, she thought they were in something deep. She reached into the top of her skirt right on top of her breast and pulled out a wallet. She opened it and grabbed a twenty, holding it out for Nate. “Here, go get something to eat.”

“I’m not hungry! Heck, even if I were I wouldn’t be able to go get anything to eat. Where the hell would I go?”

His mother snorted coldly at him. “Hmph! Do you want it or not, don’t tell me later about how you’re hungry and want something to eat because I won’t be giving you anything then.”

Nate pointed at the window and yelled, “Where the hell would I spend it!? We aren’t even in town anymore!”

“W-what!?” Everyone in the room said in unison?

“Look for yourselves. There’s no Mr. Burgers, there are no cars, hell there isn’t even a street! All I can see for miles is grass and trees!”

Emilia, Ed, Monica, and Jamie all rushed towards the window to take a look for themselves. “I-im-impossible! Where are we?” Monica asked.

“Hell if I know. If we went somewhere, then think about where dad could be? Where do you think everyone else is? Haven’t you guys noticed that this hospital has been oddly quiet even after that shaking from earlier?”

‘As much as I hate to say this, but Nate does have a point. I haven’t heard any of the nurses or doctors say anything in a long time. I haven’t even noticed anyone walking by.’ Adrian thought to himself. He pulled his IV’s out and sat upright.

Ed dashed towards the door to Adrian’s room and looked side to side searching for anyone in sight. He turned around and shook his head telling them that he didn’t see anyone. “That is strange. I wonder where everyone went.”

“Where they went? Don’t you mean where ‘WE’ went?”

“Nate calm down, just call dad and see where he is at.” Emilia told him.

“Bright idea, how about I take my phone which has no signal and call dad.” Nate replied to Emilia as he pulled out his phone and showed her he didn’t have any signal. He shrugged his shoulders, “Besides, what can dad do?”

“At least i’m trying!”

“Well, try harder!”

Monica stepped in between both of her kids and yelled at them to stop. “If you two don’t get your act together. Now is not the time to be fighting with each other!”

While Monica was calming her kids down, Jamie came up to Adrian who had his legs thrown over the side of the bed. “How are you feeling?” She asked him.

“Fine I guess. Its funny, Ed said my leg was fractured but the strange this is, it doesn’t feel that way.” He told his mother while lifting his left leg up.

Her eyes opened wide as she almost jumped up. “Ah! Adrian, how are you doing that? The doctors said it might take three weeks before you’re able to move your legs like you use to.”

“No idea. I truly didn’t believe him until I saw the cast myself. It seems like everything is strange now.”

Adrian called Edward over and asked him if he could find him something to cut open the cast with. Ed told him alright and went out the room to look for something. Adrian looked at his mother and said, “Dad’s dead right?”

Jamie was stunned for a moment then slowly nodded her head. She seemed so sad at that moment, and Adrian didn’t know what to do. He put his hand on top of his mother’s head and gave it a light pat while saying, “It’ll be alright. We’ll get through this.”

“What! The! FUCK!!!!!” Edward’s voice was loud as it was heard in Adrian’s room. Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and rushed towards the hallway to see what was going on. The only one who didn’t move was Adrian, and that was because he had a cast over his leg.

Actually was suppose to be up like yesterday, but I couldn't figure out how to introduce the 'new' world or 'same' world they were in. Originally I was going to have the building collapse and them fall in a crack or something like that, but then I just went with this. Now we'll get more into our fantasy theme and story.

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