《Unknown Son》Chapter 3.3


Chapter 3.3

Edward was rushing down the hallway back to Adrian’s room when he noticed that everyone was in the hallway. He tried to stop himself, but he tripped over his foot and fell down. Nate started laughing at him and his mother told him to shut up while Jamie walked over and helped Ed up.

“What’s wrong Edward? What did you see?” Jamie asked him since he was sweating hard and his face was pale.

Edward was gasping for air as his hand was placed over his chest. He took a deep breath and then, “No one was here, but then I seen bodies.” Ed explained as he quickly finished his sentence.

“What are you talking about? Speak more clearly.” Monica told him as she approached.

Edward started to calm his breathing down with his eyes closed. It took him a minute before he was finally calm, but now he could explain. He could tell them about what he say and give them a reason why they should leave this place.

“As I said earlier, I noticed that this place was empty at first. However in the rooms around that corner you will find bodies.” Edward told them as he pointed towards the corner he came from. “They were dried up like a raisin in the sun. It was scary as hell Mrs. Miller. I’m telling you, you do not want to go that way.”

“Edward, I don’t want to tell you this, but i’m afraid I have to. You are sounding like a crazy person, don’t try to scare us.” Monica told him as she crossed her arms making her breast stand out.

Edward looked up at her and noticed her breast and his cheeks turned a little red before he said, “Mrs. Harris, I know what I saw. Just trust me, don’t go that way. Even my heart which is steeled from playing Zombie Hunter Six wasn’t able to take that sight. It truly isn’t meant for you to see.” Edward was proud of his gaming experience and he didn’t hide that fact. He knew the ins and outs of Zombie Hunter Six which was why he was ranked in the top two hundreds in the world. The game had a high realism so the zombies were made to look like people unless they were modified zombies. However from the blood and gore that was in the game, it was enough to creep most people out. For Edward however, it wasn’t enough. In fact, he got off on that game and loved to play it whenever he could.

“What’s that suppose to mean huh? You think i’m some old bat who can’t handle the sight of a body or two?” Monica questioned him with her eyebrow raised a little.

Edward shook his hands telling her that’s not what he meant, but Monica just puffed a little and blew out hot air. “Whatever, let me go see what is around that corner.” She looked back and Nate and Emilia, “Stay here, i’ll be right back.”

Emilia grabbed her mother by a piece of her fabric stopping her from going. Monica turned around and looked at Emilia. “Don’t worry, it’ll be alright nothing will happen.”

“But mom, what if there are bodies over there, then what? There isn’t a need to check is there?” Emilia asked her mother trying to stop her from checking.

Monica patted Emilia on the head and looked down at her. Monica was only a few feet taller than Emilia, but that might because of the heels she was wearing. Grabbing Emilia’s head with both of her hands Monica kissed Emilia on her forehead. “There is a reason to check hun, if there really is dead bodies that way we need to find out why they are like that. Maybe it’ll give us a hint as to where we are and who they are. Besides, i’m your mother, when do you tell me what to do?”


Stepping away from Emilia, Monica started walking down the hallway. “Wait up, I can’t have you go by yourself.” Edward called out from behind her while he ran up to Monica. Monica glanced at him and gave him a questioning look. She didn’t know why this boy would want to go around that corner again if he really did see dead bodies. If anything he should be traumatized and be scared to even look at them again. “Why do you want to go back?” She asked him as they both walked down the hallway.

Edward smiled, “Because you’re going. What will happen once you pass out from what you see, don’t you think someone needs to be there to pick you up and bring you back?”

Monica glanced at Edward and looked at his thin arms and laughed a little. “You think you’ll be able to carry me back here? I don’t think you’ll be able to carry me ten feet without hurting us both. Try again once you gain some more muscle.”

Edward looked at his own arms and flexed them to show off his muscles. A slight bulge was made and he smiled happily. “I may not look like much, but these guns were formed from daily training. I have to say Mrs. Harris, you won’t find anything like these in the world again. Most people look down on us gamers because we don’t work out, but when you play a hardcore game it really gets your muscles going.” Edward explained to her.

‘Jamie… how in the world is your son friends with this guy?’ Monica asked herself. She tried to picture Adrian in a room with this guy playing games all day, but she just couldn’t. If he really did do that, what sort of future would he have? ‘Adrian, I hope you aren’t like him. For Emilia’s sake, please don’t be like this guy.’

Turning the corner, Monica didn’t notice anything too strange. If anything it seemed like an empty hospital. ‘This might not have been such a bright idea.’ She thought to herself as she made her body move forward.

Monica was a woman who didn’t like scary movies, she would always jump in fright at those jump scares. Those paranormal were worse than horror movies, she would literally have to go to sleep in her husband's arms just to feel calm. In this empty hospital were you couldn’t really hear any sound besides the buzzing lights, it gave her goosebumps. She only came here because she didn’t want her kids to check out the dead bodies, and she knew Jamie had to look after her son. Not to mention the way Edward made it seem like she would pass out on sight, she just had to prove him wrong. Monica took a quick glance at Edward who was walking in silence next to her. ‘How can I let me say that about me? I’m an adult and he’s just a child, soon he’ll know who the real brave one is.’

They eventually walked past a door and Edward pulled Monica’s hand telling her she was going the wrong way. She was going to keep going straight, but he told her that this was where he found the bodies. She looked at the door and noticed it was a waiting room. She knew that just because of the sign at the top of the door that said ‘Waiting’ on top.

“You better not have been lying.”

“Mrs. Harris, the only two things I lie about is my virginity, and my grades.” He confidently told her as he opened the door.


Monica didn’t respond to him, she didn’t know how to respond. She is old enough to be his mother and yet here he is openingly talking about his virginity. She hasn’t even had a sex talk with her own children, so how could she talk about it with someone else’s child? Instead she just followed him inside.

“I don’t see any bodies.” Monica said as she glanced around the room which was completely empty. The only thing that was there were chairs, a couch, a vending machine and a tv.


Hearing the door being locked, Monica turned around and seen Edward standing at the door with his hands behind him. For some reason, she felt scared.

“Open that door immediately!” She told him with an authoritative tone.

“Mrs. Harris, I simply can’t do that. If I did that then I would lose this chance to be alone with you. Do you think I could pass up this opportunity? Fuck that.” Edward responded with a smile on his face as he approached her slowly.

Monica felt goosebumps all over her body when she heard what he said. She unknowingly took a step back and she fell backwards on the chair that was behind her. ‘Shit! Not good, Not good!’ She screamed to herself as she moved her eyes around the room looking for something to grab a hold of. Edward approached her at a faster pace now that she was down and defenseless.

Edward’s hand move like lightning as it grabbed hold of her smooth white leg. He held it down with one hand as he tried to position himself on top of her.


Edwards head leaned sideways as he fell down and lost consciousness. It all happened so fast that he didn’t even see it coming. Monica put all her strength into her right leg that was still free and hit him in his temple with it. “Hpmh! I guess that month of defense class has its perks.”

Edward was out cold, and it actually seemed like he was dead. His body was lifeless as it laid there and his body began to slowly lose its color. “What the?” Monica was stunned. She hit him hard, but it wasn’t hard enough to kill him was it? She shook her head, even if he did just die, he shouldn’t lose color from his body that fast.

As she was stunned by his body losing its color, a black spider crawled out of his mouth. It was at least twenty-eight centimeters in length, and had a weird ghost like face on its back. The instant it came out of his mouth, she almost screamed in fright but steeled herself to kill the thing. Her heel smashed the spider in an instant as black blood splattered all over the place.

She didn’t know that Edward had died from that spider already. When he came to them he was already dead, that spider was just taking control of his body and using it to find its next victim. If she knew that, she would have known that Edward wasn’t actually a pervert like she thought and he wasn’t the one who tried to do something to her.

Calming herself down, she wiped the blood away on Edward. ‘It doesn’t matter right, I mean… he’s already dead.’ She thought to herself trying to wipe away the guilt that she had in her heart. Once she finished she unlocked the door and walked out as if nothing happened. ‘Need to think of a good story, I mean… who would believe me when I say he tried to rape me and a spider came from his mouth? Fuck… why does it have to be me.’

Monica finally arrived back at Adrian’s room, she was just a few steps away from entering the room. She took a deep breath and put on a slight smile. Taking that step she walked in the room and said, “I’m back.”

Everyone in the room looked at Monica who was walking towards them. Everything was silent for some reason, which creeped her out. Looking at Emilia and Nate who were staring at her with eyes filled with disgust her heart tightened. “Em, Nate, what's wrong?” She asked them.

“We know what you did. Why? Why did you kill him?” Everyone in the room said in unison.

“No, it wasn’t me. I didn’t do it.”

“Lies!” Their voices erupted.

Monica shook her head as she realized she finally made it back to the room. ‘What the hell was that?’ She asked herself. She didn’t understand why she thought about what would happen if she actually made it back to the room. However she did think about it, and what she saw made her heart tighten even further. ‘Don’t be like that, don’t be like that, don’t be like that.’ She chanted to herself as she entered the room.

“Hey mom.” Emilia said as Monica entered the room.

“Who is that?” Monica asked as she noticed a little girl with dark blue hair and a white nightgown standing in the middle of the room.

“She call’s herself Veronica.” Nate answered as he was leaning against the wall.

“And how did you guys find Veronica? I was pretty sure no one else was in here besides us. At least this gives us hope to find more survivors.”

The little girl turned around to Monica was walking in the room. Her black eyes stared at Monica, “Now that everyone is here. I must congratulate you on clearing the safety zone so quickly. I at least thought that the other two would die before one of the kings beat the boss.”

“Safety zone? Boss? What are you talking about?” Adrian asked Veronica. He suddenly realized something and asked, “What do you mean the other two would die?”

Veronica pointed towards Monica and Jamie while saying, “These two. They aren’t Kings so I would have expected them to die, however I guess they survived. Not that it harms Everits plan in any way.” She spoke in a very cool tone that gave a slight chill down one's spine.

Although Veronica seemed small and cute, her voice was very mature and every word she spoke was made very clear. Her appearance might seem like that of an eight year old, but one could easily tell from the way she spoke that she was not one.

“Well one died, so I guess all isn’t too bad.”


“Indeed, that young boy. Don’t worry, he is in a better place now, or so you could say.”

“Ed!? You’re saying Ed is dead?”

“Is that not what I just said? Do you humans have ears not made for listening?”

Adrian glared at Veronica while Jamie grabbed his hand and shook her head slightly. She turned her head towards Veronica and asked, “Are you not human?”

“No, I am not.”

“Then what are you?”

“A being created by Everit to help guide the Kings into the new world. Even I do not know what I truly am.” Veronica coldly said as a black chair with a skull appeared out of thin air and into the room. She sat down in it and cracked a slight smile as she noticed the faces of everyone in the room. ‘Typical human's.’ Thinking to herself she crossed her legs.

“New world? What does that mean?” Monica asked Veronica.

Monica was next to Emilia standing up. She just had a bad feeling in her gut that told her not to sit down, and she was one to follow her gut.

Veronica tilted her head a little in a cute manner and looked slightly confused. “Have you not seen the outside? Does this look like your planet?”

“So… we were transferred to some new world like in a manga or something crazy huh?” Adrian asked.

“No, you never left your planet. The only thing that is different is that your planet is changing into something better. You can say that it is merging itself with a fragment of the tenth planet. I would go into more detail, but we don’t have a lot of time. And by we, I mean I.”

Veronica moved her hand and created a star with her fingers. Black lines appeared in the air and she chanted a few words. A split second later a globe appeared in the air, like a hologram.

“This is how your planet will look in three days. After that this place will be once again called Planet Zome. To make a long story short, a great change is approaching and everything that was once on Planet Zome shall once again appear again. That includes the different races, and ancient bloodlines.” Veronica pointed at Adrian, Nate, and Emilia. “You three are one of the eight Kings. You may not feel it now, but in a few days your whole body will change. Thank Everit for giving you such a gift.”

Veronica swiped her hand and the globe disappeared. She glanced at Adrian and gave him a slight smile. She snapped her fingers and both Adrian and Jamie disappeared from the room. Not one trace of their existence was left.

Monica grabbed hold of Emilia tight as she feared what would happen next.

“So lady, which one would you like to stay with?” Veronica asked Monica who was behind Emilia.

“What do you mean?”

“Too many questions, i’ll just leave you with her.” Veronica spoke as she snapped her fingers again and made both the females disappear.

Nate’s eyes opened wide. He tried to speak, but an unknown force didn’t let words come out.

“Lucky you. You don’t have to leave at all, this field, this land I know give it to you. Have fun my little King, I hope you give me something nice to enjoy.” Veronica spoke in a cute fashion as she disappeared from sight leaving Nate all alone.

“AHHHH!!!!” Nate screamed as he punched the wall. “What the hell is this? Some sort of joke?”


All xxxxx will now appear here. Create your kingdom well, my King.

Ding! Revival of Planet Zome 2:20:58:12

Ding! Evolution of race

You are now in Phase 2 of 4 for your race change.

Hibernation will begin in 15:21:08

Finally! *Wipes sweat away* Finished with chapter 3, hope you guys like the ending of it. Took me a while to get use to making those blue boxes, hopefully i'll get better at it though. You won't be seeing them a lot, only ever so often because this isn't a full on Game world, it just has Game elements in it.

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Chapter RSS About the author 7 Fictions 7 Posts 4 Threads BlueFish Follow Author Sunday, July 31, 2016 11:14:10 PM Sunday, July 31, 2016 11:16:10 PM

Bio: Just ask me, my wisdom is larger than the ocean.

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