《The First Rabbit Dungeon》Chapter 9 - Pent up Rage
Well it has been at least a few hours since Jack, my second rabbit, and became my first horned rabbit.
Yeah, that is right. He is now a horned rabbit! The type of monster only ever known in fantasy stories and video games is now something that is right in front of me. Okay, sure maybe it isn't the most surprising thing since I am a freaking crystal right now, but I can still get excited right?
The answer is yes. And Wade if you are listening right now, you won't be able to change my opinion on that answer. "Wasn't going to anyways. Also I am always listening, no need to question that."
"You say that a lot don't you? You are always here, but I am never able to see you. I am only ever able to hear you." I reply back trying to get more information out of Wade about who he really is.
"I don't think that you will ever see me, so there is no need to question it at this point." He says before he is gone again after I waited a few minutes for him to talk again. Maybe I should reply back again to see if he will answer again.
Nah, I got better stuff to do right now. Like watching Steve get beat up by Jack for what he did to him just a few hours ago. Jack didn't end up killing Steve thankfully, but he still did a number on him.
Also glad that the injures aren't as bad as what Jack's were. The reason for them not being as bad is Steve submitted really easily and only took two hits from Jack before he went into submission mode.
Either Steve is a coward in situations where he is clearly over powered by another person or in this case another rabbit. Or Steve can clearly sense the difference in power between the both of them.
So I didn't really notice this because I was focused on watching Jack's horn grow out of his head, but when the horn started to grow, a bunch of other changes happened to the rest of his body. Mind you that none of these changes are as shocking as the horn, but they do make Jack look cooler.
First off is the amount of fat that Jack has. Before it was at an normal level, which was good for a rabbit in case he was in a cold environment. Now though, pretty much most of that fat has been taken away and replaced with a bunch of muscles.
Not just weak muscles either. He is at least two times stronger compared to before. I think, not the best judge on these types of things without seeing results. That guess is me just being positive on the situation.
It would be really cool if I had one of those punching bag machines that test how much force that you can unleash in one punch. But in a rabbit accessible version. "Hey, girl voice! If you are listening to me still, can you give me one of those? Please?"
Silence for however long I waited. Yeah, she isn't going to answer me.
Man, I want to hear her voice again. Hearing a girl's voice is always calming compared to Wade's awful voice.
Next thing that changed is the nails. Which can be called claws now thankfully.
They are about double what they were before, and look a lot sharper. Instead of being made for digging like the nails were before, these are meant for hurting whatever Jack sees as an enemy.
Last noticeable change is the fur. The amount of fur hasn’t changed or anything like that. No, the fur has changed colour.
So instead of the normal brown that Steve currently has, the colour of Jack’s fur is currently a grey colour. This seems weird to normal people, but if you look at it in the way of a person that...
Never mind. This change is weird and I have no idea why Jack is now a grey horned rabbit.
Not only did I look at Jack since he changed into a horned rabbit, I also refilled my mana light back to its peak. Like usual it increased in size by about ten percent. And I feel amazing compared to before.
Also with me getting better at refilling my mana, I have even been able to enjoy the feeling during the refilling process. And it feels amazing. I can feel that soon I will be able to master thinking of two things at the same time, then I can finally enjoy the feeling of refilling one hundred percent!
After I thought about that last line, I swore I heard a snort of someone trying to hold in a laugh, but there is no one else here. And it couldn't have been Wade since he doesn't really talk that much or make sounds like that.
I will let it slide for now. My dungeon sense isn't picking up anyone else, so there isn't much that I can do right now.
I spent that entire time watching Jack change into a horned rabbit feeling like crap. I wonder how much better that little show would have been if I had a full mana light.
The past is in the past, so I won’t bother with it anymore. Onto working on my dungeon again! So much fun.
What should I do first? I actually have multiple options this time, so now it can be fun. Choosing an option is so much more enjoyable then being forced to just expanding my dungeon.
With me now being able to increase my force of rabbit/horned rabbits minions. Well that is if I can replicate the results with Jack, which I am guessing I can with enough mana. I should probably expand as much as I can before I make too much rabbits.
Don’t want to have them cramped up against one another now do we? No we don't, so I will choose my usual option. Expand my dungeon.
So with me being okay with the size of this room, I should start working on the second room now. Thinking about it though I probably shouldn't just make a second room right away.
Instead I should make a small passage between the two rooms beforehand. If I do this then in case someone does a big spell and blasts apart the wall they will just see more dirt. Instead of the next room.
I don't feel like taking too long on making this passage, so I won't make it too big. Still big enough though so my last thought doesn't happen in the future.
Let's say about three meters long? And maybe only two meters wide.
Yeah, I will go with that. Seeing at how I can only do one meter cubed each time, I should figure out before I start how long it is going to take me to do this passage. Mental math don't fail me now!
The floor of the passage is going to be three meters long and two meters wide so six meters squared. Times that by three because of the three meter height that I am going to do, and that give me eighteen meters cubed. So it isn't instead so bad, only eighteen dirt removals.
Might as well get on it then.
Hours later...
Well that was a pretty light show from my last dirt removal for this passage. All it took was a unknown amount of hours and one refill of my mana light. After the refill I still needed to do six more dirt removals, which is currently leaving me with six to maybe even eight more dirt removals based on how much gets drained from each dirt removal.
I can't say that for certain though, so take it as a grain of salt.
Now to work on the second room I guess. Since I see no reason to increase its size compared to my first room, it will also be five meters by five meters by three meters.
So let’s get going on that! It can’t take that long right?
After a day or two…
And there! I am done the second room after I don’t even know how long. It would have gone even slower if it wasn’t for Wade that isn't me.
Yeah, that is right, he now doesn’t just talk to me now. He is actually helping me out.
During the expanding of the second room I ask randomly if he could help me out since I was regretting that I started working on this second room. I don't like to not finish things that I started, so I was forced to keep going even though it is a boring job. And know what? He was actually able too!
I don’t know how he got the ability to use my mana, but we are able to do the same thing at the same time. And the even weirder thing is that I only ever asked him to help. Never did I tell him what I wanted help on.
Maybe he was telling the truth when he said that he knew everything about me. And a even crazier thought is that he requires my permission to help me out since he never helped me out before until I allowed him to. Looks like I got my very own helper for my dungeon.
Who cares about that though when my job is now able to be done in half the time.
Okay, now onto rethinking how much dirt removals it took to drain my mana light for each refill. I didn’t really count for the first three refills, but after the last one I did count. And I am happy to announce that I was able to do nineteen dirt removals before I finished the second room.
Then even with me already having done nineteen dirt removals for my current mana light, I still have enough white parts in my mana light for one more dirt removal. Which makes it so I got my limit up to twenty dirt removals.
With this being done, I am feeling really happy because I feel that I might even be able to make multiple rabbits for my next refill. I just haven’t used the last bit of this mana light yet because I don’t want to start another room, and I like things to look nice.
Having a random one meter cubed hole in the wall doesn’t look nice to me. So I won’t do it. Maybe I should make a one meter cubed platform for Jack to lay on during his frequent naps. There isn’t much for them to do so it is understandable.
They still haven’t eaten anything yet, and food usually takes up a lot of a average rabbits time. I am still glad that they haven’t died from starvation, which is something that I will not understand why one hundred percent. And just saying 'mana' doesn't cut it for me even though that seems to be the answer.
I didn’t say that Steve would lay on it because Jack is currently the alpha. With him being a horned rabbit, Steve doesn’t stand a chance.
During the time that I was building the second room, I even noticed that Steve tried to fight Jake again. He didn’t get hurt really bad so I haven’t sent a mana cloud at him. I am guessing next time he will get hurt really bad because of how much more reckless he is getting with each fight. He is currently on his third try.
So to make it so I can do a complete refill I should attempt to create the small dirt hill that I just thought about a few moments ago. I could just do a non-complete refill, but that is just so wasteful. If I can use it, why shouldn’t I.
No reason, so here we go!
Before I attempt to do that though, I should try another thing first. The thing is the moving of my crystal. Oh yeah! Now if this is a success I will now be able to see my entire dungeon without having to rely on my dungeon sense.
Okay now, let’s get a thinking. First off I want to move over… There! (The wall opposite of the passage to the second room.
After a few minutes I started to feel weird. It is like the feeling of knowing that the car you are in is moving, but you didn't notice it start to move. There was still no drain coming from my mana light thankfully, but after I moved my vision to the ceiling I was able to see the wall because of the faint light coming from my dungeon crystal who is now very close to the wall.
Cool. That wasn’t hard at all.
With that out of the way, I guess it is time to make that small dirt hill now.
The reason why I wanted to move my dungeon crystal first, is I wanted to place the dirt hill in the very middle of the room. And since my dungeon crystal doesn’t float that high off of the ground, I didn’t want anything to happen to it.
Just in case. Always better to be cautious in these kinds of situations.
Well back to actually creating the dirt hill. But, before though I got to do a small. “Please don’t screw me over again life.” Since I am really hoping that making dirt costs the same as removing it.
“This is Life speaking. Don’t worry about it, I have already screwed you over in so many other ways that it doesn’t matter if this messes up for you or not.” I hear a voice say in my head. At the end I even heard a small laugh which doesn't make it sound any better.
“Oh shut up Wade. I don’t need you telling me what I already know right now. Especially in that kind of tone. Plus it wasn't that funny.” Taking a sigh after that, I go back to thinking about wanting to make the dirt hill in the middle of the room. Well that is what I wanted to happen.
Too bad that he started talking again, and in a way that I have never heard from him. “Hey, I am just as bored as you are here when you're just expanding our dungeon. Give me something to do already.”
For a small moment I am just shocked silent. Replying what he said in my mind, I start to get a little angry at Wade. Not one hundred percent sure why I got angry, but I guess that was just the thing that opened up the jar of my pent up rage ever since I got turned into a freaking crystal.
“OUR DUNGEON?! Who do you think is the freaking CRYSTAL right now? I don’t know much about what happened to me, and I don’t even know what I am going to do in the future. But there is ONE thing that I do know in this world!” Okay, maybe I got a more mad then just a ‘little.'
I have a lot of angry thoughts that I have never been able to unleash onto anyone. So if others were here to see this they might say that I reached a level where I just snapped. No more happy Wade that is me until I can unleash everything out right now.
“Wade, there is something that you should probably know before you say anything else.” He try to say something more, but I just cut him off.
“No! I don’t want to hear it! I lost everything from when I was human, and now I don't have anything that I can call my own. Not even my sanity can I call my own since I think I lost that long ago. The only true thing that is mine is these two rooms. And I don’t want anyone else saying that it is theirs, not the girl voice, and sure as crap not you!” Yelling at Wade I vent all of my pent up rage from being in this stupid dark room.
"And! You can't even do anything without my..." There was more to that sentence but this time I was cut off. Not because Wade talked, but because of a weird feeling that I started to get.
Well this feeling isn't that weird, but the reason for it being weird now is why this feeling started to happen. I have experienced this feeling countless times already, so I already know how this is going to end.
Cause this feeling is the feeling of my mana light getting drained!
Since I have no idea why this drain is happening, I will just have to watch to see what comes of this. Luckily what happens isn't too big of a event, and my mana light stops getting drained once it reaches a point of only having a small amount of whiteness left to it.
Tapping into my dungeon sense to try and find out what has changed I quickly notice something in the middle of my room. What I find is a small one meter cubed dirt hill that Jack has already jumped up on and is knocking Steve off of.
"How?" Is the only word that I could say at the moment because of the shock that I just received.
Maybe it is the feeling of having only a small amount of mana light left. Or it could be the feeling of having my whole reasoning for being angry before going out the roof, but even after ten minutes of silence, I still couldn't think of anything else.
And it really didn't help that the Wade that isn't me said. "You're right, it is 'your' dungeon. That is why I am able to use 'your' mana without you telling me I can."
A/N: Thanks for reading!
This chapter and the next one were really easy to write, so if all goes well and I am able to finish chapter 10 in a way that I like (having some trouble in that department for some reason), I will be posting it on Tuesday. Look forward to it.
Also I would like to say that I haven't read a single comment in any of the chapters up right now that point out a mistake that I made. I know that I have made at least a few (I am not perfect), so if you guys spot any, then please go ahead and mention them.
Word Count: 3010
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