《The First Rabbit Dungeon》Chapter 10 - You Learn Something New Everyday
After a little while longer I was finally over my shock, and was able to make proper words come out. “Wade. Explain to me how you did that. Aren't you only able to do the dirt removal if I tell you too?"
Only after a minute did he respond to my question. “You only ever assumed that I could do that. Ever since I first talked to you was I able to do this. Plus I could also make another rabbit if we had enough mana in our mana light.”
I still get a little angry at him saying ‘we’ and ‘our’ in terms of who’s dungeon and mana light it is, but I let it slide so I can hear Wade some more. Right now the one thing that I don’t want to happen is for Wade to stop talking.
“So what you are saying is you are also a dungeon crystal?” I say slowly.
“No.” Wade said before he did a small sigh. “I am a dungeon crystal, but not another dungeon crystal. Me and you are the same dungeon crystal.”
Boom (Nothing blow up physically, only my mind). Another shocker right off the get go. “So what you are saying is both of us are actually the same person?” Saying slowly to try and brace myself for the answer that I already know.
Again there was a short break from Wade that is from him most likely thinking of the answer to my question. “Yes, we are the same person. And before you even ask, I lied before. You have gone nuts to the point of making a second personality to talk to. Good job on that front by the way.”
Before I let all of that sink in, I ask him one more question. “Is that why you are able to use my mana light?”
This time there was no pause. “Never mind. You are not only crazy, you are also a idiot. Also good job on this promotion, only the best of the best can get reach this level in their career.”
One day later…
In the past couple days or however long it has been Wade and I have been quite busy with expanding my dungeon. Wait, our dungeon. I still got to work on that.
So far we have made one more room of the same size and have just finished refilling the mana light. Plus it did take about one third of our current mana light, but I don't really care too much about that. With the number of dirt removals that we can do I am sure that we are going to be able to make one rabbit at least with what is left.
And do you know what is even better? Making the second room only took three refills of the mana light if you don't include the refill I did after Wade made that dirt hill in the first room.
I am really liking that right now, it makes this whole thing so much better, and faster. Which mean the same thing to be honest. "You shouldn't lie Wade." I hear a certain someone say.
"There was no need for a comment there Wade. Can I think to myself without you commenting on everything?" Mumbling to myself. Yeah I am just talking to myself, but with no one else here there is no point in not talking to Wade.
He isn't going away, plus having someone to talk to even if they aren't really a person will and is helping me relieve my boredom. So yeah, that is now a thing. I am not really sure if this will help me keep the rest of my sanity or if it will just get worse and worse from here on out.
Either way I am sticking with this. And I have most likely gone past the point of no return already so no point in trying to reverse it. "Let's go all the way!"
"Yeah all the way!" I hear Wade say with a happy tone of voice. After a moment of silence I start to think of how that might sound to other people. And am I so glad that no one else is here to what we both said.
That could have been taking in so many other ways that I just don't even want to mention as of this moment. I really need to start thinking of something else before I start to think about it more then what I already have.
So what else is there to think about or what else is there to do? I don't really feel like making another room right now since I just don't feel like doing it. The help from Wade makes it a lot better, but it is still a mind numbingly dull task.
I guess I should make a third rabbit now then. "Is that fine with you Wade?"
"Oh yeah! What should we make him look like to make it so we can tell him apart from the others though?" He says and I go into a deep thought because of how serious a question that is. I am going to need quite a lot of time to think this all the way through.
After only ten seconds or so I come up with a great idea. Since neither Steve nor Jack are just a normal rabbit, why not just make this third one a normal brown rabbit? "Wade, did you hear that idea or do I need to say it instead of think it?"
"I heard it just fine. And let's go with that idea, simple is better right?" If I had a head right now I would be silently nodding my head. I am sure that he knows that though, so I won't mention it.
What I learned from Wade when we were making the third room was that he was always helping me with the dirt removals and refilling my mana light. So instead of just me trying to think hard about the tasks for them to happen, he was also doing it so the process took only half the time that it normally would.
I also learned that he is better than me at making things happen like the dirt removals. Not really sure why since we are both the same person, but... Yeah, still not sure why.
Either way it makes it so not only does he focus only on his half of the work, he even has enough room to help me out to reduce our thinking time. What a great guy he is.
So with that out of the way I guess I should start now. "You ready Wade?"
"Yeah Wade I am ready. I will start when you start." Good. That means we are both on the same page. And let's go!
After about ten minutes...
"Haha! And look how much of the mana light is left! We can even make more rabbits with what is left. Maybe somewhere from two or three of them, depending on if the mana cost is the same everything." Laughing happily with a heart full of pride seeing my third rabbit.
"I know! And did you notice it yet Wade?" I hear Wade that isn't in control say to me. Even though we are the same person I still don't know why he knows the things that I don't, or at least the things that I don't want to think about.
"Not really sure what you are talking about, so can you enlighten me on it?" I say with a long sigh after words. Somehow I need to re-train myself to not keep information out of my mind.
Too bad that the only way to do that is to get rid of Wade, but that would require me to lose the only person that I can talk to. Plus that would require me to not be a crazy person, and both of us know that isn't changing anytime soon.
"Well if you haven't checked in a while, the mana light is just about to reach the half way point in terms of size compared to the entire dungeon crystal. Do you know what that means?" Wade says in a super happy voice for that last part.
"Again, just tell me already." Now I am kind of annoyed with all of the questions to my questions that just keep beating around the bush. Get to the point already.
"It means that we are half way to getting our mana light drained in size again!" Another sigh escapes from my mind. Why? Just why would you mention that right now? Who wants to go through that experience again?
"Do you know that you just totally ruined my happy mood?” If I had a face and he had a separate face, I would have a very evil and mean stare pointed at him right now. And he would be shaking in terror by just the look of this face.
"I do." Wade says in too happy of a voice. Know what? For him doing that I am not going to talk to him for a while. I have better things to do anyways, like watching rabbits fight each other for the dirt hill in the middle of the first room.
None of them have left the first room to explore yet, so none of them will get to peacefully sit on the small dirt hill in the second room. That will most likely happen once I make too much rabbits to handle one room. Not sure what that number is, so I will wait to see the day.
This time after we made another rabbit pretty much the same thing happened just slightly different compared to Steve and non-horned rabbit version Jack. The third rabbit very quickly noticed that Jack was the alpha and didn't even get close to him after Jack knocked him back mid-jump after he attempted to get up to the hill.
Too bad that it didn’t stop there for the third rabbit. After the alpha rabbit is the beta rabbit, so now Steve and the third rabbit are fighting for the second position of power. And just like what happened with Steve and Jack, the fight got pretty cruel to a certain point.
There is already two long gashes on the third rabbit's side that are bleeding. Not too heavily thankfully, so he won't die from blood loss without a long period of time happening. He will still die if no natural healing happens though, but it is ‘natural’ healing, and something natural will still happen.
So unlike last time I don’t want to waste a bunch of mana on making the third rabbit get healed up again. Plus I want to see how well these guys heal after being injured. I am sure that the speed of healing will be better then what it is in my old world.
And knowing how big the difference is will help me in the long run. Knowledge is power or so the saying goes.
Too bad that if the saying is true, I am very, very weak right now. The amount of knowledge about this world that I currently live in is severely lacking. I only know of what is in this small cave that I made myself.
Back to the fight! Wait, never mind. I was thinking too long and didn't even catch what happened in most of the fight. However long it lasted.
The third rabbit didn't end up getting injured too much visually speaking in the moments that I didn't see. But you can clearly tell that it is hurt in more ways than just the bleeding wounds on its sides.
He is currently limping away towards a corner far from Steve. And so I can tell that its front left paw is hurt with it avoiding to step on it as much as it can. Man I feel bad for him since I am not going to heal him, but the knowledge must be found out!
I still like Steve because he is my first rabbit, and I don’t want this third rabbit to be stronger then him. So there is also that stopping me. I know I am a heartless man, but who cares when I don’t actually have a heart.
Interest evil laugh here. Since I don’t feel like actually laughing with how bad of a mood I am in right now.
“Screw you Wade! I don’t even want to do an evil laugh that is how bad that you ruined my mood.” Saying meanly to a person that I don’t want to talk to anymore.
Once a few minutes go by with silence from him, I know that he feels bad for making me like this. It will be awhile until I will get over this.
Before I make another rabbit though. I should watch and see how this third rabbit reacts to being really hurt. Will he just lay there and let the body do its thing and heal over time, or will this magical world play a part in it.
So what I see him doing is the same thing I seen Jack do when I sent the mana cloud towards him when he was hurt. The only thing is that what is happening is on a much smaller scale.
My vision isn't able to pick anything up, but I am able to tell because of my dungeon sense that there is some movements in the mana around the third rabbit. And it is all moving towards his mana core.
Then unlike what happened with Jack, there was no excess mana that went towards his body. All of it went towards his mana core.
Albeit it is a very slow movement. When Jack moved the mana towards him it seemed to have moved a lot faster, and the same thing happened when the big mana cloud appeared when I reached the second crystal rank. The more mana in the air, the easier it is to control?
Or maybe it is the more mana in the air the more excited it gets, making it so the people or monsters in this case can move it faster. I have heard of stories where the energy of the world in the story is alive, and even has its own will.
Kind of like the "force" in that one movie series that I wasn't able to watch the entirety of since I died. They were even going to make another two or three more movies to add to already huge plot line. I am not happy about that. That thought just ruined my mood even more then what it already is.
I really got to stuff thinking so negatively. Only positive thoughts!
With all of the mana going towards his mana core, I start to notice that one of the wounds on his side is very slowly closing up. This prompts me to push my dungeon sense to its maximum so I can see every last movement of the mana in the air around the third rabbit.
Watching the mana in the air with my dungeon sense isn't really come up with anything that I don't already know. Most of it around the third rabbit are going towards the mana core.
So instead I will now try to look at the mana moving around inside the third rabbit's body. What I see is something that amazes me.
I have no idea why I have never done this before! It feels so cool.
Now I should probably explain more than just that shouldn't I? Nah! Why should I explain to the emptiness that is my mind? Not including my own thoughts.
"What about me thoughts? Also I want to hear what it feels like to sense the mana in the third rabbit." Says Wade in a sad tone. I just sigh at the first part of his words.
"Wade. What did I say to you not that long ago?" I speak in a commanding tone that sounds like I am not having the best day of my life right now.
"That you don't want to speak to me anymore? But I am still here and I just wanted to remind you about..." Is all he says before I cut him off again. This is such a bad day right now and he is just making it so much worse. Seriously, what is wrong with this guy?
"Exactly. That is what I want to do right now. Not talk to you." Taking a small pause in my words I hear that he is about to speak again, but I cut him off before he even has a chance to speak.
"And with you talking to me, I am not able to do that. You know me, I am not a bad guy. I find it rude to ignore someone when they are talking to me, but I still don't want you talking to me again until my mood is better. So please just stop." Doing another sigh as I finish my small speech.
Once a few minutes go by, I realize that he isn't talking anymore. Which makes me a little bit happier, since I can go back to enjoying the show that is watching the mana inside the third rabbit.
Now. Where was I? Oh, yes I was explaining what it feels like to sense the mana. Maybe the girl voice is watching me and wants to know how good I feel right now.
Or was I not going to explain it? I can't remember dang it. "Again screw you Wade. You made me forget what I was going to do." Silence from his end is all I get.
Well first off I have to say that I can't see the mana per say. I am only able to sense it. How to explain it?
Umm... Well this might work. Picture walking into your bed room with a bunch of clothes or other things on the floor. The room is pitch black since it is night time and you don't want to adjust your eyes back to the light again if you turn the lights on.
So you flick your light on and off to see where everything is. You then walk to your bed not stepping on anything but the floor. Yeah, that seems about right for what I am feeling right now.
The only difference between me right now and that is the clothes on the floor are moving around a lot. While at the same time I am turning the light on and off again. If I had to put it into any other words I probably wouldn't be able to do it. So don't ask me to.
It seems that inside the third rabbit's body are a bunch of paths the mana takes connected to the mana core that lead to every part of the body. And the mana goes out of the core into these paths and gets absorbed into the body at the parts that need the energy.
Right now it seems that most of the mana is going towards the wounds of the third rabbit. Making them slowly close up over a long period of time. At this speed they should be completely healed (no scars) within a couple hours at least if the pace stays the same.
This is a pretty cool concept that needs to be looked at more. Especially when one of my rabbits are fighting each other, I am sure there will be some differences once they are using a lot of energy in a fight.
Which I am assuming that the rabbit's natural energy is what this mana has replaced in the bodies of these rabbits. Plus a few other benefits hopefully.
Oh look perfect timing! Steve is moving towards Jack who is still sleeping on the dirt hill in the middle of the first room. Which is the same spot where my dungeon crystal is floating above. The strongest (horned) rabbit is the one who gets to enjoy my crystal I guess.
The only reason why Steve would move towards Jack is to fight again. He is a very stubborn rabbit isn't he? "Yes he is Wade." I hear a person who shouldn't be talking speak.
With my new ability of seeing the mana inside my rabbits, it will be nice to see what the difference is between the third rabbit and Steve. If needed I will also look at Jack’s mana.
Since Jack is a horned rabbit, I am sure that it will be different from the other two. At the moment I still can't even guess what the difference between Steve and the third rabbit will be.
Well Steve is just about to pounce on Jack, who hasn’t noticed him yet. I guess that this is a good time as any to watch how the mana moves in Steve.
After what seems to be forever, Steve finally jumps and I start to watch the mana in his body. And what I see isn’t like the third rabbit’s at all!
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