《The First Rabbit Dungeon》Chapter 8 - Unexpected Events
POV Change - Wade
Watching the mana light drain by so much is not the best feeling in the world. So far it has reached past the half way mark on how small the white part of the mana light is now.
It feels like hours have gone by watching the mana light drain so much, but I know that only a few moments have gone by. The drain speed is always the same, so I can't be wrong for this case.
Looking over to the rabbit that is currently being formed out of thin air, I see that he is almost complete. The only thing left is the fur, eyes, teeth, and nails. And just in case if you were wondering, a hairless, eyeless rabbit is very scary.
Like, I won't be able to remove that image from my mind for a very long time. If I am able to sleep, I am sure that the resulting nightmare will have at least one of them in there.
I am also sure that if I could shiver right now, I would be shivering quite a bit. Even more so then when I seen the muscles being formed.
Okay, Wade. Stop thinking of the creepy version of the rabbit. Look at the rabbit now, it is completely formed and is moving around now.
Moving my vision back to the crystal so I can get a good look at the mana light, I see that there is still quite a bit left. I could probably even do quite a few dirt removals with the amount that I have left.
I am guessing anywhere from three to five mana lights before I need to refill it again. Hard to tell how much dirt removals I am able to do unless I have done at least one in the current refill.
Before I move my vision back to the view from my crystal, I notice some weird movements of my rabbits with my dungeon sense. Quickly moving my vision to a bird eye view of my room, I see two black shadows off to the side of the room.
Since the only light source right now is my dungeon crystal, I really can't see much of them expect for blurs of shadows when they move around. The only real thing that I can get out of the movement is from my dungeon sense, which is something that I am not one hundred percent used to yet.
Making it so I am not able to get all of the information from my dungeon sense as what I could have if I was used to it. This is something that will get better over time, so I won't worry about it for now.
After about fifteen seconds goes by the two shadows move closer to my dungeon crystal, which lets me see them without using my dungeon sense. Once they are fully in the light, I finally realize what they are doing.
What they are doing is fighting. Like not like a friendly shot for shot with your friends to see who can handle more pain, but like a full on die or submit kind of fight.
Now that last part might seem weird to the normal person that doesn't know much about rabbits. But I know at least a little bit about rabbits.
The knowledge that is not well known is that rabbits like lions, wolves, and other animals like that have a alpha member of their group. Alphas are the leaders of a group, and are the strongest.
So the best way to find out who the strongest rabbit in this case is, is for the rabbits to fight each other.
The reason why I know this bit of information is quite sad, but at the same time I am quite thankful for knowing it now.
So that one girl that I asked out who rejected and made fun of me for over a month after words, she got a rabbit at some point. Before the rejection mind you.
With me being a dumb teenager, I went online to search up facts about rabbits to try and impress her about how smart I am when I got invited to her house. Which never happened if you didn't already know.
The information was never useful until now, but I had some fun because of how much of the stuff that I thought was true about rabbits was all wrong. Before the search I thought that rabbits lived alone except for when mating.
Nope, that is what hares do. Rabbits are pack animals that stay in groups to survive. To be honest, I have no idea why I thought that rabbits live alone.
Maybe because of the rabbit from that really old show that I can't remember the name of. I just hope that it is duck season in this world and not rabbit season. Either way I will make it so the duck gets shot instead of my rabbits.
Also the fact that hares are not rabbits. They are from the same family of animals, but are not the same. Kind of like how dogs are different then wolves.
If I am remembering correctly, the difference between the two are hares are bigger in general. And instead of making burrows underground, they make their nests in grass. Also that they tend to live alone expect during mating season.
That is pretty much it. So back to the fight! I am thinking too much so I feel that I am kind of missing out on at least something, so no more thinking.
We both know that Steve is going to be the winner out of this fight compared to the newest rabbit since he is so much bigger. The second rabbit already has a few cuts from Steve's nails.
The cuts right now don't seem that bad, but they are deep enough to cause bleeding. So where ever the second rabbit goes, there is a little bit of blood on the ground.
As I watch the fight for about five more seconds during one of their small breaks of just watching each other, I notice that my dungeon sense is picking up a feeling that I haven't noticed before. And this new feeling is coming from both Steve and the second rabbit.
Well the feeling is a lot stronger from Steve, but I am at least able to notice the feeling from the second rabbit.
The feeling if I had to name it as something would be a emotion. No, not my emotions, but the emotions of the two rabbits in from of my dungeon crystal.
Realizing what that feeling really is, I start to freak out from knowing that I am in a very small way, reading their minds. It is not at the level of actual mind reading, but it is at a level that it can be called that by some people.
Even if I could read minds, I am sure that there wouldn't be much in there for me to read in the first place. They are only just rabbits, so you can't expect anything other than that.
Maybe that is why I am only getting their emotions and not actual thoughts. It is because they only have emotions right now, and aren't able to think of actual words or sounds I guess for different things. That or it is like my dungeon sense where I am just not used to it enough to get all the information from it.
I will go with the second option since I don't want to think about how I choose a stupid monster instead of a goblin or imp that are known for having at least basic thoughts. At least back in my old world, this world might be different.
'Looking' at the feeling coming from Steve I get from it that he is angry, happy and has the same kind of feeling you get when something happens in a way that you want it to. Like when you kick a ball in soccer and you watch it curve in mid air towards the net after what seemed to be a missed shot.
Always a nice kind of feeling to have yourself. Never a good thing to know that the person you are fighting has that feeling though. It is making me feel almost bad for my second rabbit.
Too bad for him that I like Steve more because of how much longer he has been around. Plus those mismatched ears are so cute on him. If I had hands I would so be playing with those ears right now.
Moving my attention over to my second rabbit, I get the feeling that he is angry, sad, and in a lot of pain. Well I would be to if there was a guy almost twice my size fighting me for what seems to be no reason.
Watching for a few more seconds I finally start to see some movement again from the both of them. This time I see that Steve goes in for one last assault, no more fighting after this.
I can tell because of Steve's emotions showing that he just wants to end this already. After using this new ability of mine, I am kind of understanding more and more about their emotions.
The new rabbit will either die to this attack, or he will submit to Steve being the alpha rabbit of the about to be formed group.
Looking again at the current emotions of this new rabbit, I start to notice a feeling of helplessness. And then just before Steve landed his last bite to the second rabbit's neck, Steve stopped and didn't end biting his neck off.
In rabbit words Steve accepts Jack's submission, and instead of crunching Jack's neck with his teeth, he instead slaps Jack across the face to show that he shouldn't have taken so long to submit to him.
This all seems like something that a person would do with the stopping of the killing blow, but both of these guys are just rabbits, so I must be go at least a little bit crazy here. Right?
"You aren't crazy." I hear the Wade that isn't me say.
"Thank you for saying that. That is exactly what I wanted to hear right now." Replying back to him while doing a mental sigh in relief that he talked to me again. With so much action happening in these past I don't even know, it feels like it has been a long time since I last talked to him.
"No problem. I always know what you want to hear, and what you don't want to here." After a few minutes of silence, I realize that he is gone again. I will see you later!
Thinking back to it, it has been even longer since I talked to the voice, but I don't even expect her to talk unless she is going to give me something. With the thing that she is giving me being a reward or just information about me and/or the unknown world of Terra.
Well it is time to start making a second room since I got nothing better to do. Oh wait, I guess I do have something else that is a little bit more important.
And that is help Jack. Jack being the second rabbit's name. I don't have anyone to talk to, and with the realization that I can read their emotions, why not give them names to at least help me keep my sanity just a little bit longer.
With me already having named Steve, it isn't too far of a stretch to start naming the others. I don't have the best naming sense, so I won't be naming each and every one. Just the ones that do something special.
Like Steve being my first and strongest rabbit for now. And Jack for causing the most amount of action that I have seen in days. Also for being a part of my first three rabbits, not that I have a third rabbit right now. Soon he or she will come.
So the important issue that is going on right now, is the fact that Jack is kind of injured. Based on my weak knowledge of medical skills, I can only guess that he is okay for right now.
If my guess is correct, he won't be dying from blood loss or anything serious like that. Again, if my guess is correct, the only thing that will happen is a few scars once it heals enough.
Too bad that is something that I just don't want right now. I have no idea when something bad will appear and want to kill me for my dungeon crystal, so I need to make sure that my defense is as strong as it can be.
Cause right now, with me only having two rabbits and having one of them in a pretty beat up and injured state. This is not my peak defense right now.
Thinking for a bit, I come up with a idea that might seem reasonable in this situation. Mana can make a rabbit, and it can even make a rabbit almost double in size.
So what is stopping mana from healing a rabbit?
With what I have come up with, I haven't thought of anything that can stop me from just healing my rabbit minions with my excess mana if I so desire. So that is what I am about to do, or at least attempt to do.
Removing my of unnecessary thoughts, I only think about wanting to send out my mana towards Jack. Then after about ten minutes of waiting and thinking super hard, I start to feel a drain happen from my dungeon crystal.
As of right now, Jack is currently sleeping on the floor near the edge of the light from my dungeon crystal. Steve has a monopoly on being super close to my dungeon crystal. Any closer and he would be directly underneath it.
Watching closely at Jack to see what happens, I see a super vague mana cloud being formed around Jack's sleeping body. If I wasn't a dungeon crystal with my most likely perfect vision, I probably wouldn't be able to make out this mana cloud.
With me sending out my mana towards Jack successfully, I start to get the feeling of having no more mana in my mana light. Which is quite sad that it took the rest, but I am glad to know that it stopped once it got rid of all the white in my mana light.
Since so much mana randomly appeared it awoke Jack with a big jump on his part. Once he realized what is going on, I noticed something quite cool. That thing is the absorption of mana from Jack.
This is most likely something that very few people see in their life. A animal or I guess a monster if we are using proper terms, doing something that was only told in stories and video games back in my old world.
Yes, Jack my newest rabbit is currently absorbing the super thin mana cloud around him. From what I see, the mana cloud is being sucked like a whirlpool into his chest area.
That area also happens to be the same spot that I noticed the mana core ending up at. So the mana core does live up to its name, and is the thing that holds a monster's mana.
Watching this process go down I notice another thing is happening. Instead of having all the mana go to Jack's mana core, it is also being spread to all parts of his body.
Looking to one of his cuts, wait, no I can't say it like that anymore. Looking to where one of his cuts once was, I notice that he is completely healed up already. That is something that I was not expecting to see happen already.
I at least thought that the process would be in the days category. Not in the factor of just minutes. How much mana did I give him?
After about ten more minutes I start to notice something else about Jack. The super thin mana cloud is pretty much gone now, and has been absorbed by Jack into either his mana core or it went into healing his wounds. So the new changes are what happened to Steve, this time though I am actually watching them happen.
So Jack starts growing to the same size as Steve. Which is half a meter in length. This process took him about half a hour if my guess is correct, I still don't have any real way to tell time.
Right now it would be great to have a clock in here for moments like this.
Then once he stopped growing I noticed another thing happen to Jack. "Man a lot is happening right now." I hear Wade speak again. This time though I don't want to listen to him, and I want to pay close attention to what is happening right now. So I don't even respond back, still watching Jack.
Well not all of Jack per say, I am more so just watching his head right now.
The reason why I am only watching his head? Cause there is a small horn growing out of it!
A/N: As per usual, thanks for reading!
So we finally got back to seeing what Wade is doing again! To the people that liked the 'side story' of Max and gang, please don't worry about it. They will be showing up again in a unknown amount of time.
Word Count: 2900
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