In Serial

The Ties That Bind

8 188 32
Author: Type:Male

Suddenly awakened In the hot sticky wastes of the Arizona desert walks a being born of impossiblity given form. Beyond explanation or reason, A grandeoise being of primordial and everlasting existance, the vessel of the original state of balance that serparated into Light and Darkness. meet Tikan. A fun loving and sarcastic creature of unimaginable origin, trying to find two halves of themself that are hidden in everything. it's like finding a godly needle in an infantismal haystack. But there's a universal countdown. And lingering in the backround the fabric of reality is begining to fade at the hands of a self proclaimed "Neo Godhead", and the creeping hands of the end poison the air. all things seem to be leading to a peak, and all that ever was in this world is soon to rend itself apart. Something is coming. And the one and only person that can fix a collapse bigger than the beginning itself, can't even seem to decide what they want for breakfast off a fileberto's menu.
"Here I stand,that which bound and existed.the background of the way before All, and am that which traverses things unexplained before words were born"

These are the Ties That Bind.

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