《The Ties That Bind》Emissary


I opened the door.

I literally was just taken advantage of, violated, and I proceeded to immolate some random,handsy douche,whom of which after reading his entire soul and imprinting it into my endless self,I now share the mentality of. all that and I'm standing in blood spattered, torn clothes,AND I OPENED THE GODFORSAKEN DOOR. That's right, round of applause to the esoteric equivalent of an Ed Edd and Eddy episode with that Double D looking idea. I swear.

I shivered as the branch of thought raced through my mind, foreign and intrusive.from jolie i got a joking demeanor and ways to hide my feeling (or lack there of), seems like this guy gave me sheer negativity with a side of homicidal self destructive tendencies. Plus ALOT of douchery.As if things couldn't get worse,on top of everything else the new flood of information from my attacker polluted and tinted the color of my psyche.peachy.im so damn nihilistic i think the oompa loompa President is the Antichrist, reptilian overlord of the flat earth. I shook my head in disappointment at the new thoughts just as i turned the knob to see something...well, not what i expected.

I'm gonna say it. I have no shame in it. Loli. very, very, very loli.for those that remain in aware, lol basically means every human you think is got at a mall or something that you go and talk to and they start talking about how different freshman year is from 8th grade. I could tell immediately that the young teen looking thing in front of me, with her slender, graceful build, the pale skin. The long black hair and sinuous,sculpted frame...I could smell it on her, centuries of blood and cold apathy came off her in waves, and that dollish 13 year old meat suit was some pretty creepy packaging for her craggy old soul. She must've somehow blocked me to realizing she was near because there's no way that if she stood within 10 miles of me i wouldn't have noticed. That's why when she innocently gazed at me with a sweet, beautiful smile, and heavily lidded, cerulean eyes, i stated aloud, to her face, something for the people in the back.

“MUST NOT SMASH!!” and i promptly slammed the door in her confused, jailbait face.

And she took exception to that.

The door splintered immediately in a soundless explosion that Snatched me off my feet and chucked me down the hallway. The sound didn't even register to my ears until i hit the wall 6 meters behind me and it almost caved at my impact. The resounding concussive ‘Boom’ was literally deafening, pain lancing through my ears and disorienting my sight, sending white and black flecks and splotchy color across my wavering vision thanks to my immediately destroyed ear drums. She strode forward with quick, pissed off little steps with that angry, sass filled Loli stomp. She wore black converse with black Jean shorts that only partially covered her hopefully legal naughty bits. Atop it all, between the choker that screamed “daddy” and the black “ Supernatural” backpack, i thought nothing could get worse. Until i saw the black, Ouija board styled “My Chemical Romance” shirt.


Just to be a douche i blatantly stared at the shirt in horror and dry heaved in faked revulsion, choking out between gags, “ She gave me the emo!!”

Now let me tell you, I may not actually hate the music, her tv choices, or even her dress ware.but getting her to beat me senseless in a temper tantrum worthy of youtube? Too rich to pass up. After her immaculate scream of rage and almost destroying the surrounding room using my nose and her bare hands, she was making a show of huffing breaths, her torso leaned forward with fists clenched as i rolled on the floor laughing like a hyena, already healing with tears streaming down my face.

It was around then I felt her oppressive aura drop on me like dead weight and the laughter sputtered in my throat as i noticed how different i was truly acting. which totally kinda killed the buzz in light of the man i murdered being forced to the forefront of my brain. a few half hearted chuckles were all I could manage as she forced me to feel guilt.it was..a very uncomfortable experience. After that display i began to stand,the smile starting to fade as i finally had risen, I dusted off and looked her in the eyes solemnly. I immediately turned my back on her as her eyes went from my mostly exposed body to the blood and the bat on the floor in the room beside us.

“So? What?...did you come for a specific reason? Do you have a name or are you just gonna keep making me feel bad and dressing worse?” i said over my shoulder, keeping any emotion from my voice. I was greeted with the disappearance of the aura, and turned around with an eyebrow raised to find the girl standing where the blood had pooled and began to dry. It was gone.the blood,the bat,both entirely gone.not a drop left. just a glittering, shimmering spot on the floor in place of it.

“Next time you should avoid leaving a mess like that laying around for someone to notice when you invite them in.”She said pointedly as she turned to lock eyes with me.her gaze lazy and uncaring and her voice dripping with superiority.

“Yeah,”I said, rolling my eyes dramatically,” i'll take note.by the way where'd you learn to knock on a door,ISIS? Explosions grab a Little attention too.”

She smiled coyly and put a hand on her hip.”probably the same place you learned to greet a century old vampiric bitch. You should respect your elders sweety.”

At that I scoffed, chuckling darkly as i waved a hand, absently returning power to the house with a thought and walking towards my makeshift kitchen. She narrowed her eyes at the nonchalant display but followed behind me.

“touchè sweetheart. Now,what, the darkness sent you on cleanup duty or did you need help not glittering in the sunlight? Or am I supposed to babysit you? A 100 year old toddler, I better be getting paid extra. Also don't go treating me like I'm an invalid,”I almost spit at her in sheer annoyance,”normal vampires don't throw raw energy.i know that much.” I grab a couple of water bottles from my fridge for us both and hand her one absently before opening mine and taking a swig.


She hold hers and just stares at me,as if trying to gauge something newly discovered.”So you aren't just some new kid on the block with zero knowledge,”she put down the bottle and looked me up and down,” then who are you..and what're you doing in my territory killing the man i had marked?”

I shrugged,grumbling that she brought him up.”he kinda asked for it. Why would you want some grabby punk anyways?” I take another swig and look at her with narrowed eyes. She marked him, now I didn't know any specifics but fact is that if nothing else her involvement in my assault had immediately become possible.

She shrugged and took a few stepped my way,soon standing beside me,leaning back against the counter I was hunched over. She cracked open her water and brought it too her lips,sipping lightly before answering. “in honesty he was just a pair of eyes to me,the more you mark the greater an area you can cover. I didn't know about his interesting night life until the second girl he met.i did however see you drown him in molten sand.” She grins,her childish face getting several creases and her appearance reflecting a bit of cruel admiration. I feel my stomach turn a bit and look at my water bottle, anger slowly over taking my emotions and revulsion making me tighten my grip on the bottle. “You still haven't told me what you are..,” I Growl at her in a low voice. Her face immediately relaxed a bit,becoming less twisted, but she didn't regain their full cute innocent look. She scooched closer to me and touches my arm with her hip.i repeat,MUST NOT SMASH. The touch was friendly however,companionship aimed..I think. “To put it bluntly, I'm still technically under the whole umbrella of vampirism,but, well I was given my gifts.no one but me is like me from what I can tell.i just had to go through alot.most of it unwillingly,in fact. I never knew i would become strong from the crap I was going through.not like this.”

Her gaze almost looked...sad...i realized from her little expose that if this is a form of vampirism,it not only was unlike one I had seen before, but her body would have been made immortal at the age she originally had been.she couldn't have Been physically older than thirteen, if even that. I won't lie I began to feel pity for her, I can't imagine what hell you would have to go through to become something considered a monster,to OTHER monsters as,well.. a blessing. I'm starting to get why she showed up besides as a clean up crew.the darkness wanted to show me a thing or to about getting past the things in this world mentally.maybe that had something to do with the whole reason for the collapse?

She smirked lightly and shrugged like her obvious torture was nothing more than a heavy jacket to bear. “so what about you?what exactly are you?the void calls you an emissary of the original state of being but, well forgive me but your coming wasn't heralded by quaking earth and crap.and for voidssake you wear skinny jeans.” She laughed a bit, and as she did I smiled lightly myself. I was glad to see her being so mirthful,regardless of her ability to seriously do some damage. So, I opened a hand. the air sang as i accelerated the moisture around my fingers, causing it to vibrate and hum,becoming small flecks of light and producing a tiny hum. Her head snapped to my palm and she flinched in surprise. Her eyes darting from my glowing palm to my smile lined face.”I'm the shell of what came before all of this..everything came from somewhere right?” I let the light die down and dropped my hand,pocketing it while reaching again for my water. “ I guess the easiest way to put it is, the darkness isn't the light,obviously,just as the light isn't the darkness,but I am both.and they're me.all the same.” at that I took a swig and shrugged, absently wiping my mouth with the back of a hand.

She stared at me with a blank expression.and, in honesty, a level of fear I wasn't anticipating flitted across her eyes. a slight redness to her skin reflecting something i thought it was confusion.she opened her mouth to speak, before closing it a few times, she spoke, a bit reserved. “so..do..what do I call you?”

I laughed and took another drink from my water bottle. “ just call me Tikan.nothing major.” I try to put on an air of calm, but it was like she was getting more tense by the second.what was I doing wrong?

“Ok Tikan..im Rome.”She slides towards me, and her presence picks up again, although instead of guilt, I'm feeling something I tooootally wasn't needing right then.

“so...is air the only thing you can make vibrate?”

I could hear the darkness laughing,and I suddenly understood.


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