《Femalekind Book Two》2.021 The Day before Dusk
--- Aphrodite POV
Little sister’s hands grab hold of mine and her pleading eyes melt my heart. Feelings and emotions, I am now a jumble of them whereas previously I lacked any understanding of most … do I regret this change within me? I take a deep breath and blink, even contemplating regret new … recent. I release my breath and position myself over big sister.
I hoist the unconscious pliant body over my shoulder and with little sister by myside reach the end of the middle of the three docks without any Stone Giant villager asking a single question along the way. Maybe Nasim spoke of me? I lay big sister down upon the cold stone, the steady slap of water against the pylons a relaxing beat and as good as any to sleep off Divine contact, I guess.
“Keep an eye on your sister, she may wake at any time and fall in.”
“Thank-you,” she replies, settling in beside her sleeping big sister.
I cast my eyes across the river and then close them, my remaining days are disappearing rapidly. The Temple like Zeus’ in the past will provide me with a sanctuary. I then need to fly to Arsu and regenerate those days, after that, what?
“Mother, we are here and await your instruction.”
I sense Bucket One and Bucket Two share our link, content for now to remain silent.
“The Stone Giants are expecting you, send the males, they need to delay, suggest to be shown around, request food, although under no circumstances venture towards the river and if the Stone Giants fold to their demands easily they need to suggest more.”
The lapping of the water marks time passing. First is yet to respond.
“Mother wouldn’t it be easier for one or all of us to attend the meeting?”
How to raise this? “The Stone Giants, don’t expect to greet Karpies … especially ones with wings.”
“Oh, Mother we understand now, they expect Kobolds, so even the males are at risk …”
“I hope not, they kept enough of their Kobold linage to at least allow a meeting, although don’t send any others from your tribe with them to permit the Stone Giants an easy comparison.”
I rub little sister’s bald head, not certain who enjoys the contact more.
“Are we in any danger Mother? It seems the Stone Giants, while allies of yours are fickle with others, especially those who are smaller …”
“Convince the males to go unarmed. Small and defenceless presents no threat and I doubt they could fight their way to freedom. Assure them I will be watching and won’t abandon them.”
I feel eyes upon me, instinct? A sensitivity to change given the serenity of my current surrounds.
“Yes, Mother, while we are Karpy our survival instinct is Kobold, we are cautious, we prepare and if required aren’t ashamed to run away.”
“Go with my blessing and gather the tribe around the abandoned village, I suspect a large procession of Beast Kin to pass by soon and while they will also be advised of your presence I don’t wish for any misunderstandings.”
I open my eyes and big sister is prostrate before me.
“We are masters of hiding and preparing Mother, they will enter the abandoned village at their own risk.”
“Get up.”
Her wide round eyes come into view slowly while kneeling before me.
She climbs to her feet, leaning on little sister to do so, for once the youngest silent and still.
“Do you know how to fish?”
She glances at little sister and then nods towards me.
“Good, fetch your fishing gear and little sister’s if she has a set and return. I need you to catch as many fish as you can, so a large basket is required also.”
She slowly nods and scurries away.
“Why do we need fish for Goddess?”
I caress her cheek with the back of my fingers. “We don’t need to fish but your sister does. She needs some quiet time beside her little sister to work things out.”
Little sister flops down upon the pier and waits in silence.
“Alasse, Prophet of Aphrodite I call you to service.”
“I am ready to serve.”
“How far are you from the Stone Giant’s village?”
“We can estimate only, perhaps arriving before dusk?”
Landmarks, I need landmarks.
“You have nothing but round stone shoreline beside you?”
“Yes Goddess.”
“You have passed no trails leading into the forest as yet?”
“No Goddess.”
I could see through her eyes and abandon my body, no, a plan begins to form.
“When you locate the trail leading into the forest, pull your scouts from the forest and under no circumstances explore it. A friendly to me, tribe of Kobolds are hiding there. Tell your Kin now.”
Afternoon is upon us all and I need ensure all are safe. The three male Karpies approach the Stone Giant village now, their eyes dart about expecting the unexpected and yet no Stone Giant seems in the least ways troubled by their arrival. Nasim leads the other four Clan Heads towards them, unarmed, hands open. The Stone Giants tower over their guests nevertheless Yaja drags his feet, although eventually delivers a slight bow upon introduction. An invite to the Council Table follows where they share food and I leave them there; big sister stands before me.
“Fish while I think.” I point to a spot beside little sister and she complies.
“First, the males are sharing a meal with the Stone Giants, happily they aren’t the meal.”
“Thank-you Mother, they are male, but they are ours …”
“The Beast Kin haven’t reached the trail to the village as yet.”
First shares her relief across our link and then Alasse replies.
“Goddess they understand and the scouts, with my permission range far ahead to locate the trail. They will mark the trail and also some distance before at which point all the scouts in the forest will be withdrawn to the shore to avoid any possibility of an accident. Your friends are our friends, Goddess.”
“Good.” My response short as Nasim, Yaja and the newcomer Clan Heads desert the Council Table and sprint to the Temple. No, past the Temple and onto the trail leading to the village until I lose sight of them.
“Little sister does Nasim post lookouts or guards upon the trail to the village?”
“No Goddess, there is no need, two watch from the Temple roof, Nasim insisted the roof height be below the tree canopy height so none except visitors could notice it while being built. Now with our natural height we can observe beyond the trees, one stretch of the trail especially aligned straight to achieve this.”
“Bucket One fly high and spy down upon the village there are unexpected visitors I suspect.”
“Yes, Mother.”
A cheer and some splashing at my feet, I suspect big sister has caught a fish. I hear a plop and my eyes investigate. Big sister stares out along the shoreline, her arm slowly rising, a single finger extends. The river water bubbles and tumbles towards us against the current. “Lizard Beast Kin, Goddess.” Big sister’s announcement calm and steady.
“Little sister, do they usually visit?”
“No, they stay to themselves, they fish and trade their catch in Quest Town, our piers are largely unused because of them as none want to waste sweat rowing against the river. Many a Council Meeting has tried to solve this.”
“Run to a Clan Head and warn him and then straight back to me.”
The slapping of her feet upon the stone pier enough confirmation for now as Bucket One reports.
“Mother, Panther Beast Kin, Lion Beast Kin are in one group, beyond and separate Tiger Beast Kin, further back twos and threes of various other Kin. They have no other destination except the village.”
“And those by the shoreline, to the South, what can you report?”
I pace while big sister peacefully resumes fishing, the contrast isn’t lost on me.
The male Karpies are staring about, not unlike the two Clan Heads, all at a loss, waiting. Little sisters’ arms wave about and point towards the Northern most pier and one of the Clan Heads runs off towards the Temple, while little sister sprints back.
“Mother, Beast Kin have reached the trail turnoff to the abandoned village and now rest nearby. Their number builds as ones and twos exit the forest further south and they travel along the shoreline to meet up. The main entourage follows further back.”
At least no unexpected surprises there I think to myself.
“Mother …”
“Bucket Two?”
“Yes, I have been spying on the village trail while Bucket One flew in search of your Beast Kin. The Stone Giants are trying to hold back a growing number of Cat Beast Kin, many are waving arms, none yet waving weapons.”
I need my Prophet Alasse in the Stone Giant village now. Could three Karpies lift a Snake Kin? Doubtful is the answer, although for Griffin, simplicity itself. The lion claws of the Manticore or her snake tail on my back both dubious alternatives. For once I must fully depend upon others. The wise Nasim to hold back the curious, the other Clan Heads to investigate the Lizard Kin and ensure the safety of the Karpy males and finally Alasse, my Prophet needs to arrive just in time and not a moment later, whenever the future decides on that moment.
As afternoon moves towards dusk the Stone Giant village fills with Beast Kin, Nasim choosing to organise instead of resist. The different Kin remain together, immediately reminding me of the Questor Group camp. Because of that, peace seems to rein supreme, chatting and eating food the primary activities. The Karpy males a passing curiosity, attracting some initial attention, the exceptions being the Lizard Kin who spend the most time in their company.
The river draws me, and I swivel around on the stone pier. The initial creeping chill tiptoeing up my spine fades and yet there is something out there. The hubbub of the village quietens behind me, rolling across the settlement like a wave. Shaking my head to lose the last of the chill I turn about. My Prophet makes her entrance.
She attends to the Karpies first, a polite gesture of inclusion; introduction and then shaking their hands. The Stone Giant Clan Head with them next and she keeps moving forward. Those with her are her eyes into the gathering crowd, while she welcomes one and all.
--- Alasse POV
“Goddess, this many? I believe they only behave due to the presence of your Stone Giants …”
“Find Nasim … no need he approaches you now.”
My Goddess watches me? I restrain the foolish notion to search for her and instead calm myself as Nasim approaches. Two others flank him, one deferring to his authority yet supportive, while the other glancing around, wary, not trusting the growing crowd of strangers trampling upon his small and perhaps once safe world.
“Alasse, Prophet of Aphrodite, I welcome you to our humble village and if agreeable will lead you into the Temple nominate.”
My eyes scan up … and up. My small hand in his. While the grip firm and his skin rough, my hand returns to me intact.
“Our Goddess praises your wisdom and foresight and given the current state of …” I exaggerate as I crane my head around. “Impromptu visitors please except my thanks.”
He smiles. Each tooth thick, a perfect white square embedded in his mouth, side by side. Intimidation by strength and uniformity. The movement of his open hand showing me the way, returning me to the present as I take his offer to lead.
“I am attended by my Servant Pex and you can assume if she asks on my behalf, I am.”
There is mirth in his reply. “Are there any others of equal import, I wouldn’t want to offend.”
I pause and look over my shoulder in time to catch him chuckling and even under my gaze he doesn’t end immediately. “I didn’t think my request unreasonable …?” Did I stammer then? Aren’t I in the right? I am certain I exhibited no self-importance …
“You are beyond Kin, beyond your skin and flesh. You are exactly like her and my heart rejoices.” His hands cup around his mouth and then his voice booms out across the village, several times. “The true Prophet of Aphrodite is amongst us.”
The affect immediate. From each cottage the extended Stone Giant families erupt celebrating like slaves gaining their freedom, with the promise of a bright future. I realise now, Nasim and many other Stone Giants are Initiates of our Goddess and those who aren’t look forward to her blessing of joining. To them this is confirmation of their freedom, protection from a higher power and therefore slaves no more. The gathered Kin react differently, they draw back to their designated areas, while those who accompany me standby in wonder, many appreciate the display of Stone Giant conviction and yet inspired by my dawn sermon know their fervour the equal of any.
He doesn’t see me as Snake Kin … I suddenly find the need to control my breathing, closing my eyes for a moment to rein in the delirium. I have felt this within myself and yet to be proclaimed so by a complete stranger delivers a heady confirmation. My servant, somehow aware of my condition supports “my moment”, the light touch of a reassuring hand upon my back. I recover as the crowd surges towards me. Azarya and the Captain are captors themselves, heads swinging about helpless.
Nasim’s voice shouts out a single word. “Hold!”
The crowd blinks and in that singular moment I see my way clear. A ramp lays before me, adjacent to stairs and I marvel at the consideration as I swiftly ascend. A platform awaits me, and I turn to face the now surging crowd, my eye level equal or above most and my arms extend out, palms down. With that simple effort I have their complete attention.
“Our Goddess’ love is open to all and therefore I welcome all who want to hear her future. There is no immediate obligation except to maintain the peace and any are free to leave when they wish as our Goddess doesn’t require any who have no desire to be bound to her. I will return at dusk to preach and consecrate this superb Temple.”
As I search for direction a massive grey hand reaches out to me. Nasim. Wearing a broad infectious smile, he guides me from the platform into a plain, yet functional preparation room within the Temple directly behind the altar. The benches for the faithful under the roof of the Temple proper vary in size, small for Badger Kin at front growing until suitable for Stone Giant and yet I know for certain the capacity inadequate.
“I see your doubt Prophet,” he says, voice rumbling. “The Temple extends beyond the obvious, in a standard way and in a … less standard way shall we say.”
There is a private joke there …
“As you look out from the altar, there are those under the roof and those further directly back, extra seating under the sky. To the left, the same yet more modest. Also know most if not all of the village is also Temple.”
I feel my jaw drop.
“I don’t envy your task Prophet to preach so widely and yet I follow our Goddess’ instruction I assure you.”
“Then I must have faith my dear Nasim,” I resolutely reply.
A deep chuckle and a nod my reward from him. “Know there are … umm, observers in the crowd. I have, at pains pointed out the meets and bounds of the Temple area and to them I have left the choice of where they observe from.”
My hand reaches for his arm. “No Nasim, they must be outside the Temple, no doubters …”
In a causal way, he untangles his arm from my grip and encloses both of my hands in his own. “You will reach into their hearts and they will give the Goddess their souls of this I am certain.”
Scrutinising his face for doubt futile. His faith in me to deliver, absolute, leaving me speechless.
“I must go.” With those words he turns about and exits the room. My servant embraces me.
--- Pleasant Voice, Priestess of Hera POV
I follow my Goddess’ instructions and yet the mass of Kin and … others truly a test of my devotion. Those led by the self-proclaimed Prophet one group of Kin who accept her domination, a Snake Beast Kin, slaves one and all, yet aware of course. Several Lizard Beast Kin chose to take interest, they the most subdued Kin since the loss of their Great Hero, another casualty of the Tears of Blood.
To observe more, I need to relocate and decide upon a direct approach and head for a distinct clearing on the edge of the village near the shoreline.
“Masters excuse my interruption. I wish to share in your combined wisdom.” The Tiger Beast Kin are arranged before me, one Master at each cardinal point, an attendant directly behind. Cross legged upon their bright silk mediation mats offering no respite from the cold stone cobbles underneath and yet they show no concern.
“A Priestess seeking our wisdom, we feel honoured.”
No, you aren’t you snobs of false enlightenment, yet I hide my real thoughts behind a façade of politeness. “As I am by your acknowledgement and would ask you share your observations with me.”
As one they reply. “No secrets revealed as yet. The unusual tolerance of House Burning Fang to mix with their inferiors and be accepted by their House and Beast Kin inferiors. The swelling of their Snake Beast Kin numbers with the riff raff of Lessor Houses, amusing nothing more. More interesting the easy alliance of the Stone Giants, a race eagerly rejected by your Goddess’ Husband we believe and yet welcomed by this new religion and not to question his wisdom, they thrive drawing numbers from the mountains often we hear.”
They fall into silence and my confusion alerts them as one points behind me. I turn to witness new arrivals. Small creatures, not Lizard Beast Kin although possibly a distant relative, some features of Dragon Beast Kin as well if my memory serves. None seem to object to their presence and from underneath a huge stone table three others, similar yet not entirely the same join them. How did I not notice them lurking there all this time? They push through to the middle and pay homage to others, yet I am unable to single any creature or creatures out. Most frustrating.
“Interesting is it not, from the largest to the smallest they seek this new religion.”
I snap out my reply, “Difference sows’ discord, it has always been this way and only now under the guidance of the Great Father Zeus and the All Knowing Mother Hera do Beast Kin accept some differences to share in their worship.”
The four hum and then suddenly speak. “While not common knowledge, over the past fifty years our Order has accepted one or two other Beast Kin, an experiment of sorts yet the Grand Masters sought a particular merit in the gamble. A different way of thinking. The experiment continues to this day, the outcome still … uncertain.”
Purity of thought, purity of purpose can only be sort from amongst those who originate from a pure body and soul, a Tiger Beast Kin the single acceptable Beast Kin or so I thought, until now.
“Priestess I wish a word when you are free.”
I bow to the Tiger Beast Kin Masters and turn to face my new petitioner. My whiskers draw back and although dusk approaches, I know he glimpses my revulsion. Well, he shouldn’t interrupt.
“Commander Bruno, a surprise visit.”
He politely ignores my reaction, forcing a false smile. “An inspection. Word spread quickly through Quest Town the gossips busy and they haven’t disappointed this time and I thought you could provide me with your professional evaluation?”
“You dare call on me? My fellow High Priestess of Zeus is somewhat shunned by her own Kin is she not?”
His paws remain behind his back as he calmly responds. I suspect a prepared response absent substantial truth.
“The issue isn’t Kin, the issue is Husband and Wife, is not Zeus the husband of Hera and if so, would not a male High Priest of Zeus be more … in order? Panther Beast Kin like an organised hierarchy and the present High Priest being female is an unforgivable aberration. Why, for example.” His smile broadens. “Isn’t your husband Trusting Cloud High Priest of Zeus? A more fitting and convincing match.”
I could explain initial elevation when a Temple is consecrated is based upon devotion and faith. I could explain my husband’s disillusionment from ardent lover and goal setter to self-pity, his inner light burning low now as he raves about the impossible return of his mother, when all know her to be dead many years. The tears I have shed, the advice I have sort from my Goddess and yet my heart still aches. All of which is none of his business.
“Even Priests are servants Commander, and we don’t question the wisdom of our Gods.”
He shows fangs. “The unquestionable following of an order from a superior is extremely agreeable to Panther Beast Kin as you know, yet shouldn’t a Husband King and Wife Queen of the Gods be reflected in their High Priests at the very least?”
Chills tiptoe down my spine and I momentarily freeze, unable to speak. He fully exposes his fangs mis-reading my condition, believing himself victorious.
“The Tiger Beast Kin have their own challenges with the unenlightened and so, perhaps do I. I will be on my way. I am sure your analysis of the ceremony will fit with your world view admirably.” I turn, not really certain of my destination, needing to be away from the river, certain of the eerie source which lurks there yet wonder what and how?
I find refuge in the shadows of a cottage, the high walls ample for the purpose. My paws rest upon those walls, my head upon them. I whisper, “Oh Hera protect me.”
“Perhaps I should?”
I wipe tears from my eyes, from habit and slowly, in case I frighten him away turn to face my betrothed. I offer open paws willing him to accept my hint of embrace, otherwise helpless before him. These chance meetings now rare.
“The river?”
I nod to confirm, my paws covering my face and then I feel his embrace. This is as it should be between us.
--- Commander Bruno POV
A stabbing finger in my upper thigh breaks my gaze, spoiling the joyful sight of the Priestess of Hera in hasty retreat due to philosophical defeat.
“Yes?” I recognise my accuser upon sight. “Dawn …”
“Leave our Priestess be you bully. You have no right to question her and in fact I question your right to even be here?” snipes the infuriating Badger Beast Kin.
“I will go where my paws carry me little one.” I am quick to pat her on her furry head. She recoils in an instant and I show her my fangs.
“Bully.” Her stubby finger points towards me, while standing firm one step away.
“I am surprised the Badger Beast Kin flock to Hera, after all marriage isn’t a priority as procreation, paternal and maternal duties are equally shared across the Sett. Perhaps childbirth then, although I note your fellow Beast Kin managed to survive the Tears of Blood well enough and there never seems to be a shortage …”
“You are ill-informed about Badger Kin as you are about the Priestess you vile bully. I will leave you to enjoy your own company as none other will.”
I cross my arms, unable to disguise my amusement as she waddles away, maw pointing to the sky declaring a false superiority. I scan the gathering; everyone seems to have found their place after some bellowing and shouting from one of the larger Stone Giants and therefore time for me to find mine. A quick visit to He Who Wrestles to ensure his Pride stays within their new Pride Land and I am done … there is a report to write.
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