《Femalekind Book Two》2.022 Consecration
--- Alasse POV
The unusual sight of three young Stone Giants joining me catches the attention of the penitent in the first few rows of the Temple, their looks a mix of wonder and curiosity trying to comprehend the significance. As I stand tall in front of the altar the three take their place to my right, while my servant glides to her place on my left.
I begin my sermon drawing upon my Divine Faith casting [Worship (Aphrodite)]. No sooner do I finish, and a new Divine Magic sweeps me up and along, [One Mind] and instantly all those within the Temple Ground share in our community of joining, they hear my words as if I petition them individually drawing them in, to recognise the Divinity within Aphrodite Goddess of Fertility and Disorder, which like an acorn requires nurturing into a mighty oak. As I repeat my appeal another power infuses my being, born from this world, for this world, to intercede and I hesitate.
“Proceed my Prophet and accept this power, it attempts to make amends for past wrongs and with sacrifice, perhaps correct a mistake …”
Given my Goddess’ assurance I embrace this new power and additional minds join into the second telling of my sermon. The Tiger Kin on the edge of the village, the High Priestess of Hera and her betrothed and another. A hidden one, tormented for so long through no fault of her own except being a miraculous sole survivor, Dilia, Scout of the ill-fated Dog Council Emissary Party. Like a ripple in a pond and I am the point of the impact as a wave of Divine inspiration radiates out.
The restless spirits on the Quest Trail pay attention and then spit upon my words of hope, each quarter in Quest Town next and only those standing on sacred ground within the Temple of Zeus are spared from my sermon. Dog, Wolf and Fox first then Badger, quickly spreading to Bear, Dragon, Snake, Panther, Lion and Tiger. The numbers swelling as the ripple flows out and I greet them all with my devotions and by the grace of my Goddess they may exercise their free will, to listen or not.
The power begins to fade and there is no regret within me, only thanks. Any further South and the Dungeon squats waiting to reject any further expansion, the girth of the river to the East another long hope and the endless forest to the West yet another. Yet to the North many minds join, the entire Lion Kin Pride of the Rolling Hills and they welcome salvation as a curative to their pain, due to loss. Shortly after the Lizard Kin, the loss of their Hero still haunts them they question my Goddess, challenge her to explain how one such as he, mighty and pure could fall. I can promise nothing except hope, as a Goddess of Fertility, rebirth and as a Goddess of Disorder, change, with freedom to choose, upon this truth all know she swears, and many rejoice.
--- Aphrodite POV
“I know of you.”
“You are diminished …” I state fact, how I know though I am not sure, although my Spark of Divinity is of him, I am certain. Therefore, he sacrificed a part of himself to me.
“The once almighty, creator and manipulator of this world now is, yes. An age ago though, the raising of continents from the oceans, crashing them together to form mountains and gouging rivers into them my entertainment. A mighty Dragon my form, proud, all knowing, all seeing, and I fashioned a plan to beat all others, a test between Human and Beast Kin to make their own way for a time and then compete to rule. My plan’s singular failing, sustenance for its architect and so began my slow descent until another found opportunity within my weakness, offering a false revival to an addled desperate mind, my form dissolving into a globule of slime, assuming many forms and yet unable to hold one form, unrecognisable.”
“You made me forget …”
“Yes, my fatal error, afraid of you, believing you a sworn agent of him I refuse to name. Assuming to hinder you the same as hindering him and I needed to try and stab at him in any way I could. Driven by desperation. And then he made a mistake and with my remaining power I grabbed a slim chance granting you a rare gift, my Spark of Divinity, which is what I should have cultivated from the very beginning amongst my creations to maintain my existence. Too late for me I reasoned, now a shapeless slime.”
“I offer my thanks and I wish I could offer more …”
“No need, I am content and having given you my Spark of Divinity I live on through you and even when my slime form fades away, I hope an inert part of me will persist with you. For now, I can offer two more boons and I am certain you will recognise both, ensure you embrace them with the whole of your being, because they represent the last of me.”
“Is there no future tomorrow for you?”
“I give to you all of me, so I think not and yet I have no regret and hope beyond hope you expel him who I refuse to name and his pathetic menagerie of a perverted family. Farewell.”
I feel his presence and yet he rebuffs me and then memory floods my mind, Motherhood, Trusting Cloud and Pleasant Voice and a certain tree at the edge of the Long Grass Plains. The joy and the pain fills my heart and consumes my mind; my missing truth returns to me, a dead part of me revives.
Alasse casts [Worship (Aphrodite)] and I revel in the pure joy of the adoration, I recognise my Initiates connecting to me and I know more are required and augment my Prophet’s casting with [One Mind] so her message can spread freely and equally. I then recognise the grant of his power and assure my Prophet.
“Proceed my Prophet and accept this power, it attempts to make amends for past wrongs and with sacrifice, perhaps correct a mistake …”
Their worship fills me and yet I am a void into which an infinite amount of Faith magic can flow. My Prophet connects to each and in turn a weighing and measuring of devotion and faith determines their fate and amongst this holy enlightenment my Prophet begins the most crucial of all ceremonies, [Sanctify Area] and as required slithers along the boundary of the proposed Temple, enclosing an area of holy ground, entrapping all within an ice barrier such that none can escape, not that any wish to, being in complete rapture.
Upon return and clapping her hands, a burst of life filled light spreads across the Temple Ground washing up against the Ice Barrier and rolling back, to slosh back and forth again and within that light, tendrils of life seek out specific converts. As per her dawn sermon and now this one, the Fertility Rune treasured above the Disorder Order or the combination. Many wishing for the joy of new life to extinguish the pain of loss with a new beginning. The Disorder Rune satisfying others who require different futures. I am certain my Prophet is oblivious to the details and she, as my holy conduit serving her purpose, rolls through the ceremony until completion.
He unleashes his second boon, the timing of the surge of power exquisite when the ceremony is at its zenith …
[Critical Success: Sacred Ground created; upgraded to Great Temple of Aphrodite]
[Special Unlock: Great Temple of Aphrodite; Pilgrimage Site for Worshippers of Aphrodite.]
Messages scroll by, disturbing the appreciation of the ritual side somewhat and yet I acknowledge they mark important steps towards my Divinity. Within this moment of elation, I feel him fade. I reach out to him expecting rejection and I laugh with joy. He has no power to resist me, he is spent and so I feed him some of my power and drag him back from the everlasting peace of oblivion so he can rejoice with me in savouring what he has begun. I declare the termination of his existence on hold for the short term at least.
“You honour me Goddess, a failed, broken entity best left to fade away …”
“No, my benefactor, perhaps blind in the beginning, unappreciative of the power you wielded, but at the end more noble and self-sacrificing than I could wish for.”
[Consecration of Great Temple +10% Divine Dominate. Total Divine Dominate 21%]
[Neophyte Goddess Aphrodite, while in Temple of Aphrodite immune to Dungeon Dominate constraints, link to Quest Dungeon of Azizos severed.]
{Ordination of High Priest +7% Divine Dominate. Total Divine Dominate 28%}
{Due to Level of Faith, Prophet Alasse promoted to High Priestess of Aphrodite, Title bestowed: Life Giver, Priest Profession unlocked at Level 12}
[Total Divine Dominate equals 22% or more: Neophyte Goddess Aphrodite promoted to Minor Goddess Aphrodite.]
{Divine Magic accessible at Divine Dominate 22%: [Heal Flesh], [Soul Sight], [Cleanse Magic]}
[Minor Goddess Aphrodite, while in Temple of Aphrodite immune to Dungeon Dominate constraints, link to Quest Dungeon of Azizos severed.]
{Ordination of Priest +5% Divine Dominate. Total Divine Dominate 33%}
Surprise and delight roll over me as I recognise several of the names scrolling by.
{Divine Magic accessible at Divine Dominate 33%: [Teach Faith Magic], [Summon Cult Spirit], [Command Cult Spirit]}
{Ordination of Adept +3% Divine Dominate. Total Divine Dominate 36%}
Their names enter my conscious mind faster than I can read the notifications and I am content.
{Ordination of Initiate, milestone previously achieved +0% Divine Dominate. Total Divine Dominate 36%}
[Great Temple of Aphrodite venerated as a Pilgrimage Site +5% Divine Dominate. Total Divine Dominate 41%]
[Spontaneous Consecration of Site +1% Divine Dominate. Total Divine Dominate 42%]
{Faith Magic obtainable from Site: [None]}
{Realm Magic obtainable from Site: [None]}
Houses in Quest Town the primary creation location, although several locations which must be faraway are unknown to me.
[Spontaneous Consecration of Shrine +3% Divine Dominate. Total Divine Dominate 45%]
{Faith Magic obtainable from Shrine: [Healing]}
{Realm Magic obtainable from Shrine: [Bless Maiden]}
Three sites are listed, Lizard Kin Hamlet Judgement Stone, the Meeting Fire of the Rolling Hills Lion Kin Pride and House of Harmony. This third location a mystery to me.
[Total Divine Dominate equals 44% or more: Minor Goddess Aphrodite promoted to Lesser Goddess Aphrodite.]
{Divine Magic accessible at Divine Dominate 44%: [Excommunication], [Find Enemy], [Protect Being (Spirit)], [Protect Area]}
[New Realm Unlocked and Assigned: Truth …]
(System Error, searching for compatible Realm in Greek Pantheon. Greek Goddess Aletheia sampled. Return translated as "unclosedness", "unconcealedness", "disclosure" or "truth". Worshippers envision personification of Realm. Translation rejected. Searching for compatible Realm in Roman Pantheon. Roman Goddess Veritas sampled. Return translated as virtue of truthfulness, which a worshipper is expected to aspire to and attain. Translation accepted.)
[New Realm Unlocked and Assigned: Truth, +5% Divine Dominate, Total Divine Dominate 50%. Your devotion to the truth resonates with your worshippers. No equivalent exists in Greek Patheon. Truth Realm Magic and Faith Magic declared a BANE to any worshipper of the Greek Patheon.]
{Faith Magic aligned to Truth Rune yet to manifest.}
{Realm Magic aligned to Truth Rune yet to manifest.}
[Worshipper calculation beginning …]
[Worshipper calculation restarting …]
[Worshipper calculation restarting …]
[Worshipper calculation restarting …]
[Worshipper calculation restarting …]
[Worshipper calculation stabilises at 3521 Souls: 1 High Priest, 10 Priests, 390 Adepts and 3,120 Initiates.]
(System Warning: Worshipper Numbers unsustainable without further Consecration of places of Worship)
[Place of Worship established: Worshipper Base equals 3120 Souls or more +9% Divine Dominate. Total Divine Dominate 59%]
(System Warning: Great Temple of Aphrodite – Stone Giant Village requires a minimum of 20 Temple Functionaries based upon current number of Clergy in residence.)
(System Notification: Full manifestation of Truth Realm requires completion of Geas. Lesser Goddess Aphrodite must walk the Quest Trail, reveal her Truth, and face the consequences of her past actions and deeds.)
Four walls … white marble, roof the same. My eyes search for familiarity, my where abouts …
The back of a grey hand settles on my forehead. “Calm Goddess, little sister and I have you safe and sound at the back of your Temple. Your Prophet … ahem … High Priestess pointed out the way … she thought it best.”
A youthful voice takes over. “Light escaped … from your eyes, your grey skin glowing, trying to hold back or hold in whatever light possible. Not once but twice and we didn’t know the consequences of a third time and thought here would be best.”
I lay my head back down, little sister’s words a comfort. What does it say of things when a chance meeting of two sisters with a stranger provides the stranger with earnest carers? I know instinctively big sister is an Initiate of mine, as is little sister yet she holds a title as well, Herald. What trick is this of the System? Alba is my Herald; how can a child fulfil this role?
“No trick Goddess …”
“It is you? I wasn’t certain you would remain … after, I mean I am no longer consciously sustaining you. Am I?”
“Yes, I persist, I rely upon your passive generosity still … I am powerless now, although I can offer you my wisdom such as it is, if you value such from one like me …”
“You will meet my needs well enough.” An intimate freely given warmth travels up my spine, gratitude? “If I am now a Lesser God why do I still feel Azizos upon my neck, even though within my Temple the countdown is deferred?”
“The System Masters set the parameters, they are rules based, not emotive. Your Creator the original designer, Zeus taking advantage and the System Masters codify the interpretation and then I interfered, and you now have two paths, either can complete, both can complete, neither can complete.”
“One has completed, I am a Goddess … I don’t understand, I should be able to break away from Azizos …”
“No, your path to Divinity is only a beginning, Zeus and his Pantheon have existed for thousands of years and they weren’t the original divine beings of their planet and you, just risen, believe you are done? You have arrived? Your new existence is tenuous. You have Temples to consecrate to hold on to the worshippers you have, you need to secure the Truth Realm with a Geas and of course it seems Temples don’t organise themselves, they need functionaries, whatever they are. Do you know?”
I thought this path my way out and yet the System enforces me to continue with my old path as well as secure this one.
“Why the Truth Realm, why the Geas?”
“Why the Truth Realm?” His happy chuckle crashes through my mind. “Your worshippers shape you as much as you shape them and how much easier your path if the Truth of your situation was fully explained to you at the very start? While they may have requested, you were more than willing to agree.”
I ponder his words and he holds back further wisdom to allow me to. Through my Prophet I extolled the need for truth, especially the Snake Kin, untrusted by other Kin, their dealings with each other always for their gain and yet through them my greatest opportunity to complete the Dungeon Quest to satisfy Azizos and possibly find a way from under him.
“As for the Geas … We both read the same System Messages, didn’t we? The Greek Pantheon doesn’t personify Truth. I wish I would have known that fact sooner, never mind. They view Truth as something to be uncovered and until it is, the perception of Truth is what holds, which is why their Gods and Goddess scheme and cheat and only face any consequences if they get caught out – when the Truth is revealed. You must understand my World doesn’t have a Divine Tradition, so the System has used their world as a reference. The Roman Pantheon must be another on their world and most similar. Their version of Truth is living to the ideal and to be your absolute best you are expected to follow the truth in action, word, and deed. The Geas upon you I assume is to expunge a certain lack of adherence to this standard and the System will hold you to account. How can the Goddess who personifies Truth not also be the ideal version of Truth?”
The Quest Trail haunted by restless spirits they say and yet I know for sure. The Harpy disease so effective at the time and yet a consequence of him also.
“I sort vengeance after you denied me Motherhood, wiping my memory!” I couldn’t restrain my indignation.
“I am not trying to be a God …”
Now I want to metaphorically strangle him …
A multitude of system messages scroll by gaining my attention …
“Your worshippers are active, offering you portions of their spirit or soul depending, for the power of your Faith and Divine Magic. Your High Priestess has been trying to organise them, so many … they are recovering from the extasy of enlightenment and now explore the possibilities.”
My Priest and Adepts are mine …
“Karpy First, Priestess of Aphrodite lead your two Adepts and Tribe away, return to your home and Sanctify a Temple within to sustain the worshippers you have offered me and to spread my worship to the rest of your Tribe.”
“I obey Mother Goddess. Your Divine Magic has been learnt and preparations are well underway.”
Another of my Priests hails me directly, demanding my attention. Each moment which passes increases her fervour and so I allow her to speak first.
She hasn’t changed and yet her acceptance of me a mystery considering our past.
“Gods and Goddesses so fickle, you offer them your worship and yet they don’t answer when they are petitioned. Why is that Goddess? Never mind answer another time, more pressing matters await. We risk much and now need assurances as the Goddess Hera is not thrown off lightly, she is one who intrigues and by stealth will seek her due, so I ask my Goddess, what is our guarantee?”
“Welcome Dawnanda Gentlewind, Priestess. I never expected your devotion …” I only need to hint at a question …
“Badger Kin are friends to everyone, that is our place. To commit is to choose a side although within a tolerable level through our worship in Hera we gained enough value without jeopardising our neutrality. I recognised you the moment you called and measured your growth since our first meeting. A rising force of this world and my sisters in Questor Groups report a strange influence upon the Snake Kin, you again. Truth as a virtue is where our futures meet Goddess. Now I ask, what you are going to do about Hera?”
Ever the demanding one … time for those who can, to help themselves.
“I can’t do anything as yet, you though certainly can.”
She stifles her response, a symbolic biting of her lip.
“Hera is diminished whenever any worshipper leaves her, as would I be. You though Priestess Dawnanda can protect yourself and your Kin by establishing your own Temple to me within Quest Town and I urge you to do so.”
The cogs of thought turnover in her mind and I await her considered response.
“I would need every Badger Kin, including those in Questor Groups and others …”
“Why not ask other Kin worshippers, we are one are we not? Badger Kin accepted by all and perhaps witnessing your co-operation to establish a Temple will embolden others.”
A determination grows within her, the taking of bold action instead of petitioning and negotiating, a new liberating feeling.
“Zeus’ Temple impinges upon the Badge Kin Quarter though …”
“I have it on good account he is blind to this world at the moment, although I don’t know for how long.”
“Then I must act quickly, decisively!”
Our link severs half a moment after her last word.
I resume my search …
“The Matriarch of a Lessor House has risen high it seems.”
“Goddess I am honoured to serve your higher purpose.”
“In what way do you serve me Priestess Darunia?”
The question stuns her to silence for several moments.
“I have gathered the Soil Mastery Snake Kin and we clear and construct to establish a Snake Kin camp and village within and around the former Stone Giant village Goddess.”
“Do any Snake Kin hold Mastery over living trees or perhaps the wood after they are chopped down?”
She pauses in her efforts and searches her memory. The contact with my Priests is intimate, although the level varies, either their skill or mine, perhaps level of devotion.
“When first upon the world, trees were our natural habitat and then we discovered commerce and needed to destroy trees to build villages, towns and then cities. Any who now wield such a Mastery belittled as a failure, a throwback to a primitive time and no longer of use, whereas our Mastery has adapted to a new purpose and we rejoice our new worth eagerly. My enquires will require tact, can I enquire to purpose?”
I reward her with a loving smile.
“We need to construct many Temples and while stone is strong only Stone Giants can work it, we need other materials and hardening soil will be one more, yet wood is untapped considering the forest around us.”
“I go forth in your name.”
“Priest Matriarch Vestan …”
Her mind is busy, too busy to reply to her Goddess. Should I feel offended?
“Priest Matriarch Vestan …”
“Goddess I thank-you for invigorating an old Snake like myself, so much opportunity, I revel in the upheaval. We need two Temples to accommodate our Houses, one specialising in Trade to supply the goods and services your growing worship will require. The other to specialise in Birth and Nurturing to grow our strength. Priestess Pex has proven her linage live birthing her four snakes immediately after the consecration of the Great Temple delivering them directly into the arms of her lover the Captain of the Guard. All female snake-lings and he overjoyed nevertheless given the obvious strength and health of each. We both now search for suitable buildings in Quest Town to establish our respective Temples. Snake Kin welcomed, I never thought I would live to see such a day.”
And then she breaks our contact, allowing another, Priestess Pex.
“Don’t be concerned or fret Goddess, Vestan’s purpose is our purpose and serves you well. I thank-you for your blessing of Fertility, there are many eggs which hatched prematurely, although completely formed when the consecration of the Great Temple concluded. The newborn Snake Kin almost outnumber the carers, and many are learning to appreciate fish as a food of choice, the only readily available abundance, our fellow worshipping Lizard Kin offering freely and without constraint.”
Her contact then fades away and I am left with the mix of humour and astonishment within her last word thoughts.
My search for another of my Priests is short, he is in prayer.
“I welcome you Priest Jex.”
“As I am blessed to be welcomed Goddess.” A sadness saturates his reply.
“Explain your sadness …”
He hesitates to reveal the wound because not only does he suffer, but all his Kin also suffers.
“We are the primitive Kin and we accept this proudly knowing when great deeds need to be done our ferocity is required to protect all. Great friends of the Lion Kin, they point the way into the untamed lands, and we despatch the beasts in dark places who cling to the night to work their devastation. It has always been this way. One arose amongst us, the greatest for many generations and he held our ideals and our hope in every step, always forward. And yet, the Path of Tears claimed him, and we need to know the Truth. We pray to you for the Truth. For our Kin to be healed we ask you for the Truth.”
The Path of Tears, the Quest Trail, one and the same. Did he succumb to the Harpy disease and why did this Lizard Kin’s fall affect an entire Kin? There is a new guilt upon me …
“I may uncover an unacceptable Truth and what if I do?”
“Find the Truth first and then decide upon the next step, always go forward, for now we Lizard Kin repeat each day and there is no future, no forward step, we are a broken Kin. Our spears are now fishing rods.”
“Build a Temple around your village Shrine, gather your Kin to do so and I will find the Truth and take the next step with you and your Kin regardless of the pain and hurt.”
When I face this truth, I am certain the Lizard Kin will want to extract their revenge and yet I must face my past deeds so I may step forward.
“As you command Goddess.”
The failure of an entire Kin consumes my thoughts, tears well up in my eyes, which I wipe immediately. Taking a deep breath another of my Priests calls to me and while I knew of his pledge, I didn’t think our first reunion would be Priest to his Goddess.
“I know you aren’t my mother and yet I yearn for you all the same … memories can’t be denied, and feelings once felt can’t be dismissed easily …”
“You are mine.”
“I am home then my Mother Goddess?”
“You are mine.”
“I carry vengeance in my heart, my lost confusion not well accepted by others, including one in particular …”
“You are mine.”
“I could fall at the first hurdle or I could claim many before I am done.”
“You are mine.”
“I have your love and support, without conditions?” His mind voice meek, asking.
“You are mine.”
“I, Trusting Cloud go forth in your name Mother Goddess Aphrodite.”
“You are my loving son, a Priest of Fertility, Disorder and Truth, not vengeance and now reborn with purpose. You are mine, body, soul, and spirit and have suckled at my teat and been judged faithful. Gather worshippers, especially those who doubted you and bring them into my worship. You are mine.”
“Yes, Mother Goddess.”
I despair, my son is unable to arrive at his true purpose without instruction from his Mother.
“What of Pleasant Voice?”
“You ask, when the answer obvious …” he responds. “She must be gathered to your faith also?”
I must explain by way of questions it seems. “Why didn’t you surrender to hers?”
“I would be as Zeus to her Hera …”
His revulsion plain.
“Yet she is your betrothed, your hard-fought prize …”
“I fought for Pleasant Voice Matriarch of the Long Grass Pride, not Pleasant Voice, sycophant of Hera.”
“Aren’t you my sycophant?”
“Why is worship of Hera, Goddess of Women, Marriage, Family and Childbirth any less worthy than me?”
“She isn’t Mother and yet to be Zeus in our pairing impossible, I won her hand, she is my betrothed. We Lion Kin need no Goddess for us to value marriage, family and childbirth, we have many generations of living by those ideals, they are part of every Lion Kin, Matriarchs are respected and treasured around the Pride campfire.”
“Therefore, win her again, away from a Goddess who offers no more than Lion Kin Matriarchs already have …”
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