《Femalekind Book Two》2.020 The Countdown Part Two
--- Aphrodite POV
“Such pain Mother … we are here wishing to be by your side always and would welcome the opportunity to embrace this thing you call worship. We feel we are there already, and we owe you so much.”
“You seem happy though … satisfied.” I don’t wish to coerce or entrap them and yet is this even avoidable given their devotion.
“We miss you Mother and this worship means we can always be close, linked until the end of our lives so tell us how as I assume the two Stone Giants prisoners aren’t typical of Mother’s worshippers and any sudden unannounced arrival may result in misunderstanding … possibly bloodshed.”
“Did the male Karpies survive your wrath?”
Mischievous giggles erupt across our link.
“I assume yes then. They will be your envoys. I will inform the Stone Giants they must meet with you and negotiate in good faith the building of a stone bridge across the upper reaches of the river so you may expand your hunting grounds.”
As one they question my wisdom, a bridge?
“Mother we don’t need to expand our hunting grounds …”
“It will be ruse to ensure you are present when my Temple is consecrated. At this ceremony, your faith in me will be put to a test and your enlightenment and my promise of power will flow to you accordingly.”
Their joy floods our link.
“The forest on the southern edge of their village will be reserved for your tribe while the negotiations are conducted. At some point they will be interrupted by the ceremony and my Prophet will prepare the way by inviting all creatures willing to hear her words – welcome, under a sworn protection of peace and you can then fly in to join.”
“Your prisoners are marching towards you Mother. We couldn’t tolerate their whining a moment longer and somehow word of a Stone Giant negotiating on their behalf slipped out.”
I celebrate with laughter.
“You must follow immediately. There are the remains of the first Stone Giant village just south of their present village, once there, setup camp and I will try to hurry this pair along. I can delay the ceremony if needs be, although I dare not given Azizos’ rope around my neck.”
“We will not fail you Mother …”
A crescendo of noise erupts beyond the front line, starling the two prisoners as they reach me.
“Welcome to your freedom Clan Head Yaja and Bodyguard Daran, the Village Council entrusted me to negotiate your freedom.”
They slowly turn back to face me, their eyes lingering upon the female youth before them, their mouths turning down at the edges …
“You’re our negotiator …” His mouth remains open to say more and yet words refuse to flow.
Perhaps my nose … couldn’t possibly be my sex or age.
“And yet you are free and the cost, a trade agreement bargained in good faith by both parties.” I intentionally beam a wide smile at both.
Yaja splutters. “A trade agreement with …" One of his hands flings behind him. "With them.”
“Best we move in case they change their minds …” I turn about and begin to jog away. At first no footfalls, perhaps the sand deadening any. As time passes, I resist the impulse to look back, they can’t be that stupid, can they? Then relief, the soft splash of water grows louder behind me and I chance a glance over my shoulder. At last, two hulking forms follow, confirming my success.
The false dawn of the next day escorts the three of us into the Stone Giant village, I didn’t allow them to rest on the journey back agreeing to slow the pace occasionally and nothing more. They both search out their cottages and disappear inside. Making a beeline for my bunk a child intercepts me, little sister. I find myself in their cottage, a quick meal of leftover meat stew and then I am asleep. My last thought, three days remain.
--- Alasse POV
While tempting, I decide against parading the entire camp through Quest Town, each Kin subject to scrutiny, the counting of our numbers and recording of our names, too high a price to pay for my vanity. The path probably the safer of the two available though. I order three days of food and water, no wagons we travel light and quick. The Least Houses aren’t burdened with finery or coin wealth, most if not all spent on purchasing their illusion of freedom, so there aren’t any hisses of protest to deal with. I demonstrate leadership, refusing the offers of others to carry my tent and fortunately or unfortunately after the many classes no wine remains so free of that singular dilemma also. I do briefly wonder if my Goddess can transform water into wine …
The three Questor Groups and House Burning Fang’s Guard Troop patrol the flank facing the black basalt wall of the Dungeon. Azarya and House Sterling Scale with the bonded yet not Questor Groups patrol the forest side, between these two forces gather everyone else, for the most part vulnerable egg carriers and individuals such as myself, my servant and the House Matriarchs and their close retinue.
Many Kin notice; yet gossip quickly dissuades any thought of taking the Quest Road, the rumour of ghosts and evil spirits effective. As we approach the river at days end scouts report a recently deserted makeshift camp, yet suitable for our needs with latrines dug, standing shelter and access to fresh river water. We occupy this readily made haven appreciating the upgrade from bedrolls under the night sky. There is sharing of course, our numbers way in excess of the camp’s capacity, the change of guard shift one example. The protecting of eggs an exception claiming shelter the entire night. A large number including myself resort to the original option, a bedroll under the night sky.
I stare skywards before closing my eyes, the lights in the night sky are yet to be interpreted, they don’t affect our existence so why concern ourselves with them is the general attitude. My servant insists on drawing her bedroll beside mine, two or three more days of gestation and her belly is rounding generously. I envy her, myself eager to bring new life into this world. Discarding the petty emotion, I instead reaffirm my absolute faith in my Goddess with devout prayer.
A hand over my mouth and another on my shoulder jolt me awake. I take a deep breath. My servant hovers over me and I immediately cease my resistance.
“Sorry, you are required.” She points out the Captain of the Guard, several others stand with him.
The cold of the predawn slows me and yet none demonstrate any impatience upon my arrival, all bowing with respect. Azarya and the Captain of the Guards glance at each other before beginning, some pre-arrangement as Azarya slithers forward.
“We have extras in the camp Mistress?”
My early morning eyes blink trying to comprehend her words. Thankfully, the Captain of the Guard elaborates.
“At first, one or two Cat Beast Kin, some from before, now a change of heart, profusely recanting their lack of faith and embracing our welcome, expecting hostility. More since.”
Azarya adds, “Now strangers join us, friends of those returning is their story, keen to point them out as proof and receiving acknowledgement.”
I place my hands behind my back and slither back and forth before them. “We can’t exclude them, they may in fact be genuine.” I stop and smile, my fangs on display.
“A test then. Captain before we break camp, I will deliver a sermon to all, ask my Questor Group to attend to me, I will need their assistance. I intend to preach from the roof of one of the shelters.” I pause in thought and lean closer to the Captain. “Could I ask a Kin of similar weight to my own test the strength of the structure first?”
He nods, “I will attend to both requests.”
I cast [Locate Faithless], I need to disguise my relief given no nearby Kin react.
“Azarya the second half then falls to you. Once I am finished and all begin to decamp, I need your troop to escort me, an honour guard perhaps. My sermon will finish by saying each will receive a blessing and as I pass through the camp, I will test their faith.”
A slight tremble and I cast [Locate Heretic], I open my eyes, not realising I had closed them. Yet again no nearby Kin react although Azarya places her hand upon my arm. “Can I help any further?”
“Perhaps, one moment while I prepare.” I cast [Locate Faithful] and the Kin nearby glow, some shine near blinding me with their radiance, my servant in particular, each of her clutch contributing. I dismiss the magic to spare my eyesight.
“I felt your blessing and thank-you,” hisses Azarya. Each follow her example and I receive their separate thanks.
This suggests the Faithless and Heretics will also be made aware of their level of devotion. It is my turn to reach out for Azarya’s arm, she pauses at my touch, a frown forming. “I will need you beside me as I walk around, never leave my side as I suspect a certain amount of danger in this testing. Your troop will apprehend any I point out.”
Her hand covers mine and she leans in. “I won’t leave your side, I promise.”
--- Aphrodite POV
Sunlight steams in, waking me once again and yet on some level I am already aware as worshipful magic flows into me.
Smiling down upon me this time is Nasim and as I double take to try and comprehend his presence, I notice three walls of big sisters’ cottage are simply left-over corners, the in-between part, formally made of stone is gone.
“By order of our Goddess we need to enlarge her Temple, we have time and labour, yet lack for materials hence the village cottages will be put to new purpose … to fulfil our promise.”
I scan the village, this and at least two others, including the guest cottages are frames, rooves on pillars, the contents such as they are on display. The Temple, my Temple has indeed grown, raised seating out front and the beginning of the same on the far side. The village preventing this side’s expansion, while the head of the Temple, the closest to the river, remains inviolate. The building distinct, standing aloof, separate from the village and I begin to consider another option.
“Wouldn’t a better solution be found by including the village? Instead of a separating pathway between, remove the low wall delineating the boundary to add the entire village into the design of the Temple?”
The smile instantly clears from Nasim’s face. I fear I have offended him in some way, beyond the bounds of loyalty, providing layman’s advice about his craft …
His arms shoot out to reach for me and then stall. He gradually withdraws them. “I would need some confirmation from my Goddess that such a change would be acceptable to her and I am not sure I can simply ask when I like since I am but her simple servant.”
Little sister leaps upon his back giggling. She whispers in his ear with cheeky eyes, “Silly, she is before you. Is this not plain to our Clan Head?”
His jaw drops while he stares at me, ignoring the little sister clambering down his back. Shaking off his torpor when little sister, one hand on her hip and the other busy waving about, one finger extending to point at me.
“She knows?” Two words is all he can express it seems.
“She didn’t at first, any new arrival is subject to her test. My golden eyes the clue.”
“Well my Goddess, do I have your approval to adopt your plan?” A slow smirk draws across his face, the absurdity of the question amusing to him.
“What do you say little sister?” My golden eyes upon her.
“We are her humble servants and leap willingly to obey.” She claps her hands.
“What promises have you made to my little sister?”
Three guilty faces crane about to assess the trouble we maybe in. Big sister stands at the ready, tapping a foot, a fist resting on each hip, her eyes examining Nasim and I in turn.
I speak first. “Little sister encouraged a suggestion. The entire village should be made part of the Temple and the Clan Head had just agreed.”
“You did?” Big sister’s eyes, straight as an arrow lock onto her sister, crouching down, arms wide her body bursting with pride.
Little sister quick to support my fib … leaping into her big sisters’ arms for a loving embrace.
“Sort of,” she answers.
“Childish encouragement,” I add.
A growing tear falls from big sister’s eye. “You have always been my special kind of wonderful,” she sobs, shaking little sister gently in her arms. “I love you now and forever, you know that, now and forever …”
I wipe some grit from my eyes as I swing out of my borrowed bunk. Nasim takes the opportunity to step back and assess the work change necessary.
“One final thing Clan Head.”
He turns to face me, tilting his head in askance.
“Some Kobolds should be visiting soon to discuss a trade agreement in good faith. The price of Yaja and Daran’s freedom.”
“Today? Of all days?” The grey in his face intensifies.
Perhaps I have added one stone too many to his burden …
“As you wish.” He exhales a deep breath and hurries off.
Big sister snaps her head about, slowly climbing to her feet. Her jaw moves and yet her mouth forms no words. Drawing her little sister closer and away from me, she finally speaks, “As you wish? Who are you? Tell me, tell me now before I scream, and all the village runs to investigate.”
“Oh sister, nothing too troublesome, our Goddess stands under our roof.” The innocent smile of a child radiates out swamping us both.
“Goddess …” Her eyes roll and legs collapse.
I catch big sister before she flops to the stone floor of the cottage, ensuring her head is safe. My touch though … in the moment I forget and too late, now safe on a bunk, I gently release her.
I pat little sister on her bald head. “Look after your sister, I need to gather some threads together …” Her head pushes into my palm and the exchange of affection isn’t lost on me and yet I must go. I must go now. Azizos is strangling me with his countdown.
--- Mount Olympus Zeus POV
“All the Goddess’ are jealous of my beauty,” whines Aphrodite while in my presence.
I tolerate her complaints as I need her at least somewhat placated before I ask my questions.
“Oh, Great Zeus, Troy destroyed, Paris slain, and his promised Helen reunited with her uncouth husband, a true love match, now forever denied to the world. Hera and Athena to blame, pure jealousy …”
I lift a tear from her eye, knowing full well any Goddess or God for that matter can manipulate in such a fashion and yet to not acknowledge the physical manifestation of her sorrow, unwise, breaching the unwritten rules of this tragic pretence.
“I am distraught when my family are at odds with each other, to favour one is to court ill favour with the other two …”
Her eyes light up. “Is that why you gave the choice to Paris?”
“Even he couldn’t decide and him without the joy of family to consider, so you realise my dilemma?”
She pouts, “Yes oh mighty Zeus and yet the loss of true love from the world ...”
“Perhaps though, you have explored other interests?”
“None of merit King of Gods.”
I find I need to be more direct it seems.
“You don’t busy yourself establishing admirers and worshippers on Neoedafos perhaps?”
“Oh … Father King, never there. You banished Prometheus’ replica of me to there and there she will stay and here I will stay.”
I blanket the volcanic rage growing within me, leading Aphrodite away from my Throne. As I resume my high seat a hand slithers over my bare shoulder.
“Such distressing news Husband and yet I do believe I told you as much a while ago, wife’s intuition if you wish.”
Somehow Hera always knows certain secrets and I admit my efforts to prevent her discovering mine take a great deal of effort and at times the simplest alternative is to allow her ‘some wins’. I overreact to her reveals, when in fact they are deliberate setups of mine to distract her from my real fun and games. In this instance though her intuition proves my assumption false. The Godhead Name Aphrodite has been claimed on Neoedafos by another, my first suspicion, Prometheus’ replica, my former Prophet and Priestess. When tested by the pitiful strength I could muster, her strength and resilience equal to the challenge and yet not clearly Divine and therefore the test proving inconclusive at best.
Aphrodite’s denial now supports by my wife’s crowing, confirming I need to investigate further. Perhaps the snivelling slime has somehow revived his existence?
“Clever wife, what else have you managed to uncover on Neoedafos my dear?” I lace my words with sweet honey to encourage conversation.
“I am uncertain I have much else to offer, perhaps Athena could be asked although her interest is not great, she is content with the mortals and their cities on Earth and proclaim real wisdom dictates we should hold on to what we have before venturing elsewhere.”
I stroke my wife’s cheek with my forefinger hopeful the intimate contact will extract a concession or two after I reveal my wretched impotence. “I ask dear wife because I am blind at the moment, my Divine Power drained all too quickly in pursuit of Prometheus’ replica and my worshippers devotions slow to replenish.”
“A favour here, for a favour there my Brother Husband King?”
I begrudgingly nod agreement.
“I will task my High Priestess with investigating, after all a new Goddess can’t be that difficult to find, wouldn’t she be begging for new worshippers?”
Her logic sound and yet, there is something amiss. Another thing, High Priestess?
“You have garnered sufficient worship to raise up a High Priestess?”
A pleasant knowing laugh skitters across my ears. “I forbade any of my worshipers from entering that atrocious Dungeon. Why would worshippers devoted to the Goddess of Women, Marriage, Family and Childbirth need such a place? They need homes, husband, so while your worshippers burnt brightly, they were soon consumed.”
“I see.” I spit those two words out reluctantly, trying my best not to sound aggrieved by my wife’s evaluation.
“Perhaps I owe you a little more, the death of your worshippers resulted in many widows, most requiring consoling and Lay Memberships grew into Initiates thinking as your Divine Wife they would still be supporting their partner in death who worshipped my Divine Husband. Naive yet welcomed and soon to yield fruit as my High Priestess prepares our first Temple for consecration.”
I prompt. “The little more you owe …” I leave the question hanging trying to extract maximum worth.
“Athena’s worshippers, while also warriors didn’t venture inside either. She ordered them to improve their martial skills while gathering information and once they collected enough, she promised them the required wisdom would be revealed. Hers is a passive guidance, perhaps your Priests could offer them a more interventionist path of worship?”
“Interesting …” I whisper.
My wife squeezes my shoulder and leaves, while I ponder further, frustrated by blindness.
--- Alasse POV
As I raise my arms, all are drawn to me, their eyes finding mine. The roof of the shelter high enough to place me above them and yet not over them, maintaining an intimacy and adding gravitas to the moment. I begin my sermon, extolling my Goddess’ virtues and promises, worship to strengthened her allowing her to then reward her most faithful, so they can gather others of like mind and purpose to continue the circle of growth. My well-practiced words come easily to my lips from the many classes of previous days and therefore I concentrate on passion and conviction to encourage fervent belief.
I reach an intense state of extasy and like a lover caught up in the moment and unable to hold back any longer, I unleash my true faith, my utter belief and cast [Worship (Aphrodite)] on zeal alone. Their love of her fills me, the magic from worship greater, sweeter even, not a tool to be manipulated by Sorcery, an emotional connection amplifying the personification of her realms, as one with their desires. Some revere Disorder, the overwhelming majority yearn for Fertility, fewer still wish to combine them both, an application I hadn’t even considered and therefore, for now, unable to comprehend, although the anticipation of solving the mystery propels me higher.
My arm reaches for my servant and flailing about finds air. I realise I am alone and yet as a vessel to receive the worship from my Goddess’ faithful I am finite, and once full, I know not the consequence. My will to stop overridden by the pure pleasure and oneness I feel even as my body is found wanting, my spirit soars, my soul grows, enriched by the formulation of her Runes, Fertility, Disorder and Fertility/Disorder within me and I understand them as she understands them.
As my body casts off flesh, I float. My mortality in peril and I refuse to care, I am one with my Goddess!
Solid arms surround me. They leach her magic from me. No, I scream in silence. I taste her promise and I will not surrender now.
“Your dreams Prophet. Feel my growing joy. I know you yearn to grow life within you.”
My hand can’t resist the temptation, their lives welcome my touch stretching their mother’s skin as they push to seek an impossible contact. I shed tears of loss. To stay is to personify my Goddess’ promise, to leave is to embrace my Goddess for evermore …
“Call to your Goddess Prophet Alasse, seek her wisdom and you will never be alone …”
I heed my servant and open my mind and yet there is no opportunity for words as the magic of her faithful finds the true vessel, the optimal place of belonging and rushes to fill the endless divine void within our Goddess.
My eyes open under a comfortable cover of shade. I am certain middle of the day sunlight warms my tail while a gentle breeze blowing off the river cools me to perfection. A slight jostle here, another there and I confirm I am on a makeshift transport, a platform. I notice several Kin heads, left hand side, right hand side and blink, my memory failing me.
From behind me a voice. “When you say sermon, I definitely underestimated your intention Prophet.”
Azarya. When I try to reply my mouth refuses, saliva like spider web. A cup is upon my lips and I guzzle regardless of decorum.
“Mistress …”
I can easily imagine my servant’s shock and yet this chastisement a pretence.
“Her pregnant and she refuses to leave your side, especially after forcing your Questor Group to throw her up upon the roof with you … foolish child.”
An immediate retorting hiss.
“Hiss all you like girl, your haste could have been the end of our enterprise and the few moments saved surely not the difference …”
I think upon those words, the few moments, I can’t recall the details and yet I know my servant rescued me in time to at least consider another course and contact my Goddess. That was dawn, we are now long past morning …
“What has happened?” My voice frantic, any attempt at disguise failing.
“Calm yourself.” A consoling pat upon each shoulder as both of my watchers respond in unison.
Azarya clears her throat. “Upon your collapse, those nearest saw to your safety, in fact this platform is the actual roof you preached from. All others seemed distracted.”
A giggle – from my servant.
“Many found partners to personify their Goddess’ ideals, although most managed to exhibit restraint when they did. We suspect some didn’t, influenced by our Goddess’ Disorder Rune although we would of course defer to your examination of the facts.”
About to ask about the facts, I realise them obvious upon reflection, coupling between unlikely partners. I decide I am content in not knowing.
“Needless to say, your performance delayed decamping this morning and denied you the opportunity to perform your test, I might add.”
“Who gave the order to march?” Did a rival arise during my weakness? Are others manipulating our mission?
“The Matriarchs, essentially. Although those with sharp pointy things like Troop Guards and Questor Groups would have objected if they choose unwisely. Rest now, I expect we will arrive before dusk.”
I am afraid to ask and yet I must know … “Did I float, did I rise up?”
My servant replies, “No Mistress, a self-illusion of the moment perhaps.”
I close my eyes, such certainty and belief within me of that moment and yet none acknowledge my triumph over flesh.
--- Mount Olympus Hera POV
“The King of Gods blind and frustrated with his new endeavour?” asks Athena.
“Some plans of his – delayed,” I answer reluctantly, her intrusion into the Gardens unwelcome, disturbing my solace. Further I don’t understand her interest given her stated reluctance and what is more the invitation to this new world purely accidental, a chance opportunity when we took pity on Prometheus’ creation.
“He tries to control too much. Feed someone a fish and satisfy their hunger for a day, teach someone to fish and their hunger is satisfied day after day. Hence my worshippers are given instruction and free to exercise their judgement.”
Yes, yes, and yes, whatever Goddess of Wisdom. “Perhaps the freedom you grant them will benefit another?” I immediately swallow my regret and busy my eyes elsewhere.
“Please Daughter of Zeus, allow me to bask and enjoy the surrounds of nature in peace.” I try to fend her off with a slight hint, closing my eyes suggesting our conversation finished.
Hands on hips. “Our alliance in the Trojan War, nothing, forgotten now. How soon others forget, I will not.”
Will she forever remind me? “Your worshippers on Neoedafos an accident, of little import, maybe another wishes to inspire them …”
A brief silence, I guess the Goddess of Wisdom clicks clues into place quicker than others …
“Thank-you, yes as you say, I am the Daughter of Zeus.”
As the Virgin Goddess strides away, I contemplate my slips of the tongue and decide to regret nothing, the outcome couldn’t have gone better even if meticulously planned so why not own it.
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Something evil lurks in the City of Nemeah. Changelings possess ordinary citizens and turn them into horrific monsters with terrible capabilities.The only group able to deal with this threat is the mysterious Red Brigade. Empowered by the goddess Akali, they gain the strength needed to kill these unfortunate souls. Until a normal guardsman by the name of Siegfried cuts down one of the changelings.Alone.---Children of Nemeah is a progression fantasy story in a medieval setting with several unique twists. Humans evolve with seemingly random attributes, creating an X-Men-like range of enemies and allies for our heroes, clashing in a sword and sorcery world.This is a fast-paced, action-heavy story with a focus on the evolution/progression of our main hero, but also dramatic story twists that are often not for the faint of heart.A minimum reader age of 16 is advised for the more violent parts of this book. The finished book 1 in e-book format can be found here: Children of Nemeah - Book 1 - David Christopher Veiling - ePUB - epubli Or in one of the below stores: Children of Nemeah: Book 1 - David Christopher Veiling - Google Books Children of Nemeah in Apple Books Children of Nemeah eBook von David Christopher Veiling – 9783754157305 | Rakuten Kobo Österreich Children of Nemeah: ebook jetzt bei Weltbild.de als Download Children of Nemeah (eBook, ePUB) von David Christopher Veiling - Portofrei bei bücher.de (buecher.de) Children of Nemeah (eBook epub), David Christopher Veiling (hugendubel.de) But I will finish posting it here (reformatted for RR) within september for free :-)
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They knew each other since they were in diapers but that all changed one day when a certain someone's birthday came up and both of their lives turn somewhat different at the end but will it end badly or will it end ok -------------------------------------what I saw made me speechless. I've always read books I never thought I would actually see one in real life. He was big and I mean big. He didn't compare to a normal size wolf. Then next thing I know I heard bones cracking up and then I saw Damien on top of me stark naked. As his eyes landed on me the next the I heard coming out of his mouth was "MATE!"I know exactly what that means. I've read books and articles about this if he is a werewolf why has he kept this a secret from me."NO!NO!NO!NO!"I look up and he looks at me and says the one things every girl or male in the book hates 'the rejection.'" I can't believe you're my mate. Why? Your human.you's weak......" He kept talking and talking but I just couldn't listen anymore I knew what he was going to say but I just couldn't take it so I just blocked it all out until I heard those words those heartbreaking words."I alpha Damien king reject you, Braelyn Jimenez, of the black water pack and soon to be luna."
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