《Femalekind Book Two》2.019 Countdown Part One
--- Aphrodite POV
Late in the night, easy as he pleases, Nasim saunters into view a bag on a pole resting upon his shoulder and feet wading through the shallows, a haunting silhouette against the smooth surface of the river. With unerring accuracy, he throws the bag and pole towards my position tantalisingly short of the forest edge. Need motivates me and I draw upon a soul memory; Harpy eyes, shifting them into place. The action natural and guilt free, a collaboration between Monster Dominate and Human Dominate. The simplicity of the wonder and the wonder itself unexpected and as I contemplate further exploration of this cross over, I recognise this curiosity as a distraction I can’t afford. His disappearance from view, not a return to the village as I expect, he continues further along the riverbank. A mystery, which I place my complete trust in.
Given his strange action, an urgency is upon me and I dart out from the darkness, careful footfalls upon forest floor trash and reach out to grab both gifts and return to my hide, sinking deeper within the forest’s embrace until my night sight is unable to spy the river. My friend kept looking over his shoulder and didn’t return the way he came. Is someone following him? Reaching in, my fingers find the helm first. Placing the unusual piece of armour upon my head – it sinks down until coming to rest upon my large nose. Should I laugh or cry? I shrug. Oh well I will need some assistance or daylight, possibly both as the dead night shadow of the forest limits my night vision. The familiar wristbands and shin bands easy to secure and tie off. Loin cloth simple, binding leather straps around my waist. A fur next, no leather throngs, again daylight a requirement I suspect.
A voice reaches over the bubbling sound of the river. “Where did he go?”
Replying with an undercurrent of frustration a second voice, “Further along of course …”
Both Stone Giants, their deep voices rumble.
“No, we marked the time, and this is halfway …”
“Not if he ran some of the way to trick us.”
A splash of water. “Every night upon dusk, without fail he walks the riverbank with his family, nothing is more important than this. We have setup important meetings, emergencies and nothing dissuades him. This night is the night, upon his wife’s return he left for a second walk, whatever he has waited for all this time, finally happened.”
Yaja, his name is Yaja the reluctant Clan Head. I am tempted to cast [Locate Faithful] or more likely [Locate Faithless] and yet their position so close I am unsure if either or both would sense the detection spell. I wonder if Nasim would prefer their deaths and quickly dismiss the notion, he would have taken this action earlier if required.
“I knew we should have hurried.”
The snapping reply, a dismissive drawl. “‘I knew we should have hurried’ as if, wisdom afterwards isn’t wisdom Daran.” A hissing release of breath. “Now we must jog and hopefully surprise Nasim and who he is meeting tonight.”
Their clumping footfalls fade into the night and I wonder if Nasim is truly safe. I heft the Spear and consider my options wasting precious time in indecision, flying as a Manticore would cover more ground, the creature’s night vision superior, although I would then have to replicate my Stone Giant appearance once again. Following along the bank like the two chasing him could mean I meet them first and then what? Explain I am lost trying to find their village, meekly asking, can you help me? They would already be sceptical …
“Psst, Goddess …”
Nasim crouches low in the shadows of the forest, I only locate him when he calls again, picking up the bag and spear I duck and weave between the brush and tree trunks of the forest, he waves me down as I close in.
“You see my two shadows?”
“They know I walk along the riverbank, my feet in the water, so they are always looking for my tracks to turn into the forest. Instead I wade into the river and draw air through a hollow reed, their cursing always gives them away and then I rise and return allowing them to wander until tired. We need to go, there is no telling when they will give up the chase and I left tracks up the bank this time ...”
I assure him. “They could be away all night, I overheard them. Your second trip back convincing them tonight is the night you meet with whoever you have been waiting for.”
“Well they are right. Follow me back and we will sneak you into the village.”
“How would my appearance be explained?”
He pauses in thought; I can almost hear the cogs of his mind turning over and can’t help but smile. He notices of course and scoffs.
“Back in the forest are a few of old shacks, our first village. You could stay there tonight and mid-morning walk to the village along the riverbank.”
“Wouldn’t the Quest Trail or perhaps from Quest Town be better places to arrive from?”
He shakes his head and leads us from cover under the shadows, taking great strides in the shallows along the riverbank. After numerous heartbeats of silence, he speaks. “The Quest Town is forbidden to us, by order of the Beast Kin Council, although I suspect influence from the High Priests of Zeus and Hera. The Quest Trail is haunted they say, so the only real path a Stone Giant could take to join us would be to walk the mountain trails until the river and then follow the shoreline. Your arrival, a single female, will be met with suspicion as it is, so when asked your path, you followed the riverbank. We have welcome cabins for the newly arrived.”
“Yes Nasim.” The seriousness in his voice a warning, which I wouldn’t ignore.
Some humour returns to his voice. “Have you found the helm?”
“Yes … what of it?”
“A clue, the two holes are for your eyes.” He chuckles and then picks up the pace.
Shortly after we reach an overgrown path running away from the river.
Pointing. “Down there is the old village, don’t enter the new village until dusk, the two idiots should have woken from their sleep-in by then and be firsthand witnesses to your arrival … yes, that will be best. Agreed?”
I hesitate.
A reverent humour rumbles out as he speaks. “What is your suggestion my Goddess? I as your humble servant will bend to your will of course.”
Solid as stone, utterly dependable, stoic and I question his advice … I almost withdraw from shame and yet … I am his Goddess and I will be heard.
“Your village is best, from cover, point out the location of one of the welcome cabins, preferably an occupied one. And more importantly, first thing in the morning begin expansion of the Temple, whatever your village can achieve in the next day or two.” Most of the Stone Giants will be busy I reason, the perfect time for a stranger to arrive.
His hands reach for his bare scalp, I test him sorely, so I offer more. “I can blend with shadow. None will notice me until the morning and the light of day so don’t worry. The Temple is the priority and with your village busy, I will be able to appear without much fuss.” I drag his arms down with the light touch of my fingers and feel his body tremble. I suspect his wife’s evaluation correct in the extreme and while trying not to hurry I remove my touch.
The rumble is his voice weakens into a thin whisper. “As my Goddess commands.”
Hera’s gift remains mine to call upon and I claim the last spare bunk with ease. The lower one from three giant double bunks, each against their own wall, the fourth wall accommodating a doorway, a heavy leather drape drawn across for privacy. The snoring of my fellow arrivals a comfortable ordinariness which my new body settles into and when asleep I suspect also adding to the chorus of contentment. I dream of a pleasant future where everything magically works out …
Four days remain and flooding sunlight wakens me from my refreshing slumber, an overnight healing of body, mind, and soul. I rise, my hand shelters the sunlight from my eyes as I scan the room, settling upon the doorway, the drape suddenly snapping shut and the room returning to shadow. I sigh and blink my non-harpy eyes.
A distant deep growl. “Child away from there.”
A childish prank then. I am alone and the next day well advanced I suspect. I scramble for my bag, my hand diving in securing helm and fur. The fur I turn over, the use of the centre hole obvious and I place my head through. There is enough “extra” to discretely cover my breasts, shoulders and half my back, the leather supple, a gentle caress against my skin. The helm next, Nasim’s hint helpful, I tie off the leather throngs, my eyes peeking through thick leather, a trim of fur around the eyeholes. A ‘belt’ around my head instead of my waist as I can tap the top of my still bare skull. The empty sack I tuck into my loin cloth. Taking a breath, hefting my spear I draw the drape open and step out into the village proper.
Underfoot my own shadow, middle of the day or close enough then. Stone Giants go about their day, none paying me any attention. A child sized hand slaps my thigh drawing my stern attention.
A giggle.
I am about to yelp to scare her, instead she speaks first. “I saw your boobies … you rude to display your boobies, my mum said.”
I crouch down, our eyes level. “You were rude waking me.”
Her head tilts to one side and then straightens. “You should be awake because the sun is up.”
“What if I was really tired?”
Before I can react, she leans in, peering deeply into my eyes. Her sharp intake of breath warning enough, frozen in place, her mind choosing her reaction.
My free hand wraps around her small chin with ease, her eyes blink in an attempt at speech scuppered by an immobile jaw.
“Who will you tell?” I release her jaw enough.
Her breathing returns to normal and after an earnest smile, she replies. “I keep my secrets.”
My head leans back, while turning from side to side.
“I know many and when she returns … like now … she only has to ask, and I will report.”
“Who is she?”
The child’s slim grey finger points towards my heart.
“How can you be so certain?”
“Are you trying to test me Goddess?”
I manage to recover before falling back on my bottom. “Prophet only …”
She slowly shakes her head from side to side while holding up five fingers. “Golden eyes when Lammasu Priestess of Zeus.” One finger down. “Golden eyes when odd Snake Kin Prophet of Aphrodite.” Two fingers down. “Angry Priests of Zeus and Hera ban Stone Giants from Quest Town, something about Aphrodite being usurped.” She grins. “I needed to badger Clan Leader Nasim for an explanation, took many days before he found peace from me.” Three fingers down. “Clan Leader Nasim takes his regular family walk and then another later in the night, the fools following him.” Four fingers down. “A new Stone Giant arrival in the village the next day.” Her hand closes within the other finding a resting place upon her chest, a beaming smile of cleverness across her thin lips.
“New Stone Giants arrive …”
“Which is why I wake them or otherwise annoy to gain their attention, until they feel obliged to crouch down before me to explain or reprimand and then I strike, gazing into their eyes.”
I stretch fully to my feet to disguise my defeat. “Where are your father and mother?”
“My sister guides me in life now …”
When critical of my nakedness she made mention of her mother? I scoop her into my arms, her struggles fruitless. I cast [Locate Faithful] and her faith shines.
“You mustn’t touch any of your faithful Goddess.” Her breathing labours. A polish now applies to her shining, further enhancing her devout glow, I dismiss the magic before her faith blinds me.
“The touch of your flesh, the promise of life … is overwhelming, my heart beats rapidly, wishing to escape my chest …” The Stone Giant child embraces the revelation not once shying away. Fully quenching her thirst, until then unknown.
I lower her to stand on her own two feet, holding her by the back of a fur lined soft leather frock until steady. She blinks, eyes red rimmed the contrast so obvious against the grey, enrapture, giddy ecstasy. Her unwavering eyes are upon me.
“What have you done to the child? Little sister, talk to me …” A hand grabs at the child’s chin and meets resistance.
The intervention breaks my own fascination. Nasim last night, a similar example, although being older, perhaps more world wise not as affected? His wife even less so. I ensure the sun shadows my eyes, using my hand to assist while taking all precaution to avoid touch when swivelling to meet her older sister.
“She talks so much I challenged her with a game of silence …”
The older, bigger sister glances at the child and then her squinting eyes land upon me. “Pig dung.”
I smirk, take a step back, hand on my heart, as if her doubt wounds me. “Wait a few moments more, she must be within her shadow before she speaks again.”
Mumbling to herself, head shaking, the sister sidles alongside me as we study the progression of little sister’s shadow.
I notice her about to speak and hold up an accusing finger. The Stone Giant child flashes me snow white teeth. Her sister huffing. A heartbeat after and not a moment later the child holds out her open palm.
“I win,” she shouts with glee.
“Pay your sister.”
Her big sister’s arms and hands rise up, supporting her verbal protest, their shadows playing across the cobble stone as my faithful devotee and I share the moment.
“Put me to work then, as payment,” I offer, not paying big sister any attention, my eyes enjoying the child’s antics, jumping, spinning and clapping her hands in delight, the copper coin by now safely in a hidden purse of some sort.
“Follow me, both of you.” Her voice commanding and yet she holds back a question.
“That was easy and fun, another challenge, yes another challenge, a copper coin only.”
I know she speaks prattle, to maintain the charade and yet her joy convincing.
Initially harsh, big sister’s tone softens. “Enough now child, the stranger has no copper coin and I am unwilling to pay for her again.” She rests a hand upon the child’s bald head enforcing her request for complete calm. The child’s head responds, pushing into her sister’s palm squirming for pats.
“I love you too and now to put our help to work …”
By late afternoon, the wood pile is high, the water barrels full and in between times I observe big sister shape stone. Her concentration is such nothing else exists. During one such session a child’s quiet voice whispers to me.
“You can claim yourself too young if asked, unusual, but not unknown especially if you couldn’t practice in safety.” Her heads points towards her sister by way of example. Any could approach her and do anything …
Little sister returns to the cottage at dusk, a shortness of breath. “Bring an armful of wood, I have traded for a portion of meat.”
I leap to obey, flashing her a good-natured smile. We soon arrive and complete the exchange at another cottage, I place the wood upon a low pile.
“You are the new arrival, yes?” Heavy grey underlines much of his lighter skin, due to age I suspect as his steps are careful ones.
“Yes,” I reply, hoping for an innocent question, although my being here with little sister beside me raises my doubts.
“My boy, my pride and joy, is over there.” He points. “Discussing the important business of the village, linger within his field of view and if any question you tell them the elder sent you with a message for his son.”
I didn’t conceal my look of confusion, even glancing down at little sister.
He tries to reach out to grab my chin, I suspect to turn my face one way and then the other. My head withdraws from his reach before he can.
“Shy hey.” A heavy rasping chuckle follows. “Shame about your nose … otherwise, well you are his last hope so he should be grateful or with my last remaining strength I will kick him in his balls given he won’t need them if he blows this chance I send him.” He waves me away, pointing.
Under the strict guidance of little sister, I find a most advantageous position amongst a scatter of onlookers. She guides me onto a gentle rise due to the large gnarled roots of a nearby tree. I suspect she spent many a time here lurking herself, perhaps within the branches of the tree. She wishes me luck and leaves. A large stone table, four stone seat columns occupied, and one spare, are arrayed around the oval shape, with one space free. At the head Nasim sits, the two Stone Giants along one side I recognise from my previous visit, the one along the other new. I suspect the vacancy is due to Yaja’s absence. Did he sleep in all day? With a wry smile I consider sending little sister to wake him.
The newcomer speaks. “I recognise the devotion in you all and on that promise alone my clan trusts to follow your lead, only the sudden expansion … it is too much.”
“Our Goddess doesn’t ask for more than we can do, I assure you,” replies Nasim.
He nods, spreading out his hands upon the table. “My clan has many … younger, high-spirited members, fathers and elders falling at the last hurdle to ensure our escape … the wives still morn and perhaps in time they will find a future husband here or as is our way, probably not. Our youth are infected by the stories of your Goddess and overwork themselves trying to win favour from an unseen benefactor and I ask you speak to them … for their own sake as they ignore my words.”
A murmuring breaks out in the surrounding onlookers and I gather enough crumbs of conversation to understand ignoring your Clan Leader is a great taboo.
Nasim, receives nods of assurance from the other two Clan Leaders first. “We three as one will address your youth. We will speak to our Clans as well to temper their devotion. It could assist as well.”
His hands spring from the table and cover his face. “Thank-you, thank-you. I don’t mean to show weakness, yet I am at my wits end. You will notice no others from my clan are here, they are either exhausted or caring for the exhausted.”
Nasim catches my eye, his hands falling to the white stone table to steady himself and yet by chance adds gravitas to his reply. “Our Goddess cares for us and we live our lives by her example.”
The newcomer nods profusely his hands dropping to his lap.
A Stone Giantess hovers behind the vacant column seat trying to decide.
“Sit in his place Tisa, we share your concern and I invite you to speak,” says Nasim.
She awkwardly climbs upon the seat column, the correct height for a typical Stone Giant male, a challenge for a Giantess.
Her eyes stare at the table, due to etiquette or unwilling to look upon the Clan Leaders beside and opposite her I am uncertain.
“My husband, our Clan Head hasn’t been seen since this time yesterday. His bodyguard Daran also. I beg a search party is sent to search for them. They left for a stroll along the river …”
“I say again, our Goddess doesn’t demand we do more than we can, you don’t need to request our permission to send a search party from your Clan …”
Her head twitches, a quick bob and she gathers the will to speak again. “Our Clan refuses … they say they are busy doing the Goddess’ will.” Moisture floods her eyes, a single tear falls, wetting the dry marble table.
I knew as Clan Head his position dubious from my previous visit, yet wouldn’t they at least make a token effort.
“Not a one?” The other two Clan Leaders blurt out together.
She wipes her eyes, using one hand then the other raising her head for the first time. “Some willing, are too frail and others perhaps untrustworthy …” She shrugs.
An implied meaning I don’t fully comprehend and yet those Stone Giants nearby clearly do.
“Are there any in your Clan with an ambition to be Clan Head?”
“None, they wish to worship the Goddess Aphrodite and make their own way, they have lost faith in their Clan Leader and don’t wish to submit to another looking instead to embrace Divine leadership.” Sobbing she raises her hand, extending a shaking finger towards Nasim. “Your faith in this Goddess has destroyed our clan.”
“That was never my intent Tisa, never the Goddess’ intent …”
She lowers her arm, gathering both hands to her heart. “Yet the consequences are plain for all to see.”
“We will send newcomers, especially the ones who have recently arrived and therefore most familiar with the riverbank. We can call the search a test of their worth since they are yet to fully embrace the worship of our Goddess.”
“I didn’t expect any … help.” Her face twists and turns.
“Our Goddess cares about us all, we care about us all.”
“I understand now why others embrace her so, perhaps my husband’s objections misguided, although he suffered many betrayals before we fled … trust difficult for him.”
The newcomer rose from his seat. “We understand. We are here because we also needed to fight for our escape and I now know each of us paid a different price and yet the burden of suffering equally great.” His final words offering the Giantess sympathy while his arms wrap her in a warm embrace.
I am drawn in with the crowd and need to resist to avoid accidental touch.
“Her.” First one cries out. A second joins in, their fingers stabbing towards me.
“The ugly newcomer,” shouts a third.
“She must prove herself,” adds another.
A clear circle forms as Stone Giants back away from me so all can witness my questionable reluctance. Nasim’s lips flicker at the edges clearly finding humour in my embarrassment.
“I meant no offence.” I hold my open hands up. “As a new arrival, I didn’t think it appropriate to share in your pain … I am sorry. I will leave in search of your Clan Head immediately.”
I march off and thankfully none pursue, my decision to leave then and there stunning them.
When far away from the village a deep voice calls out.
“Wait my love, I go with you …”
With some dread I look over my shoulder. A lantern light races towards me, the face, even for a male Stone Giant is uglier than mine, we need to exchange noses for a start it would seem. I don’t hurry along and yet I don’t slow either, he needs to earn my company at the very least.
“My betrothed you set a vigorous pace …” A peculiar undertone lacing his words puts me on notice and finally matching my pace his hand, like a tendril seeks out my arm.
Snapping the spear shaft against his fingers I end his attempt. “Hands to yourself, I am not your betrothed. Say it.”
Whimpering. “But …”
“Say it.”
“Father said you agreed, and we are well matched …”
“The poor light deceives us both, say it.”
“We are not … erm betrothed.”
I snarl. “Now run back to the village before I make you disappear.”
“But …” His steps falter and with every heartbeat he falls further behind.
I pick up the pace and don’t glance back. When I return, I intend to tickle little sister until she begs me to stop.
I deftly skip over the rising rope, given the chance by changing my pace on approach, catching out the architects. Ingenious, one end tied down somehow in the river, the other probably tied to a tree ready to be raised out of the riverside sand, a rare spot along a shoreline where small round stones are more common.
Shadows dart about through the forest, the occasional rustle and nothing more. They are small is about all I can guess, although many.
Further along a wall of spearpoints array themselves in front of my advance and behind them a couple of rows of archers. Lizard like snouts, dark eyes either side, Kobolds.
“First …”
“Bucket One? Bucket Two?”
Mental howls of delight are my reward.
“My arrival has upset your army, although be warned I am a Stone Giantess in appearance now,”
“Oh Mother,” returns Bucket Two.
“Don’t break your battle line to greet me, do you hold two Stone Giants as prisoners?”
“Yes Mother, they shame their race, buffoons, are they your followers?” replies First.
“Not entirely.”
I catch their sense of relief.
“I am here to bargain for their release though.”
“Oh Mother,” returns Bucket One.
The miniature troops stand down, remaining watchful, nevertheless. Word spreading quickly, I am here to bargain.
“Can I ask why you are on this side of the river …”
The three answer as one. “We heard your cry of pain, your suffering and we needed to find you … and offer our love.”
“You aren’t disappointed in my display of weakness?”
“You are Mother and our love of you is bigger than the world.”
I take a moment of silence to gather my emotions, a warmth surrounding me as each of my daughters express their love through mental caress.
“Your soul has grown Mother and changed … you are different and yet more of the same.” First able to explore our deep bond, she deserves her name.
“I have a story to tell you my Daughters …”
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