《The apocalypse happened and it was named- The system’s advent》Chapter 8- Rescue
It only took a few seconds and a couple sonic booms later and he was at the house. Luckily he had fairly short hair now or else his hair would always look like a rats nest thanks to the insane speeds he could travel. Almost no one was home besides the duty rotation since they were all in the dungeons or at the training compound all day. These early days were the most important to get ahead of the competition. Now that he didn’t have anything to worry about he summoned the grimoire and willed himself to enter inside. He almost instantly found himself standing in fairly barren plain of scrub grass and rocks.
All the monsters were in golden cocoons of varying sizes, but they were all covered in cracks that were expanding at a phenomenal rate. The first to appear was from the largest egg and was Belial. He almost couldn’t compare to how he looked before. Instead of a serpent like body he now looked like an eastern dragon and was three times as big as he was before. After looking around he asked with some hesitation why the land was so barren. He explained that the pillar of light he saw was the one from the system that granted both this grimoire and the independant space they were in. After just looking at him for a minute he asked if he new anything about grimoires, which he said no to other than what the system had said.
“Ok so I have some small experience with grimoires from a long time ago so I know a few things. First thing is that all grimoires have an independent space of varying sizes and they are all entirely fed and grown by the user’s mana. It's not good to inject a lot at once especially when there is nothing that can regulate it but simply linking all your excess regeneration to it would help it to grow. For a place like this it would be best if you could find a couple different kinds of ore veins they they would be permeated by the mana and slowly change over time.” “Hmm, I see. Would plants help as well?”
“Yes but there is no telling how it will react with normal plants. They will evolve just like a normal world but since it's a plane there is no telling exactly what they will evolve into.” “Ok, my family outside has many mines under our control from Iron to nickel so I’ll just grab some from them. I’ll link my mana to it as I leave and toss in a few mountains when I’m traveling.” Now that everyone was out of their egg they all asked the same questions but more along the lines of ‘where are we?’ When he stepped back out he linked his regeneration to the grimoire and heard a small yelp from Belial. ‘What is it?’
He was nearly deafened by his scream “How the hell is your mana type Cosmic? That should be impossible to any world below tier three. Spill you stinky brat, how the fuck did you do this?” A bit taken back at his hysteria he explained the process the was dead silence for a while before he just let out a tired sigh and grumbled about burning out his heart from shock and a shattered common sense. He didn’t understand at all so he dismissed it and walked around till he saw the family butler talking to one of the maids. He walked up and put a hand on his shoulder which gave him a small jump. “Hey Nathan, have you seen my dad around? I need to talk to him about some business.” “Ah young master Jacob, I believe your father just left for the dungeon this morning so he won’t be back for quite some time. Is it something I can help with?”
“Hmm, maybe. I need the location of the mines controlled by our enemies our underground organizations we are already of terrible terms with. Preferably I need one or two of each kind of ore we know of.” “Ah If it's Just that then I can help. We have already destroyed several that were in control of many assets but some simply weren’t worth destroying. They are mostly in Asia, China, and Africa though. All the domestic ones have already been acquired by us.” “That’s alright just give me the locations and my mask, they won’t exist for much longer. Oh right, has the beast tide arrived yet?”
“Our intelligence has discovered them heading towards multiple cities including chicago and went to intercept, they will be here at roughly ten AM tomorrow morning.” “Send all those that are guarding chicago to wherever they need the most help. I’ll destroy the one’s heading here by myself.” With a look that clearly said ‘Stop breaking my common sense you demon’ he replied with a slow “Yes, young master.” And left to get him the information on the mines. It was already late so he took a nap and left in the early morning for the beast horde. He was besieged by his dad’s reporter on the way out and had no choice but to bring her with him. I’ll get you for this Nathan. He knew very well who leaked the news to the press. It was far earlier than he remembered it being but that might also be a mistake on his part. Back then he was in the mountains hunting when the beast tide happened and he only learned about it months later.
The beast tide numbered in the several million but they were packed closely together. Luckily he had enough mana to cover the area of the entire horde since his maximum was roughly fifty five miles. He pulled up his grimoire and cast the spell.... It couldn’t have been more obvious. A black whirlpool that opened to the stars was ripped open just in front of the beast horde. After roughly ten seconds it had expanded to about fifty five miles in diameter. Twenty seconds later a streak of light shot through the opening right into the middle of them. Everything was erased in a diameter of thirty feet and only a crater remained. Within seconds of the explosion the lights became like a downpour. After nearly thirty minutes the pits were so overlapped they formed another enormous crater and there was still one single monster standing tall in the pit.
He turned to the reporter and said “Wait here.” Then bolted to the figure. He crossed the distance in of twenty or so miles in in about thirty seconds. When they stood face to face he could tell that it was only a field boss and didn’t have any intelligence. He nodded his head and cast his king’s regalia to summon a greatsword. It was made entirely of bone wrapped in solidified fire that froze all it touched. The beast feel the power of the weapon and grinned. With one strike it was done and it's head rolled at his feet. The stump was frozen in a layer of ice.
He dismissed the blade and looked at his inventory. Over 225 slots were filled with random drops from the field monsters that he could sell to the shop. Luckily it looked like they were all at least rare level as the glowed a bright blue in his inventory. The best this was that they were in stacks of a hundred for a lot of them. He felt himself level up a few times but he ignored it. He closed the inventory then remembered what he told Belial. He didn’t know if meteors would be valuable at all but what did doesn’t want his own meteorite to play with. He spread out all his mana and used it like an enormous shovel as he scooped out the entire impact zone into his grimoire, then sped back to the reporter and camera crew who seemed to be having a mental breakdown.
When he suddenly appeared to their eyes one lady directly fainted while one looked at him like a god and the others all stared at him with fear in their eyes. He smiled and said “Well now that that’s done i’m going shopping so I’ll see you guys later.” He ignored the sound of there common sense shattering and headed to the shop. Within a few minutes he was walking up to the main desk and asked for an appraisal on bulk items to sell. He was led to a back room with two people in what looked much like a hanger for planes. The lady on the right wore a knee length skirt and black hoodie while the man was in a full suite with black hair and contact lenses. The floor was covered in mats so he just started emptying his inventory one by one. Almost every stack of 100 made their own small hill so he kept moving until they were all lined up in orderly mounds with the appraisers going through it.
He waited at their desk for a few hours while they got a price ready. Soon they came up with a price “10 billion Gold.” He simply stared at the man who was barely able to contain his greed. Finally he said “Are sure you want to do that mister?” When he was about to reply with arrogance oozing over his face he pulled out the VIP card. Instantly the man’s face was bleached white and his throat was frozen in fear. The lady instantly turned and slugged him hard enough to break his nose then turned and bowed while apologizing profusely. “I can forget this and even even accept only the 10 billion he offered if he pays for a top tier inventory and adds it to the trade.”
The lady instantly glared at the man who was about to argue and accepted the deal. He left with a happy expression. All in all those parts were worth probably 18 billion or so just from sheer quantity so now that he was able to get another top tier inventory essentially for less than half price he was very happy. He bound the inventory with his blood and made it disappear. Now that he had two he would probably never have to fear running out of space. Suddenly he froze and had an ugly look on this face. ‘Hey Belial is it possible to store my items in the grimoire rather than an inventory?’ ‘Well yes, that’s what most people do who own grimoires because unlike inventories they can effectively grow infinitely with mana and don’t even have an item limit. Why do you ask?’
‘Ah uh no reason it just hadn’t occurred to me before now. Well gotta go talk to you latter.’ and hurriedly ended the conversation. Fuck, fuck, fuck me. I freaking shot myself in the ass. He was now extremely pissed because he overlooked something so obvious. It took him quite a while to calm down then he thought hey i can just give one to Nina when she’s don with her job. And suddenly he was a bit happier. He would keep one to pick up and hold all the loot he intended to sell then the ones he wanted to keep would go in the grimoire. Although at this point Nina probably had a more average inventory like a 10 or 50 slot and she would be with him for a while so it should probably go to someone who really needed it. Then he thought of just the person.
He asked around and found out his older sister was in the Tomb of forgotten kings with her party so he headed there to see them. Compared to when he first cleared it the place was bustling and busy. He didn’t mind all the people crowding around the notice board and went to the counter. When it was his turn he asked to know which floor his sister Karly Dawn was on and instantly had his mood change when the receptionist’s face went pale. In a shaking voice she said how they were stranded on the eighth floor. No one else was strong enough to rescue them and they were too injured to make it back to the surface. The news had just been received a few hours ago and they had already sent word to try and contact the family.
He quickly suppressed his shaking and opened his stat screen. Then threw all his free points into his WIS. then confirmed.
[Name: Jacob Dawn
Tier: 3 Level: 3,402 Deaths: 0
EXP: 19%
Titles: First among Immortals (0.00000001 sec.) (Highest on record)
Hp: 4,811,500/4,811,500 MP: 5,669,700/5,669,700 (Cosmic)
Strength: 48,115 Agility: 48,220 Vitality: 48,525
Willpower: 45,360 Intelligence: 55,697
Stat points: 0
Skill points: 17
Fatigue: 71%
Class: Celestial Mage
Profession: Cosmos Crafter
Spells: Neutral/Passive- (Overcharge, Multicast, Transcendental meditation (4), Ultimate mana fortress, Mana Projection, Mana Body(10 Max), King's Regalia )
Water/ice magic- Frigid Beam, Greater water regeneration, Icy lance, frozen shackles, rainstorm, Ice Imbuement, Ice Mine, Summon Ice Golem
Celestial Magic- Cosmic Rebirth, Angelic Summon, Starfall]
Without another word he cut the line that was at the door and when a warrior stepped in front of he simply grabbed him and threw him like a rag doll straight over several dozen people’s heads and out the front door. No one moved again before he entered the dungeon. Once he was inside he moved off the platform and once more summoned his angel. It seemed to sense his distress and they both took off so fast they left ripples in space and the air tore apart with a sound similar to a scream. They were past the first floor in minutes then the second, third, and ll the way to the eighth. He desperately manipulated his raw mana and launched it like a sonar to every corner of the level.
He quickly found their location and saw that nearly all of them were on their last legs and surrounded. He quickly poured all his mana into kings regalia then launched himself towards them, straight towards them through the dungeon walls. Crash after crash echoed outward as he bulldozed through, exchanging damage for speed. Finally with one final crash the wall directly behind the monsters exploded into shrapnel and cut down a few of them. The entire battlefield froze as man and monster alike turned to see just what madness would blast through a dungeons walls to get here.
When the dust cleared what looked like a bone demon stood there. “Who dares to lay a hand on my cute sister?” Words that almost literally froze the rotting blood in the undeads veins rang out of armor plated helmet. Suddenly a massive angel that stood nearly ten feet tall with a morning star nearly as big and a circular shield that was as big as its body seemed to materialize behind the figure. The pressure that blasted out from these two wasn’t something that common monsters could deal with even if they were undead, not to mention that angels were a natural anathema to the undead.
With one swing a shockwave of holy might ripped through the undead and disintegrated them while healing the humans and a visible rate. The man stepped forward and addressed the leader who just so happened to be his sister. “Do you recognize me?” he asked they all just stared until finally Karly sighed and said “Jeez you're just as much of a dork as always aren’t you Jacob. You practically shouted who you were when you said sister you dummy.” The helmet fell away and his blushing face was seen beneath. He was red all the way to the tips of his ears, and it once more shattered the common sense of those present.
He just basically demolished an entire dungeon floor in seconds and was still being ragged on by his sister. They were all healed so it wasn’t long before they were ready to move again. After a few hours they set up camp to rest and let his newly evolved angel keep watch. When her friends were all asleep Karly finally crawled her way into Jacobs tent and he silently held her as she cried and bawled herself to sleep. Even after that he let her hug him in her sleep and kept her company all night. She was a very strong woman but she was also naturally emotional as well and being responsible for the near shave with death for all of them had hurt her deeply even though she logically new they were all immortal.
Death didn’t just suddenly get less traumatic just because you knew you would come back. No matter what tough girl act she tried to put on he was always there when it got to be too much and she needed a shoulder to cry on. Of course he had been sworn by every known god in the universe that if he ever spilled the beans for any reason she would rip his manhood off. But the safety of his manhood was secondary to her mental welfare. Even the perverted eavesdroppers outside his tent who were hopping for a very different ending couldn’t mistake this scene and could only slink away feeling like shit. Of course they were all women so they didn’t feel as bad as a guy would in their spot.
When morning came Karly crept out of the tent and it was as if nothing had ever happened and the last night was nothing but a figment of their imagination. She was also the first one up so she started a fire and cooked breakfast. Soon all of them came drifting over to the fire led by their stomachs. They joked around and blew off steam for a while before they broke camp and he had an idea. If the grimoire could store living things then it would be able to store them for a while right. Granted there was nothing there to eat for now but it shouldn’t take more than a day of get back to the entrance. He asked Belial to warn the others that they would have guests then brought it up to Karly.
She immediately agreed and he brought them all into his grimoire. There was some choking and gagging sounds at first but when he asked Belial said that they were simply not used to the density of the mana so it would take a few minutes to adjust especially since his mana was of the cosmic type. He also made the comment that if a cultivator knew what he had and understood its significance they would stop at nothing to get in here. The way explained it was that cosmic mana to a cultivator had another name called Origin Ki. This Ki could be absorbed by any cultivator for dozens of times the efficiency and with the density here it would simply be like starving a world class eater for a few weeks then throwing them in front of an all you can eat buffet.
In general cultivators were handicapped in most every tier 1 world because the Ki density was to thin. When it reached a certain level that world would have already evolved into a tier two world and that was the minimum density needed to have any kind of significant result in cultivating. But the density in his grimoire was already almost at the level of a tier 2 world and was still expanding. Right now it was only maybe a three or four dozen square miles, but the density was rising faster than it could be converted to solid matter. In that case it would soon start forming mana crystals even though it wasn’t even half a percent as large as it needed to be to truly be considered a tier 2 plane.
Other than the space restrictions and keeping an eye on the kids so they didn’t play around and get hurt by the edge this was the ideal situation for all of them in the plane. He smiled and said ok then dismissed the angel so that the regeneration could go back into the grimoire. Since he was already on the eighth floor it would be alot faster to just beat the dungeon than go back so he blitzed to the boss room and once again wiped the floor with the royal guards and threw the drops into his inventory without thinking. The final boss went down to a meteor storm that just barely covered the room but was still sending more than a hundred meteors a second.
After about ten seconds he heard a ding and stopped the spell. There was nothing left of the boss except a pile of items. Again without a look to tossed them into his inventory and waited in the safe room. When the time was almost up he let his sister’s party out which had learned was called ‘the roses’. They were all a little surprised at the change of scenery but happy to finally leave the dungeon. With the time he had left he gave a proper scolding to the lot of them on their stupidity, arrogance, and cheap pride that got them into this mess. He didn’t even let his sister off because she new she deserved it. After a few minutes though he sighed and gave them pointers to better themselves then handed over the item box and broke his connection to it so she could bond it.
They had all seen it in the store so they knew how expensive it was. When there jaws were done dropping they finally just shook their head and went on their way with a very battered common sense.
- In Serial30 Chapters
Esper: Search for Power
Dan Martin has a good life. He's respected at his job, and enjoys his work. He is close to his family, and they love and support him. With engaging hobbies, relative financial security, and freedom to learn and pursue his interests, Dan is happy. So it's not particularly welcome when he's selected by an inscrutable and seemingly omnipotent System as a test subject. The downsides: All of this is insane and by any rational analysis he's gonna die. The upsides: Super powers, a cure for a physical disability that had limited him, and above all, so very much to learn (for as long as he can avoid dying). I am very much a beginner as an author, and any feedback or suggestions on how to improve would be deeply appreciated. Chapter releases should be daily for the first two weeks and sporadic after that as I use up my buffer. Please consider this work as a rough draft subject to revision and/or retcon. It is not only my first attempt at original story telling, but at world building and RPG style system design. The latter has been very difficult, even drawing on the brilliant work of many RPGs and LitRPGs for inspiration. Thank you to any willing to give a new story and a new writer a try!
8 165 - In Serial20 Chapters
Y: a novel
Y is a boy looking for his father. Drake is a conman trying to be a hero in the worst ways. Panther Sprung is a chief who must choose between continuing a fruitless war or fleeing into Canada. In this historical fantasy thunderbirds, gunslingers, soldiers and prophets tell a story long lost and barely remembered. *I want to personally thank you for your interest in "Y". It is a novel and I hope to post its installments chapter by chapter here weekly on Fridays. I do work full-time so I may fall behind here or there, but I have every intention of finishing the work right here. I hope you, the reader, enjoy it, and feel free to make suggestions or voice complaints so long as they are relevant and respectful. I appreciate any time you invest in my story and I hope you come away considering that time well-spent. *Cover art done by Damian Handzlik. Check out his work at: https://www.deviantart.com/daisanvisart https://www.artstation.com/daisan https://www.instagram.com/daisanvisart/?hl=en
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The Seven Towers
Have you read fantasy before, are you a fan of fantasy, have you wanted to wander off in the world of the books you've read, shows you've seen. Amy Le a Vietnamese immigrant, devours fantasy media and literature. She is like all of us wishing to be caught up in her own fantastical adventure, escaping from her harsh reality, and still broken heart. But maybe, her new reality will be more perilous than she could have ever imagined; as she ventures into a new world, a new culture, finding herself in the middle of a maelstrom.
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Villain Tries Farming: A LitRPG Adventure
Our newly appointed Villain dreads the sight of blood and is prone to fainting. When he counts the number of his minions dying from the attacks of the sleazy players, he feels like someone is driving a nail into his heart.Peace is what he seeks. As such he must become skilled at agriculture to sustain the monster clans that he rules. But will he succeed?(if you wish to read this book in one go you can check it out on Amazon HERE)
8 283 - In Serial14 Chapters
It's horrible, but I tried.
8 141 - In Serial50 Chapters
Spoilers : The Abandonned Empress
○-> SPOILERS ◇-> ANALYSIS ▪ FIRST TL LONG, DETAILED SPOILERS ON :○ Background of the parents generation (Tia's Mother...)○ What REALLY happened during the first timeline from an objective pov○ Ruve's true feelings for Tia in 1st TL○ What happened to Ruve and Ji-Eun after Tia's execution in the first timeline ◇ Ji-Eun and some others things related○ Ruve's death in the first timeline▪ SECOND TL LONG, DETAILED SPOILERS ON : ○ Carsein and Allen's futures◇ The roots of Ruve's love for Tia○ Ji-Eun, Tia and Ruve's relationship in second TL○ Ruve's courtship○ General informations on what will happen soon in the manhwa○ Tia's dilemma ○ Tia's "death" and confession○ Jenna's sentence and Tia and Ji-Eun conversation○ Tia and Ruve being cute together (3parts)○ Carsein renonces Tia○ End of the novel and epilogue◇ Vita's will▪ SIDE STORIES LONG, DETAILED SPOILERS ON : ○ Allen POV (6parts)○ Ji-Eun POV (3parts)○ Carsein, Tia and Ji-Eun◇ Why we should root for Ruve○ Ruve's dream○ Tia and Ruve relationship after their wedding○ Wedding Night (2parts)○ Tia wakes up Ruve with a kiss and a common day for newlywed○ Ruve's letters○ Tia's pregnancy ○ Eight years after the wedding○ Ruve and Diana relationship and Adrian and Elina's birth○ Afternoon tea time with Adrian, Elina and Diana○ Last Chapter : Keirean○ Allen come back after 13 years○ Emperor Mirkan ○ All of Ruve's POV : • Jeremiah • Ji-Eun • Execution • Ji-Eun and him in the first timeline (3parts)..................... Those spoilers are all from novel updates.All I did is sumerising them.Also, don't take me wrong, I'm absolutely not trying to defend Ruve but I still wish to explain why things happened the way they did in this timeline.I just want to give the rationale for the actions of the first timeline.Don't forget to support the autor whenever you can !
8 176