《The apocalypse happened and it was named- The system’s advent》Chapter 7- Rewards for everybody
Belial Pov
Never in all his years did think he would willingly put his fate in the hands of a human. Thanks to their bloodline that specialized in bonding with and bringing out the best of other bloodlines they were highly coveted by many races but their penchant for ceaseless warfare mad them feared even in the far reaches of the cosmos. Humans excelled in the crucible of battle despite their weak bodies simply because they were extremely gifted in killing. They were as divided as they came as a race with no single direction of thought or even a general goal. Some were saints without peer and some were so dark hearted they gave abyssal demons chills. They were simply unpredictable and uncontrollable.
In his youth he hated humans with a passion and thought them the base of all the universes ill’s, but as he grew his hatred faded as he saw more races that were just as bad. He was one of the oldest and strongest monsters in this dungeon but the aura given off by this human teenager made him wary. Now that he knew why he was beyond glad that he had listened to the human. All in all it was in equal benefit to bond him out right since they were essentially trapped here fighting an endless battle for survival. The rest of them had no way to leave the dungeon and he couldn’t abandon them. Eventually they would be killed and their sentience erased and absorbed by the dungeon.
He never would have imagined that this boy would have such a tale to tell, and all his instincts shouted that he was just getting started. His Tier 1 class was already godly strong for such a small tier 1 world and once it evolved he would continue to grow stronger than his level could begin to dictate. His destiny lied deep into the cosmos and for the first time in centuries he had something to work towards. He quickly shared all the information with the several adults present through their new soul bond. They were all quite old as well and had seen enough to understand the magnitude of their choice now. They all agreed as well though that the best thing to do was clear the dungeon. It no longer held any power over them so they were all looking forward to a little payback.
He quickly and gently rested jacob on Nioh’s back so they could all move together. He stayed by her side and thanked her for introducing this outstanding young man to them. She had single handedly changed all their fates for the better, even the children. It was hard to tell but he could clearly see her blush with pride. He undid the illusion around her and let her true form be shown. He had everyone under illusion spells before because the dungeon would stop at nothing to kill them if it knew it had Legend class variations inside it. Nioh for instance was a three tailed Kyuubi, he himself was an elder flood dragon, and most of the others had similarly legendary bloodlines.
The best illusion was close to the truth so he had made them simple but powerful and only changed enough details so that they couldn’t be recognized as anything but variances of their original races. When the spell dropped he immediately gathered all the kids so they rode on his back and roared to start the slaughter. In only a week they had destroyed everything on the floor and rushed the boss. They each bombarded it with their respective magics until it was dead so no one took any casualties. As soon as the boss died a reddish-golden glow covered Jacob and he started thrashing.
He recognized it as an automatic rebirth with the system’s help so he quickly had Nioh set him down and simply had them watch over him while he took the kids further away to play. It was a chore keeping the kids entertained for three days but with help he managed it. When the light faded and the thrashing stopped he was still unconscious but that was unsurprising. The extent of the damage to his soul was keeping him asleep till at least 75% had been healed. He quickly led them all to continue the same process on the next floor. Since all the experience was being channeled to Jacob none of them had evolved yet but they would once Jacob was able to wake up since they were all at the level limit long ago and were only restricted by the dungeon.
They continued this for two more floors until finally after the fourth floor boss was dead Jacob lit up again but this time it lasted for six days rather than three like the two times before. When it was done Jacob stood on his own and looked back to normal, everyone was dead exhausted by this point so they all dropped to the ground when the system’s pressure materialized again. A beam of light that seemed to warp space around itself appeared then they all lost consciousness one by one as the light washed over them. “Rest up guys, I’ll take it over from here and get you your vengeance.”
Jacob’s Pov
When the last of them were sleeping and they all turned into motes of light that were drawn into the grimoire he finally grabbed it and the expected message popped up.
*Celestial Grimoire- This grimoire is the manifestation of the power of Jacob Dawn and is bound to his soul, as such it can never be lost, stolen, dirtied, or damaged while the owner is alive. As the highest level of grimoire that pushes the limit of the current world the system has given the reward ‘Planar space upgrade’ in exchange for locking its ability to fit the power limits of the current world. This ability is permanent and creates its own Plane of existence that follows the same laws as the owner’s home planet. This space is completely independant and will grow with grimoire. Note- all current bonded monsters are undergoing a ‘extreme’ evolution and will not be available for at least 5 months. Note- As this item is both linked to the owner’s soul and is a manifestation of the owners power it can be used to empower celestial magic cast through it.
He could feel the link just like the bond from Belial and the others, like a ball of heat that he could pinpoint and right now all of them were muted and leading inside the grimoire. He could feel his soul was healed so he licked his lips and said “Status.”
[Name: Jacob Dawn
Tier: 3 Level: 33 Deaths: 0
EXP: 10%
Titles: First among Immortals (0.00000001 sec.) (Highest on record)
Hp: 352,500/352,500 MP: 2,448,700/2,448,700
Strength: 3,115 Agility: 3,220 Vitality: 3,525
Willpower: 7,160 Intelligence: 24,487
Stat points: 37720
Skill points: 161
Fatigue: 0%
Class: Celestial Mage
Profession: None
Spells: Neutral/Passive- (Overcharge, Multicast, Transcendental meditation (4), Ultimate mana fortress, Mana Projection, Bone Armament of the Sorcerer )
Water/ice magic- Frigid Beam, Greater water regeneration, Icy lance, frozen shackles, rainstorm, Ice Imbuement, Ice Mine, Summon Ice Golem
Celestial Magic- Cosmic Rebirth, Angelic Summon]
He could only stop and stare blankly at that freakish amount of stat points. When he snapped out of it he remembered the scene of god’s fighting like enslaved gladiators he grew solemn. He was nowhere near their level and they were relegated to entertainment slaves so what did that make him in the grand scheme of things? A slightly stronger bug? He slowly thought about where he was at and where he was heading as he came to the decision that at the very least he needed spells to augment his body and that would require a massive amount of Regeneration, yet most of his spells benefited from his huge mana pool.
With a sigh he dumped all his points into his WIL and felt the rate he could suck in mana skyrocket by more than five times. He could now regenerate over 160K per second. If he let it all go and charge his armor then it wouldn’t be far from Mithril at this point. It was getting late so he decided to speed things up. While they slept and evolved he played around with his new spell and found that If he went all in and used two million MP along with his full Regeneration during the one minute cast time the he could summon an evolved version of an angel with four wings called a ‘Cherubim Juggernaut’.
It was about six and a half feet tall covered in glowing golden plate armor filled with dense runes and inscriptions that seemed to be about six inches thick at least with a huge spiked morningstar that when he tried to lift he could even make it roll with all of his three thousand strength, needless to say that its damage would be devastating. It took roughly 150K MP a second to sustain but distance didn’t even seem to matter. Most summons couldn’t go beyond a certain distance from their summoner without their upkeep going through the roof but this one was different.
It didn’t have a max distance or time limit and he could telepathically communicate with it. He could feel that it was thankful for something and had full sentience but it could only receive orders, it could talk but he couldn’t understand so he sent it to kill monsters at its fastest rate. Even to his perception it completely disappeared like a mirage its speed was so fast. He could only hear distant booms and crashes from all around so he simply headed for the boss room.
When he got to the entrance door he could still hear the booms so he set up camp and ate like a starving man at a buffet. Right as he finished he got another surprise. The angel had just contacted him and indicated it had cleared the floor by sending a picture of corridors filled with hill like bodies. He immediately sent out his mana to the far sides of the floor and was stunned, there wasn’t a single living thing left and it had only been a few hours since it was summoned. Even his new family all together took a week or so to clear a floor and there was over twenty of them. In a little under a minute the angel was back and he picked up the camp and pushed open the door.
This time it was a enormous turtle that could use earth magic but the fight was without suspense because the angel just bashed him around until his defenses shattered and after that it only took one hit to finish him. With a ding and light he leveled up some more but he didn’t get a message about rebirth so ignored it and continued into the sixth floor. The scene simply repeated all the way until the end of the ninth floor. An enormous phoenix made of black flames was the final boss. Thanks to its massive regeneration the fight took a while but once again the angel finished it without him getting a scratch.
When it let out its death cry an altar made of the same black flames rose from its ashes and on the altar was a row of items and skill books. Five books were all set pieces from the spell series ‘Cursed Flame Regalia’ which essentially wasn’t much different from the spell he got from [Tomb of the forgotten kings]. Even three of the items did the same thing and made it essentially into a passive skill. Another spell book was called Spell combination, which basically allowed him to combine many spells with similar effect together into a far stronger spell.
He learned the spells and combined his bone armor spell and the cursed flame armor into the spell ‘King’s regalia’, as he did his staff and robes as well as the three armor pieces in front of him all turned to ash but the spell remained a passive one. If he had to guess his combination sacrificed the items to make the spell permanently passive which was more than fine by him.
The only other thing on the altar was the last spell book called ‘Mana Body’. It essentially allowed him to use his massive regeneration to slowly augment his body with mana. It was basically a godsend for mages but the downside was that it took 100 billion MP just for the first level which added one thousand to each STR, VIT, and AGI. and it doubled in cost from there on per level. This was a legendary spell in his past life for mages because with each level the description changes along with the amount needed. So in stage two you would get 2K in each then 3K and so on. Needless to say he learned it for twenty SP.
Almost instantly he could physically feel the spell working in tandem with his huge regeneration. In a little under 2 hours he would have another 1K in each of his physical stats. In a day he would have an additional 3K in total. At this point he would continue to get stronger even if he was incapacitated for a few years. But now the problem was that he was still over six months ahead of schedule to meet up with Nina and he was Loath to just be lazy. Running the same dungeon multiple times in a row would give diminishing returns so he couldn’t do that either. Looks like he would have to conquer another one in six months as well.
When the countdown hit zero he was once again in front of the dungeon. Before the guards could even register he was there he was already gone. Heading towards the next high rank dungeon. This one happened to be favored by those with fire magic because it was essentially an enormous plain filled with a blizzard and a bunch of ice monsters that were weak to fire, mostly golem’s. He re-summoned the Cherubim and let the slaughter continue. For almost three months it continued until they beat the Ice wraith that was final boss. The rewards were almost identical in function so he combined it just the same and put greatsword that seemed to made of ice into his inventory as all the others turned to ash. When he opened his status again not much had changed except his physical stats kept growing like a monster.
He dumped all his extra stats to his INT this time and felt his maximum threshold more than double. He wanted more WIS at first but his instincts told him that if his regeneration per second exceeded him maximum mana capacity then he would probably explode before he even knew what went wrong.
[Name: Jacob Dawn
Tier: 3 Level: 3,254 Deaths: 0
EXP: 97%
Titles: First among Immortals (0.00000001 sec.) (Highest on record)
Hp: 4,811,500/4,811,500 MP: 5,669,700/5,669,700
Strength: 48,115 Agility: 48,220 Vitality: 48,525
Willpower: 43,880 Intelligence: 55,697
Stat points: 0
Skill points: 231
Fatigue: 71%
Class: Celestial Mage
Profession: None
Spells: Neutral/Passive- (Overcharge, Multicast, Transcendental meditation (4), Ultimate mana fortress, Mana Projection, Mana Body(10 Max), King's Regalia )
Water/ice magic- Frigid Beam, Greater water regeneration, Icy lance, frozen shackles, rainstorm, Ice Imbuement, Ice Mine, Summon Ice Golem
Celestial Magic- Cosmic Rebirth, Angelic Summon]
From the last two dungeons he now had 2,507,000,000G and it was starting to burn a hole in his pocket. Now that he had 231 skill points he was dying to know what he could buy from his celestial magic tree. This time he didn’t bolt away from the entrance but walked out leisurely. The guards all knew who he was so they didn’t bat an eye although most of them had sweat on there brow until he walked past. That was the effect of his mana presence skill, they could instinctively tell that he was someone they couldn’t provoke.
He noticed a lot more players in the streets on his way to the store but it was now going on the three year mark so they would keep getting more prominent for about another week or so then the beast tide would hit and their numbers would see a massive boom. Papper money was already in a tailspin and gold’s value was steadily replacing it. The government was also in shambles and would collapse any day now he guessed. There were about twenty people or so present when he walked in the flap but they all froze and started breathing heavy until he was past and then the sighs and whispers started which he totally tuned out.
He smiled at the strung out receptionist as he pulled open the display. He then accessed his celestial magic tab and three options greated him.
* Starfall- This spell summons a shower of small meteors in an area decided by initial mana investment and sustained at the cost of 1,000MP per second per meteor. Cost 750,000,000G and 100 SP to learn
Celestial Body- This spell devours all body strengthening magics currently active on the user and replaces them. Past effects are not changed but future effects will be altered. Cost 750,000,000G and 60 SP to learn
Heavenly Contract- This spell allows you to form a familial contract with any creature or monster that has full sentience. Allows the user to impart a portion of their soul to aid in their evolution at a reduced cost to the user and increased effect on the receiver. All effects are enforced by the system. Cost 600,000,000G and 85 SP to learn
It was a tough choice but after thinking about it he already had mana body and wasn’t planning on inviting anyone else to his family in the near future, so Starfall became his next spell. No sooner had he bought and learned it than the display changed, which had never happened to him before so he figured it had to do with his celestial magic. Another three options were on the screen and he had the feeling that once he picked they too would change out and vanish so he read and pondered over them very thoroughly.
*Heaven’s Eye- This spell allows you to see all there is to see within an area around the user. Can see through obstruction and solid matter while allowing full interaction with mana. Cost 1B Gold and 50 SP to learn
Cosmic Mana- Upgrades the user’s mana pool and regeneration to work as a conduit to the mana that flows in the fabric of the multiverse. Makes user immune to all forms of mana syphoning, mana drain, and mana blocking. Also increases effect and efficiency of celestial magic. Cost 500,000,000G and 100 SP to learn
Cosmic Crafting- Allows the user to craft works of wonder imbued with power of the stars. Unlocks all crafting disciplines and grants an innate understanding of the basics on each. Cost 500,000,000G and 50 SP to learn
He mentally grabbed both Cosmic mana and Cosmic crafting then just like he thought the other option faded away into nothing. He didn’t know if he would ever see the spells he lost again but the pair he grabbed was just too good to pass up. He instantly learned them both and watched his SP count drop to 11. As he walked back out of the shop he noticed he picked up a tail. The man was good but you don’t spend years in a dungeon without learning to spot if your being followed. Just then he felt a pull from his grimoire and an in a few seconds all the guys who had been evolving started waking up. With a huge grin he sped up and almost immediately lost his tail as he headed for the house.
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