《The apocalypse happened and it was named- The system’s advent》Chapter 6- Unprecedented discovery and the price paid for family
Now that events were set in motion human government would essentially collapse and they needed to make the best of this. He had told his dad all the relevant information long before but now that the cat was out of the bag things would be more difficult. Everyone was already in the office as burst through the door and said “All the lower class and most of the mid class dungeons are opened in chicago. All those are under our control. I’m going to head out right now and open the rest.” He nodded and said, “Calm down Jacob, we are prepared for this. Finish your end so we can get started on ours ok.”
He nodded and within seconds he was speeding through the night. No matter how he thought about it he had simply miss judged the time when they were in the dungeon. Each barrier fell to one punch and by morning there were 14 low grade Dungeons, 5 Middle grade, and 3 High grade. They already controlled the area around them all so they effectively controlled all the dungeons in chicago. The middle and high grade dungeons barriers were stronger but thanks to his vastly inflated mana one charged ice lance was enough to break them.
He ran at his fastest and was making sure he wasn’t discovered so naturally his energy levels were extremely drained by the time he got back. Without a word he collapsed on the couch and passed out. When he woke up everyone was in a flurry and there were several coffee pots brewing coffee which wrinkled his nose. He grabbed a bottle of pepsi from the fridge and headed to his room. He shucked his old clothes and stepped in the bath.
Considering it had been nearly two years since he had a proper bath he was understandably relaxed, so much so that he didn’t notice the door open and in walked Nina. When he finally did notice she was staring at him with a unique look on her face. By now he new that look well enough that he just kept his eyes cracked and held his hand out to her. Taking the invitation she stripped and joined him while holding his hand. The bath tub was was roughly eight feet long, five feet wide, and two feet deep so it wasn’t hard for them both to fit.
One thing about Nina was that she loved to cuddle for a while before they had sex. He let out a contented sigh and let her wrap herself around him as she wanted while he simply hugged her close. After a while she started with teasing him so he did the same. Coy remarks and lusty sighs soon followed but contrary to his expectation she kept his trapped and wouldn’t let him move. He eventually got the idea and simply put his feet and hands on the side of the tub then lifted them both out of the water. He got a surprised squeak in response before she started riding him as she pleased, not allowing him to move at all.
Time and again she put him on the very edge and kept him there in suspense. His control was snapping like mooring lines in a hurricane when she finally whispered “You know young master, all you need to do is cut loose and free that monster you lock inside. And don’t worry, i’m a big girl, this is what I want.” Finally he couldn’t take it any more and with a bestial growl he launched them from the tub to the door in one bound. In less than a second they were on the bed and he was going wild. First was missionary, then doggy, then cowgirl. Through it all they were doing their best to pound each other, when the bed frame broke they didn’t even pause.
She fought back with all the tricks she knew but could only eek out a draw as they both climaxed together in a joint scream of ecstasy that everyone in the house had to have heard. Without a doubt it was the number one sex either of them had ever had. When he finally came back to his senses they were both covered in bruises, particularly around his dick and her vagina. She saw the flash of guilt in his eyes and before he could get away she grabbed his head kissed him deeply and hungerily. Before guiding him back into making love to her this time, slowly and gently.
Finally they took an actual bath and washed up before he said “Nina, you know I showed you the dungeon to teach others right.” She nodded as he washed her back and he continued “Until you train at least three teams that can work on a rotation for guiding newbies I need you to stay here.” She tensed up and he said “Then after that I will gladly steal you away with me, ok.” She thought it over with a frown for a while before she slowly nodded. “Alright, I’m not happy about it but I understand why your asking and I’ll make sure they are up to snuff before I come find you.”
“Alright, I’ll be in one of the nearby high tier dungeons so I won’t be far. In three years there will be an Item for sale that I’m very highly interested in so I won’t be going far until then in any case.” “Hmph, your going to marathon that dungeon for all three years aren’t you?” He knew she was mad but he continued to gently massage her body as he washed her and spoke in relaxing tones, “No, that won’t be the case. There are innumerable differences between low and mid tier dungeons like I told you before, so don’t you think it would be the same between mid and high tier as well?
“One of the differences is that for a massive jump in difficulty and lethality the dungeon floors are far smaller with far more deadly monsters. All in all it will take far less time to clear and return, around a year I would say and then I’ll check in to see if your ready to come.” He had been a little naughty with his hands while he talked so she was now panting and trying not to moan, right as she was about to jump him for another round regardless he got up and rinsed of with the hot water then gave her a naughty smirk as she chased him out the bathroom doorway.
As he got dressed he dodged retaliation from Nina and when she saw she lost this one she pouted a bit until they left together and four red faced maids coincidentally happened to be cleaning within five feet of his door. “Ah perfect.” His exclamation made them all jump and curtsy while looking at the ground with guilt at being caught red handed. “Sorry to trouble you but I’m gonna be gone for a while and I need new clothes, sheets and possibly a new bed. Can you girls take care of that?” Now thoroughly crimson in the face they all nodded and he got out of there way as a slightly blushing Nina followed but huffed down the other hallway that he was heading.
He laughed softly and thought Boy, i’m going to pay for that later but that could also be fun. Without fanfare he left the mansion and walked to the nearest high tier where he picked up mostly the same supplies as the first time only far less in quantity. He was only going to be a year this time so he took about half what he did before. [The Den of Daemon’s] was its name and it was mostly populated by a variety of huge beasts so the corridors were also huge. He equipped all his armor and cast his shield with a full Two million MP. It could now absorb an upwards of ten million damage but it also limited his vision somewhat. He allowed his enhanced brain to cover that though. Now with over 23K INT he could have 23 simultaneous activations of a spell.
He was against beasts that were close to three stories tall on average so he went with his Summon Ice golem spell to start. He poured in everything to the casting and when it was fully charged a massive four story human shaped block of ice with massive spikes instead of hands and it was so covered in smaller spikes that if you looked closely it resembles a porcupine. When it formed he could feel it pull over 90% of his regeneration even with the meditation active. With but a thought he had it lower its ‘hand’ and he jumped along the spiked that were nearly as large as him until he was on its shoulder.
He made himself comfortable and made it charge forward. The thundering crash of its footsteps instantly brought the monsters charging at them from every direction. He spent most of the next month learning how to better control and fight with his golem. When he finally entered the boss room it was enormous serpent that spit acid. Unfortunately for it the acid froze before it could ever touch the golem. He had also discovered that his golem emitted a freezing aura that was no weaker than tier 7 ‘ice field’ almost constantly. This was a natural by product because the density of the ice golem was far beyond what it would normally have thanks to his meditation and massive mana pool boosting the golems stats.
With a thought he had the two grapple and soon the golem won simply because the snake was cold blooded and it eventually froze solid and broke into pieces. In the rubble there was no drops at all so he figured this dungeon was one of those that gave all its rewards when the final boss was beaten. Most hated these dungeons because they were essentially forced to clear the dungeon but it didn’t bother him since that was his goal all along and a side effect was that they awarded the accumulated EXP after each boss.
After that fight he was sitting at the level cap of 1,000 again so he experimented a bit and then cast an Ice mine with all his mana at each entrance of the corridor then refreshed his golem and mana shield with all his mana as well. Since noce of his spell had time limits they would stay until they got destroyed. He then set the golem to attack anything that past the ice mines dug himself a hole that he wouldn’t accidentally thrash out of. When he was as prepared as he thought he could be he dumped all his remaining points into his INT then cast Cosmic Rebirth and the same situation as last time repeated itself. The only different was this time when he woke up he instantly shouted “Status”
[Name: Jacob Dawn
Tier: 1 Level: 261 Deaths: 0
EXP: 40%
Titles: First among Immortals (0.00000001 sec.) (Highest on record)
Hp: 352,500/352,500 MP: 2,448,700/2,448,700
Strength: 3,115 Agility: 3,220 Vitality: 3,525
Willpower: 7,160 Intelligence: 24,487
Stat points: 0
Skill points: 50
Fatigue: 1%
Class: Celestial Mage
Profession: None
Spells: Neutral/Passive- (Overcharge, Multicast, Transcendental meditation (2), Ultimate mana fortress, Mana Projection, Bone Armament of the Sorcerer )
Water/ice magic- Frigid Beam, Greater water regeneration, Icy lance, frozen shackles, rainstorm, Ice Imbuement, Ice Mine, Summon Ice Golem
Celestial Magic- Cosmic Rebirth]
He nearly couldn’t resist dancing his own jig when he saw that. He had just enough skill points to learn his second Celestial magic spell. But first he decided on a change of pace and dumpen all his points into his WIS this time. As soon as he confirmed his stat’s he learned the spell. A ground shaking crash and a roar pulled him out of his revery before he could experiment with it though. He easily jumped out of the pit he dug and was instantly thunderstruck. The place he set the ice mine was now looking like a meteor impact site but the other one was fine the problem was that his Ice golem was fighting two other beasts that were slightly smaller and as he watched it lost one of its leg’s to what looked like a fire breathing wolf.
The other one looked like a cross between an armadillo and a stegosaurus. Nearly a third of its mass was from the enormous spiked ball of bone on the end of its tail. For the first time since his rebirth he fully charged his frigid beam from all 22 circles of his Multicast. The wolf seemed to freeze in place as it slowly was encased in ice but he stopped before it froze fully and targeted the armadillo. This one he didn’t spare and let the golem smash it. He turned back to the wolf and saw it was simply looking at him in despair without bothering to struggle. He almost couldn’t believe his eyes. In certain high tier and evolution class dungeons the monster’s had the chance to develop sentience and break free of the dungeons influence.
They were extremely rare and in over twenty years he had never run into one in his previous life. He gently loosened the ice around it and looked into its eyes. He used his entire 23K intelligence and focused on sending one thought so hard he gave himself a headache. “Do you want to leave this place with me?” More than actual words he sent the meaning and impressions of freedom that those words held. The look in its eyes changed from fear to caution as it tried to understand what he said he kept sending information. Unlike normal dungeon monsters those that were sentient possessed near infinite potential for growth but gaining their trust was no easy feat.
In overall battle power this wolf was probably as strong as a boss monster but it was being severely weakened by the dungeon which was trying to force it to remain under its control. Finally when he was almost at his limit he got a reply he really didn’t expect. ‘Can... h..elp... other... like... m..e? He sent his happiness and approval right as the bridge he made collapsed. Since he didn’t have a spell for it he had to do it the hard way and use pure mental strength and will if he wanted to reach out to a monster that didn’t understand human words. The benefit that was that their mind automatically translated it into terms they could understand but it was extremely taxing on the one initiated it.
He doubled over panting and holding his head while waiting for the pain to pass. Soon he dismissed the golem and the ice around the wolf which simply sat looking at him. Since he wasn’t hungry yet he nodded to the wolf and followed as it led the way. They quickly picked up the pace to his limit but it still took nearly an hour to get to what looked like a crack in the dungeon wall. He couldn’t hear anything and the wolf turned around and grunted to which he nodded and sat down to wait. If this was what he thought it was he would either suffer his first death or gain several contract monster’s.
In the outside world contract monsters would alway be extremely rare. Only those who either had massive mental fortitude or a class like monster tamer would be able to contract monsters to fight for them and even then they only had a small chance to gain sentience. The price he would have to pay would depend on the monster's themselves but it wouldn’t be low. Regardless of that the price would be well worth it in the end. If there were more than three of them that wanted out then the system would descend a summoning grimoire and he would take a test to determine its rank and type.
He heard a yip and deactivated all his defenses except his bones as he went through. Finally he saw a light in the tunnel from the wolf’s fire. Soon the tunnel flared out into an enormous room with several huge monsters laying around. He could barely keep his jaw from dropping, there had to have been seven that were roughly one story, nine that were over three stories and a few that looked like newborns running around that roughly eight feet tall. He really regretted not having an observation skill right now because not one of them looked like a normal monster.
There were more in this one room than he had ever thought could exist in the entire northern hemisphere. Suddenly the walls of the room started to rumble and he realized it was far too symmetrical to be a natural cavern. In an almost comical fashion he felt a rock bounce off his shoulder and slowly turned around while looking up. Sure enough the entire cavern was nothing more than the coiled up body of an enormous snake. One of its vibrant green eyes was looking at him with intrigue clear in its eyes. “You bear the mark of many years beyond your body young one. And not just in the experience but in literal years, yet you are far too weak to even dream on entering an individual plane.
“So tell me young one, you obviously know much beyond what has been discovered by your species so far which means you know value of an awakened monster as a comrade. Why should we agree to bond with you and what can offer?” Instead of replying immediately he took a careful look around. Every monster was looking at him with intelligence and curiosity. None looked malnourished or weak which meant they were all doing quite well for themselves here. When he finally turned back to the snake he said “I beleive you have made a mistake good sir. I’m not asking for you to be among my comrade’s.” He could see the outrage in its so before it could say anything else he continued “I’m asking you to be part of my family.”
The snake was struck dumb for a moment. Even in its wildest dreams it had never suspected than this creature before it would make such a proposal. In general it was lunacy to even think about it in the first place. Not just monster’s but any sentient race would be hesitant race would have second thoughts and misgivings about inviting other species into their home. This was essentially the same as offering his neck to the chopping block to show sincerity. Most of those present didn’t understand but their leader clearly did. He knew exactly what was being proposed and simply couldn’t believe it. He was essentially offering a piece of his soul to each of them. He was making the greatest sacrifice possible and allowing them to evolve using his class as a base.
“That is amazing but before it's decided I will need to ask to see the nature of your class.” “Yes, i don’t mind that.” Once again he was thrown off guard. One’s class was essentially the foundation of their current and future growth. It was basically showing all your cards to the opponent when gambling. He used a skill and the awe and shock on his face was clearly visible. This was no common class and at the very least it would promote all the creatures here to the mythic or perhaps even ancient class. Even he was almost guaranteed to evolve and he was already at the ancient myth level.
Monster’s all had classifications in addition to their tiers. These classifications were divided into mundane, common, uncommon, rare, legend, myth, ancient legend, ancient myth, calamity, transcendent, and demigod. These classifications decided how powerful a creature was among those of the same tier. The celestial type magic was something from a tier 5 world so in essence it shouldn’t exist on earth at all and was something that none of them could pass up. He would be weakened until they all went through rebirth one more time and the change become irreversible but the monster’s would have no adverse effects and could still hunt and fight like normal. In addition to their strength their freedom would be guaranteed as his family.
“What is your name young man?” “My name is Jacob Dawn sir.” “Mr. Jacob, on behalf of all those present here and with the system as my witness do I, Belial Assandor so initiate this contract.” “I Jacob Dawn do hereby donate 99% of my power and soul to the benefit and welfare of the new additions to my family as the recipient of this contract. This power is to be divided equally to all and so let this contract be sealed.”
Yet again the snake’s eyes couldn’t help but widen in total shock. He had never heard of such an insane amount as 99% of someone’s soul being used in a contract. When he was thinking about them all evolving the max he had even dared to dream was thirty percent because anything more would take multiple rebirths to heal for even the strongest souls. Before he could even react the system accepted his oath and a formless, shapeless pressure descended on them all. A pure and golden light that was nearly in a liquid state started to stream out of Jacob and into each of the monsters in equal amount, even the children. The warm light entered them and filled them with energy as Jacob became increasingly pale.
Finally the light stopped and a message appeared before each of them.
*Congratulations- you have formed a pact with a higher form of soul energy and will be transformed accordingly upon your next rebirth. The price the of the contract will be taken into account at that time.
But the message Jacob received was slightly different.
*Congratulations- you have formed multiple pacts with several monster’s at the same time with the maximum price possible for their evolution. The system has noted this and upgraded the reward accordingly. For your selfless and powerful sacrifice you have been awarded the soul bound Celestial Grimoire. Reward will be given upon next rebirth. Due to the immensity of your sacrifice you will need to undergo four rebirths to completely heal from this soul sacrifice type injury. Stat’s will be reduced by 99% of total until injury is healed.
It was only thanks to his experience and massive pain tolerance that he was able to remain conscious. Finally after they had all dismissed the message he showed his everything to Belial and sent what his mission was currently for this dungeon as well as his time limit. After a few questions then Belial understood everything and turned grim. He now was connected by the soul and he understood at least a hint of the magnitude of what was in head of them. He agreed with the plan to get stronger as fast as possible and understood what to do. It would essentially rest of them to clear the dungeon so that he could at least undergo one rebirth and regain consciousness.
They could both feel his soul shutting down to try and heal the injury. So really had no choice but to leave it to them. As he heard the reassurance from belial he collapsed into darkness and simply floated their. The darkness was all around and time held no meaning thus he simply curled into a ball and tried to protect his sanity.
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IGCSE Descriptive Writing Pieces
A collection of descriptive writing pieces I wrote in practice for my IGCSE exam. However, please note that I do not claim these pieces will achieve a top band as these are unreviewed but, I hope to share my work in order to help others.Feel free to suggest anything such as figurative language and grammar that could help improve my work. Your help is appreciated!
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