《The apocalypse happened and it was named- The system’s advent》Chapter 9- Ridiculous existence
When he got back to the house it was in an uproar. Not even a second after opened the door two of his aunts rushed from the second floor and ambushed him at the door. One grabbed his feet and one grabbed around his chest, meanwhile he was struggling to process this as they dragged him up the stairs to the conference room where it seemed like all the rest of his family was meeting. After he was unceremoniously dumped head first into the chair he could only scramble his way into a sitting position in the most dignified way possible while the rest just looked at him. “Sooo what’s going on?” Several cousins tried to strangle him at that point while a few uncles just laughed. Finally his dad clapped his hands and everybody quieted down.
“Son you just blew your way through eight dungeon layers to rescue your sister, annihilated a monster horde several million strong, gave a 20 BILLION gold gift to your sister, and completely cleared two high tier dungeons in under a year. The monster horde was all caught entirely on camera, your sister is even now flaunting your gift at the dungeon entrance to all her friends and your still saying ‘what’s going on’? No It's probably better to see this yourself.” after that he pulled up a news video that looked almost unedited from the journalist that saw the beast horde.
It zoomed in on the front runners of the horde and portrayed all their ferocity. Next it focused on him looking out their for a second then yawning, he didn’t remember doing that but it was also very early and he had just woken up not long ago. In the camera lens a turbulent golden halo seemed to surround him and looked like a heat wave before it all condensed into a golden book that suddenly appeared from nowhere and hovered in front of him. The next moment he clearly said ‘Starfall’ and a vortex of the deepest black appeared and covered the sky. Within moments shooting stars pelted the ground and when it finally ended it showed him walking into the dust for a moment then were there was once broken up and destroyed earth there was now an enormous crater. It seems as if without a sound the earth just disappeared.
Next it showed him walking back and casually walking by before he suddenly disappeared with a sonic boom left in his wake with the camera still watching. A news lady suddenly appeared and started talking in a shaken tone. “This footage was just brought in by one of crews and has not been tampered with in any way. Our experts estimate that at least three fourths of chicago would have been destroyed if that beast horde had managed to get inside the city. There numbers were roughly estimated at 10 MILLION various species of monsters.” At this point her hands were shaking and her voice was getting higher pitched as her co-host stopped her to get a drink of water even though he looked just as shaken.
“Ladies and gentlemen we have it on good authority that this man is named Jacob Dawn and is the son of Markus Dawn, the CEO of Dawn industries. As you can see in the video this boy of no more than 23 years of age just annihilated millions of monsters in seconds with no apparent effort at all. Ladies and gentlemen if this isn’t a declaration of the times to come then I certainly don’t know what is. Three of the four self proclaimed guilds have given him the moniker “One Man Armageddon” otherwise known as OMA, and have created an entirely new classification on the country level danger scale called ‘Calamity’. This means that he has the capability to annihilate a small nation overnight by himself.
“This breaking news is all we have for now but we will let the public know as soon as we discover any new information.” The video suddenly cut off into static and he was left staring into space. Finally he looked around and said “ok i can see where your all coming from and there is a very simple way out of this.” They all leaned forward as he said “Simply tell them that you have been running tests since one of your workers accidentally discovered a gate three years ago and that this is only one of the initial phases of the player transformation and you can then slowly control the rate that the knowledge is spread and therefore becomes common.”
His dad finally let out a sigh and said “Can you please refrain from any impulsive actions over the next year or two? I know you have a plan but you need to think about every-” “The plan changed.” Everyone stopped and looked at him with barely contained frustration. “A few hundred thousand or so elites isn’t enough any more. I’ve learned some new information and that is that there are many planets out there where the average newborn has powers that are currently considered the domain of gods myth. If we wish to be able to protect ourselves we will still have elites but they must be far stronger than we initially thought. The average player must now be at the level we thought of as elites before which are capable of fighting those stronger than themselves and elites must be able to solo clear a dungeon of their level if not higher.
“That display I put on with the beast horde must become a common sight in some way. Skills and abilities that allow you to fight massive numbers of enemies or extremely strong enemies must be turned into common place if we ever hope to survive. Our organization must become a leading world wide superpower if we hope to make this wild dream a reality, and we must do it within fifteen years.” He watched as all their faces drained of blood and a few started trembling. “Make no mistake, this is very possible but it will be very difficult. Did everyone here learn about the black holes like I asked you to?”
Every head nodded and he sighed in relief. “Ok, that will help us greatly. Get every single person we have that wants to become a mage of any kind and have them be taught about the black holes just like we were. I will be teaching everyone here about my meditation technique that not only removes the restriction on needing to remain still like most techniques have but it is classified as a rank 9 at level 1 and its level raises by 9 each level depending on your understanding of black holes. There is only one thing I have to warn you about. Never let your mana regeneration per second exceed your maximum total mana or you will explode from the influx of mana.
“As I’m teaching you directly you can also teach others and that is what I’m counting on. Those you teach won’t be able to successfully teach the skill to others but that will also help us to become a world power as well. Any questions?” A few hands went up so he pointed to his uncle Jake since he knew he wouldn’t beat around the bush and could guess what he was going to ask about. “Several of us aren’t planning to be mages boy so can other classes still learn it. And if so will there be drawbacks and such? Wouldn’t it be more beneficial to learn other skills?” “That’s a good question and yes you can learn it, meditation techniques can be learned by any class and with the exception of very few classes who shun mana altogether then any skill or spell that uses mana will benefit extremely well from this. There won’t be any drawbacks that I’m aware because I’m the inventor of it so you won’t even need to spend skill points to learn it, and that will extend to your student’s as well.
“Anyone else? No? Alright then let's get started after the meeting gets over.” They all kind of shifted and glanced around while his dad said “Son you were the entire reason we called the meeting today.” He flushed at that and just let out an awkward “Ah, I see.” Before uncle jake stood and said “Well then what are we waiting for. Let’s go learn this spell then.” And suddenly he was being carried like a trussed up hog yet again into the training room at the end of the hall. He was really hoping this wouldn’t become a thing. The rest of the day was spent teaching his family Transcendental Meditation, but when they finally learned it it was called ‘Mana Void’. He couldn’t figure out what caused the change so he just shrugged it off.
Immediately after they all learned it they started setting up classes and such for their people. After a while when everyone was above tier 2 or so he would teach them king's regalia but they simply didn’t have the skill with mana manipulation to do it right now. When he was finally alone he let out a sigh and went to look for Nina. Everyone should be back by now so he didn’t figure it would take to long to find her. He had eventually looked everywhere he could think of but didn't find her. He wasn’t planning on breaking his promise so he resolved to make a pass through the dungeons tomorrow. There was now a class rotation going on so he went back to his room and decided to crash.
Yet as soon as he opened the door he was struck with the sight of Nina sitting on his bed reading a book and ignoring him. With a mischievous smile he shut the door and entered mock stealth mode as he creeped up the foot of the bed. He could clearly see her fighting a smile and a blush as he started lightly run his fingers over her skin and slowly work his way up. Closer and closer he came to the forbidden garden as her blush steadily deepened and her breathing became slightly more erratic. Finally reached her thigh and ever so gently moved it aside till it lay flat then started kissing his way up.
Finally his head went all the way in her skirt length nightgown and he saw what made it difficult to continue the game. She wasn’t wearing any panties. Seeing this he steeled his will and slowed down even further as he seemingly worshipped this beautiful flower in front of him. However his reflexive gulp was clearly audible in the otherwise quiet room and he could hear her satisfied giggle. Finally she simply wrapped her legs around his head and said “Now until I say so you are going pleasure me as punishment.” He only laughed evilly and said “Yes mistress.” Which made her blush even deeper although he couldn’t see it.
For hours he ate her out and brought her to the very leading edge of a climax but didn’t let her release. At long last after nearly three hours of this Nina broke first and almost screamed “For fucks sake fucking fuck me already you fucking ass hole.” He didn’t hesitate an instant and latched onto her lips as he speared her with all his might and cracked his headboard. They both came instantly but he didn’t stop pounded over and over till both of them were only half conscious through the pleasure and they both fell asleep with him inside her laying on their sides.
With a reluctant sigh he got up and quickly showered but let Nina rest for now. She would be fighting frequently for a long time after this so he let her rest while she had the chance. Very soon he would need to start buying an extreme amount of shards so he could start assembling Marut’s armor, he even had a few thoughts on if he could improve the armor with his profession. But if at all possible that was a very long time down the road. In about six months to a year the armors shards would start showing up in the store and he would need one of each piece to craft the armor.
The pieces would each start out at about 3 million apiece in the store then after a short time when no one was able to piece it together it would drop rapidly to about 3 thousand apiece. After that it wouldn’t change much until someone started buying them again in bulk in about ten years. That was when the set would finally be assembled in his previous life. Each set piece had eleven shards and there were nine pieces to the set. The only reason he knew the combination needed was that the guild who finally put it together had used the entire thing as a publicity move.
This was the only one set like it that anyone knew about and they had done a step by step movie down to the last detail to make themselves look better, even going so far as to explain the process they used to narrow down which options they had and finally which one’s had succeeded in making the armor. He had memorized it entirely at that time because all the top 10 players in the world were leagues above what he could ever hope to accomplish and they were a lot like Idols to him. It had essentially taken an entire guild fifteen years worth of savings to craft this armor set and now he was doing it way ahead of schedule.
As soon as he got the armor set and reached tier five was when he felt confident he could slow down and start working on mastering his spells and abilities. It would take a minimum of five years step on the road of mastery at that point. Using skill books was a way to shorten the time but it would also make his foundation shaky. He knew that when you reached tier six or seven then how you used your abilities and and how high you had mastered them would play a bigger part in your strength than anything else. With a high enough mastery you could manipulate the magic however you liked.
You could compress a firestorm into the size of a fireball and erase nearly anything it hit. He could possibly cast an ice mine on a warriors shield and direct the blast entirely outward so the warrior remained unharmed. He could freely control starfall and launch it from his hand or charge it so that instead of a massive shower of small meteors he could just summon a single meteor hundreds or thousands of times as large as the others. The possibilities were essentially endless because when you try to master one kind of magic you would naturally learn that types manipulation spell. The manipulation spells were on another level if you wanted to master but they were the building block for true mastery and couldn’t be skipped.
This was one reason he would have to take a long time to essentially step out of the spotlight and train. If he timed it right then right as the really high leveled people started to realize what they needed to do to get stronger he would be coming out of his seclusion. But before that he needed to get both himself and Nina to tier four at least and tier 5 at best if he was lucky. Before that though he went and bought an item from the shop. The item was shaped like a scepter but its function was simply to hold a single spell indefinitely. The spell could be used again and again as long as the item wasn’t destroyed and enough mana was channeled into it to activate the spell.
It cost just under 5 million gold but it would save him from having to stay at the mansion and repeatedly cast Cosmic Rebirth. He meandered through the streets just to see how everything was changing and eventually came back to the mansion. He channeled the spel into the scepter and handed it off to Nathan after explaining what it did. He just sighed and silently bid farewell to yet another piece of his dwindling common sense as he informed the necessary people. Just as he got back to the room he heard Nina getting dressed so he walked in and gave her a kiss “I heard you are partial to using greatswords right.” “Yes, I find them the best fit for me besides morning stars but they feel too light most of the time.”
He grinned and pulled out the Greatsword that looked like it was made of ice but was hard as diamonds. Almost faster than he could see she yanked it out of his hands and started playing with it. Seeing himself completely ignored for the time being he started packing his clothes into the inventory but when he looked up he froze in shock. The bedroom was spacious but what nina was doing bent just about every rule he new about weapon wielders. She was holding what looked like little more than an oversized cleaver that was clearly a two handed weapon and the greatsword while swinging them around with abandon.
There was no precedent in his previous life of someone that could duel wield two handed weapons. “Uuh, Nina would you mind telling me what your class is?” It seemed to snap her out of her revere as she said “Oh, I thought I told you. It’s a weird name called Juggernaut Reaver. Do you know what it means?” The only answer he could come up with was that it was her innate affinity with strength and an inborn ability that had allowed her to get an advanced hybrid class. The cases of this were rare to the point of ‘diamond in the ruff’ or local legends, but they did exist. He personally had never met one in his previous life but they were said to be simply ridiculous existences. And now he was sleeping with one. God help him.
- In Serial62 Chapters
Rebirth of Destiny I
In a world where magical runes called Rebirths rest in the hands of hostile nations, fourteen-year-old Aiden lived a quiet life in a small town conveniently named Khalm. Born with crescent-shaped irises and silver hair, young Aiden was never bothered by his unusual birthmarks until the night his life as a simple delivery boy changed. He was the 'Rebirth Destroyer', someone ruling powers deemed a threat. Chased by death and the foretelling of the world ending by his hands, Aiden soon finds that there are few people he can trust. My stories are fantasy-based and heavily influenced by classic Final Fantasy games ( by classic I mean 1-10 ) and other Japanese Role-Playing Games I used to enjoy, with one difference; the main characters are Black. July 2022 update! After months of deliberation, I've decided to continue with this cast of characters in the next books instead. The loose ends in this story have been keeping me up all night. I've gotten started on 2 sequels to this; Rebirth of Destiny II based on the good ending and the alternative ending. After I get a good backlog built up they'll be published once a week.
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Wish of the End
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Reyna died in a major earthquake and she reincarnates into the past-- and becomes Aurelia, the founder of a very powerful Empire who died so suddenly, the Empire broke into pieces which caused nearly millions of deaths. And a 10 year old cycle which brings disasters to the world. now that Reyna somewhat has memories of her modern life, will she be able to change the fate or, does she have to? Alternative: must i change the fate short story
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Amber's Writer Room
Interested in getting an insider look into my writing process, tips for writing and exclusive snippets/short stories? Welcome to my Writer's Room - come on in!
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