《Project Frost : Gate of All》23 - A Blizzard Brewing (VI)


Without wasting much time, both Arthur and Cath ran to the headmaster office. To their slight relief, they still see the lights on through the crack of the door. Arthur knocked at the door.

“... Hm? Yes, come in” hearing the principal’s voice, Arthur twisted the doorknob.

“Pardon for the intrusion, headmaster” Arthur said as he stepped inside with Cath hiding behind him.

“Oh, Mr Briville. How can I help you?” Krow asked. Arthur steeled himself.

“Headmaster, I have to report about one of the janitors. Miss Aediva, she’s being controlled by Madam Marie through magic” Arthur went straight to the point taking Krow by surprise. The headmaster only looked at Arthur, confused.

“Wait. Could you repeat that one more time?” Krow asked.

“Miss Aediva is being controlled by Madam Marie with magic. I saw the madam even fired a magic bullet from her wand to Aediva just earlier” Arthur said, firm as he tried his best to not just blow up in rage right in front of the headmaster. Krow remained silent, only rubbing his chin as if thinking.

Arthur frowned when Krow refused to say anything. It couldn’t be…

“Headmaster? Please say something! The girl’s well being is-”

“Do you have proof of what had transpired?” Krow interjected, taking Arthur aback.


“Madam Marie has been serving the academy for more than 50 years without problems. I apologize if I sound dismissive, Mr. Briville but I honestly cannot believe your accusation without proper evidence” Krow said. Arthur blinked at the headmaster, clenching his fist as his cheeks flared red.

“What do you mean proof?! We saw it with our own eyes! Why can’t you at least try to take my words seriously?!” Arthur shouted. Krow looked at the student, displeased.

“We? Mr. Briville? I hope the other witness you wanted to testify with is the monster that’s always with the girl?” he asked. Arthur remained silent, sensing Cath flinching at his back.


“Mr. Briville. If I believe every single word that comes out from all 4000 students’ mouths, that would make me a bad teacher for believing things blindly. In the first place, aren’t you supposed to be back at your dorm? It’s already quite late. Your curfew is in a few minutes. Please return to your dorm immediately” Krow instructed. Arthur gasped.

“Are you joking with me? Why are you so nonchalant about this? Is it because she’s perceived as a Noi?” Arthur accused. Krow froze the moment he heard what Arthur said. Even with the mask, his soured expression was blatant.

“Arthur” his tone turned serious.

“To accuse a staff of using magic for personal reasons and especially when it comes to harming others is a heavy accusation. To report without a definite excuse is another. You have my word. I’ll speak with Mrs. Andrews tomorrow” Krow said. Arthur gritted his teeth. Why are all adults like this?

“... Now please return--” before Krow could finish his sentence, the loud bang from the direction of his office’s doors stopped him. Arthur and Cath turned their heads and saw the one who had barged into the office room. To their surprise, it was Eden whose look soured and equally angry as Arthur. Cath dropped to the ground, unable to retain his grip on Arthur’s blazer - effectively revealing his presence to the headmaster who quickly looked more annoyed. But Krow’s attention fortunately directed to Eden.

“... What is the meaning of this?” he asked, irritated.

“Sorry, headmaster. If you want some proof, I got it right here. I’ve recorded the whole thing with my phone” Eden answered. Arthur and Cath looked at him surprised. Eden looked away, not daring to look both Arthur and Cath in the eyes as he walked nearer to the headmaster and tapped on his phone before showing the screen to the head of the academy.


Krow went completely speechless as he watched the raw footage of Marie physically abusing the familiar girl with platinum blonde hair - including the very accusation that Arthur mentioned about the older staff firing a magic bullet at Aediva, enough to knock her away.

“Will that be enough proof for our accusation?” Eden asked, his voice monotone. Krow’s shoulders slumped.

“Yes. I supposed this is…”

“Shared. Some of the seniors also recorded the same thing today. These are all from them and mine” Eden quickly interrupted Krow. The headmaster sighed.

“Very well. Be present early tomorrow morning at my office. I shall judge this incident myself” he said. Eden pocketed his phone and nodded.

“Now, if you please. Return to your dorm and get some rest” Krow instructed, gesturing at the doors. As soon as the students and the monster stepped out into the corridor, the doors slammed shut.

All the way down the stairs, no one spoke a thing. Not even Cath who was at the very back of the line.

“... I didn’t realize you’ve been gathering information” Arthur broke the silence. Eden scratched the back of his head.

“... When she greeted me this morning… She was not scowling but smiling. I thought it’s just weird so I…” Eden hung his words. Arthur looked with an impassive look.

“Just because of that?” the blond asked. The raven sucked through his teeth, sounding like he was hissing - throwing his sight away from the two walking behind him.

“I don’t understand it either… I just know that’s not the sleazy boar I know…” Eden spoke under his breath.

“Ah~~~! … Anyway, I don’t think I want to sleep in my own room tonight. I’m gonna crash Aval Dorm if you don’t mind” Eden said. Cath didn’t even react, probably too tired to do so.

By the time they reached Aval Dorm, all crashed in the lounge - tired from being angry and frustrated at everything including themselves. That night they slept on the sofas, hoping that Aediva returned.

But she never did.

The next day, Arthur, Eden and Cath woke up early as their bodies allowed them. Before a lot of students even rise from their sleep, both boys are already waiting at the lounge of Aval Dorm.

Arthur polished a random knife he found at the pantry as a replacement for his sword he left at his room, all in order to calm his nerves. Eden just tapped away at the screen of his phone in order to find something to distract himself. Both boys suddenly stop whatever they’re doing and they look at each other before, trailing their eyes at a certain feline creature who had been standing around the foyer. As far as any of the two know, he has been standing there in wait since they woke up. Wonder how long had Cath been waiting at the door?

Yet none of them could really dissuade the monster from doing that either. It’s not their position to say anything to him after what happened the other day at the class.

The grandfather clock in the lounge rang, gaining the attention of the two students. Arthur sheathed his sword - feeling regretful that he couldn’t just bring it everywhere in school. Eden stood up from the sofa and walked to the door.

“C’mon. It’s time” he said.

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