《Project Frost : Gate of All》24 - A Blizzard Brewing (VII)


Clean. Clean. Clean.

Worked like a machine, she cleaned. Marie only observed with a contented smile as Aediva scrubbed the floor on her knees, dirt-caked. It was early morning like this that she could just enjoy her time seeing the girl do her job properly. Surely, that little Noi is a gift from the headmaster for her after 50 long years of service to the academy.

“Why are you slowing down for?! Hurry up and scrub the floor clean! I don’t want to be here when the students start to flood these hallways” Marie said, waving her wand towards Aediva like would to a whip. Aediva’s body flinched the moment the invisible force struck. Marie scoffed, suddenly breathing in deeply as she touched her cheeks.

“Ah, I shouldn’t scowl this much. It’s not for my looks. Hmph, I truly do hate pretty girls like you. It’s annoying enough when they have magic. Fortunately for you, I even tolerate a Noi like you” Marie said, stepping on Aediva’s fingers. Her brown eyes looked at Aediva as she stopped moving yet her face hardly changed.

“Hmph, here I thought you might react a bit. I don’t mind seeing you cry. Maybe that would make me be a little nicer to you” Marie giggled. The moment she was about to raise her wand at the pitiful girl, she immediately was met with a painful force on her hand - forcing her to drop her wand.

“That’s enough, Mrs. Marie Andrews! I cannot believe my eyes!”

Hearing the male voice that she knew so well, Marie’s face went pale. The moment she turned around to face the one who was shouting at her, her face dropped and she completely panicked.

“HEADMASTER FARADAY!? I- I- I CAN EXPLAIN!” she screamed in her panicked outburst. She grasped her right in hand, in pain as she stepped back only to realize the girl on the floor - unresponsive to anything at all.


“How could you conduct such a treatment on that girl!” Krow shouted. Marie shook her head.

“I- I’m disciplining her, headmaster… Yes! I’m just showing her the proper way to do her duties!” Marie tried to refute when Arthur stepped in.

“Lies!” he exclaimed, shocking the old staff.

“Why don’t you drop that act entirely! The headmaster and the teachers saw what you just did!” Eden said.

“Teachers?! No!”

“I thought you’re an honorable person, Mrs. Andrews. To use your magic to control such a young girl and consecutively abusing her…” Krow said, his tone disgusted. Forced to basically shut her mouth and stop making any more excuses, Marie looked at Aediva, pulling her arm and forcing her to stand up.

“I am not wrong!” Marie shouted.


“Let go of her, you old hag!” Cath yelled, breathing fire at Marie - forcing her to retreat to the open space, realizing that there are students already marching their way to their classes. Even though it’s still 6:30 in the morning!

“Aediva!” Cath called the girl yet she remained unresponsive.

“Oi, headmaster! She’s still not responding! Do something!!!” the monster said as he climbed on Aediva’s shoulders and tried to wake her up from her stupor yet remains unsuccessful. Marie gritted her teeth and tried to run away only to be stopped by both Arthur and Eden.

“No, you don't,” Arthur growled.

“You insolent students! Have you no respect for your elders?!” Marie said, her composure failing more and more.

“Unbind her from your magic, hag” Eden said.

“Hah!?? From that Noi?! Are you telling me you would care for someone magic-less pleb like her?!” Marie shrieked.

“Mrs. Andrews! Do not make this any worse than it is!” Krow barked from the side.


“Worse?! This is just the right treatment for a Noi! Why are you so worked up about that little brat?!” Marie retorted, stomping her foot like an exasperated child.

“SHE DARED TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO! ALL SHE HAD TO DO IS DO HER WORK! WITHOUT ASKING ANYTHING!” she shouted again, completely hysteric. The headmaster and the three teachers with him looked at Marie, all equally surprised.

“You bit--- Darn it! Just let her go and quietly get fired!” Eden growled, only to almost get slapped by Marie.

“I’m doing a good job at showing that girl where she belongs! She needs to learn her place! I’m sure all the students were also happy that they have someone they can make an outlet for stress relieving!” the old lady said with a wide smile.

“... What did you say?” Krow responded in disbelief.

“I’m not doing anything wrong. She’s fortunate to even get a job in the first place! Noi, like her, is lower than a slave! Let alone normal citizens! I won’t let her go freely!” Marie shouted, almost too proudly. Arthur and Eden scowled, too ready to just punt the woman in the face after hearing what she said.

Little did they all know, that very sentence was enough to trigger an unexpected event.


Hearing the loud cracking noise like a huge ice splitting, everyone turned to look at the direction of the noise. It was already too late by then. The moment anyone noticed what had happened, they were blinded by the intense white light.

It happened way too fast and way too sudden. White enveloped the whole courtyard right in front of the building where the classrooms are - engulfing everything and everyone nearby.

The second the white light disappeared as if receded back like the waves, a loud explosion shook the whole academy grounds. The sound of students screaming filled the air as teachers in their office scurries along in panic to the open space - only to find a dome of swirling blizzard and a temperature so cold, they immediately reeled away from the corridor.

“What is going on?!”

“Someone! Please help these unconscious students!”

“What the hell is that blizzard!!?”

As unrest and panic set in the air, the students witnessing what had unfolded looked at the growing sphere with growing fear.

The inhuman roar only served to add more to the fear.

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