《Project Frost : Gate of All》22 - A Blizzard Brewing (V)


Arthur was stunned. He was speechless when the girl gave back the money. Aediva? The young janitor that always tried to extort all his pocket money to pay off her debts? And even letting Cath eating all his and Eden’s food stockpile in order to save money? Even though they technically just know each other not even a month-long, his instinct and gut feeling were screaming at him that Aediva is definitely not someone like that. He couldn’t truly explain why but he simply knew Aediva would never do things without rewards. If money is considered a reward in her eyes, that sleazy opportunist would never give it away even if she did nothing to deserve it in the first place.

The event that unfolded immediately sets off all the warning in his system. He pulled Aediva’s hand again and placed the money on her palm in the state of disbelief.

“Aediva. Here’s some money. You can have it.” Arthur said, firmly. Aediva tilted her head and give it back to him.

“Geez. What a pushover. I said I don’t need it. Cath, c’mon. Let’s get back to the office. Marie said there’s leftovers from the cafeteria for us. I’m so hungry, I think I’ll eat all of the food” Aediva said, turning to her back and again, she set off another alarm.

“Aediva… You never eat leftovers from the cafeteria… You always give it to Cath…” Arthur said. Aediva only turned her head slightly to Arthur’s direction.

“A change of mood” she said as she waved her hand and walked away. Arthur clenched his fists and looked at Cath who only stared warily until Aediva left. Finally feeling like he was slapped on the cheeks, he bowed his head shamefully before Cath.

“What kind of friend am I…” he muttered to himself.

“I… I’m sorry, Cath” Arthur apologized, bowing at the monster who looked shocked at Arthur’s action.


Arthur raised his head and saw Cath treading towards him with distrust clear on his face.


“I won’t forgive you” Cath said. Arthur turned speechless. His eyebrow furrowed.

“But I’ll let you help Aediva. That hag Marie done something to her that day when Aediva asked to not be assigned the class areas. If you managed to save Aediva, then I’ll think about your apology” Cath said. Arthur only looked at those round silver eyes and nodded.

“Shake on it, human” Cath said, reaching out his paw to Arthur who immediately took it and kneel.

“I promise…” Arthur promised. Cath climbed to Arthur’s shoulders as soon as the human boy let go of his paw.

“Let’s follow her” Cath suggested, to which Arthur agreed and quickly headed in the direction where Aediva went.

The moment they found Aediva, Arthur could only notice how much things he had missed. Aediva who always smiles like a Cheshire cat, a playful soul was gone. It was as if the Aediva that he just interacted with earlier was just an illusion. Now that Arthur’s classes are over, he could just follow Aediva around.

The first thing he witnessed was the constant harassment she was dealing with. All these time, he never thought she was having any problems in the school grounds. After all, when she had lunch underneath the tree which she made her lunch spot, she was always merry and uncaring. The whole two weeks, she had never complained about anything to any of them.

Now, he could only observe students dump cups filled with ice-cold water on her despite her being right beside the trash can. Even more common is students throwing harmless but still painful magic spells directed to her hands and legs. He would imagine she explodes with rage at that point but she kept working without break to clean the water on her clothes. Nor did she stop to mend her hands and legs.

Arthur trembled, feeling anger pooling at the pit of his stomach. She worked like a piece of machine, didn’t even stop for a breather. Cath stayed silent the whole time, eyes looking straight at Aediva who looked blank the whole time working. Even until the students left and the sun set in the horizon, she didn’t stop until… she finally did.


“Let’s go towards her! Try to wake her up!” Cath snapped Arthur out from his stupor and the blond went to work fast. Aediva who stood at the side of the road didn’t react when hearing Arthur’s footstep - a contrast to when it was that early morning when she reacted to Arthur’s presence.

“Aediva!” Arthur called, shaking the girl who did not budge from her place at all. Neither was she reacting to her name being called. Someone who is always attentive even when she’s tired…

Arthur gritted his teeth, frustrated.

“Aediva! What’s going on with you?!” Arthur asked yet his question remained unanswered. He flinched when he heard someone walking towards them. He let go of Aediva and faced the familiar-looking woman in a neat dress and a shawl.

Marie, who realized Arthur’s presence smiled at him.

“Oh my, I thought all the students had left. And you are?” Marie asked. Cath tugged at Arthur’s collar as the monster hung at the back of his blazer - avoiding from being seen by Marie. He glared at Marie as she looked at him with the most harmless innocent-looking eyes ever. Arthur’s heart rattled, anger boils from within the deepest pit of his stomach. He would’ve jumped at the supposedly old woman if not for Cath’s claws digging into his back.

“I-it’s nothing, ma’am. I have to leave now. Good bye” Arthur said, backing away before running while clutching Cath in front of his chest. Marie let out a huff.

“Ah… Students. Always acting so weird. Well, I suppose that’s just how Ba’athoris Night Academy students are” Marie sighed before looking at the girl she’s so disgusted with. Her smile disappeared as she pointed her wand at Aediva before firing a magic bullet made of water towards the girl - causing her to fall to the floor like a ragdoll, unable to react to the painful sensation she felt at her back.

“Hmph. What an eyesore. If you please, return to the office and sleep at the storage room. Don’t forget to clean yourself before work tomorrow. Stupid Noi” Marie said, walking away as Aediva slowly stand up with trembling body and made her way to where she was instructed.

Arthur slammed his fist at the nearby tree - feeling more mad at himself when he was incapable of doing nothing at all while watching a blatant abuse right in front of his eyes.

“I have to tell the headmaster!” Arthur said. Cath didn’t respond, feeling discouraged by the mere suggestion.

“You think he would help a Noi?” he suddenly asked. Arthur froze. He looked at Cath with guilt-ridden eyes, unable to answer the question.

“It’s… He must be…” Arthur hesitated.

“... So all this time… You think of her as some useless human? Don’t lie to me. You did think that, did you?” Cath said with a sullen look on his face.

“I did not!” Arthur exclaimed.

“Then why did you answer “Yes” to that mean teacher? Aediva, she… She must be in pain now” Cath said, teary-eyed as his ear folds.

“I can’t help her at all. That hag Marie just blocked by flames like it’s nothing” Cath said. Arthur bowed his head in shame.

“I… I…”

Arthur can’t even say anything to calm Cath. He cursed himself for his incompetence. He has to think of something to help Aediva.

“Curses. It’s time like this, I wish that I could just draw my sword and fight. But we should tell the headmaster! Only then will we know if he’s truly…” Arthur didn’t dare to finish his own words. But they had to try.

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