《Hetalia: The Lost World》Chapter 4
"I'm glad zhat zhe awesome me found zhese chips, because some of zhem haven't been eaten yet" said Prussia before grabbing a bag of nacho cheese flavored Doritos. "So did Prussia like saved North Korea?" asked America. "Apparently he did" said England. England and America then start walking up to Prussia and stopped behind his back. "Zhe awesome vill be taking all zhese awesome chips und soda vith me. I'll be able to pull off parties vithout getting caught by either Vest or zhat unawesome England" said Prussia while putting the last bag of chips and can of soda into his bag. When he turned around he got a surprise scare from both America and England. "Zhat's so unawesome of jou two! How dare jou just scare zhe awesome me by sneaking up behind me!" yelled Prussia. "Oh really? Tell me Gilbert, are you responsible of saving the life of a suppose to be forgotten country?" asked England. "Nobody calls me Gilbert, unless I have an awesome girlfriend und I don't vant to be talking about mein private life" said Prussia. "Dude, we're just asking if you know North Korea" said America. 'N-North K-Korea!' thought Prussia with a shocked look on his face. "I'm guessing that you probably know him" said America with a smile. "Like I just said, I don't know vhat jou two are talking about. In fact, it doesn't matter how much jou try jou're not getting any answers from me" said Prussia before running off. "Why doesn't Prussia want to admit he knows North Korea?" asked America. "Because he doesn't want us to know what he's hiding. When he says no matter matter how much we try, we can't get an answer from him" said England. "Uhh... dude, how far are you going into this?" asked America. "How far? Well, we need to talk to Germany about this" said England. "Ve~! Germany! Can we-a go now?" asked Italy. "Ja, ve can. Take the glassed rose vith jou, I'll get Japan" said Germany, before heading off to get Japan. Italy was then putting the glassed rose into his bag and before he was about to walk over to Germany and Japan, he was stopped by both America and England. "Eek!!! What-a do you-a want!? I-I-a surrender!!!" yelled Italy as a he pulled out a white flag from who knows where and starts waving it. "Whoah, dude! Relax the hero isn't going to hurt you" said America as Italy calmed down and lowered his flag. "Ve~! You aren't? Yayyyy!!!" yelled Italy in excitement. "Do you know where Germany went?" asked England. "Si, I-a do! He-a went to find-a Japan" said Italy. "So where's Romano?" asked America. "Ve~! Romano!" yelled Italy. "What do-a you want!?" yelled Romano before looking at both England and America before saying "Oh it's-a just you two. Can I-a help you?" "Well we were wondering where you were. But since that's out of the case, we just need to talk to Germany about North Korea" said America. "You two want-a talk to that-a potato eating bastard? Well then, let's-a go" said Romano before turning around and mumbling something in Italian. "Ve~! Romano is-a always so grumpy. But that's-a okay. Let's-a go find-a Germany and-a Japan!" said Italy leading the way for both America and England. "Japan ve can go home now" said Germany while Japan stopped talking to China and nodded. "Okay Germany-san, I'm ready" said Japan before standing up. "Ve~! Germany! Japan!" yelled Italy. "Vhat does he vant now?" mumbled Germany. Japan and Germany watched Italy running to them, only to see both England and America following behind him. "Hey there dudes!" said America. "Hey England, vhat do jou vant?" asked Germany. "Well we kinda ran into your brother and asked him if he knows North Korea. He then looked at us shocked when he heard us say his name and quickly said he doesn't know. He then ran off before I could say anything else" said England. "He seems that he knows something" said Japan. "So mein own bruder knows about North Korea und doesn't vhat to share zhe information?" asked Germany. "Yes, yes he does" said England. "Vell I guess, I'm gonna have to get zhe information out of him" said Germany. "Ve~! What-a are we-a waiting for? Let's-a go!" yelled Italy. "So are we going?" asked America. "Hai, we are. Just forrow us" said Japan as both England and America started following the Axis out the door, with both Oliver and Roland following them behind. ~At Germany's House~ "Ahh.... vith zhe soda und zhe chips in mein secret awesome room, zhat Vest doesn't know about, I'm glad I got out of zhe meeting before England could do anyzhing else" said Prussia while laying down on his 'awesome' bed. "GILBERT!!! GET JOUR ASS DOWNSTAIRS NOW!!!" yelled Germany's voice from downstairs. "Ahh... geez! Vhat did I do now? Oh nein, zhe unawesome England didn't just tell Vest about me running off" whispered Prussia. "Gilbert! You just heard your brother, so get down here!" yelled England. "Yeah dude!!! I just want to know where you put the chips and soda cans at!" yelled America. "Ahh... do I have to go downstairs to face all of zhese?" asked Prussia. "Vell of course I do and I get to use mein awesomeness to get out of it" said Prussia with a smile before leaving his room and start heading down the stairs. When he reached the bottom, he noticed England, America, Japan, and most importantly Germany with his arms crossed. "Iz zhere somezhing jou unawesome people vant to say to zhe awesome me?" asked Prussia with a nervous smile. "Ja bruder, care to tell me about vhat jou know about North Korea?" asked Germany. "I don't know vhat jou're talking about" said Prussia. "Bruder, don't lie to me. Jou know somezhing zhat I don't, like jou didn't bother to tell me zhings during mein lifetime" said Germany. "Okay, okay! I'll talk now! I'll tell jou guys!" yelled Prussia in defeat. "Everyzhing?" asked Germany while raising a brow. "Vhen I told jou zhat I'll tell jou it doesn't mean zhat I'll-" Prussia was then interrupted when Germany started to crack his knuckles. "Fine! I'll tell jou everyzhing!" yelled Prussia. "Gut, jou may talk now" said Germany with a scary look on his face. "F-Fine here it goes" said Prussia with a sigh. *Flashback* It was a nice beautiful day, everyone and everything were outside, expect for Prussia who was enjoying the ac. "Zhe awesome me is enjoying zhe awesome ac. It truly beats being outside in zhe unawesome heat" said Prussia. Prussia then got up from the couch and went into the kitchen to grab a bag of chips and a can of soda. He then came back into the living room and sat down to watch monster trucks. "Awesome! I'm glad I turned zhe channel to zhis before I have to listen to Oprah" said Prussia before opening the bag of chips and began eating. While watching monster trucks, he heard a loud bang. Prussia then quickly got up and looked around to find the source of the sound, until he heard it again. Prussia then realized it was coming from upstairs and quickly ran up the stairs to find it. Prussia then stopped at the door that goes into his room, he then leaned on the door to only hear a cough. Prussia then quickly opened the door, which to his surprise to find a pale skinned and black haired man who was trying to get off the floor. "Hey, vhat are jou doing in mein awesome room and how did jou get into mein house!?" yelled Prussia before walking over the man only see that he was not well. "Mein gott, jou're not doing so vell. Here let me help jou get up" said Prussia before helping the man off the floor and carried him down the stairs and placing him on the couch. Prussia then grabbed an ice pack, cold water, and some soup for the man. He then grabbed a towel with warm water and placed it on the man's forehead. A few hours had passed and the man slowly waked up, which to Prussia's surprise. "Hey zhere, jou're not suppose to move. Jou gave zhe awesome me a scare vhen I saw jou" said Prussia. "Hilf Mir (help me)" said the man. "Vhat? Did jou just say zhat jou need help?" asked Prussia. "Ja (yes)" said the man. "Okay, zhen. I'm helping you. But first can jou tell me jour name?" asked Prussia. "Ich heiße (my name is) North Korea, aber Sie können mich anrufen (but you may call me) Iyong ju" said North Korea. "North Korea, jou say? Zhat's an awesome name for a country. Do jou know vhat happened to jou?" asked Prussia with a concerning look on his face. "Ich denke nicht so (I don't think so)" said North Korea. "Jou know jou can speak English to me instead of German. If jou're wondering who I am, mein name is Gilbert, but jou may call me zhe awesome Prussia!" said Prussia while standing up in the spotlight. "Preußen, danke (Prussia, thank you)" said North Korea. "Vhat did I say about zhe speaking in English zhing? By zhe vay, jou're velcome" said Prussia. *Flashback Ends* "Und zhat's zhe end of mein awesome story" said Prussia while finishing his awesome story. "So zhat's it? Jou didn't bother to tell me zhat jou saved North Korea's life for years?" asked Germany. "Uhh... technically ja" said Prussia with another nervous smile. "Gilbert, do you realize what you just done? You just saved the life of a country that I cursed and was supposed to dissolve" said England while clenching his teeth in anger. "Vait a minute... did jou just say jou cursed North Korea?" asked Germany. "Uhh... yes I did" said England. "But for what reason?" asked Japan. "Because Japan, he uhh... poisoned and killed his own brother" said England. "What!?" asked Japan who was taken back to what England said in surprise. "So England, jou almost killed zhe guy vho I managed to save?" asked Prussia. "Yes, I did. I just had to, because when I last saw him, he wasn't acting like himself and to my surprise South Korea slapped him full on the face" said England. "Bruder, zhere vas a reason for jou not to save North Korea, now jou know vhy" said Germany. "B-But guys, I didn't know vhat I vas expecting and I just couldn't leave North Korea to die" said Prussia with a tear in his eye. "What-a are you-a doing!? I was-a going-a to make-a pasta" said Italy while entering the kitchen to only find Oliver. "Well I'm sorry lad, I just want to make cupcakes. Here why not we share the counter space" said Oliver. "You-a mean it?" asked Italy. "Of course I mean it, lad" said Oliver. "What are we going to do know?" asked America. "Ve're going to the country of North Korea, but first ve're stopping at China's house und zhen ve are going to South Korea's memorial sight" said Germany. "Okay, I'll start packing" said Prussia before running up the stairs to his room. When Prussia opened the door, he found Roland going through his CD rack. "Hey!? Vhat are jou doing in mein awesome room und how do jou go through mein awesome CD rack!" yelled Prussia. "Oh, I'm sorry. Let me introduce meinself, I am 2P Austria but jou may call me Roland Edelstein" said Roland. "Oh I zhought jou vere Austria at first. So jou're 2P Austria and jou like rock 'n' roll music, right?" asked Prussia. "How did jou know?" asked Roland. "Cuz' mein CD rack is filled vith a mixture of rap, hip hop, pop, und rock 'n' roll music" said Prussia. "Oh I didn't know zhat, because I vas complaining about zhose different genres" said Roland. "Anyvay, I need jou to get out of mein room because I'll be packing" said Prussia. "Oooh, vhere are jou going?" asked Roland. "Vell I'm going to go vith mein friends to China und zhen to North Korea after visiting South Korea" said Prussia. "Sounds like fun" said Roland before walking out of Prussia's room to find Oliver. "Italy! Pack jour bags, ve're going to China" said Germany as he stepped in to the kitchen to only find both Italy and Oliver, making pasta and cupcakes. "Okay Germany! I'll-a start-a packing after-a I-a finish the pasta" said Italy as his pasta was finished. "Excuse me lad, is there a slight chance that Roland and I can go with you guys?" asked Oliver. "Hmm... even zhough it's risky, but I'll allow it. Jou 2Ps can come along vith us" said Germany before leaving the kitchen. "Alright then. Roland!" yelled Oliver and just in time Roland came into the kitchen. "Ja, Oliver. Vhat iz it?" asked Roland. "Did you just hear what Germany said? We're going to China with the 1Ps" said Oliver smiling. "Ve are? Vait a minute, are ve going to tell zhe other 2Ps about zhis?" asked Roland. "No, no Roland, we aren't. Do you remember what happened the last time?" asked Oliver. "Oh, zhat? Who cares about vhat zhose losers said. It's kind of important to give zhem information about North Korea" said Roland. "Instead of capturing him, why not we befriend the lad?" asked Oliver with a smile. "Fine. At least it's better zhan mein idea" said Roland before letting out a sigh. ~Meanwhile At China~ After Germany, Italy, Japan, Romano, Prussia, America, (also including both Oliver and Roland), and England got off the plane, they all soon meet with China. "I'm glad you all came together to my country, aru" said China before smiling. "It's always a pleasure, Yao" said England. "Here, allow me to lead you to my home, aru" said China as he took the lead and soon they came to his house under two hours. "Here we are. Before you guys come running in, I expect you to remove your shoes at my doormat, aru" said China as he opened the door to his house and everyone walked right in and took off their shoes. "There are four guest rooms on the first floor, down the hall to the right. Also there are six guest rooms upstairs down the hall, to your left, aru" said China as everyone went to the different guest rooms. "Ve~! China, is-a it-a okay if-a use your-a kitchen to-a make pasta?" asked Italy. "Yes, you may" said China as Italy went to the kitchen to make pasta. "I'm-a going to-a help my brother, if-a he makes-a mess" said Romano as he also went to the kitchen to keep an eye on his brother. England soon reached his guest room and bed only to have a surprise from France. "Ohonhonhon~! Vat brings you here, black sheep of Europe?" asked France as he was in a sexy pose on his guest bed. "QUIT CALLING ME THAT YOU BLOODY FROG!!! Besides why are you here?" asked England. "Oh zat? Vell it's my guest bedroom" said France with a sly smile on his face. "Okay, then. But do you promise me, that you won't come to my side of the room?" asked England. "Vhy of course I do. But vat vill happen if I break ze promise?" asked France. "I'll come to your house and give you nightmares as long as you live" said England with a grim expression on his face. "O-Okay you vin, you vin! I-I promise, just don't give me nightmares!" yelled France as England was enjoying the moment. "Anyway, Yao says he wants us to all meet up with him in his living room about going into South Korea" said England. "So vhen exactly, do ve have to meet?'' asked France. "He says about now, so let's get going" said England as he turned to leave the room, along with France following him from behind. Soon everyone was sitting to hear what China wants to say. "We need to South Korea, right now. But you guys have to follow me, cause I'm the only one who can get you into the country, aru" said China. ~Meanwhile At South Korea~ Soon after the leaving the Chinese boarder and into the South Korean boarder, China helped everyone get into South Korea. "Okay, this is it. From here on out we all stick together and don't touch anything, aru" said China. "What do you mean we can't touch anything?" asked Oliver while rising his hand up. "When I first came here, South Korea says that it's very rude to touch things, unless you get permission. He was always strict about this, but since he's gone, it's kind of unknown what will happen if you touch anything, aru" said China. "Oh okay then lad" said Oliver as he put down his hand. Soon everyone with China's help soon reached to the site of South Korea's gravestone. "Wow, I love ze decorations here. It's such a master piece" said France. "Yes, it is. Before South Korea died, he wanted his gravesite to be decorated with South Korean flowers and fine arts, aru" said China. After walking through the site, they all find the tombstone of South Korea to their surprise they saw a man in front of the tomb. "Uhh... Yao, who is that?" asked America. 'I-It's North Korea!' thought England in shock. "I-It can't be. I-I thought he was dead, aru" said China who was still trying to not believe what he's seeing before him. North Korea was kneeling in front of the tomb of where his deceased brother lies, as his resting place. In fact while in front of the tomb, North Korea appears to be crying about his brother's lost. "Why is he crying, when he should be happy about his brother's own death?" asked England. With a moment of pause, everyone soon heard North Korea spoke and were left in shock (but mostly for Japan and China's sake). "Watashi wa totemo zan'nen otōtoyo, watashi o yurushitekudasai (I'm so sorry brother, please forgive me)" said North Korea, before breaking into tears and started to moan. 'Vhy iz he crying? In fact, vhat did he say?' thought Germany, who was surprised to hear North Korea cry out loudly. "Japan? What did he say, aru?" asked China. "Something unberievabre, that even I don't want to tark about" said Japan. "Ingurando wa, anata wa tadashikattadesu. Wastashi wa hontōni kaibutsu ni natte kimashita (England, you were right. I have truly became a monster)" cried North Korea. 'Well at least I know what Ingurando means' thought England as he suddenly then realized that he felt bad for North Korea. "Otōto wa sore wa watashi ga anata o koroshita koto wa nakattadesu. Kore wa, Roshia no koshō no subetedeshita. Kare wa watashi no kyōki no tame ni hinan sa rerubeki tsudeshita (Brother it was not my fault that I killed you. It was all of Russia's fault. He was the one to be blamed for my madness)" said North Korea before coughing and continued to cry. "Mein gott, North Korea sounds so very sad. It even breaks mein awesome heart in two" said Prussia with a tear in his eye. "Come on, we need to go before North Korea sees us, aru" said China as everyone soon followed him back to his house. ~Back At China's House~ "Ve~! North Korea, sounded so sad" said Italy, as Romano took a sit next to his brother. "Japan, care to translate of what North Korea said" said America. "Werr, it my surprise I didn't expect for him to speak in my ranguage, since it's been a rong time since I taught him Japanese" said Japan. "I remember you teaching me, South Korea, and North Korea, Japanese. Only me and South Korea weren't that interested in learning it, only North Korea was, aru" said China. "Yeah, he rearned so fast and he quickly went up to rever 11 in Japanese, which was pretty impressive" said Japan. "Jou did tried to make Italy und I learn Japanese, but Italy didn't make it through day one. In fact I rage quitted during level 7 Japanese" said Germany. "Anyway, North Korea said that he was sorry for kirring South Korea and he says it was arr because of Russia" said Japan. "So do you mean, that Ivan was responsible for Jason's madness and for causing the Korean War?" asked America. "It's true Alfred. It was all because Ivan separated both North Korea and South Korea from each other in the first place, aru" said China. "So what-a are we-a going to-a do to the bastard?" asked Romano. "Vell ve just need to get to him, but vithout scaring or provoking him into attacking us" said Germany. "Vait a minute! Vest jou just gave zhe awesome Prussia an idea!" yelled Prussia while standing up. "Really? Vhat idea could jou possibly zhink of?" asked Germany. "All I just have to do, iz just sneak into his country vnnoticed und find him. Vhen I find him, I'll give zhe signal for jou guys to knock him out. Zhen ve leave und come back here for answers" said Prussia with a smile. "Are jou out of jour mind?" asked Germany who was against Prussia's idea. "Wait Germany-san it courd work. Just think about it" said Japan. "So iz all of jou unawesome people on board vith mein awesome idea to get into North Korea or vhat?" asked Prussia. "I guess, I'm apart of zhis. But it's jour idea bruder, so make it vork" said Germany. Oliver soon left the room and looked for Roland, until he found him in China's bedroom. "Oh hey, jou cupcake loving freak. I vas looking for some killer tunes, but only to find peaceful and calming Chinese music" said Roland as he kept looking through China's CD rack. "Say Roland, those 1Ps are coming up with a plan to get Iyong ju" said Oliver. "Jou mean, North Korea?" asked Roland as he kept searching through the rack. "Yes, lad I do. It turns out that Gilbert has a plan to get inside North Korea and find Iyong ju, then capture him for answers" said Oliver with a cheerful look on his face. "Does it look like I care?" asked Roland in a monotone voice. "Well we are one step closer to getting our hands on him" said Oliver before leaving China's bedroom.
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