《Hetalia: The Lost World》Chapter 5
The next day Prussia was shopping with Germany in Beijing. However Germany told Prussia that he'll be going back to China's house to lay out Prussia's plan to get into North Korea. "Zhere gotta be more awesome stores here. I just vant to get somezthing" said Prussia while looking at a map. "Kesese~! Jou look like jou need some help" said a voice that's similar to Prussia. Prussia looked up to see a look a like of him leaning next to a lamppost. "Jou're me" said Prussia before touching his look alike. "Ah jou are real! Zhis iz awesome!" said Prussia. "Ja jou bet it iz. I'm jou" said the second Prussia. "I'm calling jou Gilbert just to avoid confusion" said Prussia before smiling. "Zhat's an awesome idea" said Gilbert. Soon the awesome duo hang out together all day long, until they came back to China's house. "I sure had an awesome time vith mein awesome self" said Gilbert. "Me too" said Prussia. "Oh, I need to use zhe bathroom. Zhere iz one unawesome zhing zhat I ate" said Gilbert before leaving the room. An hour had passed and Prussia grew concerned of where his second self was at. Prussia was about to check on him, until he ran into Japan. "Sorry to disturb you, but Engrand created that second you to teach you a resson" said Japan. "Oh, okay zhen. ZHAT'S SO UNAWESOME OF HIM!!!" yelled Prussia before heading back to his room. Prussia then came out of his room and found Germany who was finishing his plans. "Bruder! Zhat unawesome England created a clone zhat looks like me, to only to teach me an unawesome lesson!" yelled Prussia. "Vhat? Vhy vould he do zhat?" asked Germany. "Oh, I don't know. I'm guessing just to anger zhe awesome me" said Prussia. "I'm pretty sure it vas for jou saving North Korea from England's curse" said Germany. "But like I said, I almost had a panic attack vhen I first laid mein eyes on him. He vas going to die Vest und I don't like people dying, even if zhey try to die in mein awesome room" said Prussia. "Okay fine. I vasn't even on England's side to begin vith. I vas on jour side, because I vould of did zhe exact same zhing as jou" said Germany. "Jou vould? I guess ve're bruders again" said Prussia. "Vhat are jou talking about? Ve alvays have been bruders" said Germany. "But during zhe time vhen England vas blaming me about saving North Korea, ve veren't" said Prussia. "I guess zhat makes sense" said Germany. "Since ve made up, let's hug" said Prussia before coming at Germany with open arms. "Vait! Zhat's not vhat I meant! I meant zhat-" Germany was cut off short when Prussia hugged him, causing him to blush really hard. "Zhanks for zhe hug bruder" said Prussia before letting go of Germany and ran out of the room. "Anyvay vith zhat out zhe vay, I'm going to give zhe plans to China und I'm going to punch England in zhe face" said Germany before getting up and leaving China's map room with the plans. After giving the plans to China, Germany went to England's room and to his surprise he saw France. "Oh mon dieu (my god)! Vhy iz zhere a big scary German in here!? Get out of here!" yelled France before throwing a bunch of random things at Germany, who got out of way as the stuff flew right passed him. "Listen France, do jou know vhere England iz?" asked Germany. "How am I supposed to know vhere zat black sheep of Europe iz at?" asked France. "Vhile zhen, I zhought jou could help. I guess not" said Germany before leaving the room. "AHHHHHHH!!! No Japan! Please don't-a hurt me!" yelled Italy as he ran by Germany and then was grabbed by him. "Italy, vhat's going on?" asked Germany as he was trying to get a strong grip on Italy. "Germany! It's-a terrible! Japan is-a chasing me with-a his katana!" screamed Italy. "Vhat? Italy, vhat did jou do to get chased by him?" asked Germany. "I-I was-a making pasta, until I-a accidentally crashed into-a Japan. I-I said I was-a sorry, until I-a noticed that Japan was-a giving me a really scary expression! I then-a ran for-a my life!" cried Italy. Soon both Italy and Germany, noticed Japan running towards them with his katana and was covered with sauce and noodles. Before Japan was about to slash Italy with his katana, his blade was stopped short by Germany. "Zhat's enough! Japan calm down!" yelled Germany and with that Japan suddenly did what he was told and stopped trying to kill Italy. Germany then let go of Japan's blade and was trying to calm Italy, who then stopped crying. When Italy stopped crying, Germany looked up at Japan who was giving a sorry expression on his face. "I'm sorry, I yelled at jou Japan" said Germany. "And I'm arso sorry for armost srashing both you and Itary" said Japan. "I-I'm-a sorry that-a I crashed into you" said Italy. "I'm sorry for chasing you with my katana" said Japan. "Italy und Japan go clean up zhe mess in China's kitchen. After jou two are done, Japan I need jou to take a shower" said Germany. With that Italy and Japan went back to the kitchen to clean. "Vhen I find England, I'll be teaching him a lesson about using his magic to make clones of people" said Germany before leaving the kitchen and started to head back to his room. Italy was still in the kitchen finishing his mess from his accident with Japan. "Ve~! I'm-a done cleaning! I-a want to-a make pasta again" said Italy as he then placed noodles into the pot again. When he was about to grab tomatoes to make sauce, he touched hands with his brother. "R-Romano what-a you doing here?" asked Italy. "Well my little fratello, I-a was going-a help you with-a the pasta" said Romano trying to make a smile. "Grazie~! Say Romano can you-a help slice the tomatoes, before I-a put them into the-a sauce maker?" asked Italy. "Anything for my fratello" said Romano with a completed smile on his face along with a blush. After slicing the tomatoes, Italy then made sauce for his pasta thanks to Romano. "Say Romano, you are-a being so-a nice to me. Why is that?" asked Italy. "Because you're my-a only idota fratello and-a I care about you" said Romano. "Oh Lovi, you-a always get-a my brotherly love from-a me" said Italy. "Really?" asked Romano. "Si! Of course you do!" said Italy. "Fratello, come here. I want-a hug" said Romano opening out his arms as Italy ran to him and hugged him. "Romano this-a is the-a best hug ever! Is there-a anymore things you could-a tell me?" asked Italy. "Well of course I-a can. I'm-a going to show you something" said Romano. "Show me what?" asked Italy still hugging Romano. "Promise-a me you will cover your-a eyes and-a not freak out when I-a show you" said Romano as Italy nodded and then let go of Romano to cover his eyes. What Italy didn't know that the moment when he covered his eyes a bright and shining light appeared and then vanished. "Romano, can I uncover my eyes now?" asked Italy. "Si, you can" said Romano. With that Italy then uncovered his eyes to see North Korea standing in the place of Romano. "Aye! What did you do to my big fratello!?" yelled Italy. "Niente! Lo ero tuo fratello (Nothing! I was your brother)" said North Korea trying to calm down Italy. "Wait you were-a my fratello? How exactly?" asked Italy. "Beh, conosco un incantesimo che mi permette di trasformarsi in qualunque persona io desideri (Well, I know a spell that allows me to turn into any person I want)" said North Korea. "That-a sounds cool" said Italy while a smile. "Ma è una maledizione per me (But it's a curse for me)" said North Korea with a sad look on his face. "There-a goes your-a sad face again. Were you-a sad because of your-a fratello's death?" asked Italy. "Si ero e dovrei vergognarmi di me stesso (Yes I was and I should be ashamed of myself)" said North Korea. "No, no don't be. I believe you can be forgiven" said Italy. "Sono sicuro di questo? Come posso essere perdonato, quando tutti mi odia (Are you sure about that? How can I be forgiven, when everyone hates me)?" asked North Korea. "Well I-a forgive you and-a I want-a be friends with-a you" said Italy. "Veramente? Vuoi dire questo (Really? Do you mean it)?" asked North Korea looking at Italy with a tear in his eye. "Why of course I-a do!" said Italy before embracing North Korea in hug and North Korea hugging Italy back. "Grazie (Thank you) Feliciano!" said North Korea crying with tears of joy. "Why you're-a welcome and for what-a reason?" asked Italy. "Per dare indietro la mia vita, stupido (For giving my life back, silly)" said North Korea. "Oh, okay! You're welcome... again!" said Italy. Soon Italy and North Korea hanged out with each other that day. Italy had North Korea try pasta and North Korea showed Italy how he performs his transformation spell. So far Italy liked it when North Korea took the forms of Germany, Japan, China, Switzerland, Romano, and mostly himself. There was only on time when North Korea took the forms of England and France. When as England, Italy ran from North Korea, until Italy realized it was just him and Italy was also amazed that North Korea can also copy the voices of his friends. When sitting on China's couch, Italy had North Korea used his spell to take the form of a black and white cat. "Gee, North Korea... I mean-a Iyong ju I-a sure had-a good day with-a you. Do you-a want to-a meet my friends?" asked Italy. Iyong ju who was relaxing on Italy's lap, thought hard before saying "No Feliciano, io non voglio appena ancora (No Feliciano, I don't want to just yet)" Italy then nodded a quick okay, then patted Iyong ju on his head. "Italy, it's getting late. You should probably go to bed, aru" said China as he by the living and noticed a cat on Italy's lap. "Where do you get that cat, aru?" asked China pointing at the cat. "Oh, the cat? I-a got him from a Chinese pet store, when I-a was walking around-a in Beijing" said Italy. "Oh okay then. I'm perfectly fine with a cat in my house. Promise me, that you will take good care of it, aru" said China before leaving the living room and headed straight to bed. Italy then got up and started to head back to his room along with Iyong ju following him. When they got into the room, Iyong ju waited for Italy to come back from the bathroom and soon Italy came back. When Italy was in bed, he noticed Iyong ju sitting on chair across the room. "Say Iyong ju?" asked Italy. "Hmm?" asked Iyong ju. "Can you take-a use your spell to take the form of Germany, because I-a sometimes get-a nightmares?" asked Italy before Iyong ju mutters something to himself before being surrounded by a bright light and with Italy covering his eyes. Soon as the light cleared Italy uncovered his eyes and looked at Iyong ju who's now in the form of Germany. Iyong ju then walked over to the opposite side of the bed and climbed in. "Are jou happy now?" asked Iyong ju in Germany's voice. "Si! Do you mind if I-a touch you?" asked Italy. "Ja, jou can" said Iyong ju with a small blush on his face. ~The Next Day~ "Ve~! Iyong ju, I-a think I'm-a suppose to be training. I-a need to take a shower, can you-a change back into your-a cat form?" asked Italy as he got from bed. "Sure. I'll be in cat form after jou come back from zhe bathroom" said Iyong ju who was still in the form of Germany. Soon after Italy came out of the shower, Iyong ju was in his cat form and Italy picked him up before leaving the room. Soon Italy made his way to the kitchen, where he saw both Germany and Japan. "Ah... Italy jou're up. I'm surprised zhat I didn't have to yell at jou, like I alvays do" said Germany who gave Italy a smile. "So Germany, are we-a training today?" asked Italy before sitting down with Iyong ju jumping onto his lap. "Itary, you shourd arways know that we train nonstop with Germany" said Japan. "Ve~! Unless Germany is-a asleep like an angel and-a wakes up late" said Italy causing Germany to blush. "Ah... not today Italy. I usually vake up late und forget about training, because jou try to sleep vith me. In fact, jou drive me crazy all night till jou fall asleep" said Germany rubbing his temple. "Oh, hehe.... sorry" said Italy nervously. "Also jou haven't done zhat last night, I vonder vhy. Iz zhere somezhing zhat happened?" asked Germany before taking a sip from his coffee. "Well I-a got a cat from a Chinese pet store while I-a was in Beijing" said Italy holding up a confused and startled Iyong ju. "Oh, that's one cute cat" said Japan while touching one of Iyong ju's paws. "Does China know zhat jou have a cat in his house?" asked Germany. "Si! He does and-a he noticed yesterday. He-a says he doesn't-a mind" said Italy. "What did you name him, Itary?" asked Japan who was still touching one of Iyong ju's paws. "Uh... is it-a cool if I-a name him.... Iyong ju?" asked Italy who was smiling nervously. "Of course jou can, Italy. Ve don't really mind zhe name" said Germany. "Especiarry if he's named after North Korea's human name" said Japan. "Anyvay let's start training. Italy bring jour cat along, I'm sure zhat zhe little kätzchen (kitten) vill love to see how jou do during training" said Germany with a smirk. When Germany, Italy, and Japan were outside, they started to train while Iyong ju was sitting on a bench. Iyong ju wasn't that interested in watching either Germany or Japan, but was focused on Italy who was easily out of breath. "Keep up zhe pace, Italy! Jour cat could probably beat jou at a foot race!" yelled Germany. Without being watched by no one, especially not the three of the Axis, Iyong ju went into the bushes to transform back into his regular form. He muttered to himself as a form of a mantra, he used a spell that made Italy run fast and even gave him great stamina. He then changed back into his cat form and jumped back onto the bench. While his spell was in effect, Italy wasn't out of breath and he ran so fast that he passed by Japan. Italy kept going until he ran right passed Germany who was surprised at Italy kept increasing his speed to catch up. Japan was then out of breath, so he went back to the bench where Jason was at and watch both Germany and Italy. "Vhy iz he so fast und how iz he not tired yet?" asked Germany as he watched Italy finishing his laps. After done training, Germany was walking back to China's house with Japan. "Have jou noticed zhat ever since Italy got zhat cat, he's been talking to it vhile it agrees to almost everyzhing zhat he says?" asked Germany while watching Italy playing with his cat. "Hmmm... remember that Itary has a way with animars" said Japan as the Axis head back to China's house. Soon back at China's house, Italy allowed Iyong ju to explore the house while he's with both Germany and Japan in China's map room. While exploring, Iyong ju came into a room and to his surprise he found England looking through his spell book.
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