《Unprecedented》Chapter 13


I entered the house from school one day. I saw mom coming out of the kitchen. "Hey honey. How was school?"

I flopped on the couch. "Boring and miserable as usual." Then I turned to her. "Also, I just saw a car pulled out our driveway. Was that Aunt Kristy?" I asked eagerly. She suddenly turned bright pink as she hastily explained. "Oh, no. It wasn't. That was just a friend." She didn't look me in the eye, I mean she clearly couldn't.

"Just a friend?" I asked keenly.

"Yes, just a friend."

My eyes were narrow as slits. I raised my eyebrow at her. "Why wont you admit it?" She looks confused, going bright red in the face.

"Admit what?"

"That you're dating." I said blatantly.

She then proceeds to try to cover it up but eventually gives up with a sigh.

"And how long have you known?" She chuckled lightly.

I pretended to think for a minute. "Hm, since you started working late shifts and wearing makeup." I looked her in the eye.

"And you've been a lot more happier than usual.. Since dad.. Died."

She came over to me and hugged me. "I'm sorry I kept this away from you, and Evan and Shawn."

She continues.

"I just wanted to be sure who I was partnering with before I brought him to my kids."

"So you did it for your safety, as well as ours?" I asked.

She nods. "Actually, it's you and your brothers more than me."

I gave a ruthful smile, but it fades a bit. If we were talking about her dating, maybe now is the right time I should tell her I knew about my father. I cleared my throat quietly. This wasn't going to be easy.


"Um, there's something else I need to talk to you about."

She straightens herself, whiles clearing her throat as well.

"What's on your mind sweetie." She says.

I decided not to beat around the bush. "I know that Dad's alive." I blurted out.

She immediately turned on me. "And how do you know that?" She looked sternly suspicious.

I folded my arms. "When were you ever going to tell me about this?"

"When you're 18. Now I asked again." She spoke briskly. "Who told you about that?"

"Aunt Krissy did." Said then I paused. "Well she didn't exactly told me. When I was at her house she had some old flies laying around her office and I saw dad's autopsy flies. " I looked at her.

"And that's when I found out."

There was a few brief moments of silence then my she looked my directly in the eyes.

"If you haven't known already your father is a -"

"I know. " I interrupted. "I have a mafia daddy," I joked. "And his Head Quarters is huge."

She turns on me once more. "How could she have taken you there without my permission?"

"She didn't. It was Evan who took me, I didn't see him though. " I said. "And actually, he was the one that told me everything. I know he works for Dad." I stated.

Her eyes glinted stern. "I'll sure give that boy a piece of my mind when he gets home." She mumbles. Then she takes a deep breathe and turns to me.

"Before he asked me to marry him he told me that he was promoted to a new job position, and when he did proposed to me we moved here, in Boston. I didn't mind at first but his cases proved to be far too dangerous." She paused.


Although she tried to hide it, I still saw a glint of scarred memories passed through her eyes.

"It was too dangerous to our family, we couldn't leave our house at times without being tracked. Thank god nobody knew much about his private live, but he didn't want to take any chances so a month after Shawn was born we decided to file for a divorce. He took custody of Evan when he was 11, and we went separate ways, and I moved back to California so I couldn't be traced." She said.

"The plane crash was staged to shift his pursuers off the scent for good. But it didn't exactly worked so he went underground for years, building his own Agency."

How can some of the most extraordinary things happen to the most normal people?

Still the most hardest pill to swallow is the fact that my own father staged his own death to get away from his enemies? How crazy is that!?

I sat in my seat feeling quite shaken at this new information.

"Your father never meant to leave you. Missing out on his only daughter's childhood is something he regrets very much. " Mom placed her hands on my shoulder.

"But it was too risky to come back." She smiles a sad smile.

"It's okay, Mom." I pulled her in a for a hug. " I completely understand. I don't hate him."

I just wish he could be in my life. I thought sadly. Then a tiny thought was conceived into my brain.

Maybe it's too risky to come back,

but it might not be risky to go to


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