《Unprecedented》Chapter 14


Miraculously I had to spend quite a lot of time with Hailey this week. She signed up for my team of the organizers and was in charge of the guest list and chaperone. Then a few days later we bumped into each other again at the Library today.

She was doing research for chemistry, meanwhile I was taking down notes from an English essay. After some idle chatter we both seemed to have gotten pretty absorbed into deep conversations. She said that she lived in Boston her whole life and she knew some of the kids that went to the school because she went middle school with them, also her family was well known in the country. Her mom was a architect builder, and she had a step brother. She shared memories from middle school, and how close she and Tony were. Her face grew red when she told me that she had eventually developed a crush on Toni, she never found the courage to tell him but decided to tell him at the spur of the moment when she found out that she was moving. He didn't quite return her feelings and was indecisive about it. Then she left and she was forced to move on, though they promised to keep in touch the contact it seemed to die away after awhile.

"Yikes.." I winced with a tiny laugh. "That was hard."

"I know right? I bet he's still indecisive." She smirked.

I rolled my eyes at her. "When isn't he ever indecisive?" I chuckled.

"But that's my guy."

"Yeah, it's nice to see him happy with a good person." She admits honestly. I gave her a playful glare. "Stop it."

"It's true. You are pretty nice." She says. I felt a small blush creeping to my cheekbones. I was about to say thanks when her face suddenly lights up. "Oh! I almost forgot to give this to you." She slips her hand into her purse and pulls out a neatly decorated cream envelope and hands it to me.


"My parents are having a welcome party next week. You should come by with Toni." taking the envelope gingerly.

"Really? Sweet. Thanks the invite." I accepted her offer. "I'll definitely plan on coming."

She got a text on her phone and she started packing up her things. "I gotta go. My mom is taking me shopping for baby shower gifts." Then she got up. "So I'll see you then?" She asked smiling.

"Yeah, for sure. I'll see you then." I smiled back.

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