《I Became A Vampire In Another World》Chapter 14


Yuuta woke up first even in this giant bed Ria was still cuddled up to him. He enjoyed the feeling of her naked body pressed against as he quietly slipped out of bed. Putting on his white t-shirt and blacks pants then tying his katana to his waist always. He decided to practice his mana control since he woke up early, sitting crossed legged in the middle of their room he figured out that he could control lightning magic without using spells in the same way his enchantments worked. Figuring he didn't need spells for lightning magic it would be the same for other elements. Though giving it a small name like Fireball, Water missile, or my katana attack Dragon Flash.

All he had to do was picture the element he was using and it would appear in from of him. Focusing on his hand he created a fireball about 5 cm wide then after a couple seconds it turned into a ball of water, then earth, then air, and lastly lightning. After a couple seconds of watching tiny lightning strikes shoot out from the ball in his hand, he dispelled the magic. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't create spatial and void magic though. The elements where easy because he could picture what they look like and their effects. Since practicing magic he found out its all about imagination if you could think of it you could probably do it if you had enough mana. But never seeing spatial or void magic before it was hard for him to picture what they would look like or their effects. He decided on giving it more thought as he started letting his mana flow out around him.

Another thing he picked up on was if he laid down a layer of mana around him he could sense what was around him. His mana was almost boundless so he could spread his mana extreme distances. But the more that he spread his mana the harder it was to concentrate there was only so much he could sense before it became senseless. He found it easier to spread it one direction. Once his mana spread through the castle he decided to practice by more or less spying on people. The lord was in his office he was eating breakfast staring at a piece of paper on his desk. Milly was next door from his office still sleeping. He felt a little weird spying on a sleeping girl so quickly concentrated on the knights and the routes they took through the castle then the maids and so on till he mapped the whole castle and its contents.

As he was finishing he felt Ria roll over in the bed and was staring at his back. For some reason when his mana came into contact with her he became warm and fuzzy on the inside. It was definitely a pleasant feeling.

He stood up and turned around seeing the bright smile of Rias. It instantly made his body feel light and fluffy.

"Hey, sleepyhead how did you sleep."

"Good I'm a little cold though."

Yuuta untied his katana and jumped back into bed cuddling up to her.

"Maybe it's because you're still naked."

"Maybe but I'm warm now."

Ria put her hand on his chest drawing little circles as Yuuta rubbed her back causing goosebumps to develops.

" I don't want to but I have to leave soon."


"You never told me what you had to do here anyway."

"I figured you weren't interested in stuff like that."

"If it's about you Yuuta I'm always interested."

She leaned up a little staring in his eyes pushing her lips out a little. He took the hint and kissed her.

"The same goes for me I will always listen to what you have to say so never feel like you need to hold back ok."

"Ok, I understand as long as you do the same no holding back either."

"Its a promise."

They both nodded their head in unison and sealed the promise with a kiss.

"So what was the request you took."

"I didn't take it, it was given to me for promotion test to C rank. There is a wyverns nest in the mountain behind the castle. It's my job to subjugate and destroy the nest. "

"What are wyverns I've never heard of them before."

"Thier like dragons although they're weaker they can't breathe fire but can fly and have sharp talons. Their skin is also very hard because of their scales."

"They sound scary I don't how you can fight stuff like that Yuuta. I get scared when a dog barks at me."

Yuuta gave a small laugh at the scenario he was picturing in his head. Ria lightly jabbed his side with her elbow.

"It's not funny I get worried easily. I don't know what I would do if you didn't come back."

Tears started welling up in her eyes. Yuuta started to wonder If she was always one word away from crying. But anytime he saw that look his heart broke a little and he instantly felt like spoiling her. He hugged her tight and put his hand on the back of her head pulling her closer.

"Don't worry we made a promise remember I always have to come home to you."

"Yes I do and you're never allowed to break it."

She buried her head in his chest he could tell this was her favorite way to cuddle. They stayed like that for a long time before a maid knocked on the door. Without noticing they ended up falling back asleep. The maid opened the door and bowed her head.

"Sorry for disturbing your sleep but it's already an hour past midday the Lord told me to come to get you."

Somehow Ria was still asleep her forehead still pressed against his chest with her hands on his stomach. It felt so good he didn't want to move. He quietly whispered to the maid.

"Give me a moment and I'll be out."

She quickly bowed her head and left the room quietly. Yuuta softly rubbed her head pushing the hair out of her face. He slid down so their faces met leaning forward kissing her neck slowly moving up with each peck till he made it to her forehead.

Ria couldn't help but smile.

"Ohh so you were awake haha."

"Yea I just wanted to see how you would wake me up it felt nice getting all those kisses hehe."

"Sometimes I forgot how mischievous you can be."

"That's not my fault."

"Well that's true, You know we overslept its past noon already."

"That's also your fault you kept me up for half the night I don't think I can look at the maids after they walked in on us."


Rias have turned bright red after remembering the maids coming in to check on them after hearing her scream.

"It may be my fault but I didn't hear you complain last night actually it was the opposite of complaining.

Ria couldn't stand that stupid face that sprouting from his face. So she barraged him with tiny punches making his smile even bigger. Her heart started pounding it almost scared her how attached she was to him.

"Can you go to the mountain tomorrow I want to stay in bed with you all day."

Yuuta froze at her words this was the first time she had been so direct about something other than the fight they had but he didn't like thinking about that. It almost made him proud that she was being so direct.

"I would definitely like to but I promised the Lord I would leave this morning so I'm already late he's probably pissed."

Ria felt a little bad about keeping him here but she knew he wouldn't have stayed if he didn't want to.

"Ok, then I guess we should get up."

They both frowned at the prospect of getting out of bed. Yuuta decided to lighten the mood.

"Hey, Ria."

He said with a big smirk.


"Did you forget that you're naked that's the second time the maids have seen you naked at least you weren't moaning this time."

She looked down noticing that she was naked than looked at Yuuta with his stupid fave laughing his ass off. Her tears welled up as she kicked him off the bed. With that, the mood got noticeably lighter as Yuuta got up and stretched tying his katana to his waist as he watched Ria get dressed in a beautiful bright orange kimono with white flower peddles decorated on the sides that the maids left for her.

She turned to see Yuuta with his eyes wide and his mouth wide open she started to get worried.

"What's wrong Yuuta is there something on my face."

"No not at all you just look divine like a goddess that came from heaven."

His honest words made her blush. Sometimes his brash nature annoyed her but there were definite upsides like right now.

"Thank you hehe."

She did a quick twirl towards Yuuta and jumped in his arms. This feeling of warmth and safety was something she would never get tired of.

"We should leave now before I throw you back into bed."

They parted ways outside their door Ria decided to go play with Milly while he went to talk with Lord Vermillion. After using his mana to map the castle he easily found his way around. Lord Vermillion was waiting for him in the courtyard there was another man in full plate armor. He looked to be the same age as Vermillion. He had short red hair and a permanent grimace on his face with a large scar that crossed diagonally across his face stating just above his right eye to under the left side of his chin.

"Ahhh Yuuta finally getting out of bed are we."

He walked through the courtyard rubbing the back of his head.

"Sorry, there where some unseen circumstances."

"No need to worry I heard it all from the maids. It may not look it now but I was young once."

Yuuta and Vermillion laughed at the same time while the knight was still grimacing. Vermillion picked up on Yuuta checking out the knight.

"Ohh sorry for the late introduction this is my brother Sir Bastion Vermillion he leads my army and is a personal advisor he wanted to meet you."

Yuuta stuck out his hand and bastion accepted the handshake.

(He doesn't seem like a bad guy.)

Bastion shaped his hand firmly before talking.

"As you know the wyverns made their nest in Ganta mountain and we are unsure if how many are waiting for you. I propose letting me and a small group of knights come with you for extra protection and navigation. I grew up on that mountain often exploring it when I was young."

Yuuta took a minute before responding thinking deeply on the matter.

"I appreciate the offer but I already have a plan and I don't want to be hindered in my movements. I mean no offense."

"I assure you I and my elite group of Vermillion knights are no hinder to a D rank adventure like yourself."

(I guess he took offense haha)

Lord vermillion jumped in to quell the animosity between the two but before he could say something Yuuta interrupted him.

"Very well if you believe that then how about we spar if your able to land an attack ill allow you to accompany me."


Bastion clicked his tongue.

"You think highly of yourself boy I will show you what wisdom and experience have taught me."

"Emery you judge the fight between me and this pompous boy."

(The insults are flying now haha.)

Vermillion looked at Yuuta quizzically before giving his answer.

"Fine I'll judge take your places"

Bastion pulled out his great sword taking a sideways stance the sword above his head. Yuuta decided to act as pompous as he was accused of being. He untied his katana and threw it to the side and put his hands behind his back giving a wry smile.

Lord vermillion couldn't help but laugh at his little brother being played with. Bastion didn't think it was funny his anger was seething from his eyes. Lord vermillion raised his hand and started the countdown.

"3,2,1 fight"

Bastion took off running full force at Yuuta unfortunately for him just from the takeoff he could tell how weak bastion was.

(this is going to be fast.)

Bastion closed the distance while Yuuta patiently waited for him to attack. Bringing down His sword Yuuta casually stepped to the side barely dodging the attack by millimeters. Bastion attacked with to much force resulting in the sword smashing into the ground. Yuuta took this chance to land a devastating sidekick and just like that Bastion flew into the castle wall with a dent in his armor coughing up blood. Yuuta looked at Lord Vermillion and apologized.

"Sorry I overdid it."

Vermillion didn't seem to mind in fact he had a slight smirk on his face.

"No need to worry it was a fair duel. We have magic healers in the castle so he will be fine ."

Yuuta heaved a sigh of relief thinking he was going to be executed or something.

"well I have wasted enough time today I'm going to the mountain I was hoping to make it back before sunset but it doesn't seem likely.

Vermillion nodded his head seeing him off.

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