《I Became A Vampire In Another World》Chapter 15


Yuuta quickly ran through the city if he wanted to make it back before sunset he was going to have to pick up the pace. Deciding to go behind the castle he wanted try some of his newly learned magic. He focused for a minute.


Using wind magic he felt his body lift off the ground. It was awkward at first but after a couple of minutes of floating he got the hang of it . He bolted to the mountain he was going just as fast as he when he ran. Yuuta couldn't help but smile it was every little kids dream to be able to fly.

(This is way to fun)

He closed the 10 km distance in less than 5 minutes. The mountain was definitely bigger close up. Instead of scouring the entire mountain Yuuta decided to release his mana across the mountain. It didn't take long before he found resistance on the south side of the mountain. Casually flying up the mountain towards the resistance was a cave where the disturbance was coming from.

(Isn't this a bit to obvious)

Sneaking up to the entrance he took a quick peek in the cave. Either because he was a vampire or god’s blessing he could see just fine in the dark.

(You've got to be kidding me.)

To his surprise their wasn't 4, 5, or 10 wyverns there was atleast 25 of them sleeping in their den. They were all circled around a magic stone at least twice the size of the stone he got from the cyclops. It was giving off a warmth. It reminded him of a lizard cozying up to the light bulb in a terrarium.

(How should I go about this? Fighting them one by one would be a pain in ass. Guess I could try some new magic I learned they like heat huh. Let's see how much they like this)

Yuuta stood at the entrance of the cave pointing his hands towards the pack of wyverns. Streaks of fire started forming into a ball in front of him it quickly grew to 20 meters. Before it finished forming the wyverns took noticed most of them didn't move feeling the immense heat coming from the fire. The smart ones started crawling towards the back of the cave while the stupid ones tried to attack.



Releasing the fire ball it accelerated from his hands. It was so big it scraped the walls as it flew into the cavern there was no where for the wyverns to hide. As soon as the fireball came into contact wit a wyvern it got completely disintegrated. It exploded at the back of the cave sending a shockwave of fire back to the entrance.

Yuuta was able to dodge the explosion for the most part. Some of the fire got his arm charring it black. Yuuta watched his arm turn to dust in front of him it was a unreal experience. Luckily it didn't hurt the fire destroyed his nerves. He froze staring at where his arm used to be. The bleeding had already stopped and slowly watched his arms grow back blood, bones, cartilage, nerves, ligaments , tendons, and skin started to grow and form back into a arm and hand. It was almost like an out body he had been injured before but they were internal watching something heal like this freaked him out.

(Note to self Fire hot.)

Yuuta took another peek inside the den there wasn't a living wyvern left. Not even the resemblance of a wyvern was left just black ash. The only thing left was the giant magic stone sitting in the middle of the cave. Cautiously walking towards the stone the smell of burnt flesh and meat entered his nose it didn't smell terrible and it made his stomach rumble.

Making it to the dark red stone it was even bigger than he thought. It barely fit into his bag.It was definitely worth more then 20 platinum coins.

(I wonder why their were so many. And why they were attracted to this stone I should go to the capital and ask Avenci about it. Plus I wanna show her all the magic I learned.)

He took one last look scanning with his mana to check for any remnants after making sure it was clear he flew back to the castle. His mana control was constantly getting better he made it back In Less than a minute this time. The more he used his magic it became stronger and more refined. It felt like an infinite well mana was in his body.


Spreading his mana he found the Lord sitting in his office.He had the guard escort him after getting permission to enter the lord was a little confused.

"Ah Yuuta why are you back so soon did something happen."

"I finished the request although their where more than 20 of those bastards waiting for me."

Lord vermillion face piqued with Interest.

"I don't mean to doubt you but you left no less then an hour ago do you have proof that you completed the request."

"Unfortunately I used a high level fire spell to torch the wyverns so there were no remains left. But I did find this in the cave."

Yuuta pulled the magnificent deep red magic stone out of his bag showing it to Vermillion. His eyes shot open and he leaned forward inspecting the stone. It still gave a nice warmth.

"The wyverns were surrounding it when I got to the cave it made it pretty easy for a me to sneak up on them. That's the only reason I was able to finish so quickly."

Vermillion was obviously shocked by the story but he still wasn't 100% sure he believed Yuuta.

"I just have one more question how did you traverse the mountain so fast it would take at at-least 2 days for a normal person to reach the peak."

Instead of explaining Yuuta just cast Fly slowly hovering above the ground.

"I can use wind magic to fly it only took me about 15 minutes to find the wyvern den."

Vermillion couldn't help but laugh as he fetched a piece of paper out of his desk.

"Sorry just had to make sure...... please hand this into the guild once you get back to Celis it is proof you completed my request in a satisfactory manner."

"Thank you lord Vermillion especially for your hospitality if you need help again ask for me at the guild ."

"No need to thank me it was a pleasure having you and Ria. It's been a while since I've seen Milly laugh like she has since her mother passed. "

You could see the tears well up talking about his late wife. It made Yuuta's heart hurt for him. He couldn't even picture how he would feel if he lost Ria. After a moment of silence Vermillion continued.

"Please feel free to stay the night and please do promise to comeback anytime you will always be welcomed in the castle."

"Of course we will come back Ria seems to have grown attached to Milly so if anything she will want to stop by now and again. Unfortunately I have some business in the capital so we will be taking our leave today."

"I understand well once again let me thank for saving my city there is no way we were equipped to handle that many wyverns you have my deepest gratitude."

Yuuta gave a short bow before exiting the office. He then spread out his mana finding Ria in milly's room.

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